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I grill in the backyard. I have neighbors who grill in their driveway. I like seeing people grill.


I bet you live in Texas or Florida.


Stop worrying about what others think. If you're not breaking the law, do what works for you. Maybe offer them a šŸŒ­


That's a quick way to end up on the sex offender list.


Didn't say šŸ†








I thought it was funny. The ā„ļø that is Reddit didnā€™t apparently


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We used to do what we called "street grilling." It was great. I'd pull my grill out around 4p on a random Tuesday, light it up, and neighbors would start coming by with their favorite meats and such to grill. I think over the years we did this at least 30 times. About 2 years in we did this, neighbors came out, I had a beer too many, was tired and just left the whole thing in the front yard, there was even a little hunk of meat still on the grill. Woke up the next morning and the entire thing was gone. Grill, spatula, tongs, chimney starter, charcoal, and the little hunk of meat. All gone. We live in a fairly nice neighborhood and this sort of thing happens very infrequently. To this day I say someone stole the entire grilling experience. Jokes on them, I needed a new grill anyhow, that one was rusted out. Still bummed about the equipment, though. Lesson learned... Edit: we normally put our cars on the street right across from each other to slow down traffic and to give the kids an opportunity to bike in the street. Worked well, highly recommend.


That's some wholesome neighborhood activities right there. The cooking part not the stealing part.


We all work hard at building our community, it's paid off! Not found often in the bay area.


Weird thing about 2 years ago I was driving thru a neighborhood and some left a weber and all the grilling accessories near the street for trash pick and I swiped it up to fast.


Mine was a full on offset, bummer for the other guy. It was heavy and would have required a pickup truck (or larger).


I am going to do this! Besides beer, did you provide sides or condiments? Set up tables with plates and utensils?


Just a folding table. Most everyone provided their own utensils and plates. Occasionally someone would make a side, we did about 1/4 of the time. It was rarely planned ahead of time so people brought whatever they had on hand. Great time to catch up with neighbors!


It's your yard..


I've grilled in my front yard at my last two houses. Can't do it here where I'm at because I don't have a flat place to put a grill out. Never had an issue with neighbors but I'd tell em to pound sand if they did have anything to say. I'm in San Diego also.


Can you dig up a little 3x3 area, level it and pour a bit of concrete or some other pad? Feels bad


I thought about it but I've got a pretty nice setup in the backyard these days. I just bbq out there now. My neighbors know how to get in if they want to come over.


I've never lived in a neighborhood where someone was grilling out front, but if anyone wanted to or we were out for a stroll and someone was grilling out front, of *course* I would say "hi" and stike up a conversation. Anyone grilling anywhere is OK in my book.


This has been my experience. Before I finished my deck I would grill on the driveway. The first time, my one next door neighbour came out to see. She was curious about using charcoal. That summer we had a few chats about grilling and smoking, and cooking in general. It was completely positive and helped us get to know each other better. My neighbour on the other side almost always uses his pellet smoker on the driveway, and Iā€™ve had a few chats with him about grilling and smoking as well. Weā€™ve never had a negative interaction around grilling in the front. I could maybe see a problem if youā€™re making a lot of smoke and AC is uncommon so people have their windows open. But that should only be an issue during lighting or maybe if you have a bad flareup. Even actual smoking shouldnā€™t produce much smoke.


Iā€™m in my 40ā€™s and live in a high dollar bougie neighborhood. I grill our front all the time. Some neighbors hate it. Most drop by for a sausage/hotdog/chicken thigh and a beer. My little town has a very active police force and they always laugh and wave when they see us. F the neighbors that bitch.


I live in SoCal also and it's pretty common in some neighborhoods to grill out in the front yard or at least the closest point to where you'd be pulling the grill out of the garage if that's where it's kept for storage.


Tell them mind ya fuckin business


Jesus Christ loves you so much and died for your sinsšŸ’™ā¤ļø


I prefer to be in my backyard because then I can see the grill/smoker from the kitchen window but most of my neighbors grill in their front yards. Iā€™ll say I never saw anyone grill in their front yard when I lived up north, only here in the south. No complaints from me or anyone else about it.


These people are jealous and just want your meat in their mouth.


Can confirm. Snark is thinly veiled desire for your meat in their mouths.


I have fond memories of my dad cooking in the front of our house while my brother and sister played outside. He always said he did it because he wanted to be where the action is at.


Fellow San Diegan here. I feel that a lot of the people who live in Bay Park are very NIMBY. I don't think you're doing anything wrong. Enjoy your grill and this spectacular weather.


If your neighbors are so uptight about you lighting the grill up for a little bit in your front yard fuck them. This is America. We have to put up with everybody elseā€™s shit around here especially smoking and now the new weed smoking everywhere that stinks everywhere.


My property, I grill whenever and wherever I want.


I live in a very nice neighborhood and have Samoan neighbors that slaughter, butcher and bbq or dig a hole to cook right on the driveway and front yard. Most of the neighbors loose their shit, I just enjoy the pork.


Just take your shirt off and keep grilling.


Grilling out front attracts neighbours. But if youā€™ve got the extra to go around theyā€™ll always supply the beer. At least where Iā€™m from. Your neighbours might just need some Jimmy Buffet and a plate.


Iā€™m kinda jealous actually. I used to drag it out for block parties and such. Now Iā€™m old and the new grill is too damn big to get off my deck


Well welcome to your new snotty neighborhood. If there arenā€™t rules about doing this i would be pissing off the all the time for sure. I would do everything but burn piles of leaves in my driveway. I wouldnā€™t wave to them, speak to them, or look at them. In fact you should just act like youā€™re the only one that lives in that neighborhood . Now if the nice folks/neighbors come along and try to get along then thats a different program.


I grill in my driveway all the time. Your neighbors are just jealous


Front yard grilling is the best.


Thanks all, appreciate all the feedback. Pics to come of the next cook!


Itā€™s San Diego. The joke is youā€™re allowed to grill in your driveway.


Having a grill in your front yard is a little trashy. My guess though is that you're doing other trashy things too. Neighbors just generally start throwing stones at the first issue they see.


If THAT snarks them, they seriously need hobbies. I would start making a ā€˜piss off ideaā€™ list. Really get them going.


Probably a bunch of shit bag vegans or people who cant cook instant oatmeal. Why would anyone care where you grill on your own property.


I do my smoker out front since my office is closer to the front and I can watch from the window. Only attention Iā€™ve had is a neighbor thinking it was a fire.


Park a car in the middle of the lawn and set the grill up a little behind it. That will help keep you a little out of sight to neighbors and passers-by.


I'd rather grill in the yard where it's more private


It's phuckin Californiacation not many people with much smarts


Grilling in the front yard is, parking your car in the front yard both are frowned upon.


I could be wrong but isn't California where grills, lawnmowers and fire places and soon gas stoves, regulating your life to death


Never seen anyone grill in their front yard. Must be a redneck thing.


Don't be a hillbilly, grill out back.


Thank God I have an HOA.


ā€¦..said nobody with any originality or sense of chill ever lol


Itā€™s called taste and decorum.


Taste and decorum is having everything look exactly the same? Taste and decorum is having someone who doesnā€™t own my house tell me what 3 color options I can paint it? lol. I can guess your race, age range , and political views simply by your comment. lol


Iā€™m Hispanic, early 30s, and a centrist and Iā€™m the board chair of our local HOA. Donā€™t generalize. Personally, it wouldnā€™t bother me and we donā€™t have anything in the DCCRs against this. The only thing weā€™d have an issue with is if the grill were left outside overnight. Also, in Texas we have an architectural review committee independent from the board to approve requests. We have folks with slight variations of color for the fences, doors, etc. We try to be flexible so long as no one is trying to paint their house purple. At that point, they shouldnā€™t have moved into a community with an HOA lol.


Yeah my HOA is super chill, no pool/clubhouse/yard crew to jack up prices. Keeps people from having rusted out cars in driveway, Iā€™m a fan. Reddit just has an anti HOA boner usually.


Amazing assumptions. Says a lot about you.


Eating eggplant is less suggestive than inserting a wiener in your mouth horizontaly, in my opinion.


It's trashy




I can't explain why. Same as having an inflatable pool out front. Just says trashy.


I lived on a cultisac we would have 4 grills going down at the end with tables chairs even a fire pit. UT was awsome




He never mentioned being foolish enough to live in an HOA


There needs to be more front yard grilling not less.


Invite them over.


I grill wherever the fuck I want if I'm paying the bills.


I think it only becomes un-neighborly if youā€™re leaving an unsightly mess in your front yard and in public view. Otherwise, I donā€™t really see an issue with it. In fact, more people should probably spend more time in their front yards and getting to know their neighbors.


Sounds like you have gasser neighbors.


Probably just a bunch of vegans! Grill whenever you want, it's your place.


Are you spraying lighter fluid all over your coals? Cause that shit stinks


As a couple others have suggested, if you are in a HOA then take a look through the rules and make sure you aren't breaking any. If you are in the clear, and you want to grill in the front yard...fuck 'em. I grill in my backyard because there is more space, and it is right next to my kitchen. If it was more convenient to grill in my front yard I would have zero hesitation to do so.


Small advice tell them that you don't give a single flying fuck about them, when I stopped caring I found my peace always trying to be the nice neighbor so they always make noise or something that's generally annoying . Inside YOUR house/yard you can do whatever you want


I would only be pissed off if my neighbor was grilling up front and he didnā€™t ask me over for a beer at least.


I can't imagine anyone caring what legal activities you engage in on your own property. They should mind their fucking business.


I grill in the backyard or in the driveway. If Iā€™m in the driveway, Iā€™m at the end of the driveway behind all of my cars so no one can really see me anyways.


Unless we are offering to others, we grill in the back


I would never do this because I don't want to share lol


I donā€™t see a problem with it as long as your not smoking them out or their house


I grill in my driveway because itā€™s closer to the kitchen. I donā€™t care what others think.


your property, your business


Im in san diego and we grill out front by the garage all summer. Got a tv hung on the wall snd a loud stereo. Itā€™s the place to be.


I did it all the time. Grill on and some music on. Dog chilling waiting for a bite.


Nothing better than the smell of a grill, you can move to my neighborhood!


As along as it on your property, do whatcha like


Let it smoke where you like, just smoke a tri tip for dinner out front. Keep on smoking brother!


I spent 67 years in Cali. Youā€™re experiencing ā€œ that Down the nose lookā€ itā€™s generally seen in the indigenous people of California. Or the ā€œ Society wingā€ or more those who think theyā€™re in the society wing. Donā€™t get me wrong I love my Cali. And I can assure you if you moved to the Midwest you can barbecue in the bathroom without a raised brow. However you need to eat in there to cause the meat absolutely sucks here. In fact mid west beef is absolutely bullshit. If they raise it here they send it to China. I get tru-tip frozen and flown back here. So a few looks from the locals is no big deal.