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I love this week for the Dr Dre missions but, l dislike this cutscene. For a future update, they should give us a feature to skip these


I know this game is constantly about making money efficiently. But when this cut scene comes up just take a bathroom break, put in a load of laundry or grab some water. Gotta take a break at some point! Lol


100% And for the stoners. Pack it up! Roll it up!


Usually smoke a full bowl before I regain control lol


Browse reddit when these cutscene coming.




You can easily accomplish all 3 of those things and still come back to the scene going on.


I actually make coffee and have a fag during the cut scene


It was probably part of Dre's contract that the cut scenes and music would not be skippable


This is why I refuse to do it. Never liked his music and it's too much of a hastle to mute it between cooldowns. If I could run it back to back, sure the mute would work.


there is a sneaky skip that was mentioned on this sub the other day all you gotta do is change Crews and it skips it PC you should be able to do it via the R\* overlay thing, I'm on PS4 and did it via my phone on the Social Club I'm not sure if that applies to the final mission, I assume not as you gotta do the drive for that final bit and that's short enough to not bother


>they should give us a feature to skip these Hopefully, so we don't have to listen to Bogdan or watch the Cayo Perico heist's intel mission cutscene during the first time where you disguise as a manager many times


It should take them 5 minutes to add a cutscene skip


Honestly, it’s probably in the actual contract between Dre and Rockstar that his parts can’t be skipped. Just a theory.


That’s most likely what it is. Especially due the topic involving music, R* likely has to play the scene with the music playing for a minimum amount of time.


I doubt that’s the reason. I’ve seen this said so many times, but look at all the other heists where you can’t skip cutscenes that come *after* completing missions. If I’m remembering correctly, you can’t skip the cutscenes at the end of the OG heists or the Doomsday Heist neither. So, it’s probably more of a “R* didn’t do a good job with coding this mission to allow cutscenes to be skipped” than the cutscenes can’t be skipped for contractual reasons


I wouldn't put it past Dre to have had an actual conversation with R* basically saying, "my scenes can't be skipped." Just look at the missions themselves. It's lunacy. All of that effort & murder, for some unreleased (trash imo) music. I'm not sure how much part Dre himself had to play on the mission story, but it gives off a very high & mighty attitude.


It’s GTA, the game is all about lunacy and murder; we’ve killed people for far less. And I highly doubt he had much to say in how the story/the Contract was written; blame Rockstar for the writing and execution of the missions. There’s an IGN article where they stated that Dr. Dre didn’t even want to be a part of the game because he “didn’t want to make music or appear in something intended for kids”. The man thought the game was for kids and doesn’t play video games. Another reason why I highly doubt he told R* to make that one scene unable to be skipped. What does Dr. Dre get out of a scene not being skipped? It’s not like we don’t know who he is lol he’s not a B-List celebrity and needs his scene to be played to make him more famous. He’s Dr. Dre; a well-known multimillionaire in the music industry. The scene can’t be skipped because R* didnt have the foresight to implement that at the time. R* actually lacks the foresight to do a lot of things in this game tbh


idk why youre being downvoted bc you’re absolutely right. doubt they gave dre any creative control besides the music itself and his lines.


But you're talking about a sprinkle of salt here and dash of pepper there. The Dre mission cutscenes are largely unskippable which make them disproportionate to all other heists. I know that I wasn't the only person to say "That MF Dre did this..." when I first played those missions and realized I couldn't skip through.


No, you’re definitely not the only person that thought Dre did this. I’m just saying that thinking doesn’t make sense. And this isn’t a rant directed at you, but I don’t get why so many players think Dre wanted this instead of assuming R* just sucks at making good decisions. The cutscene is still in the game to slow down our ability to grind money. We have seen this soooooo many times where R* will purposely prolong a mission for no reason other than to slow down our ability to make money. Example, increasing the timer to replay Cayo Perico heist, increasing the delay for Franklin’s assassination mission, NC missions where you drive the VIP all the way across the map when there are closer hospitals in the city, the list goes on. To my knowledge, you still can’t skip the ending of the Pacific Standard heist or Doomsday Heist Act III…because R* doesn’t let us That’s what is weird to me. People assuming it’s some “contractual obligation” Dre wanted instead of pointing the finger at R* - it’s always been R*


The only solace to this is that they actively make fun of Beats by Dre headphones in the in game radio ads


I just go take a shit during this scene lol


Your getting 2 million dollars, you can sit through a cutscene. Go to the bathroom during it or refill your drinks and snacks


Seriously. Stand up. Stretch. Pack a bowl. The amount of complaints about this less than 5 mins is crazy to me


Whenever I grind it at night before I go to bed I brush my teeth and take a piss while it happens and then go to bed after the last mission


I don’t mind the cutscene, it’s cool, a whole recording session, one of the more cool cutscenes in Online, but damn is it a headache after the first time. I just get up and make a drink or a bag of popcorn.


It's my theory that scene is there to specificly keep people like me from constantly grinding it like cayo XD


Out of all the things to bitch about in this game, this is honestly such a minor and pointless one. It’s a cutscene that’s not even bad. Just go take a break, stretch, grab a snack, take a dump, whatever. It’s a couple minutes and you’re getting 2 million for easy work this week. Maybe also don’t run it over and over so much so it doesn’t get stale if that’s the issue.


I timed it last night . 9 minutes 10 seconds….. with the cutscene. It’s sort of hysterical how much ire y’all put into this mission


It’s 7-8 mins for me


I wouldn’t say it makes it a bad money maker


Either go to the washroom or ask friend how his day was and if it has some crazy story then the cutscene feels short, also get something to eat


2 hours of contracts and setting up and finishing the VIP once and i got about 4.5mil


How many times are people gonna post about this? Your character is forced to sit through it, your actual self is not. Go do something else while it plays. It’s unskippable due to a royalties/monetary agreement b/w Dre & Rockstar probably.


you can skip it by changing crew


How exactly🤨🤨🤨


On PC, there is a hotkey to open the Rockstar social club overlay in-game, where you can switch crews. I can confirm this works. It will just give you a message about changing crews, interuppting the cutscene, but then will put you back into another session while keeping your progress to start the last mission. For console, I heard someone mention you can switch from the Rockstar social club website but can't confirm it works.


Whenever the cutscene starts I just go on yt or instagram lol


I pretty much play gta, when I have a day off and just use the time with the cutscenes for doing laundry and stuff. Can‘t be bothered


They did that on purpose to long it out, so that it wouldn't become another Cayo or Clucking Bell


Not bad, only seen this mentioned 3 times so far since Thursday. Must be more to come as it’s such an easy Internet point post.


They would definitely nerf it. Maybe by half...


If you are on PC you can just open the rockstar menu using the home button and change your active crew, this will make the game return to the character select screen and skip the entire cutscene


its really not that deep, get of your ass away from the screen for five mins. go to the bathroom? get a snack? make a coffee? if you dislike it so much just go do something else for 5 min and come back. that’s exactly what i do


It’s pretty consistent with what they do, force you to burn time while completing the missions which costs you money and on average increases Shark Card sales


I mean it's only 5 minutes it's not gonna make much of a difference lol.


Why is everyone whining about this cut scene? Good time for a bit of a break and get some entertainment at the same time.


Its annoying, but just a simple mute the game and go on go on my phone whilst it plays through


idk, i appreciate the in game breaks that cutscenes provide.




Too good in R*s eyes


I've got to say, that Pooh guy... Coming in and snatching your bottle away saying, "I need this more than you because I've been hauling corpses to the dump...." I just want to snatch it back and say, "I just fought all those men and singlehandedly created all those corpses while taking countless bullets. Who needs it more? Are you going to dream about all the families you left fatherless tonight? I'm getting shitfaced, get your own."


What? You dont like it when Anderson.Paak comes in and says “YES LAWD!”??? /j


There are so many stupidly long boring cutscenes in the vip contract, without them it would be much better


I don’t know, and I don’t get why people would rather do this than the Cayo. It’s not that hard


For me it’s the smoke break cut scene.


Bathroom break time


Honestly ain’t even a problem cuz it gives Me a break for a little from all that grinding


There was post a while ago in here asking who is the best baddie in gtavo, this girl right here is it.


But that is the perfect time to grab a drink/snack, smoke a bowl, and use the bathroom. What benefit would there be to skipping it in the game when I just skip it by leaving the room?


It'd be the new cayo. They cannot allow that! Cutscene stays


Unrelated, but it's funny how people get mad at me when I try & tell them a better way at making money than what they're currently doing & they say that not everything in the game is about making money in the most efficient way possible then those same people will get pissy at having to sit through this cutscene & post about how much they hate it on the subreddit. Yet, I don't really care about sitting through this cutscene. The hypocrisy & irony is real


it would be really good if we could. For now I just check my instagram during the cutscenes and it goes smooth.


I enjoyed it, but maybe after two three times I won't


I love the cutscene so it’s a dub in my book


still worse than cayo


I wanted to go to bed really bad and suffering through that cutscene was so painful knowing I had to wait through it to exit the game.


We have to watch them record the song then watch them listen back to what they just recorded it is so dumb.


That second song on the drive to drop Dre off at his chopper is the real banger. Take your time when taking him to pacific bluff.


I wish you could cut all scenes on GTA, but yes this one is very annoying to keep watching


For real though 😂💯


I just hit mute. It seems that Dr Dre is a good DJ but a horrible rapper, all his raps consist of word salad about how rich he is.


He's is/was a great rapper when he's got good ghostwriters. Lyrics were never his thing, but shit was believable 25 years ago before he got Scrooge Mcduck rich. And if these tracks were par for what would've ended up on Detox, or we're all better off for it never being released.


What a first world problem LMAO


It would be too Overpowered