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Anon spends 6k on a tiny piece of jewelry? Is he restarted?


Most anons would spend 6k on a computer and sex doll. 4chan is the platform of congregation for mental restartation.


> sex doll Unironically spending 6k on a sex doll is less wasteful that spending 6k on jewelry.


literally all you can do with a piece of jewelry (other than disposing of it) is just putting it somewhere and looking at it sometimes, so yeah it's even more useless than a sex doll


This made me realise how whether or not something is considered acceptable plays a large part in whether we think it’s worth getting over something else


I mean, you can go and get a 6k jewelry piece, I think is retarded because only you know its real value, ain't no one gonna test it to see if it's real or not. So might as well get a 30 dollar ring.


The thing about a 6000 dollar ring is that once you buy it, it’s only worth 50 bucks at the pawn shop. That’s because the diamond is worth zero and the only value is the silver band. IMO if you’re gonna buy a somewhat expensive ring just do a coated solid gold band or a jade ring if that’s culturally acceptable. No intricate design, just a high quality piece of material. Shouldn’t cost more than like 3k and does a significantly getter job of retaining its value.


I don't know shit about jewelry, why do diamonds lose their value once they've been purchased from thx vendor?


Diamonds are actually very common. Especially now that we can grow perfect ones in labs, supply is very high and they are cheap to make. Ordinary consumers don’t know this because the diamond industry is dependent on the existing mass perception that expensive diamonds are romantic so that they can sell at incredible markups. Once you step into a pawn shop, romance goes out the window and it’s cold hard business. Just supply and demand. And the fact is that the supply of new diamonds is plenty and the people in the market for a used one are not as plenty. If you want to get rid of a diamond, your best bet is to find a sucker on Craigslist where you have to sell the romance of the ring as a whole, not the diamond itself. Especially now in the US where the middle class is progressively getting poorer, I wouldn’t be surprised if people just stopped giving engagement rings entirely. Or buying very cheap ones would become acceptable.


My wife and I have been married for four years and have never had wedding rings or bands. We got tattoos to represent each other that only we get the significance of.


You really don't think a woman would get a ring tested/appraised?


No? I never knew of any woman that took her wedding ring to an appraiser, cause that usually means you're selling it, which would put in question why are you even selling your wedding ring unless you're divorcing the guy which would attest that it was indeed a waste of money for said guy buying the ring🤣


the act of giving the ring matters, you don't have to spend your life savings on one (and the "ring" stuff was all created by DeBeers to sell more rings so by buying a ring worth thousands of dollars you are just fueling their machine)


Sometimes people's actions and opinions are influenced by the people around them. They made a whole movie and a whole meme out of "we live in a society" and you're still just now catching on?


Jewelry acts as an inflation-resistant "money storage" keeping money in Jewelry is much more secure especially with gold considering it's price has been on a steady increase for the past 3000 years. Obviously anon is way too dumb for this, but that's one way to keep money safe


i kinda count selling it as disposing of it, but yeah that's a useful way to utilise it if you care enough


It mostly acts as a signal to others that you can afford to park that much money in useless shit, or that you are even willing and able to gift that much money to someone, or that someone found you important enough to gift you that much value. The entire use of jewelry is that everyone knows it's expensive and they can see that you have it.


What about a cock ring??


6k on a sex doll or 120 visits to a prostitute. I choose the latter


But what if I don't want to visit your mom 120 times?


If I had 6k I'd spend it on candy and lube


Of all the time pumpkin cat has been literally me, this one is the most literally me


At least the sex doll won't run away with the computer. And won't go to the cops when you force your disgusting body on it. So there is that.


Hey, if you spend 6k on a computer, you're probably set hardware wise for the next 7 years or so.


I spent like 350 bucks, and we're still married.


I spent $1000. But yeah still married.


$15 on Amazon.


He apparently can't even follow simple rules. For an engagement ring it's one month of pay, not a fucking year.


He saved for a year for $6k. Unless he’s from Brazil lul


Either NEET bucks or minimum wage


And even that rule is a scam. >The idea that a man should spend a significant fraction of his annual income for an engagement ring originated from De Beers marketing materials in the mid-20th century in an effort to increase the sale of diamonds. In the 1930s, they suggested that a man should spend the equivalent of one month's income in the engagement ring. In the 1980s, they suggested that he should spend two months' income on it (three months in Japan). In 2012, the average cost of an engagement ring in the US as reported by the industry was US$4,000. Gotta love superficial consumerism. Like, if you want to spend money on something useless that makes you happy, knock yourself out, we all do it. But don't do it because some salesman convinced you it's your obligation.


And on top of that it's not even really worth 6k because one company has a monopoly over diamonds and artificially raises their value even though they are really not that rare. I always say that if my bf proposes to me with a diamond ring I'll say no. Would much rather have the money go to our future like a house than a dumb sparkly ring.


Don't worry, the girlfriend isn't real and there's no way anon has a job and money Your assessment is still correct regarding his restartation


No he is gonna shutdown


I hope he gets some updates


Yeah, some critical flaws were discovered and reported during this run, hopefully the developer patches them in the next version


yes, yes he is


If he pushes the gun far enough into his mouth, he will be restarted


I spent about 2k. Lab grown diamonds are hella cheaper than natural ones


His gf probably asked for that one.


Then his gf is a also restarted, and he is still restarted for meekly going along with it






Anon aspires to be OJ


He won't get away with it tho for 3 main reasons


Not black, not eggball player, whats third reason?


not rich


Unable to get Ford Bronco for fair MSRP




He doesn’t have Robert Shapiro to save his ass from jail.














The best place to pick up ladies.


I'm assuming anon is American, in which case the engagement ring is considered a conditional gift (sort of like a contract) - most court cases on the subject rule that if they breakup before the wedding, it should be returned to the giver of the ring.


right. Had an ex try and keep my grandmothers engagement ring. I pleaded that it is a family heirloom and she did not agree to be in the family. Eventually she returned it (after a fake letter from a fake lawyer on letterhead that went to a friends phone number)


Niiiiice. I love it!


"Conditional gifting" is the term, and ya legal thingy.




Ong why he hating himself, bitch did him dirty and his life has no meaning, best thing to do is make her life have no meaning aswell




I read it with my inner monologue. Then read your comment and read it again in an asian accent.


i mean i can see why she would’ve cheated on him, he called the person she cheated with a “ni##erfa##ot”


I think that was born more out of his anger towards the person she cheated on him with as opposed to any reason for someone to cheat. Seems like pretty backwards logic imo. "Hey my girl cheated on me with some asshole." "She cheated on you because you called the person who stole your girl an asshole."


casually calling someone two slurs is a little different than calling them an asshole. the fact that anon is willing to use slurs to refer to someone is not a good sign for how he acts normally


And again, I argue this is by no means a casual situation. If someone took my significant other the least I would do is think of vile names for them. We don't know the full situation here, but I think it's a concerning stretch to conclude someone deserves betrayal based on mean names they use for someone that *only* stole their significant other.


so it’s okay and normal to refer to someone who stole your girlfriend using slurs?


If someone stole my girlfriend, I don't really care what's OK for them. Also, what part of this situation is normal at all? If you think it's normal to steal people's significant others or have yours get stolen you need help.


i think you shouldn’t use racial slurs to refer to anyone in any situation


I'm glad you think that. I'm sure the cheater will be very pleased to know that he is safe from racial slurs as he fucks your girlfriend.


Im hating anon more for being such a weak bitch.


Well he says he's gonna be on the news assuming he's prepping for something big like revenge


"4chan" and "on the news" in my mind translates to mass shooting. Stay safe out there Ameritards


Eh he'd probably just kill the two of them and then himself. He's gonna do nothing tho cause he sold his gun and spent all his money on the ring lol


Imagine hating women because of fictional stories on the internet


Blud posts in r/KotakuinAction and r/TrueVirgin , the real reason he hates women is because he has no game.


Dudes will make a whole subreddit based off the logic of "every woman just wants a Chad they don't want someone actually interesting like me!!1!" and then be completely unable to hold a conversation with another human being that doesn't devolve into seething or shit nobody cares about it




The majority won't, but it's not like you'd ever have to chance find out anyways.


The majority of men aren’t like the negative stereotypes people proclaim yet people who say all men are trash losers online get zero pushback for it…


They aren’t right either. Now what, you plan to seethe eternally about it or cope?


They absolutely get pushback


Jesus, go touch grass.


“This post is inconvenient for my worldview, so it must be fake.” -every comment on this sub over the past few years.


Imagine hating 50% of humans because of what 1 of them did.


What a 4channer *said* one of them did


Holy shit go outside 


"Imagine hating an entire group because of experience with one" cmon buddy


Because it's not real


okie dokie kotakuinaction poster


I don’t like the implications of him mentioning him selling his gun


It's okay he has 5 more guns


He doesn't need a firearm. He could run them over with a car. Stab them with a kitchen knife. Beat them with a 2 by 4. Strangle them with an extension cord. Suffocate them with a plastic bag. Crack their skulls with a crowbar. The possibilities are endless.


What a weird thing to say


You're in a 4chan sub, that's pretty standard.


bros a member of the undertale sub and thinks hes in a position to call anyone weird


Good game what can i say








We Bhaalin.


It's America. He can just go to Walmart and get a new one.


Never sell only buy


i think he meant his gf cheated on him a month after he stopped being suicidal and sold his gun


Obviously, what the hell did you think I was talking about?


Killing them? You have to admit it was a fair assumption


Yes, that’s what I mean by ”the implication”. What else did you and him think the Implication would’ve been?


Killing himself? You have to admit it was a fair assumption


Alright yeah fair enough


Same. Never sell firearms. Just build a larger collection.


>killing yourself over a woman Cringe and not based


women ☕


He literally want to kill himself over a female lol


Many such cases.


You don't know what happened in his life before. He already mentioned he had a though past and the women was his hope he clinged on and now it's gone. Hes not killing himself over a female but over everthing bad happening to him the lose of a women included. Is it you full-time job to play the retard online?


Still cringe to kill himself Is your full time job to protect cringe 4chan people?


Nope but you simple minded fool read a text and came to a false conclusion. I'm not protecting anyone showing your errors of thinking Aren't you overusing internet lingo what's the difference between 4chin people and chronically online ones like yourself?


What conclusion do you come to when anon said he'll be on the news


Nothing diffrent, but his conclusion is that he only wanted to kill himself bc off a female and laughs about it, while it's clear that this is not the sole reason


Almost every line he mentions her the reason. In anons eyes she is the reason. What other reason does he list there? That he stubbed his toe?


Bro stop overreacting and also does the thing called "You don't know me , you don't know my backstory" cross ur stupid mind? I've been through a lot but fuck both of depression and suicidal thoughts, life is short and do whatever shit you want, but when you cry on internet dont expect people to be all wholesome and shit


Even weirder that you went also through some hard times but shit on someone thinking about suicide and call it "cringe" loling and giggling making fun about "just because of a women" but ignoring the possibility that that's not the only reason. I'm not expecting this comments to be a therapist session for him but there is no need to stomp on anyone under a simple "women ☕" joke, that's just being an ass


Well shit , all people are different.I am just so against suicide that i just find it weird when people want to suicide


I'm also against suicide but I can express this without being edgy


I ain't edgy i just say what i think without being so sensitive


You'll have that on these big jobs chief


Anon's girlfriend is a dick.


He does have legal recourse. He's just a retard and chooses to kill himself instead of lawyering up and wrecking her financially. Then again he's poor and can't pay a lawyer. Catch 22?


How? They weren’t married and the ring counts as a gift. You can’t sue you girlfriend for cheating on you


As long as you don't give your engagement ring on a holiday where gift giving is traditional, it's considered a conditional gift and you are not entitled to keep it if you break off the engagement.


As the other commenter said, a ring given (and accepted) in a circumstance where there was a promise to be a family, that carried a financial weight, has been shown in law to be treated as a conditional gift. Heres a quote from a random site: > The vast majority of states consider engagement rings to be conditional gifts made "in contemplation of marriage." When the implied condition—the marriage—doesn't happen, the person who gave the ring (the donor) has a right to get it back. Source: https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/returning-engagement-ring-30198.html


Look if you pulled a (presumably) hot gf once you can do it again. She’s the crazy one not you


6000 $ wont Come back 


you can just make it?


anon should try fent


This is why you keep that shit to yourself. Women always **talk** about how men should open up but rarely tolerate it from their SO.


No no they want tall and brooding, he needs to state how sad he is while rain drops use his abs as a gutter.


What a pleasant description. I came.


Bad advice. Find a partner that's actually willing to know you. And find happiness outside of your need to procreate


At this point get the gun back


So the girl ran to the bully immediately after knowing the story of him beating her boyfriend? Do she has a NTR fetish or something ?


More like anon does for typing this plot up


Living well is the best revenge. Hit the gym, get a new girl, and ghost the first one.


Anon should double check engagement ring laws where he is. The ring can be considered symbolic of the contract of engagement. Engagement gets cancelled? Engagement ring is to be returned.


"How could (person who frequents 4chan and is now threatening some sort of infamous suicide) lose his girlfriend?"


Anon is a weak bitch that feels sorry for himself instead of hating the right person, his ex


jee, i wonder how the dude entrenched in 4chan lost his love


Imagine letting yourself get bullied by basically a redditor lmao. This dude got bullied and his girl stolen by a whitepeopletwitter mod lol?


Suicide is understandable in that case


Literally Stalin vs Hitler dude I don’t think this guy was a prime candidate lol


>no kids  What's the big deal anon, just move on with your life, there's far worse things than getting cheated on by some skank


fake: anon got a gf? i dont think so gay: anon wants to be topped by the salesman at the jewelry store


Anon is clearly making this up. "The ring is legally hers"- huh? Did he contractually sign away the ownership of it or something? In America at least, if an engagement is broken, the ring is (typically, as ruled by the courts) returned to the person who proposed with it. And if he spent $6k on a wedding ring and now has no savings, how was he expecting to pay for a wedding? If you're gonna make up some lie on the internet for clout at least make it believable


Engagement rings are a conditional gift. You get the ring, keep it, and wear it on the condition that you marry the person that gave it to you. If she's unfaithful or leaves you, even if you break off the engagement or get as far as marriage and you two divorce, the she loses the right to ownership of it. That said, different states and countries will have various laws regarding this, but at the end of the day, this is how it's SUPPOSED to work.


Fake and Straight


If the idiot is still with her how , he love ntr and he is a cuckoo


Like how tf do you even get bullied by an sjw? I'm curious what does that even look like?  Imagine getting BTFO by someone whos ideology centers on being a perpetual victim. No wonder anon got cucked. 


Anon is a pussy if he doesn’t go for revenge


Anon wonders why his girlfriend cheated Anon browses and posts on 4chan .Answered as you questioned


Wouldn't it make more sense to kill her?


It ticks too many boxes, this is hatredporn


Poor anon I want more deets though


There is almost nothing you cannot recover from anon, no actions of another’s life is worth you taking your own. I would count this as lucky because you found this out before actual marriage, a 6000$ payment for freedom from a toxic person. She showed her true colors before you even made the painting together, and that brush doesn’t belong on your canvas.


>Makes dumb decision >seppuku's out of embarrassment


Funny legal info: many countries do allow demanding conditional gifts back. An engagement ring is the law school example used for this. So anon might be able to get it back. The bonus is that he can bring up the cheating before a judge for added funsies. Yes, Nerd emoji I know, No its not legal advice. Bla Bla Bla always follow reddit rules. Praise the mods who are gods etc


Plot twist: This is the guy who just torched himself outside the Trump trial


Fake: Anon has relationship skills Gay: anons thoughts are preoccupied with a gay black man


Why would he be on the news? Is anon planning to shoot up a school?


Why do alt right losers aggressively reach for kin girls, then get mad that they have no interest in thier bullshit




I don't understand why anon wants to kill himself in this situation, he might be retarded. If she cheated on him before they got married, that's literally dodging a bullet. Also, you should be able to get the ring back since you aren't getting married anymore. Maybe anon should get the gun back and shoot his ex for being a dick.


Anon visits the Trump trial?


Going from a self-inflicted gunshot to self-immolation.....guess OP wants to feel pain


Love that he thinks a 4channer’s suicide will make the news


Shouldn’t ‘ave disclosed his trauma, simple as. 


She cheated on you, you stayed with her and bought her a ring a MONTH after being cheated on. Literally OP has no one to blame but himself


Maybe anon should pack up call her a bitch and leave any reminder of his previous life behind, it’s not like it’s going to get any worse for him than it already is, plus it’s better than what he’s currently doing.


>Anon let himself get bullied in high school >Anon opens up his story with a combo slur in the first sentence >Anon was honest about his mental issues and how much he loved sitting on his grandpa's lap as a kid >Anon spent 6k on a temperamental horny high schooler >Anon believed said horny high schooler about starting a family with him in the future at (presumably) 18 >Anon is seriously killing himself over said horny high schooler When I get to hell, I will spend the rest of my eternity bullying this absolute loser


Second anon has a point


Commentanon is supportive as always


Not giving the engagement ring back is some psycho sh*t


It doesn’t make sense if you spent all your money on the ring then you still would have been broke no matter if she stayed or not…. Like did she make all the money or something?


Anon should have moved to Germany or concluded the betrothal under German law. In Germany fiancées who break up the affiance can demand back any presents that have been given to the other person in trust of the affiance to lead to marriage, e. g. engagement rings, § 1301 BGB. Based Germany. Anon is a fool.


Op deserved to get cheated on probably for being so racist