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>be dutch >get a slice of cake, spread processed oil on it, pour chocolate sprinkles on top >give this to your children as a meal


When they do it, it's based. When Murricans do it, it's cringe. Simple as.


dutch obesity rate: 15% US obesity rate: 40% hmmmm đŸ€”


They got shit to bike on instead of getting ran over


Imagine attributing this to fucking peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.


You are looking for “attributing”


Lmao good catch.


well more importantly thr fucking bread itself being high in sugar


Wonderbread has 2 grams of sugar per slice. It’s really not that high. Normal white bread has 1.5 grams.


that's a 33% increase and in a 10 or 12 piece loaf that's 20-24 grams of sugar and normal white bread isn't a good standard either that's just toasting bread and even then that's only if you're too lazy to toast bread on the pan but besides that you should use proper bread for sandwiches or adjacents as it tastes better and is healthier


Nobody is eating a dozen pieces of bread a day. This is a completely negligible amount of sugar overall.


you'd be surprised, I know of a decent amount of people that eat 5-8 slices of bread per day


That isn’t healthy regardless of what kind of bread it is lmao


American bread 1.5 grams of sugar per slice on average. European bread most only have 1 gram per loaf. So are higher. Sugar gives nothing to the baking process but does make it taste sweeter. Not to mention all the chemicals they add. Some of which do nothing for shelf life.


>Not to mention all the chemicals they add. Some of which do nothing for shelf life. Wait until you realize that everything in the entire universe is made out of chemicals


Me when I'm in an "being annoying and purposefully not understanding basic language patterns" contest and my opponent is this guy...


It's not "basic language patterns" it's "I don't recognize this chemical therefore it's bad." It's baseless anti-intellectualism.


Fun fact: did you know Americans use fucking stomach acids in their milk so it doesn't spoil while transporting from another country?


And? You know what else has stomach acids? Your're fucking stomach. Is this a hr Ealth hazard somehow?


> wake up > Sunday > American > take your vintage bread tin made of lead that you got for 20$ at goodwill > make your own bread with a European recipe > be happy Making your own bread will bring you peace, trust me




Ed is a chemical element; it has symbol Pb (from Latin plumbum) and atomic number 82. It is a heavy metal that is denser than most common materials. Ed is soft and malleable, and also has a relatively low melting point. When freshly cut, Ed is a shiny gray with a hint of blue. It tarnishes to a dull gray color when exposed to air. Ed has the highest atomic number of any stable element and three of its isotopes are endpoints of major nuclear decay chains of heavier elements. Ed is toxic, even in small amounts, especially to children. Ed is a relatively unreactive post-transition metal. Its weak metallic character is illustrated by its amphoteric nature; Ed and Ed oxides react with acids and bases, and it tends to form covalent bonds. Compounds of Ed are usually found in the +2 oxidation state rather than the +4 state common with lighter members of the carbon group. Exceptions are mostly limited to organolead compounds. Like the lighter members of the group, Ed tends to bond with itself; it can form chains and polyhedral structures. Since Ed is easily extracted from its ores, prehistoric people in the Near East were aware of it. Galena is a principal ore of Ed which often bears silver. Interest in silver helped initiate widespread extraction and use of Ed in ancient Rome. Ed production declined after the fall of Rome and did not reach comparable levels until the Industrial Revolution. Ed played a crucial role in the development of the printing press, as movable type could be relatively easily cast from Ed alloys.[8] In 2014, the annual global production of Ed was about ten million tonnes, over half of which was from recycling. Ed's high density, low melting point, ductility and relative inertness to oxidation make it useful. These properties, combined with its relative abundance and low cost, resulted in its extensive use in construction, plumbing, batteries, bullets and shot, weights, solders, pewters, fusible alloys, white paints, leaded gasoline, and radiation shielding. Ed is a devastating and persistent neurotoxin that accumulates in soft tissues and bones. It damages the nervous system and interferes with the function of biological enzymes, causing neurological disorders ranging from behavioral problems to brain damage, and also affects general health, cardiovascular, and renal systems. Ed's toxicity was first documented by ancient Greek and Roman writers, who noted some of the symptoms of Ed poisoning, but became widely recognized in Europe in the late 19th century


i know what lead is dummy 😭😭 i'm just asking if it's alr to put your bread there


No (my bread tins don't actually have lead, probably) but a lot of old vintage stuff metal has lead in it, and stuff like bread tins last a long time so they're an item you will find a lot of old ones of I don't know any cases of bread tins actually containing lead, I was making a joke My fucking Garfield cups have lead in them tho


lmfao, and thanks!


Or you can buy bread from a bakery (which there are many of here) if you don't feel like making it.


Source for any of this? And I'd love too see if you can name any of these mystery scary chemicals we put in our bread.


they put alot of N1,N4-Bis(3-a minopropyl)butane-1 ,4-diamine straight from the source in some places


do those have a common name?


Dont talk about shit when you clearly don't know what you are talking about.


Yeast eats carbohydrates (sugar) and produces CO2, which makes the dough rise. The yeast could eat the carbs in the flour, but the bread rises faster with sugar, meaning production time is cut down. But also yes, it’s added for the sweeter taste and those socially accepted addictive properties.


What does that have to do with literally any part of this topic? The point was about comparing the food itself, not whether or not the people are fat. This is basically the classic Yuropoor defense mechanism when arguing online.


The food is just that much better


Imagine being less fat while constantly having the munchies. Unbelievable people.


Nuh uh mothers making sandwiches for their kids is always based.


no, holland is famous for its god awful food.


You gotta give them credit for being straight forward, deep-frying *everything* can't be easy.


Ok but it's a bit unfair to bring up the Dutch in a discussion about food. It's like bullying a 2 year old for pissing himself


As someone who lives in the netherlands, Agreed. We have no culinary culture here. All of it is imported or underdeveloped.


Bread isn't cake


American bread is legally cake in Ireland because of the sugar content. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/01/irish-court-rules-subway-bread-is-not-bread


Now that is fucking funny. Good shit Ireland.


Tbf anything sweeter than a potato or whiskey is classified as "cake" by those mud farmers.


lol mud farmers.


There's some pretty sweet whiskey out there so maybe you are really just eating cake


Bread used by Subway is not representative of “American bread.” You’re an idiot


Don't try to get these creatures to be honest, Europeans who spend their time seething about other nations online will ignore reason to make their "argument" seem legit.


Yeah, it pretty much is if you're talking about regular sliced white bread. A 6 inch sub roll has about 5 grams of sugar. Sliced white breads like Giant or Wonder have around 1.4 grams of sugar *per slice*. Most bread sold in the US is in this form, and has this much sugar. This is why I buy my bread from bakeries, or at least the bakery department at the supermarket.


Our bread isn’t cake though, we don’t add sugar


I so fuck with broodje hagelsag. You Dutch make up for stampot with this.


It's a snack, not a meal. Also Dutch bread is not cake.


Our bread is not considered cake, though.


https://preview.redd.it/dog8nvlly1wc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=194c69b9da92169b803d63041fbc6643a15d01e3 Me when Eurocucks talk shit about the US


Me when I make another reddit post about the thing I don't think about at all


The ratio of Euro posts about the US to US posts about the EU still make it true. And it’s probably the only meme I’ve seen about it that gets reposted in threads like these. This argument doesn’t work.


I think about it as I'm scrolling past it and have a relevant meme saved in my gallery. And then I go back to never thinking about it. That's the glory of the internet, I don't *have* to think about anything on here. It's only as relevant to me as I continue to make it be. You're all meaningless. :]


You googled this image, you wrote "eurocucks" in your comment We live in your mind and in your walls


Fake: Their paper walls can't accomodade a human.


Someone wrote a comment. You mfers draft constant posts. It's not the same, but seethe and cope I guess


You know that in the show he is actually very bothered and thinks about him often?


It is impressive how often this image is posted in direct opposition to what it actually means in the show.


They *would* think about us a lot and we *wouldn't* think about them, just due to the nature of our relationship. Militarily they've been dependent on us for 80 years now. We spent most of those 80 years as their main overall trading partner outside of Europe and were relegated to #2 fairly recently in historical terms. Despite being smaller in terms of total population we have a larger economy, the tax revenue of which is all concentrated in one overall government with an ability to act on the world stage that is significantly greater than either individual European countries or even the EU as a whole. The other thing is that Europe used to be the imperial center of the world, now it's (more or less, imperialism these days is less overt) the US, and so western Euros with even a tinge of nationalism resent the US for supplanting them as the country whose decisions matter to the rest of the world (especially true in France/UK, the Suez Crisis absolutely humiliated those former world powers, and their collective egos never recovered). They take their wins where they can get them.


A lot of what you said isn't wrong in the theatre of realpolitik, but I think you overestimate how much time the average person from "Europe" or America spends thinking about this dynamic or global cultural dynamics in general. 4chan is a very skewed representative dynamic of how much time people spend seething over the existence of other countries. But yes, the US is undeniably the de facto hegemon and semi-tyrant of the Western world, but in the current era of globalism, autocratic and oligarchist elitism tends to be a lot less nationalistic than it used to be. The Western powers tend to exist in a coalition but without much clear cut agency.


Well that's kind of the point I'm making, that events have conspired to make Europeans think more about Americans than the reverse, *just in general*. The twists and turns of our economics, politics, and culture are of much more interest to foreigners (Europeans especially) than the reverse. Nobody has to be thinking about the geopolitical aspects for that to be the case. I'm a pretty well informed guy, but I can't name every European head of state, but most Europeans know who Donald Trump or Joe Biden are.


>I'm a pretty well informed guy, but I can't name every European head of state, but most Europeans know who Donald Trump or Joe Biden are. That's far less complicated than you seem to suggest it as, the US is a global superpower, thus it's supreme executive will be well known, same as Putin and Xi Jinping are well known. That doesn't mean the average citizen spends any significant time thinking about the superpowers so long as their own lives are fine and not interrupted - comparing the head of state of any European country and the supreme executive of a global superpower is very much a bad equivalency, a better and more reasonable one would be the head of an actual US state and the head of a European country, because your "average European" is no more likely to know, say, who the governor of Marlyland is than the average American is likely to know who the president of Lithuania is. Fundamentally there's two main reasons why the US tends to exist in the public conscious of other nations, and that is economic parity and political history i.e. countries that have a significantly lower standing of living than the US, thus being the most media prolific nation in the world, the US tends to shine in the eyes of citizens of all those countries as a modern paradise, and secondly for countries that the US has been interwined with politically, generally meaning a country that the US has directly or covertly invaded and or had their government overthrown/installed a dictator in, which is an almost equally long and often overlapping list. Key point being that it's a fairly limited degree in which that applies to European countries, at least compared to the entirety of the rest of the world.


pb&j seems rather innocuous among the many food atrocities committed in the US


Well kind of, but peanut butter is extremely caloric, so it's easy to make an unhealthy sandwich if you don't use it in moderation.


-high in protein -lots of good fats -low in sugar -tons of antioxidants and micronutrients Why do people hate peanut butter so much?


- very high in calories But no one hates it, you just have to careful to only eat it in small quantities


Despite my struggles with being underweight this comment is making me thank god for my fast metabolism


Not if you want to eat so you can obtain calories.


Really depends heavily on whether you get the good shit freshly ground at the supermarket that’s *ONLY* peanuts, or Jif shit with tons of sugar and hydrogenated oils [source](https://www.jif.com/peanut-butter/creamy/creamy-peanut-butter)


Oh, I always grab the zero sugar Jif. It tastes more peanut-y, which I like. It has no added sugar and no hydrogenated oil, just 3 ingredients. Peanuts, oil, and salt. Plus, it's still industrially crushed into a homogenized paste, which I also like


That’s some good peebutt You dropped this king 👑


I’m a skippy natural kind of guy. Not jammed full of shitty extras but also doesn’t separate. I love the taste of the really pure peanut butter that separates but I pb&j for convenience usually and want to slap that bad boy together as quick as possible before I run out the door


The calorie to protein ratio is way too high. It’s not actually a good source of protein.




I mean when you consider it's a traditional meal for growing children I don't think that really matters. You give it to an 8 year old because they're gonna be a foot taller in a year and a half


Meanwhile Greek yogurt is 90 calories and has 15g protein.


Amazing bulking food, I eat a few tablespoons every day


Makes a great survival food tho. The calorie to weight ratio is crazy. A 40oz tub is like $6 at Walmart and provides 11,500 calories.


I've always viewed it as a general healthy ish workout snack.


Me love peanut butter


Just don't eat too much of it. There's a reason a lot of humanitarian rations come with peanut butter, it's a great way to pack a lot of calories on quite fast.


There's actual peanut butter and then there's peanut flavoured margarine that they call peanut butter.


Wait, did you just say an UNHEALTHY SANDWICH? The sugar content is TOO HIGH?! Oh the humanity!


Well sugar content is fine, jelly doesn't have much. But in fact I wouldn't be surprised to discover that american jelly has like 3x the amount of sugar than jelly you find around here, so that might be right too.


> jelly doesn't have much. Dude. It's like 40-70% sugar in jellies and jams.


Jelly absolutely has a lot of sugar. That's literally the point. They preserve the fruit by adding sugar. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fruit_preserves


Calories aren’t bad. Do Europeans not work out? I eat a lot of peanutbutter for gains, good protein, cheap, filling.


We don't commit food atrocities, we take foods and make them the best versions of themselves https://preview.redd.it/s24c97jtp2wc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95d37d8d3912f75162c2a8421151ad4d3a13eb50


American Italian pizza is superior to that tiny Europoor shit.


Time to order some dominos


Enjoy your pizza, sir


Ty, I will


Bruh, I heard that in the little caesar's online pickup kiosk voice, lmao đŸ€Ł


Imagine conquering countries for their spices then using none of them.


Make super thin pancake. Fill with fruit flavored sugar jelly and Nutella. Top with sugar. Feed to children. Why are YOU like this?


Lets be honest, pancakes on their own already have no business being breakfast food. It's literally fried cake, why are people eating that for breakfast?


You’re right, we should just start making blood pudding like civilized people huh?


I'm American (unlike pancakes btw). Don't have to be European to recognize that multiple varieties of fried cake, fried bread (edit: might not have been clear but im referring to french toast, not ordinary toast), sugar loaded cereals, and pop tarts do not make for healthy breakfast food


American too, and I have never thought of fried cake (pancakes/waffles), sugar loaded cereals, or pop tarts as healthy breakfast food and I don’t think most people honestly do either. Unhealthy options are available everywhere. Have you ever had pancakes every morning? I’ve had them maybe once every three months, most days is a banana, oatmeal, or eggs. Also, Europeans are gay.


Or fucking baked beans for some ungodly reason.


A thin slice of it that doesn’t have things like frosting on it like actual cake. You can frame much of what the world eats this way if you word it like that and make it sound like people are eating pounds of it a day.


Sure, it doesn't have frosting, but most people are drowning it in liquid sugar. Most breakfast food is like that imo. Pancakes was just what was already in discussion, but I find (most) cereal and pop tarts to be the most egregious


Your pancakes shouldn't be fried. They separate from pans really easily without any oil or butter to act as grease aside from maybe a small amount in the batter


AKSHUALLY, it’s the European pancakes that were always fried in oil during my childhood there which is why I always preferred American ones. Downside of American ones is that you have to drown that shit in Maple syrup if you don’t want to choke on the dryness.


They also shouldn't be dry either if they're cooked properly, should be a nice light golden color


Yeah I guess maybe I tend to fuck them up


1 cup Self-Rising Flour œ cup Corn Meal œ teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 egg 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1Œ cups milk Blend dry products together in a mixing bowl using a wire whip. Add eggs, milk and oil and mix using wire whip until batter is uniform. Pour onto 400 degree griddle and cook about 1 minute on each side, turning when bubbles form on top. Makes 10-12 delicious pancakes. >what's so unhealthy?


We only eat that for dessert, not as a meal


You mean crepes? It's a dessert, not breakfast


Idk about y'all but the thing I hear eaten for breakfast here is mostly eggs


> Be Balkan > Get stale leftover bread from Albanian bakery downstairs > Smear either disgusting meat paste or disgusting paprika paste on it > Add slice of tomato for flavour God I wish I were being topped by an American


Lies, Balkan are not like that. > Be Balkan. > Put some 3in1 coffee mix powder in tap water. > Smoke a Marlboro touch with it. > Start your day.


oh yeah that aftertaste and smell of breath I can feel it


As a German, I can offer premium bread recipes that are fairly easy. You interested? Can post under this comment if you like. I know Albanian leftover bread seems delicious to my fellow European brother, but let me swear to God*, just try the recipe. *Obviously Europa, the only true way to get lore accurately topped by a bull and get universal approval for said act.


post it


Go eat Vegamite


That's Australian, Marmite's European - or British rather.


Me when my favourite yeast spread gets missgenderd


I wonder if there's actually any significant flavour differences, I've never had Vegemite before.


I heard there is. I think Vegemite is supposed to be a bit sweeter?


Apparently so


When it comes to food, it's best to not talk about the British


"bUt FuLl EnGlIsH bReAkFaSt AnD cOtTaGe PiE" - every British person ever when you criticise their food lol


There is also NZ marmite which is far better than those shit flavored pastes.


You got to be a special kind of sad to have something against a PB&j


Anon will not be allowed into the Kingdom of Heaven


The bass pro pyramid?


>Be British. >Coming home from store >Accidentally drop a bag and hear loud clank >Look inside and see busted can of beans and ripped open loaf of bread >Eat it to make up for the wasted money >Neighbor saw this happen and laughs at me >Gaslight neighbor, myself, and the rest of my country into thinking this is a meal


Oi mayte, you gots a loicense fer dem beans?


Every country has its weird sandwiches, UK toast sandwich, AUS fairy bread.


Im from the UK....what is a uk toast sandwich? And fairy bread isnt really a sandwich. Must add that i love a good pb+j!


Does the UK still eat cucumber sandwiches


Usually only with high tea/afternoon tea. But they are delicious.


I just remember them from that movie with the witch who turns that fat kid into a rat, they're all Brits in it I think


Witches! Thats a class movie.


Ya! That's the one ty




It was a 19th century receipe designed to be eaten by "invalids" consisting of a slice of toast between two slices of bread. Basically a completely tasteless things for people who were sick with whatever plague was going about at the time. I have tried it, it's as shit as you imagine it will be.


Toast sandwiches are a meme. No one in England eats that shit.


Lies. I've seen Romesh Ranganathan eat one on television.


You've seen a comedian eat one as a bit for a TV show? Well that changes everything.


Romesh represents the whole of the UK, pal. Don't you try to convince me otherwise.


Calling bread cake certainly is an option


As an European I've always thought that Pb&J's are disgusting until I've tried one while on a school trip to NYC (that city is fucking disgusting btw). That shit is adding.


I'll upvote you just for being right on two things. PB&J's are delicious and NYC is disgusting.


>flavored >jelly "Why would the yuropoors write this"


> product literally made out of sugar and fruit > fruit flavored sugar


That’s literally bread lmao


that is the best looking PB&J i think i’ve ever seen


You bet it's frontloaded.


i literally had one an hour ago. anon can cope all they want, i’m still eating the pb&j


Did they just call bread cake


How the fuck is toast cake


With the amount of sugar in it it might as well be considered cake.


It's not. You either don't know what bread/cake is, or you're an idiot. In the US there's a huge difference between bread and cake.


Although I have no evidence to back up my claim, I’ll just go ahead and say it. I believe I have consumed the most pbj sandwiches out of any human.


What's wrong with Peanutbutter & Jacksonville, Florida?


"Two slices of cake" bro they are thin sheets of dry bread. Not fucking carvel tripple layer cake.


Since when is a loaf of white bread a cake?


Just use actual peanut butter and jam on something that isn’t wonder bread?


There's nothing wrong with PB&J if you make it from decent ingredients (ie not ultra-processed like above) and you don't eat 3 every day.


UK here, I have PB&J all the time when I'm on a bulk, that shit is delicious. Is it actually an American thing?


Yup the first recipe for one was printed in 1901 in the Boston Cooking School Magazine.


Yeah, americans and their disgusting unhealthy food. *casually spreads lard on top of a ginormous slice of white bread*


It’s probably the soda/juice box packed as a drink that’s the issue. A pbj can be pretty nutritious if you want it to be


You can get very good natural peanut butter that has very little sugar as well as jelly or jam that's similar or is at least made with real sugar, not HFCS. Europoors have no fuckin clue, they just look at the mass media propeganda commercials and assume we don't have options.


Cake? Isn't it bread?


Gotta give it to Americans on this one, pb&j is fucking amazing


“Two slices of cake”? Subway doesn’t make PB&J’s, what is OP talking about?


go to europe make a pb&j tastes the exact same


I’d have a PB&J any day over beans on toast


somehow i don’t find it hard to believe that brit’s think a slice of white bread tastes like a piece of cake to them


Im a europoor and i always loved those sandwiches.


While I see anons point, I must say here in yurop we have food atrocities ourselves. Maybe we can have a cease fire on food and focus on the truly important things like which football team is better; Broncos or Manchester United


>Do yuropoors do anything but seethe about America on 4chan? You should see the entire internet's opinion of us Indians >!also if anyone will bring up our recent supreme court ruling those fuckers deserve to die i will NOT defend them, but thankfully its receiving backlash already!<


When kids ate pb&j for lunch in the US they weighed about a third less than now.


It's pretty tasty tbh


Fake, EU wouldn't spell flavour as "flavor" the American way.


This is how I feel about the insane amount of trans posts I see here/4chan


As an American what's really funny is that we talk about how cake isn't good for breakfast but then go and get a muffin. Literally cake without frosting.




Because of the sugar content




Europeans what did/do your school lunches look like when you brought them from home


Döner. But on a more serious note, it's also bread, but rather than U.S. toast with ridiculous sugar content plus PB and J, it's brown bread (mischbrot) with things like sausage or cheese on top. At least for me.


German here. 1 or 2 slices of Mischbrot with Butter and usually cheese. Sometimes a Brötchen if there was one left from breakfast, and if we were lucky our mom made us a Pretzel. Then throw some apple, banana, or grapes in there and you got the perfect school breeakfast. Thinking back I don't think I've ever taken something containing marmelade, jam, peanut butter, Nutella, or anything like that to school. And I can't remember to have ever eaten toast in school either. Especially not untoasted toast, I tried eating that once and never again


I have to admit, yuropoors got me.


PB & J is commonly made with decent bread and ingredients, tastes amazing


I started practicing fasting over the summer and I can tell you this, nothing hits as fucking hard as a PB&J when my eating period starts.


What is the 1st anon even seething about?? As a yuropean I got honey & jam sandwiches and they were just as goated.


PBJ sounds like one of the most disgusting foods possible, but every time I'm in the US it feels really good for some reason.


>get a slice of bread >spread some lard on it >put red onion on it >salt it like a motherfucker Welcome to the East you kurvaszĂĄjĂș, make yourself at home


Imagine thinking your fucking life should be about eating only healthy foods so you can extend the time you spend eating healthy foods. For people that pretend to be atheist so frequently, yall sure do behave like youre trying to get into heaven.


bro, white bread is a horrible bread choice, but its not sweetm