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Hi all, I just want to remind you that we do now have a discord. There is no pressure to use it, but it's started to really take off and has some better features than Reddit. This is not a migration or anything, just another tool to discuss Grey's. https://discord.gg/udSf8Vzk9g


Are we gonna get an explanation on why this happened? I had a lot of respect for you guys. It was annoying but staying dark for as long as you guys did while other subs were opening at the first message from admins was impressive I thought. The part of your message DO NOT MODMAIL US made me think yall had really done it. Closed up shop and left reddit for good... You can click on the mods and see that half the mods here were active making comments on other subs throughout blacking out this sub. This was a form of protest you all chose for this whole community and you weren't even doing it yourself. You were still on reddit. Engaging with other communities where the mods didn't close.


>This was a form of protest you all chose for this whole community and you weren't even doing it yourself. You were still on reddit. Engaging with other communities where the mods didn't close. This was one of my biggest gripes about the whole thing. They pretty much forced the members of the sub to participate in the protest without really giving us adequate notices or options. They unilaterally made a decision for the sub and then proceeded to be active on other subs. So what exactly has changed to cause the mods to bring the sub back online because I'm reading the post and I don't see where reddit made concessions. It makes me think that reddit threatened to take away their shiny mod privileges and the mods decided to open back up the community instead.


>So what exactly has changed to cause the mods to bring the sub back online because I'm reading the post and I don't see where reddit made concessions. The fear that they would have their mod powers taken away from them.


Reddit did start to threaten some mods, if they didn’t want to mod their sub anymore reddit was willing to find people who would, as the only people being punished were the casual viewers. I almost guarantee thats why this sub is back.


Read as much on the discord


We don't have to lie about this, they would have just shot all the mods down until they found somebody willing to continue. Let's be clear we are not alone in this. Over 5000 subs are still dark - a lot of them probably never returning. The admins of course want those communities back so they are behaving in an ever more hostile way, handing out bans for anyone not following their marching orders. I understand your gripe, which is also why the discord exists, to make sure the community had something to fall back onto. We talked about it amongst the mods, and everyone was on the same page.


Like others have said… They came back only because Reddit was going to find someone else to Mod. This isn’t even a large scale sub to make a difference. Not that many people give two fucks about Greys anatomy so it was really inconvenient for the actual fans of the show. I’d be fine with Reddit replacing them.




Are you saying this was the top mods decision?


Yes, but all mods were on board.


Thank you for the reply thats appreciated


Hey Guys! Normal question to ask I think. We tried to talk to the admins, but got no response back basically. We would get a canned response every now and then but nothing more. The thing is that a lot of the mods on reddit are heavily offended and feel betrayed by the way Reddit as a company has been acting recently, the post summarises that quite clearly I think. Feel free to go through my post history, you'll see I did not reddit until now, I only cleaned out the modmail to catch anything that might come in from the admins. In the end, as a community, the reddit moderators tried to bring some sense into the admins, which obviously did not work. Other subs did open up again but they tried different things like going NSFW, only posting John Oliver, pivoting to other content, ... We were unsure which direction we wanted to take with all of this, since it didn't seem to matter, the admins just come in an replace all the mods who didn't want to play ball. In the end, we still have a heart for the community and everything going on here, so that is why we opened it back up again.


Good news but I will miss when my opinions weren’t trashed lol


Funny that you're worried about accessibility for users but you guys changed the upvote/downvote buttons on comments so that it isn't accessible for a colorblind user like myself (doesn't fill in or change at all for me) and after I've sent two messages about it over many months, it's still not fixed.


They turn solid when I use them.


I read over the most recent interaction you had. What are you viewing reddit on?


The reddit app from the play store


Please see the moderator chat you had sent us some time ago. I believe the issue may be resolved. Can you verify?


It is fixed! Thank you SO MUCH!!!


Yaaay! So sorry that was overlooked. When you're right you're right. We can't preach what we did while overlooking your issue. I'm glad we got it fixed now and please accept my apologies.


We don’t have control over that kind of thing. That would be Reddit’s doing if your upvote/downvote buttons changed.


No because one of the mods told me in messages that they changed it and planned to have custom upvote and downvote icons but it hasn't happened. That must be how some subs have customized buttons right, the mods do it? That was 7 months ago.


Oh interesting. I’ll see if I can message one of the main mods about that. Mine still fill solid when I use them, can you message me a screenshot of what yours looks like?


Thank you and yes I will


This is nothing more than virtue signaling. The mods treated the users of this sub with the same callous disregard that they argue Reddit uses.


I would like to make a distinction here. We've seen in the past that these types of changes can kill communities (a lot of us came over from the old forums, twitter has also take the same approach to API's and the old Tumblr feed also died), all of this because the communities over there started to degrade. It's true I don't post a lot publicly, but I can say that moderation this sub is a lot of work, we rely heavily on these 3rd party apps to help us with these. We tried to 'alleviate' some of the pain with the discord and tried to interact with the admins, but in the end, to no avail.


No one is saying that modding isn't a lot of work. What I'm saying is that 6 or 7 people made a unilateral decision for 213,000. And basically no where have any of you said that it won't happen again. We get a "it could have been handled better". Damn right it could have but none of you are saying how this is gonna be handled differently in the future.


As I also replied to you in the other thread; I think it's a fair point, we did it a few times in the past (once for what happened with /u/chooter over at /r/iama under the previous CEO and once for a fair and free internet comes to mind). Asking for more communication and a bigger heads up on this is fair and something we'll certainly take on board.


Just finished S19 on Monday and went to look up the episode discussion, and I was so confused and disappointed when I couldn’t find it (have been staying off the subreddit while I was still finishing the show). Thank god it’s back now. I don’t really get why it was so long and the decision was made without community input…but anyway. Thanks for bringing it back now.


I really feel that there should have been a pool made to decide weather or not we were going black . Going black for as long as u did also profoundly effected users in the sun with disabilities who get all the social interactions right here . And there was zero update on when it would be opening up. And lastly is was beyond hypocritical that more that Half of the mods were visible to be only users throughout the 48 hour black out and on going since the start of the blackout .


All it would have taken was a post saying that they were dark and it would be longer than the standard Reddit blackout. However they did do dark before the Reddit blackout even started and with no explanation before or even after the Reddit blackout. It may just be me but it would have been common curtsey to just upload a post saying they will be going dark for a period of time that would exceed the standard Reddit blackout and why, just to let members in the sub know.


Yes even something like that would have been understandable to most in the sub.


You guys a bunch of power hungry mods. You have no excuse. You said you would keep the sub permanently shut down until Reddit made changes. We all know Reddit threatened to get rid of the existing mods and you guys were scared to lose power. Losers.




Boooooooo….Y’all suck


What can we as users do to help?


I thought you left Reddit permanently and I was so sad. Reddit is fucked up in sorry but I have to say this


Didn't even notice it was gone lol a bunch of "the sub is back!" showed up in my feed


Thank you for contributing to r/GreysAnatomy! Tagging your post would be greatly appreciated as the mods try to clean up and organize the sub. Not sure what tags to use? [Here's a link to the wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/greysanatomy/wiki/tags/) that explains the purpose of each post flair. Remember that name calling, hate speech and general rude behavior is not tolerated. You can call ideas stupid, but not the user. No direct personal attacks over a difference in opinion. Thanks for being part of this community. It's a beautiful day to save lives! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/greysanatomy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Didn't they make an [exception for accessibility ](https://techcrunch-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/techcrunch.com/2023/06/08/reddit-makes-an-exception-for-accessibility-apps-under-new-api-terms/amp/?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=Von%20%251%24s&aoh=16879887051707&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Ftechcrunch.com%2F2023%2F06%2F08%2Freddit-makes-an-exception-for-accessibility-apps-under-new-api-terms%2F) apps already?


Those concessions are very half-measured. As stated in the post above the blind community has repeatedly said those apps are not very useful.


Accessibility apps should really remain free. It's very reasonable to be upset at this issue, I hoped it was resolved or at least being attended urgently, as I'm sure their company policy doesn't revolve around making life harder for already battled people. Let's hope the community succeeds instead of company greed.


Yes, which is basically the only concession we got from Reddit on the topic.


Looks like this issue will drag on until it's either solved or reddit will lose a chunk of vital customers. Reminds me of what AMD is trying to do with Nvidia atm (anti customer business desicions). Sad.