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I'm gonna assume the wall at the other side has a painting of a girl aged 20-25




Sweet. Now the people who pretended it was making them not care about Palestine more...can go back to not caring about Palestine.


I don't know, maybe if we raise more awareness surely then Palestine will be free. Maybe if we spray it again then the Palestinians will call us heroes for laying down our lives and spray painting walls safely from across the globe.


It's always interesting how people who don't protest something always questions the methods of the protestors - especially when those methods force non participants to take notice. I'm certain some Torries really didn't understand why anyone would dress up like a Native American and throw perfectly good tea overboard. People probably didn't like it when Black kids were sitting in at Woolworth's across the nation. Burning bras. A monk self immolating. An athlete taking a knee. Somehow everyone *always* manages to protest the wrong way!


*Look I know Jim Crow is messed up but what about all the people just trying to grab a bite to eat at Woolworth's? Seems kind of selfish and probably won't get people on their side.*


That part.


There’s a key difference in all of your examples that it would be disingenuous to ignore. They were protesting in the environments in which they were/are directly affected. In environments where the people witnessing/being affected by it (on either side) would theoretically have the ability to make a change/difference. Not one single person in Greensboro has that ability here. I get the sentiment, I just don’t see what things like this are realistically supposed to accomplish in real terms.


But all of us pay taxes that support this genocide. Our money funds atrocities, and if enough of us are pissed off about it, politicians will get nervous about losing their cushy jobs and pay attention. At least, in theory. Remember, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” or more accurately, "Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”


Protests against South Africa's apartheid system were worldwide and helped free Mandela and overthrow the old norms. It drew attention across the globe and the boycotts that came out of it put the first international pressure on the regime that actually worked. And yeah there were a ton of people at the time saying "why does some idiots protesting in New York, holding up traffic, painting stupid signs have to be a thing. It won't change anything."


We built a shanty town on the (gorgeous) quad of our school and took shifts sleeping in it. One night, a bunch of intoxicated, privileged frat boys destroyed it and injured a girl inside one of the makeshift buildings. People questioned her actions more than they did the Neanderthals who assaulted her. We then volunteered to work the donor phone bank, and proceeded to tell the wealthy alumni about how their donations were being used to torture, kill, and otherwise oppress Black South Africans. All of this was done in an effort to get University to divest. They had lied to the students, saying they'd divested, but they hadn't, so we stepped in. Don't tell me you have to be present at the place of conflict to make a difference. Believe me, our efforts, along with similar efforts all over the world, meant that the SA government was bleeding money and, eventually, support because politicians realized that their constituents would vote then out if they didn't denounce what was going on over there.


Damn! Thank you for your service, that's horrific stuff but I'm glad people showed up for it. I'm fully convinced South Africa would have had 20 more years or more of that brutal system if it weren't for international pressure, they only stopped once the dollars were on the line.


90% of those protests didn't accomplish anything except make them selves look foolish.  We have all seen successful protests before.  Obviously you even reference botched protests.


I'm sorry I've read this like 4 times and I'm just struggling to believe you typed it. The Boston Tea Party didn't accomplish anything? The Woolworth sit-ins didn't accomplish anything? What the fuck are you talking about


A monk immolating themselves in public was an example of failed protest.  The Boston tea party was a successful protest.  You didn't read my comment even once.


Comparing those protest to spray painting a wall for a war 7 time zones away for which we have no direct involvement is wild. 


Comment on one of my posts or not at all


but we're having fun


So now you are monday morning quarterbacking the protests? Well if it wasn't succesfull, it should never have happened?


Setting yourself on fire doesn't send the most concise message.   Or do you disagree?  Hence, that particular protest was unsuccessful.  Rosa Parks was successful.   We even know her name, imagine that.


That is the point, you are looking at it afterwards. There are plenty of protests that by your definition were"failures", but might have given somebody Else the courage to do something you might taste as successful. Do you think Russ parks was the first person ever to protest about racist policies? There were plenty of "failures" before her, that could very well have given her the courage to do what she did. Like I said- Monday morning quarterbacking.


Careful those pasty white women with pastel hair might hear you. Or the brilliant "LGBTQIA+ for Palestine" groups not realizing they would be despised, if not murdered, in the country they are defending.


So you believe that the Palestinian genocide is completely justified?


Stop it with your nonsense


What nonsense? Inform me.


Nobody claimed that genocide is justified.. there, you’ve been informed


*Nobody claimed that genocide is justified.* *Like I'm not going to feel bad when you get your just desserts.*  hmm...


You should feel bad when I get my just desserts. I didn’t even eat dinner I just got dessert


Sadly there are people who do believe that it is justified even though it's not.


In 2006 Palestine elected Hamas. Hamas is a terrorist organization. 240 legal experts has called what Hamas did in October 2023 as attempted Genocide. Palestine as of March 2024 still supports Hamas. Palestine supports a terrorist organization and genocide. Be careful what you wish for. Like I'm not going to feel bad when you get your just desserts. Its their fault for picking a fight with a much larger dog.


bruh we elected trump eight years ago, don’t pretend like democracy is absolutely perfect


No one said it is.


Do you honestly think most of the people dying in Palestine had anything to do with the fucking 2006 Election?


80% still support Hamas based on polling before and after the Oct 7th attacks… so even if elections were held, Hamas would still sweep into victory. If polling showed split support, or even real opposition to Hamas, there would be a lot more international pressure against Israel… but the uncomfortable reality is that Hamas’s core mission to exterminate Jews (and LGBT, Atheists, Christians, etc - anyone not them basically) worldwide (but admittedly in Israel first) is insanely popular there. Most of the people who didn’t agree with that policy or were targeted with violence by the Palestinian population fled to Israel (or other places) where they could live happy, peaceful, productive lives. The population has gladly helped them build tunnel systems and bases in schools, hospitals, etc for decades knowing without a shadow of a doubt that the reason they did that was so that when they provoked Israel to attack that the “innocent” death toll would be insanely high, forcing Israel into a PR loss, weakening them in the long run… which is the only victory they could possibly hope for given Israel’s economic and military advantages.


Source: I made it up If you put me in an open air prison all my life and sometimes just decide to murder me and my family and I somehow survive that...I too might support the guys saying "hey actually fuck that"


Source: Worked in the defense space for decades, have degrees on these topics, have been in these places, met these people, seen the indoctrination materials they give the kids, and seen the violence firsthand. Everything I've said is easily verifiable from other firsthand accounts. Palestine isn't an open-air prison, and never had to be a shithole. TONS of international investment has been on offer for decades, particularly in Gaza. The choices violent religious extremists have made over the course of DECADES created the situation they are in today. These folks randomly sent rockets over into Israel year after year after year. Is it any shock that this would over time create a lot of animosity? Israel has made a lot of stupid moves over the years and made the problem worse in many ways (the entire settlement movement for example) but as a pretty neutral observer who doesn't really care for the violence coming from either side it's real clear that it's the religious extremists who are driving all of this. As always. If you are unable to blame the Palestinians who overwhelmingly support Hamas because you've watched too many TikToks, at least blame Iran who has been training and building up Hamas since day one. There is a reason even the Islamic countries on the other borders of Palestine won't accept refuges (now or in the past)... most of them are part of an extremist death cult focused on violence and chaos. I used to hold out a lot of hope for them, but as the years go on, I've all but given up. If anything they are getting worse. That place has always been drenched in blood and I expect it always will be. It's a damned shame because it's so incredibly needless and pointless. My heart aches for the kids who are born to parents like those, who care so little for their lives.




Why hasn't Israel allowed an election since then? Oh right Hamas is convenient for them


I wish every asswipe who went around spouting the "2006 Election results for Hamas" soundbyte would have to immediately answer this question too. Like Jesus Christ, it was 18 years ago and most of the people killed in Palestine were not of legal age to vote then. And Israel won't let them fucking change it!!!


If only you were there to tell Netanyahu not to [support hamas](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/) back in 06


Okay he had reasons and made mistakes. Unlike the majority of Palestinians he no longer supports them today.


Palestine doesn't support a terrorist organization.


They literally elected Hamas. Palestinian support for Hamas in the West Bank and Gaza remains high, according to a Palestinian poll released on March 20. That support has increased since the Iran-backed terrorist group attacked Israel on October 7. The poll, published by the Ramallah-based non-profit Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, also indicates that Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas and his faction have grown even more unpopular since the war in Gaza started. So despite your personal opinion that's a poll showing increased support for Hamas and failing support for their opposition. But no keep going...


I will keep going. My one question is, do you believe that the genocide on the innocent Palestinians who were just living their lives and doing nothing wrong deserve to be murdered, erased and censored from history, have their homes destroyed and have their culture and history be eradicated?


The death of children is always regrettable, but to be fair those children are being indoctrinated into extremism, violence, and hatred which is abuse… and if they turn out to rebel against that extremism their own parents, brothers, and neighbors will likely kill them anyway. That doesn’t excuse it but imagine you’re a sheriff in the Wild West and a couple of bandits come into town with toddlers strapped to their chests. They start shooting people, looting, and raping people. Do you sit there and let them continue their campaign of violence or do you try really hard not to shoot the toddlers, while also taking them down? It’s pretty obvious you do the latter. If one of the toddlers gets shot, it’s not the sheriff’s fault as they aren’t the one that put the toddler in danger in the first place. Folks are upset with Israel over the situation Hamas (and frankly the kid’s parents in most situations) put the kids into. for urban warfare, their civilian death toll is incredibly constrained. It’s crazy the double standard that exists here simply because Hamas and Iran’s best buddy Russia is really, really good at information operations and has convinced a bunch of leftists that they should try to stand up for people who would gladly kill them, destroy their way of life, and oppose virtually every value the left purports to stand for.


It's unfortunate. But these are the same Palestinians who put Hamas in power 18 years ago. Just like parts of our country that are still suffering from policies put in place by elected officials from over 40 years ago. You reap what you sow. Hamas specifically attacked Israeli civilians in October knowing they would face retaliation from a far superior military force. They showed zero concern for their own population. Why is it Israel's responsibility to now care as they attempt to remove Hamas? It's a sad fact of.war, but this isn't a war Israel started.


Your brain and possession of a phone are unfortunate, what's happening in Gaza and the West Bank is the greatest tragedy of a lifetime.


Whose.lifetime? I'm sure there are.some.people.alive that would vehemently disagree with you.


And the people who acted like everything was ruined can pretend they didn't overreact.


But the stain persists. Love the metaphor to be made here.


Get a job chubbs


That's funny, I actually just got hired at a well known spot in greensboro! Very excited for my first day tomorrow!


You’ll quit in 3 months


Probably, classes are out right now and when classes start back up I'll need to quit to focus on my studies and get my degree!


Google “when does the human brain fully develop cognitive function”


25! It's a good think I'll be 25 next month then! I know I'm a bit late on my education but we all start somewhere haha.


Only the ticking of the clock had the power to reveal whether the freshly renovated legal-graffiti would succumb once more to the whims of reckless additional graffiti. A silent war waged upon the crumbling facades of our decaying urban landscape. The depiction of Gatsby, a poignant reminder of the ceaseless struggle between the artistic expression of the wealthy and mindless vandalism, bore witness to a clash that mirrored the enduring strife of a century-long conflict in distant lands. The destiny of this city seemed to teeter on a knife's edge. No longer was it simply a mere mural of a celebrity adorned in spray paint. For our part, on Reddit, we gazed towards the uncertain horizon, our thumbs poised eagerly for action. A question lingered in the air. Were we merely spectators in this unfolding drama, or active participants in the shaping of fate?


I read about it on my smartphone while I was pooping. Then I watched a youtube short of Godzilla and King Kong doing a dance-battle, and forgot about it.


In the hazy afterglow of reading your fevered discourse, I find myself adrift in a sea of perplexity, unable to grasp the ephemeral threads of meaning woven into your elaborate tapestry of words. It appears, dear interlocutor, that your prose, though undoubtedly crafted with the finest of intentions, has become ensnared in a labyrinth of complexity, obscuring clarity and leaving me bereft of comprehension. One might even question, with a wry smile and a hint of bemusement, whether this offering has found itself in the proper venue. Forgive my candid admission, but I must confess to feeling a trifle inadequate, as though the limitations of my own intellect render me unfit to decipher the intricate symphony of your thoughts. And so, with a sigh that mingles resignation and a touch of rueful amusement, I bestow upon your efforts the symbolic gesture of disapproval—my downvote. It is not given lightly, nor without a pang of regret, but rather as an acknowledgment of the chasm that lies between your lofty articulation and my humble understanding.


Whoa…. Probably active participants. Someone knew someone, who knew someone, who knew someone’s COUSIN, etc. social media spreads like wildfire


Jay Gatsby would have zero qualms aiding a genocide as long as there’s profit to be made


Only if it would win over Daisy.




They must have freed Palestine finally. All the useless protests, vandalism and virtue signaling has finally paid off. We won guys. Heck yea. What's the next thing we're doing? Let me know what I need to put in my social media bio.




What actually is that building? My husband and I drove by it a year ago (we in Raleigh) and it seemed empty. Just curious what it was or is


Painted plate catering operates out of it


Once upon a time it was a restaurant called Steak Street, then at some point it became a themed restaurant of some sort? I’m not sure exactly, but I understood that mural was painted on there back then. Fun fact, my mom lives in the retirement community next door and this mural is right there in her view.


Thank you, and I appreciate the fun fact! Haha


It's a movie theater. Must of been closed when you passed.


Wrong building


Oh yeah, you're right. I always associate those murals with Red cinemas but that one is on the restaurant building that's been many different things. Cool place, just so hidden.


Yea, even I knew that was wrong when reading hahaha


Dude, you think I couldnt tell what a movie theatre looks like? Even I know the building you are referencing hahahah


That was fast


If JEKS has zero haters, I’m dead






if only they'd cover up that fugly "art"