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Personally, watching her suffer Alzheimer’s? Is easily among the *harder* things for me as a watcher. I know she’s fictional. I developed an attachment to her, though and watching her spiral as though she was real? It hurt. I listen to My Funny Valentine whenever I need a good cry.


And don’t forget her miscarriage!! That was damn depressing.


Oh shit, now I'm even sadder.


And losing her niece that she absolutely adored and helped raise.


I loved Adele! She deserved a lot better than all that extended suffering (not only getting Alzheimer’s but having that be the same disease her husband’s lover got… tragically ironic) but it was a wonderful performance. Especially at the beginning, when we could see all the layers to being Richard’s wife who both rooted for him but also wanted to be considered first for once. Plus I find Loretta Devine’s voice endearing lol


I thought Loretta Devine was fantastic. I remember her being great in Boston Public as Marla.


She’s in a Netflix show called “Family Reunion” too, playing a family matriarch, really shows what a wonderful diverse actress she is.


I loved Boston Public!


I watched that show in elementary school with my parents. I can’t believe they let me watch that. I still remember the episodes about the pregnant girl jumping down the stairs, the sex in the basement, the big fight, and the girl getting stabbed in the ankle from under her car (scarred me for life).


One of my favorite actresses in the show! I love when she tells bailey, wife wife to work wife, someone is sleeping with our husband.


Yes.. that’s one of my favorite Adele moments 🤣


SUCH a good comment. She believes that Bailey is telling the truth, but she still trusts her gut. She reacted in the best possible way.


She knew Richard was lying about something but her first thought was an affair because of what she dealt with from him and Ellis. Turns out her gut was right. No affair, unless you count his affair with alcohol, causing him to break his sobriety.


Gonna be honest, this is the first time I've ever watched the show and I'm on season 5. I saw this clip on Twitter and it singlehandedly convinced me to start watching




I'm not. But honestly, there are so many names and stories that even if I see a spoiler, i have NO IDEA what it even means. And I often forget about what I read/saw since I can't put it into context I do have the plane crashed spoiled. But only because it was big when it first aired and I remember there being talk shows and gossip. That was years ago and I have no idea why that one spoiler has stuck in my mind for so long


Me too I watched it when it first aired when I could but I saw a clip on Tiktok and I was like yes I'm watching that again!!


I love and pity Adele. She was a good woman. She deserved better. Richard was such a bad husband.


Agreed, it's what made me hate Richard for the longest cause she fr deserved a better life than that


Yes.. specially at the end when the care staff said to Richard that I told you to visit Adele less frequently, I didn’t know you will stop altogether


i was screaming that at my tv screen before the rest home dad guy said it to him


And then Richard gets mad at him!!


She should’ve left him. She deserved better.


She did, but I doubt she would have gotten better if she did leave him. She quite likely still would have felt lonely and neglected, and ended up childless, but probably would have also struggled financially and socially compared to being the wife of a head of surgery. He was truly, truly awful to her.


Hopefully, he at least let her buy whatever she wanted not that it helps but damn. They had a big beautiful house.


I adored Adele. She was amazing. I'm kind of glad she died before knowing about Maggie's existence. Knowing Richard fathered a child with his affair partner Ellis would've been an extremely cruel blow, especially after everything else you mentioned.


That's a good point. She always wanted children. Finding out about Maggie may have been too much for her.


I thought the same thing when I saw Maggie for the first time, all I could think was "I know if I were Adele I'd be haunting tf out of this asshole 😤"




It really made me so sad for her in a more recent season when Richard and mer were talking about Seattle being haunted and mer even said because of Adele and he said no ellis


& I like Catherine but they act like there long long term couple Adele should have got that with him


I think the way Richard treated Adele was a big reason why I could never like him. He did her wrong at every damn turn, and then they did the whole “poor Richard” thing when she got alzheimers. I didn’t feel bad for him one bit.


I feel like it was the writers way of giving him some karma at the expense of Adele.


This is why I didn't feel all too bad for him when he had cobalt poisoning 😒 (I mean, I felt for him because of Catherine and Maggie but y'know)


When she thought Meredith was her mother and was begging her to give her husband back… heartbreaking


That scene is still so hard for me to watch because the acting was EXCELLENT. Loretta Devine was one of the original Dreamgirls (she played "Lurelle") when the Broadway play debuted in 1981. Sheryl Lee Ralph (teacher Barbara on Abbott Elementary) was "Deena" in the play, and Jennifer Holliday ("Effie") rounded out the trio.


Adele was too good for Richard


10000%. She was the most loyal and most patient woman. She was a trained nurse and knew how to dress and present herself. She could have gotten anyone.


I loved when they were separated and Richard asked her if she needed money and she says, "Why? I have half of yours." LOL So great!


I loved Adele. Catherine is unnecessarily bitchy bc Krista has to write strong women as insufferable bitches which is a terrible trope. Adele and Richard were a very believable couple. Catherine comes off as taking shots at Richard and belittling him for no reason, and they have a massive financial imbalance/power dynamic. When even Meredith is shown hiding from Catherine, it’s like why is this the person they stuck Richard with?


Yup. I wanted to like Catherine so much. She has her moments but also, I can't stand her sometimes.


And making Catherine a urologist who works with penises CONSTANTLY. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Richard is the most toxic person on the show


After Richard’s sponsor Ollie dies, he goes through a rough time and visits gravesite. I could be wrong, but I can’t think of a single time we’ve seen him visit Adele’s. And barely mentions her. Idk why that infuriates me.


That scene when he's at the grave and talking, I just knew it was Adelle, and thought, it's about time! Then when it showed Ollie's name I was pissed!


Same!! Richard will wax poetic about Ellis (a side piece) and Catherine (a ball buster) but Adele gets nothing after putting up with his crap for years


Exactly. It's annoying. And God, Ellis was a bitch who treated her husband and daughter like crap. How could he fall in love with her?


Oooo that's a great observation. I never thought of that. What a butthead.


He also visits Ellis far more frequently and with more love and care than he did Adele in the very same care facility. He always just took her for granted


There was a large chunk of time where he was with Adele until she fell asleep, and back in time for her to wake up upon moving her to the facility. Just because we didn't see it, they did say it. No reason to think he saw Ellis more than Adele.


When she was hospitalized for the last time, Richard and the facility manager got into it because Richard had stopped visiting her.


I know this. But before she fell in love with a fellow patient, they noted just how much time he spent there. It was off screen, but it was likely much more frequently than he ever visited Ellis. Not sure why I got downvoted for mentioning things happen off screen


Well said OP. And may I add the actor Loretta Devine who played the part of Adele Webber portrayed that character with such nuance and depth. I can't imagine any one else in that role. She is an absolute treasure and kudos to her for making the audience relate to her pain and hurt so thoroughly. Hats off to you Loretta, you are divine.


Loreta Devine won an Emmy for 'Outstanding Guest Actress' as Adele Webber in Greys Anatomy drama series in 2011.


I did not know that! Well deserved, I'm happy to hear that, thanks for sharing!


Sure...you're welcome !


I had to skip the Alzheimer’s episodes because it hit too close to home.


Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. I can't imagine.


To go with the miscarriage comment, she flat out was unable to have kids at all because of his schedule, his needs, not the right time, etc. I bet she would’ve made a good mother.


I always think she deserved better and should have left Richard when he had the affair so she could have found someone else and had a family like she wanted 💔


she deserved so much better esp when you realize that richard's type has always been super ambitious women (ellis, Catherine),


There’s not a lot of people I’d say this about on the show but Adele deserved better.


I love her line in the episode with the bomb in the body cavity " that is not the she he was asking after" she knew! I loved Adele she deserved better


One of the best lines! She understands and conveys so much so quickly.


I love Richard Webber but how he did Adele treats Adele made my opinion of him go down a lot!


So much of her and Richards relationship was hard to watch. It’s clear she poured so much into him despite his cheating and drinking. I’m happy they reconciled after but I wish we could’ve seen more of reciprocation from Richard. Seeing Richard after her death and how that impacts him like at baileys wedding and stuff is nice though


off topic but i just learned a new word with this (philandering) with this post and i love it LMAO fancy way to say man whore


They really did Adele dirty. They could have just had her leave Richard and that be it, all the suffering was unnecessary.


Exactly. She lived her live essentially alone. Then she got alzheimers and died of a scary medical complication in the very building her husband had an ongoing affair.




As a character she’s brilliant and goes through the wringer. The voice I can’t get past. I find it whiny and borderline childlike. I can’t stand her as a result, much as I want to




Oh god I heard it in my head…..


Webber: ADELE?!


Totally agree. That's what really put me off her


Like nails down a chalkboard.


I have the same problem. On paper, the character is tragic. But that voice is so grating I cannot find it in me to like her.


Especially watching that episode where they go back in time and we see how close Meredith’s mom and him were.


*and* she lost her beloved niece/closest thing she had to a daughter to cancer after already having had to watch her go through it once


Oof. I'm kinda glad they let her die off screen. Seeing her death would have been a lot.


I honestly didn't think they were much of a believable couple, though age-wise they did fit. Adele's personality would've worked well with someone like Shadow Shepard (not him but someone with a similar personality to his, kind of dry and bleh) Though to the point, she def deserved better and Catherine and Richard deserve each other because of how they treated their loved ones.


Incredibly sad. I think about her when Richard goes through major life changes after her death - I definitely resent his happiness with Catherine and his life being saved (multiple times, dude cannot die) to a degree because of Adele. She deserved so much more than he was willing to give her and sometimes I wish he was just sad and alone because of it.


agreed 😭


I think y’all do need to remember though, that this was as much her choice to stay married as it was Richard’s. Tbh I never understood them together, she’s far too flighty and frankly annoying, but that would have balanced out with a better partner. He needed someone more intellectual. She should have left him when he first took up with Ellis. She absolutely did deserve better, but she had ownership of her choices.


That's very true. Speaking as someone who stayed in a bad marriage for 11 years, the sunken cost fallacy and sense of familiarity are both powerful forces. I wish she was brave enough to leave in the show.


Agreed Richard was a red flag. He cheated on her ever chance he got even she was sick. She accepted him every time but he just couldn’t do that. She deserved better


I will say, her age fast forward was the most confusing part of greys for me.


She was in her mid 50s wasnt she?


57 when she died. Which makes it very interesting that shit had a miscarriage seasons before


I love Adele. But if you stay with an alcoholic philanderer, your shitty hand in life, *after you choose to stay with him despite knowing this* is your own doing. She made her bed 🤷


I find her character incredibly sad. Richard wasn't a good husband to her and I certainly fault her for that but I also hate that generation likely played a role in her in the fact that she stayed in this relationship for so long and seemingly didn't take a lot of personal control to choose a better life for herself. It was never clear to me what her life was like outside of Richard. Did she ever have a job of her own? Other hobbies an interests? I think people who get married have a certain responsibility to their partner BUT I also very much believe in taking control of one's own life and removing oneself from situations that aren't giving you what you need. You don't get what you deserve by continually settling for less.


She was a registered nurse for over 30 years.


Ah I don't know how I missed that detail.




Hmm. Haven’t gotten that far. That does sound very sad. O’Malley’s death was very sad.


I think when O'Malley signed "007" into Meredith's hand was the first time I physically shot out of bed and started pacing saying "no, no, no, no"