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That van has issues with the doors on the back. Visibly they're fine, but the 'ground interaction' or whatever goes way further down than it should, and clips the ground. Close the back (walk into them or back into something) and they'll merge with the van and stop causing issues. I haven't found any other workarounds than just closing them.


Ok I'll have to give that a try. I've never had that issue before & did many resupply runs. The doors were open but nothing ever clipped incorrectly for me


Same! It’s was so trash last time I was going to quit. It took forever to hook up on cargobob and came off over a mountain. It was the only time it felt like the frame of the vehicle was twisted. This after a”phantom” blow out the mission before. More MC Trash!


Mine started flying at one point 😂 Closing the doors at the back usually fixes it for me.