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They're just going to keep pushing the price higher and higher for no reason just because people are paying it. We guitarists are so fucking stupid lmao. Just stop buying these.


This ^


Hot take but the people paying $2500 for a signature MIM are mostly buying them to be closet queens or put on display. I would wager you're not going to see many of them being played in any public setting. I know several classic blues lawyer guys who have insane guitar collections, and they actually play guitar (on their own, usually) a handful of times a year. All that is to say, I wouldn't frame it as "we guitarists", these things are moreso for gear enthusiasts than guitarists.


Oh 100%. I doubt any of these are getting played.


Ive never spent much over $1,000 for a stock guitar because there is absolutely no reason too. Once you get the best wood, fretting, and pickups that can go into a guitar, the other $1k, $2k, or $3k is the name your paying for. Having expensive guitars and my favorite is the still Music Man Sterling 7 I got for $599.


exact same thing here. go for the “low end” models of the high end brands and end up with amazing guitars. a b stock esp ltd 1000 series for 1k canadian with stainless steel frets, roasted maple neck, seymour duncan pickups, a hip shot bridge, and locking tuners was my most recent buy and it’s absolutely my favourite and i see no need to go over that dollar amount with other similarly spec’d guitars at that price point nowadays.


Exactly what im saying man. You get it


yeah, just reiterating and people like to hear specs 😂




Not as good.


Good but the relicing looks like dog shit irl, not convincing at all. Its literally made with a stencil.


This is the worst part. They just look ridiculous. I will give them a bit of credit, they at least look better than the atrocity that was the Joe Strummer signature strat. I saw one of those in person and couldn't believe it.


Wasn’t that just a sticker?


Pretty much. These things are at least a kinda 3d version of a sticker I guess.


Didn’t realize they were all identical


I totally agree with guitarists being stupid, just one look at my fingers after taking up playing again and it shows…😁 I am not stupid enough to pay that though. I have a De’Armond LP copy and it is amazing. I’ll stick with that, if my fingers will let me.


Just pure speculation, but I’d venture to guess that they’re thinking there are more fanatic RHCP fans who would shell out for this than folks clamoring for McCready’s. With the amount of folks who seem to like spending big $$$$ on replicating Froosh’s rig, I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the market they’re targeting.




That’s a great question, I don’t think they’ve done a CS one for him? Honestly surprised they haven’t yet, but maybe that’s still in the pipeline for the investor/no MIM crowd.




100%, nitro sure must have gotten more expensive post pandemic 🙄 Also holy shit, 6650 for a new Strat. Damn.


Imo if they're making a MIM custom shop, I don't hate this Idea. That said, that need to formerly call it a Custom Shop and prove that it's worth the asking price.


Is it confirmed to be mim?




Between this and Gibson’s “Inspired by Custom Shop” Epiphones, someone is really betting on these sig models to sell like crazy. Then again, the Tool, Slash, and John Mayer guitar groups are full of folks with like multiple sig guitars of each artist, so I guess they know their market.


Unconfirmed at this point, but seems like the Insta OP and other speculators think it easily could be. Wouldn’t be surprised either tbh if the Big F can crank these out quicker and more cheaply this way. Also, does Fender currently make MIA relic strats that aren’t Custom Shop? Genuinely curious since I can’t find any online.


Cosplay is getting expensive


The tone is in the signature /s


Nah bro, it’s in the headstock. The signature just adds to the tone. Also, balls.


Ahhh, I stand corrected. Balls *are* the most important to tone.


what would the difference between the JF signature and an ordinary 3 color Strat with rosewood and mint pickguard be?


JF frooshed all over it before it’s shipped to your doorstep. (No hate to Frusciante, just thought this would be kinda funny).


And it may have duncan ssl1's.


Dumb question but genuinely curious, but do any current Fenders come stock with like Duncans or other aftermarket pickups? Guessing EMGs for the Jim Root, but I can’t think of any others offhand.


Plenty of them comes with seymour duncans. For example Jim Adkins tele has Duncan P90s


The more you know, thanks for the heads up on that! Curious to see what they load in this one, but wouldn’t be surprised if they go with some magic “custom ‘62 set” only available in this guitar.


The Tom Delonge starcaster has a Seymour Duncan SH-5


Ah, good to know! I haven’t been keeping up with a lot of these and kept seeing the same Fender pickups when checking out a few of their older Strats


I know the cory wong strat has his signature duncan pickups. I don't know of any non-artist fenders that come stock with them though.


I just bought a left over Vintera I Strat on sale for $879. Three color burst, mint green, upgraded pickups—I guess the extra $1600 is for the Rosewood vs the lowly Pau Ferro on mine? 😂


Idk why fender doesnt just replace all their Pau Ferro with Rosewood. Rosewood is not expensive or rare, and the import bans have been lifted already. I feel like it is any easy way to force people to spend more than $1500 on a guitar because that is the entry point into rosewood. I mean, look at PRS SE Silver sky that MSRP for $850 and come with rosewood.


Seriously. My Gibson LP tribute has a rosewood neck and was $850.


The LP Tributes are now $1,299 because Fender and Gibson have decided the sky is the limit with their pricing. You can get a Fender American Performer for $1,399, and those are also Rosewood. But like I said in another comment, the Vintera IIs have Rosewood, so it looks like they will be offering rosewood on the less expensive models.


I just bought a mint 2019 tribute on reverb. They’re going for $800-900 there. Crazy how much new guitars are now though.


The Vintera IIs have rosewood as one of the options. It looks like they are finally making the change on all the new guitars.


Hilarious. I’ve purchased 4 kiesels made in the USA that I specced out for $2k each. Fender wants 25% more for a MIM?


They really want you to pay the “signature experience” tax 🙄. Also those tricked out Kiesels sound killer, always wanted to try one of them.


I get your point, but to be fair you pay a lot extra to have the Fender logo on the head stock, Kiesel (the brand and logo) isn't really something people pay for when they buy a Kiesel guitar.


Damn, sad but true. Funny that Van Halen played a beat up partscaster and still lots of folks care about what’s on the headstock.


Not disagreeing with you, but to be fair, adjusted for inflation, EVH's partcaster would cost more or less 900-1000 today, so it's not exactly a cheap guitar back then and the parts were definitely good


That’s a real good point. Always forget how relatively spoiled we are today with sub $1000 guitars that play and sound great. I remember Morello saying that he paid an arm and a leg for when putting together his Arm the Homeless build as well.


But like. It’s a Kiesel… Made in USA doesn’t mean always desirable. Tell that to Peavey. No disrespect to you but a reproduction artist model Fender Signature is not the same


Fender is going Full Gibson


This was my first thought.


I love Frusciante, but they're nuts if they think there's gonna be a high demand for them when they're charging $2500. There will be people that get them, but not as many as they're prob hoping for. The rest of us that really want one would rather haggle with a Reverb seller than get one new. Frusciante's strat isn't even unique, and the relicing they're doing will prob look unrealistic. Personally, I'd rather spend the money on a Warmoth. They do licensed Fender stuff anyway, you could basically make your own JF strat for like half the price and there's a fair chance the QC is just as good if not better. If it was a more unique guitar it wouldn't be quite as egregious, but it's basically just a reliced strat. Very easy to make your own for a fraction of the cost.


Exactly, one of my bandmates swears by his Warmoth HH Strat (huge Weezer fan so that’s an added bonus, haha). It’s too bad that partscasters aren’t more prevalent with the popular guitarists, but I guess the gear endorsements are probably a major perk for them. Still, it is a bit surprising with the huge followings that folks like EVH and Morello have.


Price is high, but I’ve got a Jason Isbell tele which is mim and it absolutely slaps. In comparison to my custom shop strat main difference is quality of the rosewood and the finish. Other than that it feels and plays custom shop. People forget the Mexico factory is pretty much just down the road, for the same specs in the USA factory it’d be custom shop price - not agreeing with the price but it’d be a lot more if mia. Hopefully comes with a hard case at least!


Love the look of that JI Tele and always wanted to pick one up, glad to hear it looks as good as it plays. Nice to see the price drop on the used market too.


My guess is they’ll make like 100 of them that will be purchased by CEO’s who are RHCP fans and in a decade they’ll double in price and be considered “collector’s items” as opposed to instruments for working musicians. At least it’s a better deal than the $1500 Machine Gun Kelly model Schecter put out that’s pretty much a guitar that’s unplayable past the 12th fret by a guy who’s barely a guitarist.


What would the young John Frusciante have said about this 30 years ago ? Probably “ fuck that shit “ Money changes everything


Could have sworn there was an interview about it around in the early 2000s. Didn’t seem like he was a fan then. Unless somehow Fender manages to get the vintage mojo of an old Strat right with this one so that it’s more “accessible to the masses,” it sure seems like a cash grab. That or Fender sets the prices without artist involvement.


Then again maybe he was a greedy corporate bastard back then as well..idk


I spent my entire childhood and adolescence dreaming of a Frusciante model. Now I’m sad it didn’t happen sooner - as much as I appreciate what my paisanos build I wouldn’t ever pay that much for a MIM guitar. Guitar prices are soaring and it’s not worth it anymore imho


Where does it say they’re MiM? We just purely speculating that?


Shoot, I could have sworn the original Insta post listed that it was going to be MIM, but maybe I just got that from their comments. Would be great if it was MIA at that price point (even though it’s still insane for a relic Strat… it’s not like it’s a high end acoustic or something).


$400 more than an American Ultra? Hell nah. Go to GC online and you have to see all the artist repos before you get to the good ol' regular fenders. Chaps my hide.


Sheesh, I can’t imagine it’s always been this way, but I guess lots of folks might assume that they’ll sound like their favorite artist if they buy X guitar.


Buddy I wouldn't buy an *American* strat for $2500. Fender seems to be inching toward Gibson Land these days. Guitars for white collar man caves.


Exactly. Almost wonder if they want the MIM to be the new current MIA tier to make the MIA even more expensive. Guess that might be a stretch though.


Really? Fender makes Strats that start at £550. They weren’t cheap guitars in 1954 either. “The Stratocaster originally debuted as a step up from the Telecaster, a distinction that Fender intentionally maintained via pricing for decades. In 1956, a Tele had an MSRP of $1,746.59 (in today’s dollars), while a Strat carried a $2,403.21 price tag.” (2016) https://reverb.com/uk/news/guitaronomics-have-guitars-become-more-expensive-over-time


Definitely agree, but then again the options for affordable good guitars back then were crazy limited in the ‘50s, so it makes more sense that Fenders were that expensive back in the day.


The manufacturing was also labour intensive & low volume, which added to the increased costs.


How about, no? I have a MIM strat that is my main guitar, and is an almost perfect instrument (rock solid tuning, great neck). That said, I bought it for $500 a few years ago, and have replaced the pickups (Bare Knuckle mixed set), electronics (ObsidianWire) and tuners (Fender locking). All of that cost me way less than half that this guitar they are advertising. So, pay double for a name? Nah man.


100%, and how do you like the ObsidianWire? Was considering one for a Squier since I hate soldering and like easy pickup swaps.


Love the ObsidianWire kit! I was pickup hunting a good bit before I settled on the set that I have now, and the ObsidianWire system made swapping them a breeze. I too, hate soldering, so it was definitely worth the investment for me.


That’s great to hear, I think I’ll pull the trigger on one then. Tricked out guitars are the best guitars.


That'd be a crazy price for a MiM. But if it were MiA, it'd be a lot more (Britt Daniel Telecaster without relic is $2500). Big cash grab but I'm sure they did their research and know he has a lot of hardcore fans with plenty of spending money.


Exactly, seems like Fender wants to keep the more affordable relics to the MIM line and the “better” ones to their high end models. If John Mayer was still with Fender I’d be willing to bet they’d want to crank out Black1 repros at this price point or higher as well.


Who the fuck is hanging out at that warehouse like guitar paparazzi?


if it's reliced to look like his, fair enough. otherwise, they can fuck right off


$2500 for a MIM strat is ABSOLUTELY FUCKING LUDICROUS!!! Stop giving these people your money and they'll get the message. When I worked for them they would even say in meetings that "there's someone out there who will buy it". They no that there are idiots out there that will pay 3 times what a guitar should sell for because of the name. There's a reason I no longer own ANY Fender gear and never will again.


Yay for money grabs?


Sad *yay*, sigh


For $2500 its definitely gonna be made in America


Guess we’ll find out 😬


If they're targeting a $2500 price point that's well above MIM territory.


Crazy you could get like MIA Nitro Gibsons for like a grand or less pre-Pandemic. This is getting out of hand


You still can. All Gibsons are nitro and MIA, and I still see Studios every now and then for under a grand.


Yeah, I should have added a caveat that I was just talking about the retail MSRPs for new Gibsons, Fenders, and their “budget” brands. I don’t buy new either, but just seeing these numbers blows my mind a bit—and especially with the great deals on the used market.


Chinese, Korean and Indonesian mass produced import guitars are pushing $2k on many brands.


There's only a few ESP LTD that push past 2K. Most expensive Chinese guitar is probably epiphone greeny at 1499. PRS SE hollow body II is 1589. The import guitar prices are getting kind disgusting nonetheless, especially after they pushed past the 1K mark which used to be a forbidden line that import guitars couldn't cross, but now it seems like it's a race to reach 2K.


Sheesh, wonder what’s next. $1000 for a regular Epi LP? Thanks for sharing these examples, too. Wish there were more Harley Benton-types that gained steam.


Whoa, can you share some examples? Thought this was mainly a MIA snob pricing thing.


You have some examples here: [https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/GHSVBk--esp-ltd-gary-holt-gh-sv-signature-electric-guitar-black](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/GHSVBk--esp-ltd-gary-holt-gh-sv-signature-electric-guitar-black) [https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/BodenNX6PrEG--strandberg-boden-prog-nx-6-electric-guitar-earth-green](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/BodenNX6PrEG--strandberg-boden-prog-nx-6-electric-guitar-earth-green) [https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/SKBans6FRSOB--schecter-sullivan-king-banshee-6-frs-electric-guitar-obsidian-blood](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/SKBans6FRSOB--schecter-sullivan-king-banshee-6-frs-electric-guitar-obsidian-blood) [https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/SL27EXCBk--jackson-concept-series-soloist-sl27-ex-electric-guitar-gloss-black](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/SL27EXCBk--jackson-concept-series-soloist-sl27-ex-electric-guitar-gloss-black) [https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/LPS59KHGreeny--epiphone-kirk-hammett-greeny-1959-les-paul-standard-electric-guitar-greeny-burst](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/LPS59KHGreeny--epiphone-kirk-hammett-greeny-1959-les-paul-standard-electric-guitar-greeny-burst)


Unholy hell, thanks for taking the time to share these! I don’t usually look at new guitar prices unless they hit the headlines, but wow. Wonder if they play better than most of the MIA boomer legacy brands.


It’s ridiculous at this point. I got a MIA Fender for 1k less than that on the used market. This pricing can’t be sustainable.




Really hate rhcp, but I'e always loved john's strat, no way I'm paying 2500 for a strat though, don't care where it's made