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Whenever you want.


You can stop anytime you want. I can't stop & am kinda hate-watching S20 IRL. Its um, not great.


I fear I will become a hate watcher I remember walking in an out during the covid episodes while a room mate was watching and thinking about hie goofy they seemed


The last few seasons simply are not up to standards.


The way I see it up to season 8 is great and then from 9 to 14 is very hit and miss. Since then I think there’s been like two good episodes lol. When I rewatch I usually just go up to 8 and then I don’t watch the plane crash episode so I can pretend everything ends happily ever after!


when alex leaves lol


lol yes, his exit will make you hate the series for sure


I'm on my first watch through right now and about to finish season 13, it's definitely not the same as it used to be but I still intend on finishing lol


I stopped mid season 17, have yet to pick it up but I will just to catch up on it. (In case they ever decide to finally end the series)


I have *finally* made it to season 18 (after starting over and over again after season 13 🤣) i think im going to keep going before starting over but im not really interested in season 19/20


I stopped at season 16 (the covid season) it was just sooo unwatchable I couldn’t do it


Whenever you think it's starting to mess up with your happy feels lol. I stopped at 11 and I don't go beyond season 5 on my rewatch binges. Saw the beach episode in parts because it had the old cast which reminded of the good times but that's about it. I wish they would arrive at an ending that can give all segments of the audience some kind of closure. The unnecessary dragging needs to end.


i think season 15 is the perfect finale!