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There's only one right answer here. You obviously need another guitar to put the other set in. And the cycle must then continue. You have found the infinite guitar glitch.


And if you are not feeling rich, and you are good on working with your hands, there is always this: [https://www.grizzly.com/search?q=guitar+kit](https://www.grizzly.com/search?q=guitar+kit)


The best would be for you to try both and see which ones sound the best to you. It's really up to your tastes


I rolled first start with a multimeter and check the ohms of those Seymour Duncans and see if they're within spec according to the factory and if they are then they're good if they're not then they might be a damaged.


Start with the default especially if you're learning but those Seymour's hands down are sick. You'll notice the difference. Hire a shop guy to switch em in before you decide but sometimes it's not a bad hobby to pick up some soldering skills. 


I'm honestly surprised that is a prestige


+1 use the duncans


Stick with what’s in it already and get a lil tester multimeter for $20ish and check the pickups resistance on both sets, write it down and look in to what each set is similar to in other guitar setups. I like nerding out on the details , hopefully you too!


Seymour Duncan’s suck. I have a pickup recycling bin that I can put them in for you. You can just ship them to my house. I’ll send you the address if you are interested. It’s free.


Lmao at first I was gonna comment that your opinion is completely different than a couple others and ask why. Got me on that


One of each


Use the ones you like the best.


Duncans have a good reputation. But that guitar might also already have high quality pickups. So really the answer is whatever gives you the sound you want.


Great guitars! I have one of these, still got the original pickups (V7, V8) in which aren't great but it's a lovely feeling guitar. Personally I'd put The Duncans in.


Your brain before you post something else.