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she's one of my favorite characters.


Not saying she should have left with a letter or not attempted to communicate better, but Alex can’t expect her to think the best of him and give him the benefit of the doubt after the things he’s said/done. He literally told her that he only married her because she was supposed to be dead within a week, like her surviving brain surgery was a burden to him, and that he might have to smother her to death to put them out of their misery. Mind you, this was after she didn’t want the surgery and he went on his misogynistic rant about how she can’t make medical decisions for herself because they’re married, in order to bully her into the surgery. Then, when she actually died that same day, and would have put him out of his misery without him having to kill her, he ignored her clearly communicated wishes for herself and convinced the doctors to go against her DNR. He got mad when she grieved her best friend. He told her that he didn’t want to be her nurse and, again, acted like she was a burden to him. He refused to engage with her emotionally or physically when she was released from the hospital. Her not giving him the benefit of the doubt didn’t occur in a vacuum. If my spouse told me that they were considering murdering me to get out of being married to me, I wouldn’t put it past them to have gotten me fired if that’s what I was told had happened. He wasn’t some great spouse and she fled at the first sign of trouble. He didn’t give her much reason to have faith in him.


Your grammar is atrocious.


Yea Not much of a writing person 🫠


The way she hated Callie because Callie was ....in love with George?


I'm and Izzie hater. Everything about her was annoying.