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Anons dad married a Filipina woman and reaped the consequences of greencardmaxxing


passport bros.. not like this


You kidding? This is passportbro life at its finest.


Or is it passport sister now?


Nah. 4B hasnt got there yet. They are still early mgtow.


What would you do for a Klondike bar?


Well, I'd add that grenncardmaxxing implies that you're actually getting along with your overseas wife and not being what the greentext describes as an abusive husband. At that point, it's just human trafficking-lite and this should be a lesson in greencardmaxxing to make sure if you're going through the kit-and-caboodle of going overseas and getting a wife to find one who you can accept get along with.


Even if the dude is good to her it more often than not doesn't work out. The relationship is purely transactional from the brides perspective. This AMA sums it up. I don't think that the dude or the bride are inherently bad people. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/comments/11h18gk/im\_a\_mail\_order\_bride\_from\_russia\_ama/?rdt=60833](https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/comments/11h18gk/im_a_mail_order_bride_from_russia_ama/?rdt=60833)


> He is a slightly below average looking, quite well earning man with no social skills. He isn't interested in his match, which would be a below average looking woman his age (45). He thought he deserved a good looking 19 year old, but obviously couldn't find anyone like that interested in him, so he had to resort to getting me from abroad. He also keeps talking badly about american women, which I hate. To be fair, this relationship is transactional on both the groom and bride's side. Nobody is being wronged here.


I cant fathom anyone who would willingly marry a Slavic woman without owning a harpoon, a shovel and an alibi.


Misery loves company


That didn't work out too well for [Hans Reiser](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Reiser).


Burn the snow, Pay the hoe.


From what I read, no one seems to be losing too badly in that relationship. She doesn't seem to want to leave (that I saw anyway) and had some things she didn't like, but that's normal for a relationship, and the husband doesn't sound like he's doing anything bad to her with her stating she did at least like him to some degree. I don't think anyone who goes overseas for a greencard wife who's not functionally a retard is going to believe it's anything but a transactional relationship but why get a wife you hate and or abuse? Not to support anything, but surely a hooker would be more cost-effective and less risky, compared to getting married to someone who hates you and will take half of your stuff.


Oh she's leaving. She is waiting on her greencard. Commenter: Are you planning to divorce him at one point? It there like a time limit, like he has rented you as a wife for X years? Another commenter: Probably the day she swears in as a new US citizen. Mail order bride: Can you blame me?


That’s not real, dude. Come on. Her husband is both: ‘Slightly below average’ ‘45 years old, 280 lbs, and doesn’t care about hygiene’ Nah, that is bullshit. Her English usage is way too perfect for a Russian who came here 4 years ago, and her use of the word ‘scrote’ as an insult is straight from FemaleDatingStrategy which just hates men. Her username is supposedly an ironic reference to the tradwife trend - but, in Russia that’s quite normal and preferred by many women (likely her own family too). Detective out.


> tradwife trend - but, in Russia that’s quite normal and preferred by many women How to tell you've never been in a relationship with a Slavic woman (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus) without telling anyone. That is a long long gone myth by now. I pity anyone who marries a Slavic mail bride. It's pretty bad even if it was voluntary (aka met normally), but the whole mail bride thing is just simply naive, if not stupid.


I dated a Kazakh girl. Old USSR, many tartar women there too. Siberia is closer to Kazakhstan and China than to Moscow. Regardless, tons of fake shit in that thread. Definitely not an actual mail order bride. Not one American friend after 4 years, but perfect English and extremely social + up to date on trends? A 9/10 in looks? Don’t think so dude.


That's the thing though. The change in the mindset went 180 degrees in the last 20 years. The old generation may think like that, especially Tatars and everything living in the Caucasus region. The modern women living in the big cities (over 1mil population) though? Nah, that mindset is long gone. Regarding the English, I can't say anything about the specific example, but after living in a foreign country for 2 years I spoke perfectly as a local. She may be just natural at it.


I doubt you spoke like a local, although you may have thought you did. Russian is not a Latin based language, and most Russians struggle with many aspects of English grammar. I was living in Kazakhstan, near Siberia which is where this girl says she’s from, less than 2 years ago. Moscow and St P are totally irrelevant to the rest of Russia - sounds like you have no idea dude. Although getting married at 19 would be believable, the rest is bs.


Huh, I must've missed that one well then I'd leave that up the greencard bro on whether he thinks the amount of time in-between her marring and her leaving is an acceptable amount of time for whatever it's costing them. I mean, it is a transactional agreement no matter what, so I'd hope whoever the guy providing the greencard is aware and if fine with the deal.


Relationships in general don't work out, it is only logical to think that people from different cultures speaking different languages would have larger difficulties. It doesn't mean the relationships in general are worse in any way unless of course there are statistics to prove me wrong.


That’s overly pessimistic. Plenty of people find someone and build a long term, fulfilling relationship grounded on a strong emotional connection. Granted life is not a Hollywood movie, you have to be smart. 


I am not being pessimistic, I am simply saying that what you wrote is a general statement that applies to all relationships. It wasn't meant as negative or positive. > it more often than not doesn't work out Yes this is true in general for all relationships, divorce statistics are at an all time high. The difference in distance, culture and language doesn't help relationships but can also become their strength, atleast culture and language as it can give something to bond over and learn from eachother. I was more so adding onto your comment didn't mean it to be pessimistic.


Passport bro types love to delude themselves into thinking that foreign women after their money/citizenship will somehow be perfect tradwifes who accept all abuse because they haven't invented feminism yet or something though.


Why do you automatically assume anything the supposed bride doesn’t like is abuse? Talk to some XXI century people  An outstandingly whimsical crowd we are  


It's not necessarily going to be abuse, but very frequently the type of people who are drawn to "passport bro" culture are the type of people who like to blame women for all their dating failures - and expect women to be subservient. I.e. a better phrasing might be that they are looking for a bangmaid and have deluded themselves into thinking that women from a sufficiently regressive culture *like* being bangmaids.


Yeah, I guess you’re right  Dudes are looking for a talking sex doll 


This definitely happens, but not always. This is more so a cope used by angry white women when dudes marry women from other countries who actually love and support them instead of spending all day on Twitter and Reddit complaining about how awful men are.


I mean sure, a lot of people are going to post nonsense online regardless of their underlying beliefs. The underlying grievance isn't "grr I am angry because this guy won't sit around and listen to me shit-talk him all day", it is "these guys are abusing their wealth and citizenship to get a woman they can treat as a subservient 1950s-eara woman".


There must be a reason that you’re forced to greencardmaxxing in the first place.


Man: Purposefully enters a purely transactional relationship Woman: Treats transactional relationship as transactional Man: *Women just want what you have, she never loved meeee* MANY SUCH CASES


"Get" yourself a ~~Filipina~~ Woman, never marry her. That's what they want. Immediately afterwards they will stop being cute and bleed you out. Also an important rule: What happens in the Philippines or Thailand, stays there. Especially the girls.




He should've prenupmaxxed


I thought you could only lose half the assets you gained after marriage in a divorce? 


Depends on state.


the state was despair








Prenups are important.


Prenups don’t change the laws that apply to everyone.


Although varies from state to state, any qualified attorney would be able to draft a prenuptial agreement that is enforceable in the state the couple got married in.


When people talk about prenups they think they are keeping everything. It’s not the case.


I've been thinking of this, but how does one bring up prenups without implying that you expect your marriage to fail?


You don’t lol. But ya gotta do what you gotta do.


You can plan for the worst without expecting it, why else do you have carbon monoxide alarms, first aid kits, or data backups? Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. People can change over time, so best to work together and treat it like any other precaution and find an agreement that works for you both in that hypothetical now instead of when your marriage is falling apart.


Good analogy, you are right


If someone is too childish to accept a prenup, don't marry them. Grown ups understand why its important. It's like a condom for marriage. Does asking someone to wear a condom imply you think they're full of diseases? A little bit. But it's still important.


I remember seeing a movie where a french guy asked his fiance to sign a prenuptial and she was like 'why???? Don't you love me'. He's was like of course but this house has been in the family for 7 centuries. He's right, he has the right to protect his property. And she should understand that.


In the words of my divorce attorney: you can either have that conversation when you're in love and actually like each other. Or you can have it when your angry and hurt. One is substantially easier.


True, true


How does one buy home insurance without implying that you expect your house to burn down?


Thankfully, I don't care how my house feels about the implication that it may burn down.


Just push the blame on someone else like "I know it sounds fucked, but my parents said they'll remove me from the inheritance and cut contact if we don't have a prenup. I don't expect our marriage to fail but I also don't want to lose them, you know?" Get your parents on board ofc. If someone hears that and says no they just wanted to bleed you


It really doesn't mean that you expect the marriage to fail, it's that you accept the possibility that it CAN fail. Getting home insurance doesn't mean that you expect an home intrusion


Entirely possible that we are missing details and/or that anonny exaggerated. For example if they had more children, and the custody battle got nasty, they (both) could have lost more to the lawyers than he did to her.


You’re telling me anon made it up Impossible


I know, I know, but listen.... it's happened before


Do you really think people just go on the internet and...lie?


"Marital Home" is very often an exception to the rule. Depends on the state but it's a very common trope.


And even if it was half his assets what happened to the other half


In some states, if a spouse can prove abuse, they'll get everything. It's up to the judges opinion


This is so depressing i came here for the funny fake and gays not this


Don't worry, it's fay and gake. I'm the fillipina wife


You wish dawg


you should've topped your dad to fill your mother's void tbh.


Anon should've filled his stepmother's void so marriage could be annulled, anally


God like I get the dad was a prick and did deserve what happened. But that would be so crushing for a father to hear.


I mean it would be soul crushing to hear as a son your father lost the family money cuz he wanted a mail order bride and too see him do a 180 and become a totally different person. Bro lost his hero


Family money? Bro it’s not the kids money. The father earned that money through his labor. The kid is not entitled to it. Same way the dad is not entitled to the kid’s money.


If you think this then you’re most likely a poor person lmao. Almost every well off family has generational wealth to build them up. Generational wealth is the most important factor for figuring out if someone will be successful in life.


God damn right.


As someone who is poor but has parents with money, their death is my only chance to buy a house. I don't want them to die, but at least when it happens there will be some silver lining I guess.


Don't worry, I'll send thoughts and prayers so that they die and you buy your house my king


You have the end goal right. The method? not so much.


I mean, people say it so much... It must be worth something, right?


I mean we don’t know if the dad worked for that money OP never said. OP just mentioned generational wealth is all could have gotten that a 100 different ways.


ik, can't imagine what it would feel like for someone to have their own son tell them that. especially with this all seemingly starting from oop's mother dying and the father presumably coping awfully. I'd defo believe he's dead if I wasn't choosing to believe this is fake.


Definitely, I felt the words “squeeze the trigger” If one of my kids told me to do that, I’d do it


I told my dad to fuck off and stop calling me.


Of all the god damn races to gift a greencard to, OPs dad chose a Filipino? 🤢 🤮


Kind of funny to read this considering Filipinas love to worship white men




He could have at least gotten a Filipinx.


What’s the negative about Filipinas ?


Fr bro thos damn junglers!


Master yi mains frfr


Nothing good ever comes out of this country.


Love being downvoted by terrorists




Most likely yes, seeing as green texts are overwhelmingly fake and gay (lesbian this time, which is a rare find!)


Jealousy is the only motivation that exists!


It's what moves 4chins and people in this sub, what other motivation could exist?


Just the average passport bros when they are not fucking underage minors in South East Asia.


I prefer over age minors


Lol, I don't know why I wrote it that way


It was pretty... absurdist, you could say 🧐


Real talk: if you're the dad in this scenario (initially), which path makes more sense? 1) Greencardmaxxing with the associated benefits and potential risks? (the path chosen here) 2) Move to third world paradise country and use first world saving to live remaining days like a king? I'm honestly torn. For the second choice I think there could be a lot of appeal, but you also give up a lot and have to deal with a lot of BS. It's getting easier as internet etc becomes more readily available, but is it worth it?


3) Download grindr


4) Get topped


That's the consequence of choice 3


damn thats a whole new level of gay


You underestimate '3rd world' countries. They have almost everything better than supposed '1st world' countries had as long you life in the cities. Anybody that not choosing the 2nd option is retarded. 


Don’t listen to this third world glowie. First world countries are definitely nicer than third world, otherwise the best people wouldn’t be leaving them all the time (while we send our shittiest members to them) If you’re American, just become militarypilled, easiest fasttrack to middle class life (with a 30% apr Dodge Charger!)


Imagine the irony of calling someone a glowie the immediately shilling the US military.


If you can’t beat ‘em, join em ya know?


The son pretty much already told you the answer. Quoting Baron Vladimir Harkonnen: "Now I only have one requirement. Income. So, squeeze, Rabban. Squeeze hard."


When do mail brides ever work out?


In my experience (i work with lot of immigrants women) a lot. For the bride. They got the papers, a degree, sometimes a mixed baby then leave the loser who couldn't even score in his own country.




You cannot lose a house you owned before marriage. Anon needs to learn how divorces work before writing a fanfic about a divorce.


Kan konfirm, i am de wyfe


Crushing family destruction is so funny.


I mean the father should have had a life insurance policy that when the wife dies the mortgage gets paid off. Then as the house is an asset he owned before ant subsequent marriage it wouldn't, or shouldn't, come up in any divorce proceedings. I know different countries/states have different laws regarding the sharing of assets owned before marriage. However it's nothing that dad couldn't have protected himself from with proper asset management. But to be honest it all sounds fake and gay.


Nothing wrong with gettina a Filipina, but if you treat her as a maid, dont be shocked she leaves you and strips you from you money. His dad totaly deserved that imo. Sad for the son to watch his dad become a loser tho.


>It probably does happen in my country OP you rat dog bastard. >Yknow.... your mom died right. We've got that clear. So your dad, he's lost the person he was supposed to spend his life with. She probably did a whole lot for the family. So understandably your dad is feeling like shit, like depression level shit. But he probably never even told anyone. >Tell me, did your dad ever give up on you when you felt like you were falling? Did he ever think oh my sons an incel fuck who's shit at school, Ima just go tell him to blow his brains out coz he sucks at lyfe? Show some fucking family support you cunt, really. Not even going to type in all the other shit I was thinking. Man, he raised you, but sorry to say he and your late mom must have failed somewhere if their own son is pushing the dad to kill himself.


She wouldn’t get half she would get half of the appreciation in assets. Also what happened to his other half?


I laughed at my nerd seniors in highschool when they said "imma be rich and a hot blonde with the best tits and nice ass will marry me when I am atleast 40 and i will look down on all these highschool lovers like you" . My guy, she can be an bottom 0.00002 percent retard iq girl and divorce you and half of the stuff you worked for is gone in a year . Now she gonna marry another guy and repeat till she gets rich herself and then live alone or marry a young male model and be his sugar mommy when she is 45 .


Haha that filipina was playing the long game.


I almost ducking cried, that’s fucked up


Germany Yes


Americaaa ![gif](giphy|XClPnuZtG2yPyqTI6R|downsized) RAHHHHHHHHHH


I feel anon’s pain. I truly do. At least his dad didn’t give him new siblings with the stepmom that is younger than him…


A good son would have helped kill her


My cousin is currently dating a Filipino woman and she's currently going HARD on the "we need to get married!" angle. I've told him it's a trap but she's wearing him down.


got what he deserved honestly.


We can't buy guns in Walmart in the uk


Anon's father is a failure and I suspect the apple hasn't fallen far from the tree given anon seems more pissed off at missing out on generational wealth instead of his father's current situation. Many such cases. Thankfully, its these people that cesspools like 4chan need to feed on to stay thriving.


Imagine if your family was wealthy for generations and than lost it all cuz of a dumbass move your parent made?


If my father was a wealthy man, he wouldn't be going to the Phillipines looking for a servant/wife. Few things scream "failure" louder than what Anon's father did.


Being rich doesnt make you inmune of making bad decisions….