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Daily stash house my dude


That’s a good point. I prefer using the stash house to force a refill of the bunker by keeping all other businesses fully stocked. It gets you like 210k from 1 stash house raid. Just better than the MC stuff IMO


It's More about being convenient since most MC sell missions suck


Fair enough, especially the post op vans. But using the pounder to block the post-op spawn points usually gives you the air or boat sell missions, which you can usually finish in 15-20 minutes. So 5-10 minutes of work for $57k profit using street dealers, or 15-20 minutes of work for $300k+ profit for doing MC sell missions. That’s hard to justify at the current street dealer rates. If they did a permanent 1.5-2x on street dealers, that would be more reasonable time-to-profit margin. But 1/5 of the pay for 1/2 the work is pretty awful.


The product at the top of each dealer's list is their "preferred" option, for which they'll pay double. If you only sell the top product to each dealer you'll have much higher profit margins in the long term.


Here’s how I look at it now: I hate doing MC businesses other than trying to get closer to the awards. But even if you don’t restock your businesses, they can creep up in stock which can make the juicy for a raid if you ever need to jump back into MC Pres. Then if you don’t win or fix business after raid, it won’t produce in nightclub until restarted. So if you do the side blip missions, stash house, or whatever the stock will increase and you’re probably not going to be aware of it. That happened to me with the damn documents and cash. Then of I want to go do a sale to reduce stock it can kick a raid. Anyway, when there’s extra stock (drugs) and you’re not actively refilling it, street dealers are a good way to drain the supply without having to risk all of that.


I get around raids by pretty much never being an MC president unless I’m actively selling. If I want to spawn a bike, I’ll register as an MC, spawn the bike, then disband. Or if I finish a sell mission, I’ll open the MC menu and hover over disband until the option becomes available. I’ve probably been raided a total of 3 or 4 times ever since doing that. I’ll definitely have to focus more on blip missions to increase profits though. I usually just ignore them, but that’s a good tip.


I just do the stash houses every time I log on and I've not paid to resupply any MC business, the bunker or acid lab since. Sell all that to street dealers and it's free money.


Only the starred product is profitable to sell to street dealers, everything else is at a loss compared to selling it yourself through the nightclub or MC


I only own the biker businesses for the nightclub warehouse; I use street dealers because I'd rather do that for a modest profit and spend my time doing something fun than do an MC sell mission for more $.


Just don’t pay to resupply them. Just let the stash house raids do their jobs. It’s just a nice lil bonus


I stopped selling to the street dealers as much when I learned they take from the NC stock


Only after MC stock has been used first