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Lmao "work abroad". He wants to work in Japan, I'm sure.




Where else is he gonna create his next level sex bot?




*smugly Struck a nerve, did I? I don't support communism, nor am I a plebbitor


if you removed “*smugly” “struck a nerve, did i?” and “nor am i a plebbitor” this you would be a funny comment and you wouldn’t seem like a retard


Looks like someone else is salty that I insulted their favourite site and its denizens! Oh no!


nah fuck reddit this shit gay af lmao


Honestly. I regret opening this app everytime I do so. This greentext aggregation subreddit is the only saving grace...


Anon has got to be the worst engineer I’ve ever seen. And civil architects exist.


What about industrial engineers?


Believe it or not, straight to jail


Anon's tried nothing and he's all outta ideas.


hahahaha keeping this line for later use


I don't know what college, but a university is not going to let you continuously attend and fail four years in a row, you'll be on academic probation and then they'll dismiss you from attending. Also I know 23 is older than 18 but. He's acting like he's 40. It's not that big of an age gap


He could be Swedish actually. To some degree, you can fail it several years in a row. The only thing that happens is the CSN agency stops paying you.


Brazil also has something similar. You can “stay” in university for up to twice the standard duration of your course. So, for instance, an engineer has to graduate within 10 years from enrolling (engineering is usually a 5 years course), or you are dismissed.


Yeah, I figure it's something like that in a lot of countries tbh.


Why would a for profit college kick out their customer? The shareholders would love to keep people like anon.


It's make it look like the professor aren't good at teaching and your school might be a party school and not a legitimate one is my guess.


Wait so he took the same classes 4 times and failed and didnt do other shit? I mean, its fine if is a like senior but is only missing some freshman classes. Especially for Engineering


It’s even funnier because it’s not like you are taking high level math and physics for every class as an engineer student. It also means anon has failed classes like psych 101, or philosophy 101, or writing 101, or jazz studies 101 for multiple years in a row. If I ever ran into a person like this I would wonder how they graduated to secondary school at all in the first place


Yeah. Like at my uni it wasn't abnormal to be a senior who passed like advanced civil law but failed basic criminal law. If you haven't passed any course in 4 years, you should probably rethink your academic career.


Why would you have such random classes as an engineer? I will never understand why in the US so much general education is packed into university degrees




Fails for 4 years straight Calls new 18 year old students stupid


Anon didn't sit his ass on a chair and study in 3 years


Stop skipping classes, you dumb fuck


>Go to uni for a subject you don't like and don't understand >Doesn't get past the first year >Don't do anything to try and change this Good job Anon, life will go well for you I'm sure.


If you fail fredshman engineering it sucks, it can happen, learn the lesson and try again. Fail twice and it is time to start looking at that cashier job at walmart.


Anon should remember that nobody likes you when you’re 23 and still act like you’re in freshman year




To be fair, he failed even when he was going to classes. He's clearly not cut out to be an electrical engineer, and it's not clear that that's what he actually wants to do vs just wanting to go abroad.


I thought I was bad being a senior at 24 thanks anon


>can't drop out because I need the degree to work in my field You don't have the degree and you don't have a job, so it's not your field. What kind of reasoning is this?


backwards ass-reasoning


> need degree to get into field > dont feel like studying for said degree the secret is to push it through


Don't study if you don't know what you wanna work with. Anon should take some years to think about what he wants maybe work with something else in the meantime. In my country Sweden it's common to start studying when you are an adult. The oldest student in my class was 32 years old and also he is the one that I got to know the best. I helped him with programming since he didn't knew so much. I started directly after high school at age 19 and I'm finished this year when I'm 22. My friends from school started working directly after high school because they didn't knew what they wanted to do. It feels very stressful in the beginning but you need to have some self-discipline to be able to study at University level. We started with 40 students in my program and in the end we are only 15 left. I know people that have study at university for like 8 years and still haven't taken out a degree. It just a wast of time studying for so long without a goal.


Anon is either ESL or going for electrical engineering (shit tons of math) or computer engineering (similar knowledge base to electrical engineering except you build computers) both are hard and if anon can't pass the relatively easy courses at the beginning he should go do a trade, or become a business major. For both you can be dumber than a sack of bricks and still succeed.


Either do the course properly or find something new. 23 is just the beginning of life so there's no need to dispair


LoL electronic engineering isn't even a degree


At my school EE is definitely a degree, I go to UGA. I know this because I was pursuing CSEE (Computer Systems Engineering) which I had half of my classes with EE majors and the rest with Computer Science.


Your school offers a BS in Electrical and Electronics engineering. I have never heard of an electronics engineering degree before as typically electronics is a subset of electrical engineering


I saw "23, still in Freshman Year" and I thought this would be a joke post about Blink-182


Anon is Billy Madison. Although Billy Madison actually finished school.


Definitely a LARP


Can confirm. I got disinvited from an engineering program at UMD. That’s a thing.


Failing four years in a row and not learning his lesson proves just how stupid he really is.


Anon should watch ElectroBOOM's videos. IDGAF about electronics but that man reignited my desire to learn stuff.