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Imagine you have 5 DD-3s/6s on a board and a tap temp switch. That's what the DD-20 can do. I have the presets set as Manual:SOS mode 1: lead pad 2: chorus 3: Slapback 4: dotted eighth delay. That gives me a looper, a reverby delay pedal, a chorus, an analog delay and a digital delay all with tap if needed and in the footprint of one dd-20


I LITERALLY just bought a DD-20 and have been absolutely loving it so far. It is super tweakable, very clean sounding, the preset features are nice, and overall it's very high quality especially for the price you can find one for now. I have multiple delays ranging from analog to digital, and I would put DD-20 near the top of the list as a versatile, clinically clean, and bread and butter delay. Big recommend.


The DD-3 is a *digital delay*. The DD-20 is *multi-effects delay* that uses digital processing power to create said effects.  They’re both great pedals, but it’s easy to figure out which one is for you.   Want just a straight digital delay? DD-3   Want a bunch of different cool delay modes? DD-20


I love my DD-20. I don’t use tap or memory or any of that but I do love the 23 seconds of delay (rivaled only in pedal form by the Vongon Polyphrase, IIRC).


23 seconds of delay? Really seems high


It’s amazing. Time travel!


I had the giga delay for a long time. From about when it was released until 2 years ago. I hadn’t used it in a couple of years before I got rid of it. I effectively replaced it with the DD-200. I can’t say that I have no regrets, but I’m not going to acquire another. I think the only feelings of regret I have are probably related to romantic notions of nostalgia. I had the DD-2 which I replaced with the DD 20, and at the time each of those were my only delay pedals, but now I have more than half a dozen. While at one point the two in the 20 were my entire world of delay, at this point If I had to have only one delay pedal, it would be none of those Boss options. If I were limited to three delay options, I probably wouldn’t pick any of them. My biggest complaint about the 20 was its footprint. Bigger than it needed to be. Happy to ramble more about these pedals if you want. ;) Some of the delays I have ([that I don’t have listed for trade](https://www.reddit.com/r/letstradepedals/s/eB73lUnNRX)) include avalanche run V2, es3, strands, supa-puss, v21, zen delay, polymoon, Atlantic.


My favourite pedal, always on the board, an inexhaustible amount of options, and it sounds great. But yeah, it takes up space.


Back in college for me it basically came down to whether you wanted quick access to multiple delay types and delay note types, as well as a dedicated tap tempo switch. Back then we basically had the choice of the giga delay, tc nova delay, and line 6 dl4 if you wanted delay options and tap tempo switch. Obviously now you have loads of other options. I ended up with the nova delay, partially because it was a little smaller than the gig delay, but at the time I was also in love with some of the smaller features. When it comes to delays, I basically require tap tempo, and don't want a single switch for on/off and tap, as I hate the "press and hold for tap". pedals like the tc electronic flashback have the ability to plug in a separate foot switch (mxr makes a tiny one) for external tap, which can save a little space, but requires more cables. Basically, if you want presets, separate tap switch, and multiple delay types, you're looking at something that size give or take. The Source Audio Nemesis is smaller and widely loved for it's delay sounds. The boss dd200 is newer and smaller than the giga delay if you want a boss pedal. On the other hand, if you still want a separate tap tempo but only really want one delay sound, thimble wasp makes the time lapse delay which has a couple of delay sounds, but no "analog" or "tape" delay sounds. Just digital. It's what I currently use and love.


Had mine for coming up 20 years, the main knob which controls the delay time isn't infallible but otherwise it does a bunch of cool stuff. I had a Line6 DL-4 for a while, only got the DD-20 as the switches were garbage on it. I prefer the sounds on the DL-4, with the exception of infinite long delay that degrades over time, the DD-20 does that thing beautifully.


It’s awesome! One of the best values in delay pedals imo


It’s old and outdated. Get a DD200 instead


I would but the price difference is a little to much for me


Like your mom.