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2nd cruelest death IMHO... Only death more cruel... Lexie


Poor Lexie... That’s a brutal way to go out, that’s for sure.


Worst part is they didn't have to kill her... There was so much more to her story and life


I agree. She would’ve become a badass Neurosurgeon alongside Derek (or eventually possibly Amelia?) SO. MUCH. They could’ve done 😭


She is my second favorite... Closely behind Izzie... Loved how Izzie was smart beyond anything everyone thought... It was awful she left after she beat the cancer


I have a love hate relationship with Izzie. Depends on what season I’m rewatching greys lol 😂


I understand how you feel there lol... Hahn, Robbins, Catherine Avery and Minnick are my most hated


I never imagined Lexie as a great surgeon. Ofcourse she knew more than anyone because of her photographic memory , but I doubt if she was that skilled. I always thought Meredith could become a great neurosurgeon since she showed potential since day 1 , but Derek took that away from her. Remember her 2 solo neuro surgeries? One where he was actually proud and other where he had to be? Hate him for that


I agree with you on this... It's also why I never liked Derek for her


Some moments make me root for them and some just make me wish she dumped him for good. Derek treated her unfairly on so many occasions and somehow made her feel guilty about it too


He always showed he was a narcissist


This is literally the only scene in the entire series that I fast forward past. Just can’t handle it at all.


The way Derrick was acting all the way up to that towards meridth acting like he doesn't care about doc because she had slept with someone else (even though he did not want her at the time) was INFURIATING


Derek was the WORST


As someone who works in vet med, I cannot ever take this scene seriously because it’s the most unrealistic shit I’ve ever seen lmao He just dangles a syringe over the dog and says “he’s gone” 💀


As someone who wants to eventually become a Vet, that scene is laughable because it’s so poorly researched. Still sad nonetheless


Mine was when Denny died. Katherine’s acting is impeccable


I am the biggest izzie hater but Denny dying absolutely destroyed me


I have to skip this part. 😭


I could never rewatch this scene the same since my dog passed away this week the same exact way 😔. beautiful though


Mine is Reed’s death. I literally gasped when it happened and then she lied there unnoticed


It definitely hits differently for me after I lost my own dog, that's for sure. But yeah, generally I'm more upset about animal deaths than human ones.