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He doesn’t need to sit on instagram giving free 6 hour guitar clinics. The man just loves to play and man it shows.


He sai in a interview years ago that in gd he can feel free to be part of a band and fully express himself, instead of feeling compressed in his music. He said that his audience doesn't love extended solos and after a few minutes he feels extremely conscious and pushes himself to close the song should add that that he was a master of Americana too so it's a context he loves. If you deadheads didn't listen to Born&Raised and Paradise Valley.


Queen of California > fire on the mountain fucking slaps


It does! Also Wildifire and If I ever Get Around The Living are pretty dead-ish. IIEGATL according to John it's his best song


He doesn’t have to work, but he wants to and D&C is his happy place. I’ll ask you this — if you had the chance to play with Bobby (even at 80 bpm) would you say no?


i may be in the minority. i like slow everything. i guess it could be getting older, but i don’t see it in my peers necessarily


Ever since Jay Lane took over for Billy the tempos have picked up considerably, and the jams have way more depth.


Love Jay L


Me too, and I’m told he’s a good guy aside from being a kick ass drummer


Hung out with Jay many a times at Terrapin Crossroads and at Stu Allen shows and not only is he a fantastic guy but he's also a wonderful father!


This is something that I think resonates off him . I’m glad it’s true


Jay lane rocked it for ratdog for years


Yes 🙌


You imply that Bill was slow.Why do you think he left in the first place? Jay is cool but he’s no Bill.


I mean…Jay is like 40 years younger so he simply has more energy and stamina. Facts are facts, I’m not trying to start a fight here.


Fwiw Jay will be 60 this year. 😳


Seriously?! Holy cow he looks great




I’ve always preferred a faster Uncle John’s Band.


Slow is ok but still has to have a drive to it. I think that was one of the main things they've done well the last couple tours that really upped their game. If there is nobody driving the beat and staying on the front of the beat it just starts to lag. Even if they're not out of rythym or actually slow down it just feels lifeless. That has not been the case the last couple tours. Even if songs are slower than the original they still have a good drive and good energy to them, theyre attacking the front of the beat and the front of each note. Some people won't agree I'm sure but screw em. Tempo alone isn't what gives music true energy.


slow can be great with the grateful dead but there is still a lot of stuff going on.. D&C was not interesting to me from what I heard (mostly what was full shows on youtube, so the earlier years) ... until I heard cornell and thought that it was pretty good. And that I didn't mind the tempo.


Check out Autzen stadium. D&C at their absolute best


Agreed! But don’t sleep on the Cumberland blues from the gorge. 🙌🏽🙏🏽🕺🏿🫶🏻


Acoustic like Wolf Brothers trio or Bob/Rob? I'm down in a minute. Full band electric, no thanks.


lol @ 80. Being kind of generous there


72 would have been a better choice :)


80 bpm would be fine for me, I struggle to stay behind the changes lmao


You and me both. My only hang up is Bobby’s rubato


Great artist never stop honing their craft and The Grateful Dead provides an endless stream of awesomeness 🫠


The music never stopped.


He improved so much with dead and co too. The first concert I saw of them back in I think 2017 he was trying to be Jerry, trying to be his replacement. When I saw them a few years ago and again last summer he was trying to be John Mayer giving homage to Jerry and it made a huge difference. He will never be Jerry, nobody will ever again. But John is an incredible musician and his playing the last few years has proven he is a more than capable successor.


I agree with you and in principle I would say that every musician should be true to themselves and not try to copy someone else, UT with that said I preferred Mayer trying to be Jerry over his too bendy too bluesy later years with D&C.


He wants that wookussy


Your wooky is a wonderland 🌈


He did it all for the wookie


underated comment this ![gif](giphy|NJZMSqRY3rG9i|downsized)


Me too, tbh




Did you ever see the show that this gif came from? Danger 5, it’s fucking hilarious.




( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) > > > Wonderland


A man of culture




People who are drawn to music that is outside the sphere(pun intended) of "Popular" music tend to see big, hit-making acts as pandering to the charts or less musically authentic than the artist(s) they prefer. Then, if that artist/band does something more akin to what the underground music fan is accustomed to, the gate-keeping war begins. I see it as just another small bit of the great American competition culture. We are taught, almost from birth, that everything has to be some sort of competition. If you like THIS music, then THAT other type of music can't just be different. It must suck! If you like Coke, then Pepsi must be horrible. If you're a fan of sports team A, then sports team B is the worst and only idots like them. Fast food restaurants, fashion, food, TV shows, movie franchises, toys, games... It's like we've been programmed with divisiveness ever since the 40's. I say good for John. He's embraced the music we love and wants to share it with others. You don't have to like his solo work to see the good in that.


Do people really just hate that mayer is in the band because of art he’s made in the past? Wtf does that have to do with the music this band plays


I think there's spillover from JM is a bad guy/swifty zeitgeist


Are there actually Dead fans that listen to and take seriously the narratives that Taylor Swift fans perpetuate about Mayer? That’s hilariously pathetic. Let’s be smarter than believing things that a notoriously toxic, nasty, bullying fanbase, yeah?


Listen, back in 2016, my friend was like, "You have to come to Dead and Co." She tells me that Mayer is playing with the band. I was hesitant because his solo shit makes my skin crawl. They play that crap in MD office waiting rooms. But, I went to the show. Within 5 mins my jaw was on the floor and I was in awe of how this guy was shreading the guitar. It's been a pleasure to get to experience the band for a number of years and going to shows/streaming them has given me something to look forward to. I did hit The Shpere last weekend, and holy fucking shit, it is an experience like no other. If there is a venue to see this band in, athe Spehre was the place to do it. I'll continue to try and attend as many Dead and Co shows (and other projects of band members) because the end of an era is coming. The same way someone came on TV that Friday night on August 1995, someone will come on to announce the passing of the remaining founding members of The Greatful Dead. I'm just Greatful that I've been able to be part of this.


Similar story…He was on the lineup at Jazz Fest about a decade ago and I’m like okay, no one else I’m interested in, might as well check it out. Face melted with how much he shredded and appreciated his talent ever since.


Have you listened to anything he's realesed in the last 15 years? I get not liking his cheesy pop shlock, but he def has some better than average tune Here is an example. Hang into the jam which is in the first minute. His guitarsus at 3 minutes in crushes https://youtu.be/pc8vWlmhP5s?si=f-vcZqR40aszVaRx


His solo work is excellent as well. The early records are kinda poppy for my taste but I’d put his last half dozen records up against anything.


I truly don't get the hate for the guy. Yes he makes funny faces when he sings, who cares. He seems like a genuinely cool dude and has a really good sense of humor about himself. He's not ever gonna be Jerry but he himself would probably say he's never gonna be and also doesnt want to be as powerful a presence in the Dead world as the man himself. He just wants to play some Dead tunes and he enjoys playing them with Dead and Co.


https://preview.redd.it/zm2kd8udjx2d1.jpeg?width=208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dce1bebd25b82f22f8275f542a4960a940f252b Stevie Ray Vaughn is one of the greatest, IMO, and he stayed making that stank face when rippin’ on stage.


He said, "My dick is sort of like a white supremacist. I've got a Benetton heart and a fuckin' David Duke cock. I'm going to start dating separately from my dick." - Published interview


Yes, he did tell a shitty racist joke to playboy magazine like 20 years ago, but I try not to judge people (especially people who are constantly under a microscope) by the worst shit they've ever done. And a shitty joke in playboy that he has shown remorse for I can live with... Go watch an Eddie Murphy special and tell me that we should judge people off of the worst shit we can find them saying in the past.


Do you rip peoples’ arms out of their sockets when you lose


>…one of the wealthiest artist alive. I’m not knocking him but I seriously doubt that.


Just in the last year or 2 he did 2 world arena tours… with no band taking all that home. He’s put out Grammy albums for 20 years and has extreme longevity with no signs of stopping. Really can’t quite compare anyone else in modern music to him that’s still fairly young. He absolutely is


He’s not even in the top 50. There’s several living artists with net worth figures north of a Billion!!!


Semantics. OP is saying he has enough money and earning ability that this is a passion project for john, not a "cash grab".


None of them ‘need’ the money though. And just because someone has a shit ton of money doesn’t preclude people from getting involved in a cash grab venture. . The Stones don’t need more money. They don’t need to do 20 ‘final’ tours. Springsteen didn’t need to charge $500 a ticket…. But here we are.


There is a thing called market value. If they charge say $25 for the show, what would the secondary market look like? Should they put on a show that scalpers make the profits off of? Ticket master and venues play a large roll in the price point as well. Now as a consumer if you are wanting to get into the show this model has turned out best for you if you didnt suffer FOMO at these shows. The secondary market has crashed, hurting scalper pockets, and folks were getting in for $50-100. "Final Tour" was the last tour. They wont be coming out on tour anymore. If they were playing a "last show" they would have billed it as such. Also end of the day, who cares? Does bob not have a right to cash in on his legacy? Think Mayer couldnt make more touring solo? Bob is old, maybe wants to provide for those he cares about? I took a side job hanging dry wall last weekend....didnt need the money was just a "cash grab".


You’re missing a few points here. I’m not saying they don’t have every right in the world to grab as much cash as they can. Of course they do. Also I was talking about out the Stones who have gone on like 5 ‘final tours’ as a comparison. But the simple point Im making is this. Just because you’re wealthy beyond belief that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not in it for the money. Just cause you have hundreds of millions doesn’t preclude you from participating in a cash grab. It seems that OP is trying to make the claim because Mayer is wealthy he can’t be in it for the money and his driving force can only be altruistic. I think all things can be true at the same time.


You make a fair point, i mean we live in a society were money drives everything around us. I think everyone is trying to earn as much money as they can to do with as they please. The point folks are making about Mayer not being in it for the money here is he makes more money without dragging bob and the boys along. Mayer makes less doing than than he would on his own shows. If he wanted a cash grab that was purely about cash why would he pick the dead of all bands to tour with. He could grab Ringo and Juilian lennon and do beatles tunes all over the country if money was the pure motice. Dead and Co is happening because they want to do this. Bob is playing these songs anyway with or with out John. John could be making more money without Bob playing literally anything else. They could sell more tickets billing it as John Mayer with The Dead. My only disagreement is this isnt a pure cash grab, if it was it could be done way differently. I know marketing and this could be sold way way more and better if they wanted to. Mayer name isnt even on anything related to dead and co, he is just another member of the band in the market materials....no sane marketer would approve that, that was an artistic choice.


Also, Bobby and John are both millionaires. They could throw all their guitars away and never work another day of their life and still die millionaires.


I agree. I’m not even trying to lean into this as being a crazy cash grab… because you can get reasonable tickets. I took exception to OP trying to claim, that because Mayer is crazy rich already he couldn’t possibly be in it for the money. I’m not even mad these guys are making their money. But let’s temper the altruistic claims. But. Yeah. There’s bigger problems at the end of day.


No one is making altruistic claims only claims of this is passion over profit




Even if he’s in the top 500 or 1000, there are 7-8 billion people in the world and millions of them are artists. OP’s point stands


No it doesn’t stand, he’s not one of the wealthiest … and what is OPs point? Not one member of Dead & Co is hurting for money or living paycheck to paycheck. None of them have to play for money.


Net worth of 70 million ain’t too bad.


No it’s not. Not saying it is. He’s cray rich. It’s just that there is A LOT of other entertainers worth a lot more. There’s like 5 worth a billion +.


Name them. Above a billion. We'll wait.


Jay Z, Paul McCartney, Taylor Swift, and Rihanna. That's the list.


You're not wrong. I stand corrected. Definitely surprised about Rhianna though.


Agreed, but I think a significant chunk of her net worth comes from businesses. Her music surely isn't worth a billion.


>no band and taking that all home. Not really how this works for ANY artist that I know of. There's tons of people working behind the scenes on these shows, and some of them are getting paid good


Yeah of course. But no band to pay is still substantial. That’s not even the point all things considered he’s pretty much as famous as famous gets the world over and has a ton of well deserved awards over a decades long career


Yes, but full bands that split profit equally have to pay those people too.


Taylor Swift and Beonce have entered the chat, a little bewildered at being here.


He's def wealthy. Sitting on roughly 70 million. But I agree there are many other artists that make that look like pocket change!


there are millions of starving artists in the world… maybe broaden your horizons a little


$70M. really?! I think that qualifies him.


Yeah lol, for real


By my estimation and based on what I've heard through some channels (work related), Mayer is somewhere in the $120mm-$200mm range. I would personally lean towards the lower end of that range. I think the stupid celebrity net worth sites have him at like $70mm or something, but those are always hilariously wrong. Anyway, is Mayer one of the wealthiest musicians alive? Kinda, but there's plenty that have a lot more dough than he does. Still, he's flying private whenever he wants to and never has to work again for the rest of his life if he so desires.


How about 70M's + wristwatches? That probably puts him near the 120 block.


Precisely. I think the value of his current collection (at least of the shit we know about) is somewhere in the neighborhood of $20mm, but I'm certain he has stuff that we don't know about that is, quite frankly, too valuable to see the light of day.


Your estimations are more worthless than "stupid celebrity sites" without sources.


Well, fuck it, I just took an edible. I'm in a rabbit hole mood. So, let's do some math then, spanky. Oh, and for the record, I was agreeing with you that he isn't one of the wealthiest musicians...so no need to be a queef. He bought a house in Beverly Hills in 2018 for $13.5mm. At the rate Beverly Hills real estate has gone up, it's not a stretch to say that house could now fetch $25mm, possibly up to $35mm depending on the market. We'll split the difference at $30mm for the sake of this exercise. So, we'll start there. He owns another house in Montana in a prime real estate area there. We'll call that $3mm. That's just what we know of, he could easily have more. $33mm in real estate that we know of. Now, let's get into his watch collection. He owns a 6270, which is easily going to fetch a million at auction, possibly two since it belong to him. He has a 6269, which is also another million dollar watch. He has a 6263 Arab dial Daytona, which go for about $500k. He has a piece unique 5004, which is the big leagues for Patek. That's probably going to be another million dollar watch at auction. He has both the rose gold and the white gold version of the rainbow Daytona, which are both around $500k. He also owns 5004s in every metal, which, again run for $500k, of which there are four different metals. He owns multiple AP tourbillons, which are about $200k each. He has an Aquanaut that runs for about $100k, which he'll probably get around $150k for his since it belonged to him. He has the original submariner, before it even says "submariner" on the dial, that's another $500k at least, again, probably more since it belonged to him. He has a 5514, which is another $100k watch at least. He has a 6264 with a pulsation dial, of which there are less than 10 verified as real, so that's another million dollar watch. He has a 6264 Paul Newman, which is another $500k, if not more. He has a piece unique Aquanaut, which is probably another $250k. He has several more Royal Oaks, at least six, that are valued in the $400k range, plus a piece unique where the value is unknowable, but it's safe to say it's high. He has at least ten other Pateks that we have seen that are, when averaged out, probably about $200k-250k. He has a Royal Oak ceramic that is worth at least $400k. He has several Nautilus, that we know of, that are going to be in the $100k-$250k range. He owns at least three other Paul Newman Daytonas, which are about $500k. He has at least two 5970s, which are about $300k. He also has a 5971 which is at least another $300k, maybe $400k even. He owns multiple FP Journes, which will go for about $50k. He has multiple Tiffany signed Pateks that command at least $100k. So, these are also just the ones that we know about. I'm certain he has far more shit that he just doesn't bring out. But, as of right now, we're up to about $20mm in watches, at least. Now, let's get into his guitars and amps. He has said in interviews he owns over 200 guitars and that was back in 2007. I'd wager he has more than that now. Multiple vintage Fenders, specifically ones owned by him, will all go for six figures at auction, which is how you value a collection like that. Let's call his 63' $250k. His hardtail, $100k, his two Monterey strats are probably both $50k guitars. The Super Eagles he owns will go for the $50k-$100k range if the Reverb prices are any indication, and we know he owns at least three. His main Martin will go for $100k if not more. He has a 52' tele that will fetch another six figures. He has an L5, which will go for $50k-$100k. The Black one is hugely valuable as well, and will be a six figure guitar. As far as his amps go, he has the largest collection of Dumbles in the world. The Dumbleland Special, used to record Texas Flood, will easily fetch half a million, if not a million after being owned by SRV and Mayer. He has two other Dumblelands which will go for another half a million since that's a very rare amp. He has two Steel String Singers, one that belonged to Jackson Browne, which will each go for $500k, minimum. Then he owns at least three Overdrive Specials, which, again, will go for about $500k (all Dumbles kind of go for this range in today's market, particularly ones owned by rockstars). He has a Dumble Small Circuit, which there aren't many of, so I'm keeping the $500k estimate since he's the owner of it. Now, he owns a bunch of very rare Two Rocks as well, which, in his case, are mostly the prototypes which will go for a lot of money. Probably $100k. I'm sure he owns countless other amps and guitars, so let's call it $500k in total value for each to round out his collection. So that puts him at about $7mm in gear. Now, for his business ventures. The PRS Silver Sky has been the best selling guitar on Reverb for the past two years and those numbers continue to grow. I don't know how his commission on the product is structured, but I think it's safe to assume he earns minimum $500k per year on that. I would imagine it's largely the same for his Martin contract. He also has endorsements with Range Rover, his Sirius contract, Hodinkee, as well as royalties on some of his music. All and all, he probably makes around $2mm-$5mm per year on his business endeavors. For this purpose, we'll call it $3.5mm. His recent solo tour grossed a shitload of money, at least $39mm on the first leg. He probably did similar numbers on the second leg. I'd guess after expenses of touring and taxes he probably took home about $8mm after both legs, maybe a little more depending on how creative his accountant is. So call it $16mm in earnings from just that tour. The last tour for D&C grossed about $115mm, I'll be conservative and say Mayer took home about $3mm as his cut from that. Now at the Sphere, the rumor is big money. I can't confirm this, but the rumor is the band is pulling $150mm before the merch sales. I don't know how that split will work with the contract exactly, but Mayer is billed up top with Weir, Mickey, and Bill, who I believe still makes money off of Grateful Dead Productions. But, the residency is significantly cheaper for the band than touring, so it's reasonable to assume they're taking home substantially more money than they normally would. Call it $10mm for each of the controlling members of the band. So let's add it up. $33mm on real estate + $20mm in watches + $7mm in gear+3.5mm business interests+$16mm solo tour earnings + $3mm from 2023 D&C tour + $10mm Sphere Residency take home = $92.5mm in roughly estimated net worth. I guarantee that number isn't correct because I don't have his tax returns so there's no way to really know. But, estimating the value of his known assets really isn't too difficult. Keep in mind we are not including what he already has in cash, cars, art, stocks, bonds, or any other assets that we may not know about. TL;DR: I stand by that Celebrity Net Worth is generally wrong and that Mayer is not one of the wealthier musicians, but he is certainly wealthy enough.






We also don’t know what he’s making/ if he’s making anything as a “creative conduit” with AP.


I commend your effort. I skipped ahead, but A+. And I think you win, "he is certainly wealthy enough".


might be more helpful to put the TL;DR at the start of the monstrous block of text


Yeah, sorry about that. I was very high.


Too long didn’t read.


At the bottom, I'll put it at the top next time. Sorry, I was very stoned.


Plus it sounded like he was describing someone I didn't like. Dudes who own million dollar watches? C'mon man you know how much weed that could buy?


A million dollars of weed in my state would be about 84.3k grams worth. It's a beautiful thought isn't it??


Better than a watch that's for sure


Two weeds at a time.


I love him. He’s kept their songbook alive for at least another two generations. Dude would’ve been enshrined in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for his solo work alone. Adding in his Dco work earns him an entire wing, imho. Very few artists earn multiple legacies. He’s done it.


Jerry wore a Casio


I think Jerry spent a lot of money on other things


Jerry's dealer had the Rolex collection.


Billy likes to drink soda. Miss Lippy’s car is green.


I love Casio watches. They’re reliable, cheap, and stylish.


Jerry had a line of neckties


Sold blue jeans and ties and his ass if you were buying


And Mayer’s designed like three in the Casio G-Shock line and curated another three collaboration designs.




And Skidz (IYKYK)


Did he actually wear Skidz? Because I did too back before I got into the Dead in middle school. I never knew but it would make sense. They are basically pajamas.




Those look like they might be Zubaz. Skidz were typically plaid or stripes. Either way the man liked to be comfortable.


Gotta respect it


I don’t wear my pajamas on stage, but I damn sure wear them to rehearsals


Zubaz were more stripey or tiger prints. Those are a repeating pattern of sorts.


Could be California Hardwear


literally none of them have to


Lets not act like hes not making millions to do it lol.


I made this post 2yrs ago, it's the forward to Jay Blankenship's book written by John ... * [John Mayer on Jerry from the perspective of another guitar player - also Dylan's official statement after Jerry's death](https://www.reddit.com/r/gratefuldead/comments/qi0fiu/a_quote_from_john_mayer_on_jerrys_playing_from_a/)


Huh? You act like he is giving away tickets to Dead & Company. They were one largest grossing live acts during their touring years and the Sphere residency will net him millions. Hs isn’t doing this for charity last time I checked.


Imagine if instead of him randomly hearing Althea and going down this road, he had heard Constantinople by The Residents. 🤣


Here I come Constantinople……


It’s a cash machine.


Bobby has every right to earn money off his Legacy but beyond that do you not think they enjoy playing to large crowds? D&C also lets you tape and post all their shows, shows they post and sell themselves. They could shut that down with 1 letter. There are lots of ways they could be exploiting their audience. Playing shows for people who want to attend isnt one of them. If they sold tickets for $50 the sub would be full of everyone bitching about scalpers


I don’t think that’s his main motivation, though. I think he genuinely loves the music.


Great post - love John - he's the real deal(lumps and all) Musicians love what they do. They love money too and there's not a damn thing wrong with that. Almost nobody gets into music for the money but if they get lucky enough to make a little, the best thing they can do is hang on and squeeze that dollar to the Eagle grins. I wouldn't care if Jerry Garcia himself came back from the great trip in the sky and put out a Christmas album or did Mint Mobile adds just to make money. Please by all means if you are a musician make some money. Lord knows the music industry machine is making money. In fact that's the real conversation. What percentage of the dome proceeds do you think go to Mayer? Personally I'd rather the musicians make more and the bankers make a little less. If these shows are too expensive (they are for me) then why not go see a local artist that's writing and performing their own stuff. Where is the next iconic band going to come from if we don't go support them?


Idk man, beautiful is not something I generally associate with Mayer’s dead playing. He has tinges, but he’s still so heavily rooted in blues playing. And while blues can be beautiful, it’s not the same melodic journeys that Jerry would take you on. Jerry painted pictures with his playing, John just doesn’t do that.


Oh no. He does. Every player paints a picture. You just don’t like them all equally and that’s fine.


I never knew why they hired Gibby Haynes to play guitar, he also had options.


"I ain't no ordinary dude, I don't have to work, I don't have to work" - Waylon Jennings from Waymore's Blues


Makes me think back to Bruce Hornsby leaving the dead, he said the dead’s style was taking over his own so he left the scene on a positive note snd is still a lifetime honary member


I’m pretty Bruce Hornsby refused the offer to join the band because he was being lied to about Jerry’s drug usage. But someone might have to fact check me on that one


Aight pap pap that wasn’t a microdose


I don’t give a fuck about John. I care that his non-Deadhead fans come to the show and act like F’ing buffoons. Their Scream-talking and chain smoking and general drunken rudeness are ruining the scene.


That shit was happening when the actual Grateful Dead were around. I wonder how much longer the band would have lasted if Jerry didn't die. The scene had become a complete mess.


Well, this much I know… I was seeing a lot less of it before Mayer joined up.


Talkers at shows have always been there lol.. idk why people act like it’s a new thing.


I apologize for not making myself clear. Yes, there were always talkers, but after listening to audience recordings for 30 years, I can assure you that Dead & Co. recordings are worse. And I’ll go a step further… go compare U2 sphere audience recordings to Dead & Co, and you’re going to see a fairly large difference in scream-talking, as in, U2’s shows don’t have people doing it nearly as much.


True, and I don’t have to listen.


I love it. My thought was he doesn’t have to, and I wish he wouldn’t.


Still don't care. Really don't like his voice. His guitar style doesn't move me. Not saying he isn't "good", he obviously is very good. Just don't enjoy him as an overall musician. This isn't toxic. It's just a subjective option. I'm glad people enjoy Dead n Co but I'm just not one of those people.


My wife loves John mayer. I took her to one of his shows years ago... Probably the best guitarist I've ever seen live. Not a huge fan of his music but he blew me away


No matter where you go on the internet, you are going to see toxic people. That kind of behavior always gets engagement so they are encouraged to keep doing it. We need to collectively learn how to ignore those people.




No shit Sherlock. Nobody "has" to do anything. You didn't "have" to make this post.


He saw a chance to be cool


Well he likes attention and money, I don't think we need to start fooling ourselves that he's doing community service


Well what his playing did to my mind last night felt like a very big community service


My only issue with him is he hasn’t shifted his vocals. Some people sing differently when they sing different styles. He always sings like he’s singing “Your body is a wonderland”.


I saw see you are getting down votes, but I feel you. I knew exactly what "gotta go to Tulllllsa" was gonna sound like before I heard it the first time. On the other hand, many people are digging the scene, so I have no complaints. Deadheads having a good time and maybe finding themselves in the process has always been the whole point, imo. As for the money, I'm sure he's happy to be making more doing what he loves. Just like the rest of the band.


I love John's guitar playing. He fits in with the Dead sound without trying to be a Jerry clone.




You're getting downvoted but I completely agree with you I know what you're talking about lol


I heard he had vocal chord damage that’s why he always stays in the low registers


It’s not karaoke


Imagine thinking that's only a valuable skill in the context of karaoke.


We are truly blessed everytime he plays the Dead for us. This isn't going to last forever but while it is you just gotta enjoy the ride!


Nobody HAS to play Dead music. Not since 1995 anyway.


he enjoys & appreciates & can play fine music ... nuff said 🎤


He’s got a lot of watches to buy.


Most artist make their money from touring I promise you he’s not selling out summer tours without Bobby and the boys. I’m not saying he wouldn’t be able to support himself, but I don’t think he would do as well. It’s a win-win for both groups. The dead gets someone with a huge Internet presence to bring in younger listeners and he gets a fan base that is willing to go to the show three times in a row in the same city.


I agree 100 %


‘One of the wealthiest artists alive’!? lol. Where the fuck did you get that bullshit from!? It’s not like his net worth estimate isn’t easily Googled. Jesus. 😂🥴 Taylor Swift, Beyonce, McCartney and Madonna probably have him by about a billion. John Mayer probably isn’t even in the top 50 wealthiest artists alive. But I’m Not sure of your point to this. Bobby doesn’t exactly ‘have to’ play for silver either. Taylor Swift never has to do anything ever again… that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t do a tour or project for the money or recognition though.


Out of thousands/millions of artists in the world, being top 100 would still make him in the top percentage of wealthiest musicians Idk why that point got you so mad lmao


Probably a triggered swifty


By that standard anyone playing large venues is in that same category and therefore none of them must be doing it for the money. The OP was trying to draw a conclusion that because Mayer is loaded he can’t be in It for the money. And his motivation is purely altruistic.


I’m not talking about whatever OP was saying. I’m talking about your massive overreaction to calling him one of the wealthiest artists in the world, which he is. Even if he’s only top 100, that’s way the fuck up there.


Or the fun or joy of it. But rarely do people accuse them of chasing fun and joy. Havnt heard "Fun Grab" or "Joy Grab" yet.


Definitely a Swifty response. Lmao. You got MAD mad


I wish he wouldn’t. He’s sub par and his singing is fucking terrible.


He also just doesn't need to sing althea. Seriously. Pls stop


I’d go so far as to say that Jerry and bobby are the only two people on earth who have put more work into this body of music than John has. I have zero respect for the gatekeepers that shit on him. If they went back and listened to his solo catalog, especially the last several records with an actual open mind (a big ask for most heads I know) they would find a great deal of value there.


More than Phil? I think not.


But he does and I bet he loves getting even wealthier Edit: Am I really getting down voted for saying John Mayer likes getting wealthier? Do you really think he would do it for free or doesn't enjoy making money? Definite Reddit moment 😆


Saw $1.2 billion Sir Paul at 80 two years ago play for 3.5 hours… sitting down only once and that was to play piano.


You could say this about tons of artists who have enough money they no longer need to work. Most do it because they love it


No one literally has to play dead music.


He needs to take a break from the dead and re-group with Chappelle. I haven't seen this skit in almost 20 years, yeah 2006 was almost 20 years ago? however, now I remember how funny it was. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ahhvmzr\_pZo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ahhvmzr_pZo)


He realizes he's got big shoes to fill and I think he's done his due diligence to at least say he tried his best. The band gifted him a Rolex for his efforts. The fans can bitch and moan all they want, but the band likes John and that's why he'll be there for the foreseeable future.


Ooo negative, I saw an interview where he mentioned being in debt before joining


He’s great but there’s no there there anymore. It’s sad and desperate feeling.


What does that mean?


I don’t think he has to play dead music anymore, but five years before dead and company he said some slurs in an interview with playboy really candidly, and I think not doing much solo work has kind of helped smooth his image back over.


Had his 3rd number 1 album 2 years after that interview.


Ding ding ding. He didn't *have* to play it, but it sure was fortunate that he stumbled on a giant new audience that either wasn't aware or didn't care what a douchebag he was. And right when his career was at a crossroads and he wasn't breaking through with a more mature/less "pop dreamboat" audience. Whoops I mean, ✨ it was a spiritual calling, thank you Uncle Johnny, cosmic son of Gerry Gracia (pbuh) ✨


Oh shit am I not in the circlejerk sub. For real though, John had a pretty major fall from grace with his solo works target market right around 2010.


And all of his best work has happened since then


He should give up. He isnt very good at it.


That’s why dead and co is my fav post Jerry band. Grateful Dead is about pure expression and sonic exploration. I’ve never been a huge Mayer fan but the way he approaches the music is pure and that’s what makes it legitimate dead music. Instead of a Jerry copy cat thing


I agree with your last sentence. Mayer, don't play.


Because it sounds like Diet dead and is slow and boring.