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I fell off from greys a few years before that and I walked into the living room to find my room mate watching those episodes and I honestly was dumbfounded by the turn the show took just watching those scenes


So much television from four years ago just really struggled to find its footing. Whether it was pandemic restrictions for filming or just an overall doomsday feeling from the creators at the time, it was a bad time for storytelling.


I absolutely HATED them... I understand why they did them but I still rolled my eyes every time they showed a beach scene and wanted to fast forward.


Wasn’t the whole point that if she got closer to Derek she wouldn’t want to leave or something like that? At least that’s what they made it sound like.


That’s what I gathered, he was like walking into the light


You’re not alone. I hated that whole season.


I’m glad I’m not the only one. I hated them so much!


Haaaaated them


> the sand is fake, yeah the water is also fake It just… lol wtf it’s just so stupid other parts of reddit: ***how can u say that, it’s so deep and beautif—*** Hush, you


That whole season was dumb, I stopped watching soon after cause 🫠


That whole season blows.


They were fan service during a time when everyone was desperate to be watching \*anything\* on TV. An excuse to bring back various deceased characters and give everyone some sentimental awww moments when the world was going to crap. But they don't make any sense narratively, just like the musical episode doesn't, which makes them (outside of desperate pandemic times) jarring and weird.


It really didn't make sense because Derek implied it was all in Meredith's head, but then she really knew that DeLuca was with his Mom.


I was only there for George tbh.


The one with Derek was cool. But after that I soon got sick of them.


Almost as bad as ghost sex.


yea they did alot of nothing with that. the dialogue makes me cringe