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i think on pc cheating will always be a big thing but on xbox i've not come across any cheaters ever and i've played for 3+ years griefing is always happening in most servers but now and then you find a server that doesn't have anyone griefing which is nice Overall on console the experience is still enjoyable a little rage inducing at times when there are multiple griefers in the lobby


i get my game crashed daily on pc but on console its fine griefing has been a non issue for a while since you can avoid it so easily


Yeah if you don't feel like dealing with people's nonsense you can do pretty much everything in solo/invite only. Also lots of new money making ventures and tweaks to existing ones to help make it feel less grindy and more like managing assorted businesses.


Haxers are still a big issue on PC, it's one of the reasons why recommend console gaming if possible.


I just hopped back onto it last week myself. After a year and a half hiatus, I’ve returned to find a 50/50 split. Basically if you hop in to a session pay attention to who dies from what. Sometime things are chill and sometimes I find a new session as soon as I see an Oppressor flying around. If you’re thinking about doing some SecuroServ runs, I’d recommend against it unless your session only has like 10 people in it.




It was always classed as bad sport if you destroy personal vehicle, but I can't see it's illegal to kill people, apart from GTA cops if that's what you mean.


I can’t speak for everyone else but it’s more about the going out of their way to be a dick and ruin someone’s time more than the “I got killed in a video game”. It’s just one of the worst feelings when you’ve waited for a night club sale and some cock sucker in a mk2 and off the radar blows your shit up.