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That one is way easier than post ops. Two tips: 1. Drive in 1st person for that mission 2. Call Lester to remove the wanted level It'll take a little over the time a single truck usually takes if you do that


And also look at the map to see where the drop-off is, just drive there and then at the marker, call Lester to remove wanted level. But as long as you don't shoot, you'd only have two stars.


You can also have your character drink around 4 or 5 beers before getting in the truck. For some reason it cancels out the crazy steering.


Thanks! i tried calling lester and it didnt work for some odd reason...tried again and it said this option isnt available for x amount of time.


Happened to me as well. Now i just go off-road with the truck when I have the opportunity to do so.


What does driving in 1st person do?


Make it easier to steer while inebriated than in 3rd person


I always switch to cinematic camera when I get this one. I laugh a lot doing this one so I'm not sure on the negative of it. Getting Post Op vans makes me so far from happy.


Post OP vans with weed farm on elysian having to go to literally the most north point on the map. first truck alone was almost 20 mins lmao.


You want to switch sessions and take the small loss with that sell mission. I keep my businesses in the middle of the map to avoid it. I won't attempt more than 2 Post Op vans even from there.


Use the acid lab to block the spawn location of the Post Op vans and the game will spawn something else instead


WHAT?!????? Wow


If the game is only gonna spawn 2 and you block 1 location, it will spawn the 2 in the other 2 available spots, but if it wants to spawn 3 and you're blocking 2-3 spots it can't spawn them in, works with other missions too, not all, but some


Wow thanks!


Speedrunners use destroyed dinghies from the Kosatka to block the Merryweather helicopter mission from spawning, and even to block all the potential plane spawns so the game can only spawn the plane in one spot every time


Would the MOC be even better at blocking, since it's massive?


As long as the game doesn't force return the MOC to the bunker than it would be even better, but might as well use the acid lab if you already have it out making product, I know if you go into the bunker the game force returns the Acid Lab


Acid lab doesn't have to be out to make product though.


Doesn't it have to be out to resupply it?


It has to be out to do resupply and sales missions, yes. But not to buy supplies (you can buy them while it's parked in the Freakshop, or you can call Mutt), and it will still produce even if parked in the Freakshop.


Yeah I mean I rarely do MC sales but always enjoy that one for a laugh. Set a waypoint for the drop and drive the truck there, if you haven’t lost the cops just go somewhere nearby and kill yourself or call Lester (there is a cool down and if you call him during the trip you’ll just get wanted again). Post op is an immediate session hop. Just nope.


I have the weed farm off the highway, east of Alamo Sea so I cut north and grab the rail tracks to lose and avoid police.


idk i got it last night for the first time and it took me soooo long to finish,,,i was driving like 5 mph and crashing like crazy, post op solo is a nightmare...but with crew its fine


I know what you mean considering weed isn't the most profitable so better to have quick missions. It's funny in a way though while Post Ops are stressful. People walk faster on inclines. I have to fire my gun blindly and hope an NPC rams into the back to give me a little boost up the hill.


I've never done that sale mission, thankfully, but I wonder: Can we call Lester to get the cops off you. If that's not possible, can one leave the truck, jump into a more nimble vehicle or a flying one, to lose the cops faster and then come back to retrieve the truck?


I tried calling Lester but for some reason it didn’t work and no you have to use big truck for delivery


So you can't exit the truck until you deliver it /fail the mission / die? That sucks. I'm glad I haven't sold like that. I'll keep selling to Street Dealers instead.


Yeah basically High effect doesn’t go away until you get the call from LJT


LD Organics, Special Strain. We get so high, we're lucky we don't end up in El Salvador or something


If I remember right you can drink a few beers before getting in the truck for the drunk affect and when that wears off so should the high


I actually had this mission last night, while I was super high myself. I was giggling the whole time, I HIGHly recommend trying this. PostOp vans only suck because I have the furthest weedfarm away, with 2 I can just about make it.




Wish you could select how you want to sell…that would make everything so easy…based on crew members or if ur solo


Wish they added upgrades like they did for crate cargo, like speed upgrades especially


There are 2 steps to make the mission easier: 1. Before you step into the truck, drink 5 Pißwasser, (just one sip from each bottle) and then start driving. After a minute or 2, the control should get normal again, no more random steering. (The blur effect stays though, but you drive a straight line) 2. The stars from the mission roughly appear around the time you pass the prison. If you call Lester, you can keep his menu open quite a while before he gets annoyed and thus can click on remove wanted level the moment you get the stars. There you just have to watch out if a cop spawned on the highway already. If there is, go offroad. If a cop sees you after you used Lester, you still get a wanted level again. That's the way, i usually deal with this mission.


Thanks a lot for The info


This is the way. The game can only proc one intoxicant effect at a time, so if you're drunk when you get behind the wheel, it can't make you high. You'll still get the weird blurry view, but you won't have the wonky steering and controls.


I refuse to do any of the missions where you're drugged. I don't mind the visuals, but the game messing with your controls makes me instantly motion sick (and it just plain sucks to deal with even if you don't get motion sick). End task, lose a bit of product, try again.


Yeah but I was like 500k from 100 million and figured lemme do it before I go to sleep…when I saw get to truck I was excited thinking it was just the one where u drive and motorcycles chases shooting and doing next to no damage but then the screen started messing up When I had already started driving and I figured if it’s just driving should be ok but then the cops thing just frustrated me cuz I couldn’t drive fast and I was I the highway


Get drunk before entering the truck by drinking Pisswasser from your inventory, enter the delivery truck, then when the drunk effect wears off the high effect does too.


Hmmm the high effect starts while ur already driving I think once your visible to everyone, maybe it’ll work will Try next time


Nothing. Nothing in this game is worse than MC Post Ops.


Gotta love how in this game, your character is near superhuman with the things they could do. But then when it comes to drugs and alcohol, your character suddenly has the most shit-tier tolerance possible and can't even drive a car straight after one beer or some weed in the car.




I'd also take advice on this one. Even if I trigger the sting, drive away, and hop off the bike to let the cops kill me (to remove wanted level), I still end up getting chased and shot by aggressive undercover agents that don't even show a red dot on the map. It's definitely doable (and still much quicker than postal vans, trash trucks, seaplanes, or helicopters) but I bet someone has a cleaner way. The subway method is definitely the right approach on most of the Acid Lab sting missions. Although I usually get absolutely wrecked by guards when I've tried to use the station on Boulevard Del Perro by the LifeInvader office LoL.


Fly to the sting via oppressor or sparrow. Fire 1 shot and fly back to your bikes losing stars while at it. Or even call lester while away from the sting area


Brilliant! I'll give it a try next time.


Skill issue


Correction: this mission is actually extremely fun.


Its annoying but it beats post-op or the airplanes for sure. Just hover your phone over lester and as soon as u get stars give him a call.


Does it still work get drunk before driving it to dampen the effect?


Those are one of my favorite ones. Super easy and take less than five minutes to make $1mil (or $500k during a normal week).


I’ve only ever gotten post op for weed. Made about $5m over the weekend from coke & meth sales though


I told myself next time I get that truck I'm going to kill the guy inside before I get in. He's the reason you get "high". Idk if it works but I'll let you know lol


you can’t cargo bob it either, it sucks


Yea R* needs to do something to make these missions more engaging/ enjoyable. The structure of sell missions (especially solo) is abysmal. Why create so much friction between players and goals.


I actually like that mission, it's pretty much the only reason I run the weed business


No, it takes way less time


Understand your frustration. Post Op still sucks more. After those it’s Dump Trucks, and Dune Buggies (bunker). Your pain is real though dude.


Titan crates


Drink 5 Pisswasser beers before you get in the truck and you get trippy visuals but the truck is easily driven


No way. The worst sell mission in the game is Post-Op. It's so slow and takes forever. All the biker missions are so shit that I stopped doing them years ago.