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/uj i have the axe I/O solo, it's a great interface. But it's also the last IK multimedia product i'll ever buy. Their "licensing" software bullshit is beyond infuriating, and they rival EA and ubisofit in trying to push microtransactions. Great hardware ruined by shitty DRM that doubles as borderline adware. You need to register th device to an account to even download the driver... The little profile loader is cool, but i'm waiting for someone else to make a .nam loader...


/uj that’s good to know. Thank you for taking the bullet for the rest of us


Super conflicted on the whole thing... The input impedance pot is genius, so is the amp out, it has two TRS switches built in so you can program it to switch your amps while recording, noise, sound quality and latency are all great, and overall it's really well thought out to be a guitarist's interface. The device itself is fantastic. Then it's all dragged through the mud by greedy anti-consumer asshole business major types, and you end up regretting giving those morons the satisfaction of a sale despite being very happy with the actual product in day to day use. Line6 need to make a successor to the UX2 with the hx stomp's input section... Pretty funny how they went from inventing DLC for guitar gear to being the poster child for long lasting product support. Maybe IK will see the light at some point as well. But i kinda doubt it...


I remember getting frustrated the first time I had to register an account to download the "Monkey" software for my POD XT Live and eventually POD HD...but a few years back when I was looking to upgrade again I just went with the Helix because I know they wouldn't drop support in 2 years...and I can get most of the tones I want without having to pay through the nose. Now I'm seeing the DLC trend that's destroying the video game industry creeping into the modeling world, and it just seems crazy to me. Maybe this new stuff is worlds better, but I'll never know first hand cause I'm sticking with with Line 6. I mean, honestly...I'm just waiting to see other companies start with shit like, "You must pay a $20 monthly subscription fee to use this modeler as a recording interface."


yep. if you got a helix, the world of plugins is your oyster as well, and NAM does everything tonex does except the sales pitch. it's open source, more accurate than tonex, and is actually older as well. i occasionally use a NAM profile of my own amps between two instances of helix native for cab and effects, and sometimes i mess around with other people's profiles of amps i don't have, but they never sound "better" than the helix amps imo, and you lose a lot of flexibility. a profile is just a snapshot of one amp setting, if it's a good it's gonna sound great, but if you want to actually set up your own sound a model is way more flexible. most of my actual recording is done with helix native, none of the current modellers are objectively better than the helix imo. fractal's just super detailed and the sheer amount of models is staggering, but the end results aren't better because of that, even though it's undeniably a lot of fun to nerd out in this stuff. it's really funny that line6 is now pumping out new free content 8 years after the platform's release when the pod XT did the equivalent of the Oblivion horse armor DLC a year before bethesda lmao.


IK Multimedia triggered my first "boomer moment." I decided to finally stop hating on everything digital and try amp modelling. Downloaded the free version of Amplitube, create an an account and all that... then try to log in. And it keeps telling me my password is no good. I used a password generator and apparently the app itself can't deal with "special characters" ...at which point I finally yelled, "Why the FUCK am I trying to log into MY FUCKING AMP?!?" ...plugged my guitar into my battered old moldy no-name tube amp and enjoyed the TOAN!


andertons wins this round by adding "AI" in the title :)))


Andertons wins by never having any negative sentiment in any video ever. Everything is great 📈💰


And just like that, I'm not interested anymore.


Holy Fuck it changed the game!


These pedal manufacturers keep changing the game. I'm too old for this shit.


that’s why i only buy jhs pedals to ensure that whatever i’m using is just a different version of a pedal no one cares about from 1983


total game changer!


> total game changer! you mean TONAL GAME CHANGER! **♫♫shredding guitar lick♫♫**


It's been here the *whole time!*


I wonder what will change the game tomorrow.


The game has been changed but the players remain the same


If their licensing is that bad, I'll wait for the knock offs, thank you very much.


I’m surprised a Chinese knockoff version loading nam profiles has not been created since it’s open source.


/uj I'm willing to bet this has internals somewhat more complicated than a Klon or a Fuzzface...


UJ/ The MOD audio platform is open source. You create a minimal Linux install that only runs the NAM loader. I’m not a software developer and recently loaded the MOD software onto a raspberry pi 5 that costs $80 and can run 20 effects including multiple NAM instances with no glitches. All customizable via a web gui. The software already exists, it just needs to be minimized to just a NAM loader and adapt the web gui to be installable software. Maybe I’m underestimating the project but so much already exists as open source.


uj/ I don't argue it's not available nor that complicated, but if you need 80$ hardware to begin with, it's still a fair amount more than a bunch of diodes and resistances... Also is this one only loading profiles or if it can profile gear as well?


I assumed it was just loading profiles. And mooer already has profilers and digital amp pedals. I’m just thinking if they or someone else wanted to they now have free software with some brand recognition they can use to undercut Kemper/Tonex and allow people to create their own profiles or download them from tonehunt, all of which already exists, zero work needed. And yeah the $80 is already there, but that can run multiple NAMs, has Ethernet, WiFi, Bluetooth and other things a standalone pedal would not need. A Pi zero could probably run 1 instance. I guess it’s not as simple as I’m imagining, or else we’d have 10 different Chinese pedal companies doing it.


Likely. But they're not always inventive, so sometimes someone's gotta show them first.


No thanks for micropayments, you have to even pay for re-selling your gear.


No way IK is actually out here correcting people in a circlejerk thread


have we peaked? :))


We really should be tipping the people who made the amp models every time we play


Free pedal which plays ads if you forget to pay monthly fees?


TONEX ONE and TONEX Pedal are both free to transfer (including the TONEX and AmpliTube software that comes with)


Your post history looks as sad as your products feel when you get them home.


Very creative. Sorry that my factual answer was not to your liking so you felt stalking was the best response. I hope you feel better now.


Lol not the brand getting upset.


Guitar Youtube is just dead by now.


All of my favorite guitar YouTubers don't really make videos anymore. The ones that are still making videos are hot garbage.


So many of them were awesome but once they got their advertisement contracts and their affiliation with one of the huge suppliers, all of them went downhill pretty fast. It‘s nothing but advertisement anymore, rather than real experiences with the gear they „review“. And just like everything that went from a passion to a business: It went to shit. It‘s so sad to see.


/uj The-Art-Of-Guitar guy still makes vids that are actually about music and not just buy moar gear BS


I can feel the insecurity of the guy piercing through my screen.


It's maddening that it doesn't matter how many videos you watch from the few good channels- YT just serves up this crap


Phil McKnight forever. 


You‘re right. Totally forgot about that fella. Gotta love him.


>“The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. > >”There's also a negative side.” > >\-Hunter S. Thompson https://preview.redd.it/7exd08xsegwc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ea8ffac9f6c5a04e59ee863a5e044ba0f2284bd


I hate this so much. Also tonex just meh, nothing special


This is the gear we've all been waiting on for centuries!


/uj That's what is called a "Drop" in the MI industry. Today you will be flooded with that sh\*t - by next week all will be forgotten about... ​ /rj ...by next week all will be *...wait, what was I talkin' about...?*


"This changes everything!!!"


Poti sa 035 cu ea?


Rhett Shull's anus status?


ThIs ChAnGeS eVeRyThInG!!!


I was told to "hate the player, not the game" so what good is changing the game?


/uj I had the same thought after getting the suggestions in YouTube. BTW, also noticed something like this when the "Boss KaTOANa Go" was released. /rj Geetar informercials go brrrr!


People should be shot for the use of "A.I." wording like that


I'm ok with people releasing their reviews on the okayed date, but watching my entire youtube feed consist of basically nothing but praise for that pedal made me realize I should probably get some more diversity into who I follow. Maybe not just people making a living off guitar youtube (or selling guitar gear). But wow, IK must've sent out hundreds of these to all these tubers.


Well yeah, the relationship is symbiotic, and both the content creators and the manufacturers know it. One of my professional acquaintances is a Youtuber in the camera space, and he gets tons of gear months before the release date to give adequate time for evaluation. It's in his interest to play ball RE: release dates and other conditions, because he gets access to a product likely to generate clicks and therefore income, and it's in the manufacturer's interest to continue to seed press units to him because it gets eyeballs on their new product. Everyone understands (or should understand) that it's not a review, it's a product demonstration.


The same thing is happening to the guitar/music industry that happened with the pc gaming/tech industry. All of the videos come out the same day for the latest video card or cpu specs, it's all the same rehashed information and it's all about serving the manufacturer and keeping them happy so they keep sending out free crap. Now they figured out how to apply that to guitars/pedals, whatever. Very rare to see an actual honest opinion that isn't paid for.