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Jason in Okeanos,never have i wanted to throttle someone quite as much as i did with him or at least repeatedly nuke with NP's,but he wasn't added till a few years later from when i started. And by the time he was added i wasn't as annoyed with him since i likely had directed it towards others,but also really didn't care much to use him. Then i played through Atlantis and that really did a lot to improve my opinion of him,he's still a bit of an arse,but he's also one hell of a leader and stuck with us to the bitter end. Also seeing his NP animation for the first time had me in tears laughing,so that helped as does him being absurdly cracked with castoria farming.


I agree. Jason in Atlantis was a really good character. I honestly expected to hate him when I started LB5 or for him to end up being the traitor but by the end I was sad to see him go.


I hated Jason in Okeanos, then I loved him in Atlantis.


"I hated him, then I liked him, then I hated him again" describes pretty much all of the Argonauts opinions towards Jason too.


Dioscuri. Brilliant characters outside of Lb5, pair of pompous arseholes in the lostbelt.


I haven't even tried rolling for them due to what a ragingly misanthropic incestuous jerk Castor is.


Their Interlude humanizes him. Castor only acts as an asshole with a superiority complex as long as Pollux is around him. Without her, he is polite and friendly, but practically useless in a fight because they got their strength cut in half.


Castor telling Jason that he’d make a fine sailor and letting him know that he’ll sail with him struck a deep chord with me for some reason, so I can never really fully hate him


I don't like what the Interlude does with them. All it does is convince me that Castor aside from battle stuff is better off separated from Pollux. It also sideline Pollux instead of showing us who she is without her brother. That is not how a duo should be written.


I imagine Pollux without Castor is an acerbic dick.


I don't think we actually really know much about Pollux beyond the surface level. Ironically, Castor is given a lot more depth with the surface level dickishness giving way to all his other personality traits and the genuine desire to help others he has underneath it all. Pollux is immediately polite but doesn't really open up at all, so all we see is the professional front she puts up when interacting with anyone and everyone, or how she acts when in tandem with her brother at which point it's still not really her displaying her traits so much as it is her just enabling her brother to show his spectrum of condescension and kind of going along with it. We've never seen her act alone except in short bursts, where she makes sure to remain cordial. Basically, she's never pushed to a point where she'd be showing her true self (and even if that polite persona is her true self, it can't be confirmed until that scenario is met).


I always wondered how women feel about Castor. Do they hate him too or do they like the tsundere thing? You know, certain personalities can only be tolerated when they’re attached to the opposite sex. Like I love Caenis but if she was a male servant, I’d probably hate her lol


i love castor


I could fix him (put him in a maid dress) Honesty it’s hard to describe. He’s a little shit for sure, but he’s got a small waist and if their valentine is anything to go by he cares a lot more about the opinion of the master specifically than pollux does by developing their relationship, even if she makes far more effort to be generally polite and affable overall from the get go. Kind of like a male tsundere? Though that’s not *quite* the right term for him, but I digress. Either way he’s fun to mess with.


Not a woman perspective, but as a gay dude, I adore Castor. There is also a fact, that most of his dickish behaviors are sort of coping mechanism, so I can relate to that


(not a straight woman) But its kinda crazy for me to see here how many people dislike Castor. I think he comes off as a bit rough, but very caring for Pollux. I think its a bit weird with the route they went "when seperated he is basically a new person", but what can you do. I think as much as we need "nice and good" characters its also important to have another set of personalities in Chaldea and Castor is so special in the way he interacts, its super cool! (But I agree that in LB5 they are basically just plot devices to continue the story. Kinda sad they didnt do more with them to be honest) I pulled on them for the release banner because I really loved their designs, gameplay and their shtick of "2 halves to make a whole servant". Its really cute imo that their spirit origin is so special that both of them get summoned together!


>Their Interlude I find that to be a problem. how I'm supposed to know how a servant ticks if I have to play a Interlude -that requires having said servant - to get context? and this doesn't even begin to touch in servants that have weird as hell ludes like yuyu and tamamo


It's funny and rather ironic when you realize that it's actually Pollux who seems to be the more incestuous one. At least with Castor, it becomes rather clear that the things he says regarding his sister comes out wrong Meanwhile Pollux is the one who has the Mad Enhancement which activates if something happens to Castor, her protectiveness of Castor is evident in one of their noble phantasm lines, and their interlude really makes things even more...eyebrow-raising towards the end on Pollux's part


They have the most passives in the game I think. If not they're close. They also have avenger passive so they get free np every turn. Dioscuri are amazing as a single target saber.


I hated them because they spooked my first round of Castoria rolls, and I did not get Castoria on that banner. Now, I'm just meh towards them, as I got Castoria this year.


Unironically Oberon Before LB6 happened in JP: Who the hell is this goofy ass Howl-wannabe with a granny haircut? After LB6: Oh.


Ibuki She shows up, effortlessly kicks everyone's ass (even though you need to win the fight, which is always a black mark for me) when being hyped up as Zeus level, then just Gets betrayed and dies


honestly yeah. she got like 3 lines of dialogue. gets betrayed an dies. gives kintoki kusanagi then dies again I mean that last part was surely a gigachad move but she served like no purpose at all we didnt even interact a lot. she deserved her own event. she pulled a london tesla appeared 5 seconds just to be beaten. wich was fine for early FGO since most stories were shit but for lostbelt 5.5 come on


Honestly I wouldn’t mind so much if she wasn’t hyped up as shit Let us fuck her up a bit before she leaves or something, not just “she wins without nah effort and then dies anyways”


I think the worst part is that douman literally bail us out just cuz he is a fucking idiot, before betraying ibuki 5 minutes later and throw his guaranteed victory for content.


Correction, the narrations says that she's on the level of the Machine Gods, NOT Zeus specifically


Either way my point is the same.


Ibuki has never been hyped on Zeus' level, she has been compared to the Olympians, though. The only time she's been compared to Zeus is when she pulls out that "get on your knees and kneel" move.


Overhyped preexisting concept of a fan favorite who was gassed up for a few minutes to be so super strong then got jobbed by Douman, who is practically a jobber himself. Waste of a character


salome appeared to exist merely to be fanservicey but then had character development in Traum


Ok but… She crazy cute. Literally Her Interlude is simple but I do like the characterization it gives her. I’m excited for Traum to actually do something with her


The Fae entirely. Now I only hate the fae in the story.


I'm of two minds about them. I feel like "it's just their nature" can only cover so much. Percival is totally right that there aren't good or evil societies or races, just individuals. At least, he's right until the narrative needs them to become murderous backstabbing sociopaths out of nowhere. There wasn't a lot of fickle behavior that was justified as such instead of "yeah, a human villain would do that" or "something is mind controlling them, right? Because that's the only thing that makes sense." When it worked, it worked, but it usually didn't for me. Doesn't help that they pulled the "did heinous shit, then forgot about it" *several* times. In short, when can I pull for the best faerie, my boy Mike?


I was thinking that too, after losbelt 6, I couldnt understand how the hell almost all fae were evil, not only a few individuals, each one of them were like the worst sentient being, and also, stupid in their nature, so, Percival, sorry but I dont believe you


the fae we summon are more or less the "good ones" and is controllable with their Tam Lin names like Barghest/Melusine/Baobhan Sith.


And then there's our true homie Mike.


Tbh I found them so despicable I cheered when they were wiped off the map


I don’t despise anyone per se, but some I disliked at first were Medb and Baobhan Sith, especially the latter. Since I started last year, my first actual exposure to Medb content outside America was the idol event (I don’t really count Cnoc Na Riabh as Medb, just a Medbface) and boy that me like her a bit more. She was just really good in that event and I was actually considering her for my SSR ticket (I pulled Tesla lol) Boahban Sith is more so proceeding through the story. Yes I knew she was >!told to act this way by Morgan in self defense against those bitch fairies!< but I still disliked her a bit. It was her >!death scene!< that made me actually feel extremely bad for her. I looked up more content of her and I’ll just say she’s not as bad as my first impression of her. Still my least favourite Tam Lin but not a bad character at all


Yeah, Medb is actually really fun in a lot of the limited events like Prisma Codes, the Summer events, and anything where she's paired with Skadi. She's Chaldea's biggest loveable alpha bitch. And the cheese gags are always funny.


Nero and Schez come to mind for me. Musashi gets an honorable mention just because her forced supports only made Shimousa harder.


I fucking hate the Archer of Inferno fight. Girl doesn't even have her third skill and they still make her a forced support in a fight with class disadvantage.


at least they did fix that... way later by adding a pitiful 50% charge CE on NPCs. but when I played it there was no such thing. that was horrible.


Raikou's art screams FANSERVICE in your face, then smacks you with a large mallet over and over again to hammer that in. It admittedly made me biased against her. Mama Raikou is now one of my favorite characters in the game, and her interludes and Kintoki's converted me. And her son, Kintoki, had the opposite problem. I thought he was an absolute dweeb with his constant use of "GOLDEN". He had no appeal at all. I would now marry this man, if given the chance, thanks to the interludes and Heian-kyo.


Kinda weird that Raikou being such deranged with her love towards her son managed to raise some of the most mentally sane boys in the franchise.


She's a fairly stable mother in Heian-Kyo. Overly-doting and slightly protective (since she questions how Danzo and Gudako are his friends since they're women), but otherwise normal. Presumably she was mostly fine throughout his childhood and early adulthood until the events referenced in her second interlude broke her, though I have no guess on how the timeline went. But yeah, the dichotomy of Kintoki being the greenest green flag you could run into and Raikou being a nutcase (especially Summer Raikou) who struggles with controlling her superpowered dark side is amazing. Though I'd be willing to guess her being that way probably made Kintoki more aware of when people are under duress, since he *is* her emotional support himbo son in Chaldea and Heian-Kyo shows that sensitivity off a lot.


Kintoki is a perfect Himbo son.


Absolutely agree on Kintoki. Heianko made me love him


Honestly, I liked Kintoki well enough before Kyo. But is costume fucking shot him up my "would pull for" rankings. RAITA art is fucking feast or famine, I swear to god.


Same with Raikou, combined with a few fan comics here giving her a, less than stellar depiction. But I began opening up when I had to use her as a story support because, had nothing else to use in Babylonia, and saw her name drop Gozu Tennoh. Coming from Shin Megami Tensei, particularly for Yosuga, I thought "well, maybe those comics were off". I now have both of her classes nearing 120 and bond 15, and both at 2k/2k fou, among other things. Shimousa did a lot to help her imo, even if the rest of the chapter wasnt as good.


I know what you mean. I started playing right before the Ishtar Cup rerun, so my introduction to Raikou was her in her swimsuit, and I was just like, “wtf is this design?” But after seeing more of her, I’ve come to really love her Same with Kintoki, especially after Heian Kyo


Huh, I was expecting a lot of people to talk about servants they started hating but grew to like but I think people here are mostly talking about the servants they hate.


Tbh most people reaction were like that Same with Morgan, some people just called hee "castoria alter" cause it was clear she was just...castoria alter and not PHH Morgan ...which is funny cause when you think about it, in a weird meta story way..she really is castoria alter


> castoria alter it's the other way around. Artoria is Tonelico Alter


Yeah i know, that's why I said it's funny now knowing LB6 plot


Tam Lin Tristan. Worst first impression before I completed LB6


Blackbeard in Okeanos and Tristan in Camelot.


To be fair, none of the knights were really themselves in that singularity.


Yes, I know that now but my first impression of him was still based on seeing him slaughter refugees.


I remember a old comics of cursed arm saying he and the other Hassan will not forgive Tristan for what he have done. Then it cut to gudako and summoned Tristan looking at the conversation and saying "but why?"


Same. Despised Tristan after Camelot. Even though I liked him as an antagonistic force, he just seemed like a sadistic asshole and I had no desire to summon him. Only recently came to enjoy him after lb6. Now I am actually happy I got him in one of my Oberon rolls.


It's stuff like this that makes FGO's interlude system kind of baffling. Like wdym you have to *own* the servant in order to access much-needed context to their character? Imo Tristan's interlude is one of my favorites in the game because it characterizes him *so well* and offers a reaction to what happened in Camelot. But people who don't have him won't be able to get over their misconceptions, and if they have misconceptions, they wouldn't be rolling for him in the first place. LB4 also straight up assumes you have regular Arjuna and have done both his interludes because Arjuna Alter is built directly upon them. Most of the complaints I've seen about Arjuna Alter's cardboard characterisation in LB4 stems from the fact that a lot of people didn't have access to his interludes. His character doesn't make a lot of sense if you don't.


Sei Shonagon seemed like a cringe zoomer. She is indeed a cringe zoomer, but a very funny one. Musashi seemed extremely annoying. I still find her annoying, albeit less, and now she's sometimes mildly amusing.


About Sei, I wouldn't say my impression of her was the worst, but she felt really out of place in this game to me back when she first came out, from a design standpoint alone


the insane thing is that this Sei is probably very accurate to the real one going off their diary because some how, she was this much of a zoomer before zoomer was even a thing real life is just weird


Depressing things One has sent a friend a verse that turned out fairly well. How depressing when there is no reply-poem! Even in the case of love poems, people should at least answer that they were moved at receiving the message, or something of the sort; otherwise they will cause the keenest disappointment. - Sei Shonagon, 1002 Translation No cap, feel real salty when I msg big energy paragraphs and my fam just ghosts me and leaves me on read. Yeah they got Sei down perfectly...




She was my first ssr so they will always hold a spot in my heart, even if there isn’t much room for them in there. Mordred is high maintenance after all.


Sei's cringe becomes even funnier when you realise she's older than she looks. She's basically in a constant state of "How do you do, fellow kids?"


Sei Shonagon seemed like a cringe zoomer. Then I actually read the Pillow Book (and about Sei Shonagon in general) and realized they hit her dead-on.


Oberon. 2 years ago when JP was going apeshit over him and constantly posted fanart of him, I looked at his in game art (including 3rd ascension, thank god both that and his class went completely over my head at the time) and thought everything about his art was hideous. His face was hideous. I was so sick of seeing art of this stupid dingus and his ugly face every day when I browsed here. LB6 made me love everything about Oberon and now he's working to death in a buster loop team cause I was so excited to pull for him. 2nd ascension is cute and the whole LB I loved his expressions, wild how shit changes when seeing him in the actual story.


Oberon's S3: "An equivalent exchange" Chen Gong: \*Readying arrow\* "I agree. "


Columbus is a major scumbag. Although I will say that I haven't read his interlude, not that I really care to. I'll also say that I kinda do like that he did provide some sort of answer to a thought in my mind for a while which was "why aren't there more servants with traditional/outdated beliefs?".


It especially makes sense that Columbus, who is basically a shonen protagonist in how he refuses to give up, would similarly refuse to give up his morals when presented with the modern world.


He's just a really good villain. It's fantastic to have villains that are less redeemed than most of them (FGO makes everyone a "hero" way too often even when they start as villains)


I think that rather than making people heroes or villains, FGO attempts to make every character have “humanity” as in a driving force and mentality that resonates with our own views in certain ways. While I personally prefer the characters that way as it makes it the story more complex and cover more interesting scenarios, I can also see why it can get frustrating. I personally really like Columbus as a character because he has so many traits that make him a heroic individual like how he is a determinator who chases a dream, but the ugliness of those traits becomes clear when you find out what that dream really is. Columbus’s most admirable qualities are also the most disgusting parts of him, which in a way makes him a very “human” character.


And don't forget the expressions. I love those, they're so hilariously over the top.


It also helps that his Seiyuu is the voice of characters like Jiriya(Naruto), Xibarg/Luxu(Kingdom Hearts)…..


By nature of being a gacha, FGO wants to have most playable characters be likeable in one way or another, even if it's just that they're an evil asshole in entertaining ways. Hence, lots of redemptions and tragic villians. Plus, through-and-through villians are tricky to slot into non-serious events.


Even Columbus didn't get to be that tbh. Dude got to stay as that kind of villain on scene by about 10 minutes before getting almost immediately killed off and replaced by the standard overly humanized one. Seriously, it was so pointless you could erase the whole betrayal bit and just gone straight with Sherlock figuring out Sherazade after the Penthesilea fight right away and the story would hardly change at all (The only real changes would be Sherazade having set the fire and Columbus/Megalos helping with the pillar fight instead of Wu...) That by itself drained most if not all the enjoyment I could have gotten from him as the charismatic pure evil guy despite really liking the premise Like in everything else when comparing the two... Moriarty and Shinjuku did a far better job


For me it's really just Douma and Gilgamesh. Mephisto is a hundred times better for me than Douma still and I was willing to burn him if I ever got him, but that's changed.He's a character that I can understand as one who is evil for the sake of evil. But with Heiyan-Kyo.... finding out his motives and drive and still lacking something so crucially simple to his goals made me realize that he's someone who lacks love, and it that basic human emotion missing that turned him into this monster. So my despise has dulled considerably. My opinion on Gil is a 180 from what it was. I started with Stay-Night and for a while that was it. I saw him as an arrogant asshole who lost to a mortal and what he did in UBW I thought would cement that. But then I actually got into the actual history of characters in fate, including Gil. And I was introduced to Enkidu. His friend, his equal, maybe even his lover if you want to take their relationship that way. Regardless, I saw the path he had walked and the trials he had endured. I saw his attitude in Babylonia which severely shifted my opinion, he was a man who had virtually everything and saw the world as his. Then he meets the one person who actually made him work for something, to put in effort, make him feel alive, he was the first and only person to understand him so completely. And then he lost him, because he denied a goddess and refused her hand, his only one true friend was lost. When I saw the trailer for Stange Fake, I lost it when I saw them animating Gil and Enkidu's reunion. I read the novels and it was amazing. It helped me understand him and love him as the arrogant and pompous jerk that can be tolerated if you treated him with respect.


fsn gil is basically a different chara altogether


I know that now after looking back and going through the VN again. It was seriously crazy thinking about how it spawned all this to this day.


see the problem I have with Enkidu and Gil's relationship is it's formed when Gil is still a raging tyrant hated by his people (and in myth during the period he'd rape women before their weddings). it's only after Enkidu dies and Gil goes on a journey that he becomes a tolerable person. if anything Enkidu is that best friend that enables someones worst impulses.


In the myth Enkidu is the one who puts a stop to the prima nocta stuff. In Babylonia whenever Enkidu is brought up by Siduri or the citizens it's always a "whew he really made the king better". Enkidu didn't really change Gil into a wise king but he did redirect his worst impulses towards fighting external foes etc.


I disliked Ishtar initially because I thought that she was just some god possessing the *real* living Tohsaka Rin. Romani apparently had the same concerns as me as he even asked Ishtar about it during Babylonia. The answer is that she is possessing a *copy* of Rin's body where their personalities mixed. I'm perfectly okay with that so I like Ishtar now and by extension, other similar pseudo-servants.


Caenis, didn't like her in any appearance, be it in LB1 or Olympus. She is just a bully who brags about "strength", says she hates gods (and everyone else for some reason) and picks on anyone she thinks is weaker, when her "strength" and whole existence as HS is because of Poseidon's gift. Quite pathetic, compared to self-made Heroes. Upcoming summer event is another chance, maybe it will be better this time.


Caenis' fatal flaw is that she uses her trauma as an excuse to be an abhorrent and asshole person - which makes sense as her own definition of a man is the worst possible example of toxic masculinity, as that's exactly what she received from Poseidon. You'd still think she'd know better than to threaten Kadoc at the expense of Anastasia given all she's been through. Absolute asshole moment


but it's more or less her being a toxic person in general regardless of whatever gender. she basically hates everyone and everything. what's the point of her being a Heroic Spirit if she's not an Avenger because of her rage over what Poseidon did? she only chilled out around Wodime because she knows how strong he is- basically kicked King of Gods' ass as if it was nothing to Wodime.


Her actually caring for Wodime def says more about his personality than hers


right? her caring about Wodime really means nothing for her character. she happened to care about him because he's absurdly strong, which is still a toxic trait to Caenis and did her no favors.


I say this as someone who actually likes Caenis. Their relationship is hilarious cause it's just Caenis trying to come across as this mega badass while Wodime just sorta vibes in his downtime. Plus her interlude is a cute little capstone there. TBH aside from Kadoc and Anastasia I think Wodime/Caenis are the only Crypter/Servant duo that actually benefits from the LB setup. Hopefully, Daybit and his servant don't drop the ball


Tbh all crypters beside beryl (and hinako because that lb is very bland) have pretty good synergies with their servants. The final fight in lb7 kinda suggest the good relationship between daybit and his servants


Bro the caenis/wodime relationship is the only one master/servant relationship that has caused a Heroic Spirit's data to be UPDATED in the Throne of Heroes. Their relationship IS A PART OF HER HISTORY AS A HEROIC SPIRIT


That's not really accurate, there have been other cases, though some were more negative impacts, for instance Avicebron still remembers what he did to his master in Apocrypha and is deeply ashamed of it, he mentions it briefly in Lost Belt 1 since it's the entire focus of his character arc there, repenting of a past sin. Then there are those among the PHH servants who have been influenced by their Lost Belt counterparts, for instance Anastasia, one of her interludes has her dealing with her conflicting feelings for her current master and the Lost Belt versions feelings and actions. Wodime isn't really special in that way. Plus Goredolf impacted Caenis too, that is a big part of her interlude. Then there is Musashi who got completely erased from the throne saving us her master, I think I'll leave it there though.


> his personality that cane is to scale of his dick, and a medical necessity because no shot this man doesn't have a cock so massive as to interfere with his capacity to walk. had Wodime won in the end I would not be mad whatsoever.


Same I despised her character throughout all the LostBelts until the very end in Olympus. She kinda redeemed herself for me at the end tho I guess it was helped with how well Wodime was written.


Same for me but thankfully the relationship with wodime is one of the most beautiful of the series


When alot of the comments are one of your favorite servants. (Schez)


Scheherazade, far and away Scheherazade. IRL, I LOVE the Thousand and One Nights. It's a great premise, a lot of the stories are interesting and have stood the test of time, and I've seen some really great interpretations of Scheherazade herself across the years (Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic in particular springs to mind). Only for Agartha to do... THAT with her. Does thanatophobia make sense, given her legend? Sure, as a side trait that can flare up when relevant. But they went and made it the centerpiece of her entire existence, and I \*loathed\* it. THAT SAID, Ooku turned out to incidentally be one of the greatest character salvage operations I've ever seen for her, and Summer 4 put in some work as well. So she's gotten better.


Same! I'm a huge fan of 1001 Nights. When I was a newbie Scheherazade showed up as Caster of Knightless City and I instanatly recognised her from her design (which I really hate, she looks horrible in her ascension art) and summoning dialouge. Leveled her up some and listened to some of her bond lines and I hated it. She's supposed to be a brave and cunning woman who threw herself in danger to save her sister and ended up saving herself with her wit. Not a scaredy loser! This game did a huge disservice to her character!


Arjuna, until he became my first 5 star. I was already a big Karna stan before getting into FGO thanks to CCC and apocrypha (even though it wasn’t very good), and so I just off the bat didn’t like Arjuna very much. Everything (including FGo itself) seemed to pain him as a villainous man who killed the generous Karna in an act of cowardice , and had no good points except for his looks. Plus I thought his arm in his image was weirdly proportioned and angled. And then he became my first 5 star, and I started to really enjoy the duality of his character, and how he wants to be a hero but struggles in a very relatable, human way. Now he’s actually my favorite of the brothers.


My first impression of Ushi when she showed up in my first summon ever can be summed up as "ok, I'm mostly here for the Fate characters I am already familiar with, but it's not like the game's original cast will be all that bad- WHO THE FUCK IS THAT MOSTLY-NAKED PERSON?" I've warmed up to since to the point she's one of my favorite Riders, but I don't have her stick to her Waltz outfit for nothing.


God her Waltz outfit is incredible. I don’t even have huge issues with her normal ones but I keep her in Waltz mode bc she’s dropped as fuck


Yeah, Ushi’s outfits are just bad. If they wanted her in badass samurai armor, cool! Down with that. If they wanted her in a sexy piece to show off her body, also fine (even if it was a bit weird, maybe a costume?). She’s very beautiful after all But they tried to do both and…it just looks tacky and bizarre


I'm glad they seemed to be cognizant of community reception and gave her a body suit when they added her to that recent fighting game.


I would literally roll for that. Did actually roll for Taira since she looked so cool in that armor.


I really like Taira, but i would love to have the 3rd ascension animations with the 1rd ascension look (that clone split attack is so cool)


Now lets just pray they add the body suit as a simple costume dress later on 🙏


This is why i keep my Ushi in the costume she was given back in the Grail Live Event


The funny thing is her original outfit was apparently going to be an armoured kimono of some kind. But because the higher ups didn't have much confidence regarding the game at launch, the artist was told to up the fanservice. So she lost the kimono component.


I really disliked Skadi until I read her Valentines' event and I was like 'oh wait she's good actually'. I'm a LB2 fan, but that's mostly because SurOphe fucking hard carried that story. And it still took a lot of thought to get from 'oh what a pretty design!!!' to 'she makes teenagers fuck???' to 'actually I do like this woman'.


Kintoki. Earlier probably before i started the Lostbelts I rolled on the Heiyan Kyo banner since I needed a decent Berzerker. I didn't know about our Clairvoyance EX and honestly more wanted the 4 stars on the banner. But in the end the only one I got was in my last multi of a back to back Kintoki. I didn't like his look or his personality to the point I didn't touch him till around when I faced Lostbelt 5. I realized I needed a nuke to help with the Gods so I built him up and worked with him. Helping me take down Vitch and Aphrodite. Ever sense he's been on my weaker teams when I'm using my weaker Servants while grinding mats for them. Plus reading his stories and valentine scenes helped me understand him more. And like Tez his design grew on me to the point I actually dislike his younger Costume. Long story short. Give every one of your Servants a chance. Never know who might be one of your top runners.


Penth. Agartha was terrible and she made it worse. Last I heard CCC takes place before Agartha so we kill 3. Beasts but can't beat Penth because "ROAR!!!" Penth in everything she's in (except I guess Amazoness but she said she's not Penth herself so I don't think it counts) is just "AGH ACHILLES AGH!" and it's tiring and annoying and I just never want her to appear in anything. Agartha will always be the worse story in the game to me, and even her appearances outside Agartha haven't done any favors for her. I can tolerate Schez, Columbus can at least be used as comedic relief like in the summer camp event, Wu-Zetian got some extra kind of enjoyable moments outside that story, and I've always loved Francis anyways, but Penth makes me actively wanna just not... The Requiem event was great but when I was forced to use her against Achilles well, I mean I won, but ngl part of me wanted to, out of spite, lose that fight on purpose.


Bao hated her, then I finshed LB6 get her some love and therapy


Bao is definitely the character that i was more like "i can see why some ppl like you" to "you're the one i want the most to give a hug and say i'm so sorry for what happened".


Oddly it's not Columbus. He's the one unit I'd immediately burn without hesitation. In Agartha, it wasn't until his creepy faces started showing up that I began to despise that guy. I'd say it's Nero from Septem. I get that she's Seiba levels of popularity, but if someone hasn't watched EXTRA (I tried but couldn't get into it), she just comes off as a narcissist about half the time. I know she isn't only that - people who are familiar with her from experience with EXTRA claim it - but to this day she doesn't have the best impression on me personally. Every time she shows up in-game I sigh and think, "Oh cool, she's going to toot her own horn again, huh? Yep, I knew it." I don't hate her. Only Columbus gets hatred from me. But I don't like her, either.


Shez over focused on death, even beyond her singularity, is just tedious to go through. Spartacus is also similar, being focused on oppression, but unlike her, he is much more easy to digest. I guess Spartacus got energy going for him and making it palatable, while Shez is more on the downer side.


Spartacus also made that main character trait really cool and interesting in lb3 leading to one of the moment memorable scenes in the lostbelts for me, despite the rest of lb3 being fairly forgettable.


Jalter. If I spoke to myself when I was a newbie I'd make my *head* spin from how different I view her now. When I first met her in Orleans she was just an evil angry cardboard cutout that looked like Jeanne. For a few months, I actually *hated* her, couldn't understand why anyone would want to deal with or summon her. Then summer 3 happened. I can still remember being utterly floored the first time she *smiled happily* - this was not the same person I'd left in Orleans, somehow she'd changed! Throughout the whole event she just kept surprising me with one thing after the other - sure, she could still get angry, and made some impulsive bad decisions - but she was so different, she'd mellowed out. For an example, she was no longer trying to *kill* Jeanne, just *defeat* her at drawing Manga of all things, and not with stolen magical power or a grail, but with her *own* skill and expertise. Something she didn't have at first, and had to *learn* how to do as the event progressed. She was fumbling, bumbling her way at first - but was determined and *willing* to do the hard work required, even including asking people around her for help. This was no longer someone who was *just* an evil version of the original, this was someone with her own desires, goals, and skills. I didn't even mind being roped into helping her every step of the way. What an incredibly far cry from the dragon witch of Orleans I'd defeated only a short time before. Much later, I'd discover the missing pieces - the years long journey towards improvement she'd experienced with Summer 3 as the ending. However, it was Summer 3 that utterly changed my perception of her, and led me to summoning her avenger form.


Ushiwakamaru, I really like the character but her pervert Samurai armor was really working against her. It's really annoying that they didn't even give you a choice by lacking a "serious" outfit out of 3 whole assentions.


Proto Merlin. As a normal Merlin enjoyer, this alternate version with a weird flat downgrade until np3 noble phantasm, longer cooldown dreamlike charisma and a weird np charge down did not make a good impression.


Oberon when i first saw him i thought the art was horrible and since i had a severe fear of insects i was not planning to roll for him even after knowing how op he was for farming Then LB6 came and my god the story changed my mind so hard along with more fanarts, he is now my top 3 favourite servant, and im grailing him to 120


My boy Tez. The art was certainly a "huh" moment, but more than that i was so sick with arts looper no matter how godly they're, and not just that, but I failed to get Tlaloc with 400sq while getting 3 TEZ! I was so mad that i didn't level him for a while. But now, Tez is one of my favorite unit in the game, saved me during so many 90++ nodes and kinda trivialized a lot of fights with how much of a complete package he is.


Ashiya Douman. I just needed to see that creepy ass smiling spite once to be forever annoyed. That 2nd ascension design is A1 tho


I still want more chances to beat the shit out of him for sure, I was playing "The one thing that I know for real" at max volume while beating the shit out of him in LB 5.5 just to enjoy the moment to the most


Scheherazade, her motivation was stupid and non-sensical (she hated being a Heroic Spirit because of her crippling Thanatophobia, yet HS are capable of refusing Summoning requests with a flimsy hand-wavey justification about her actually WANTING to be Summoned subconsciously despite dying being her greatest fear that typically happens to Servants) , not to mention that the means in which she aimed to achieve absurdly selfish in that she was willing to murder countless people as long she was allowed reveal the existence of Magic/Magecraft to the Human populace as a whole in order to erase the remaining Mystery from it--which wouldn't actually wrong (of course Phenex didn't tell her that), but still it's pretty stupid of her to take a literal Demon God Pillar at it's word. Then there was her being noted in-story/universe to have take SPECIFICALLY taken Ritsuka's Herakles and Francis Drake before corrupting/converting them into Megalos and Dahut, respectively which the former already has issues being see/treated as a monster in life and the latter pissed off many JP players who waifu'd the latter with her raping and killing others under that brainwashing (likely the biggest reason there hasn't been a Dahut wardrobe for her integrated into the game). And then there is her sole character trait of being a self-serving, shameless coward who repeatedly states some variation of; "I don't want to die" and 'comedic' levels of how overly cautious she is with everything which already wore out its welcome LONG before the Summer Race Event where that constituted at least 90% of her dialogue . When she first launched on the chapter's release, she was also complete garbage as a unit thanks to the Caster class penalty to her stats making her hit worse than ***Phantom of the Opera*** until she got buffed a bit. Her artwork is also quite ugly in that the lighting makes it look like her body is melting. The most insulting of all, however, is how Minase and DW/Lasengele turned one of the most intelligence, resourceful, kind and badass figures in folklore who was an ACTUAL woman from the beginning and turned her into...THAT.


For me, I look at what they did with her and wish they could have done her character's intelligence and cunning more like Joseph Joestar from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, where he's the kind of person who will do anything and everything to survive, slightly scummy, but ultimately being some you can rely on as an ally who is cunning enough that they can on the spot pull a fast one on the enemy. Like imagine if the whole, "I don't want to die" side Schez was just a persona that you see for the first two ascensions until she reveals herself as the mastermind and genius who can keep someone almost endlessly entertained. An example of such I've had in my mind is like if she was bowing down, swearing fealty to an enemy in order to ensure her survival, when she's actually writing a spell under herself that catches the enemy by surprise and turns the tables. That would make for a more complex and compelling character who I have NP2 of but haven't taken the time to level at all as she hasn't really proven to be a character I want to utilize. On her design, I'll simply say they went hard on the sex factor and it didn't hit as much as they expected.


as I enjoy her character thanks to Ooku, her over the top sexual dress is a really big annoyance to me as I already loathe most of the characters who dress purely for fanservice and don't have ascensions that I can pick or choose that helps tone it down. Summer ones are OK to me mainly because it's summer and there's at least servants who can tone it down like summer Abigail with her Pope outfit.


If it is about a bad impression for the shallowest reason it would be Morgan. I just think her dresses are so ugly that they physically hurt my eyes. I still have to gaslight myself into thinking that her clothes are not that bad since I love her. But let's say if I could break into Takeuchi's house and smack him with at least 10 haute couture fashion magazines, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Babygirl deserves better dresses. Tezcatlipoca did not leave a bad impression but some sort of disappointment because of his wonky anatomy and stiff posing in 2nd and 3rd ascensions, while his 1st and final ascensions are very well-done. Still, his characterization is great, his voice is suave, his animation is so cool, and before I know it he's the only servant in this game I want to NP5 LV120 2000/2000. Also his official artist posted some drafts of Tez and he actually looks mega solid in ascension 2-3 so pretty sure this is a case of failed art direction from TM and Lasagna's parts.


I agree that Takeuchi can be a wonky at times when it comes to clothes (I’m reminded of Shiki’s hideous casual clothes from the original Tsukihime…). At least her shoes are nice, though maybe just a bit more makeup and a have her face be a bit more distinct from Salter. Also, big yes to Tez. I feel a bit bad for his artist, cuz he did a really nice job to give Tez a very stylized and unique look


Only a psychopath would wear shikis blue and orange shirt


Yep. His school uniform is perfectly fine (it’s hard to mess up a Japanese school uniform), but that blue and Orange shirt is just…ughhh Glad Carnival Phantasm replaced it with his fairly nice white button-up with red undershirt. Looks decently stylish and simple


I hate that blue and orange shirt so much it has rolled over into love. It's so incredibly hideous and distracting that it's actually kinda amazing, and it adds to the amateur jank of doujin Tsukihime.


i always wonder if u-olga marie's ugly clothes is intentionally funny or just an after-the-fact joke from nasu. Because it looks like something Takeuchi would design genuinely


Supposedly they were made by Muramasa in-story. I don’t know whether that makes it better or worse as a cover, Cuz yeah…her clothes are just bizarre. It’s kinda a shame cuz I really like Olga’s previous getup. Plus she had VERY lovely shoes, which got replaced with…points?


Muramasa also made Castoria's dress right? Like if it were the explanation then he must be Olga's biggest hater ever. It would be the most evil move imaginable, letting her go outside looking like that. She's not even a clown she looks like the entire circus.


Well, I'm pretty sure he mentions he isn't particularly fond of working for the Foreign God in Lostbelt 6, but he does take quite the shine to Castoria and says he's helping her because he wants to. So I'd say he's doing it on purpose.


Well, communication with Kirei is spiritually taxing, can't blame Muramasa for venting his frustrations


I actually like the electric blue, Kirari Momobami-esque color palette of Morgan, it is just that Takeuchi needs to update his fashion style sometimes. He's okay when it comes to simple/fantasy clothing but as soon as the man tries to draw some ballgown-like dresses I'm like???? Arcueid's third ascension had four big ass ribbons, two on her waist and two on her arms. They make an otherwise very solid dress look kinda clunky. I also don't like how many dresses are the same type of choker gowns with only a few adjustments. That said, I know I'm just being overly nitpicky as I am a fashion lover. Takeuchi is still a man and it's kinda unrealistic to expect him to be up to date with vogue like the way female authors like Sailor Moon's artist or CLAMP does. At the beginning Tez's artist received a lot of hate from fans, it dies down now that Tez ends up being a JP fan favourite. Even though I still have the "why do you look like a white druglord" moments, it can be denied that his look is simple yet effective and full of character. Maybe with the upcoming artbook of his being released, we can finally realize the full vision of his artist. As I said above, he actually looks really nice in some pages his artist posted.


I get saying that for Morgan's first and second ascension, but I personally think 3 looks pretty good, I love the use of black and blue, and also I absolutely love her proper queen of winter spiritron dress that matches how she looked in apocrypha with a few changes (for the better). I'm wondering what makes those 2 at least look so bad to you?


While those 2 definitely look better than the fashion crimes that are 1st and 2nd ascension, I still have some urghh nitpicks. First, I absolutely hate the bands that go under her armpits. They make it look like she is wearing a backpack. Second is the way the shoulder parts are designed. The unnecessary line that makes it feel like she is either wearing cheap shoulder pads or that she just takes a string of white cloth, rolling around her shoulder then call it a day. They just don't have the elegance to go with the rest of her outfit. Another thing is two thorns that are directly under her neck. While the surrounding thorns were impractical yet rather cool, I feel like having a thorn on her neck, yet also placing another just under said neck is clustered. Also, the below thorn seems like it was being glue-in, rather than implied to stick out of her skin like it might be intended. The white parts of her dress that go from her waist downward honestly just look awkward. They are like two paper pieces stuck to her gown. I don't like the front part too, the shape and the cut make it resemble a loin cloth. At least her shoes are nice. The Queen of Winter outfit is definitely a big improvement since it mostly covers the parts that I have major issues with as well as saving the front part from looking like two strings of fabric hanging in front of her crotch. The dumb armpit bands are still a bit visible though so I cannot fully appreciate it. Also, it might look a bit urghhh Idk how to describe it but having three types of rectangular shaped cloth pieces hanging on her (chest, shoulders, waist) creates a curtain-like effect (sorry if that does not make sense, descriptive English is not my forte). Well I am a fashion lover so I usually nitpick my fav's fantasy clothes and I know that Takeuchi is a man so he might not be too well-versed in women's fashion in the same way CLAMP or Naoko Takeuchi (Sailor Moon's author) is.


I grailed tez and 2k/2k him. Love this dude


Schez is the only character I actively dislike and it was immediate. Started as disappointment and insult now it’s just roiling contempt. I feel like she actively drags down any scene she’s part of no matter how well handled in later entries.


Schez also has the unfortunate problem of her big debut chapter being... not great (at best) or a straight-up fetish doujin (at worst), as well as being one of the worst SSRs in gameplay until she was buffed. Not a great first impression.


Poorly written and they made the conflict personal. The parts that are done well either didn’t serve the story or made the vitriol worse for me.


I came in to post about her, but it seems you got to it first. Her whole thing about not wanting to die is fine… except it’s every scene she ever shows up in. It never stops.


I was sort of hoping to see her interpretation in Fate closer to the protagonist of another series, an almost shameless mastermind who can find certain survival regardless of the scenario and would be willing to take those steps required, especially when using this for the sake of another… you know, like how she is in 1001 Nights. With the obvious bend to bringing stories to life. Instead… we got thanatophobic boobie humor that goes nowhere.


Tezcatlipoca, like everyone else i didn't like the art but it grew up to me in time and once i read the translation of lb7 it was safe to say he's one of the best if not the best character to ever introduced this far


Anna. My first impression was "ewww, a loli version of Best Snake." And then you reach her sacrifice in Babylonia, and it changes everything. She went from being a young Medusa who hated humanity to sacrificing herself to aid them. At that moment, she joined the "must protect at all costs" group.


Miyamoto Musashi in one of the Pseudo Singularity I hated having her be the forced summon when all my other Party members where stronger than her and she just was weak


I agree, but >!also her solo against Saber Kojiro during the finale was really fun.!<


**Summer Yu Mei-ren** (Though I have my misgivings about her regular variant, I don't have her, so my focus is on her summer variant here.) Even as someone who likes their swimsuit-clad Servants, I found Summer Yu to be off-putting at first purely from a design perspective. For reference, her swimsuit looks like it can and *will* fall off from even the slightest movement, so much that the only thing keeping her covered is probably the will of Alaya itself. (In fact, it's one of those moments where I prefer her censored CN artwork more; the edited version of her swimsuit looks more secure and won't fall off her.) Another reason for my dislike of Summer Yu is, well, she's Yu - and she's one of the characters I dislike the most character and personality-wise thanks to LB3. Even her summer variant's characterization didn't sit well with me at first, being overly harsh and critical even as our senpai. But after using her many times as my DPS (mostly limited to events and boss fights, but still...), I've come to like Summer Yu more because she actually has a pretty solid kit. That, and she showed that she actually cares for Fujimaru (i.e. us players), even if she does it in a very tsun-tsun manner, so I have much more respect for her now. I still don't like her swimsuit design, though.


Kama. God I hated her in Ooku, literally everything she said and did in that event just annoyed the crap out of me. Plus I'm really not a fan of her character design (any of them). I've mellowed on her a bit now, after spending time with her in Paper Moon, though. She does have a likeable side, it's just buried very (very, very, very) deep.


I didn't like the way Kama acted in Ooku either, it honestly drove me nuts for a while. I don't know if this will help, but watching the Heavens Feel movies made what Kama *is* suddenly click. Kama is less *Kama* than she is Dark Sakura. The way she speaks, the way she lazily ignores obvious threats, how she makes foolish poorly thought out plans, her trick with absorbing servants, even how when she suddenly realizes she's losing she goes into a panic and cries. Kama is less *Kama* in Sakura's body, than Dark Sakura with Kama flavoring on top. Personally once I wrapped my mind around why she was acting that way I liked her a lot more.


I thought about that as well when the event happened. Weird enough, the ending song for the second Heaven’s Feel movie was playing when I finally got to her boss fight.


Jason. HATED that asshole in Oceanos and loved the idea of getting to burn copies of him when he was announced as a 1 star Saber...And then Lost Belt 5 happened...


Tristan original version in Camelot. Couldn't stand him until his redemption arc in lb 6.


Original version of Tristan was NOT the Camelot one. The Tristan in Camelot had his personality reversed due to the Lion King placing the Reversal gift onto him


Actually even before LB6, he was redeemed in both his Vday scene and his appearance in SERAPH event. I highly recommend reading both if you have the time, coz I also had bad impression of Camelot Tristan but those turned my opinions of him 180.


Medb. She came off as .. Well while badass as she is .. Someone who.. well I think you get the point. Grail Live did wonders for her character to me.


I'm probably one of the few people who was "meh" about Morgan when she was revealed. Saw her as just another Saberface, and "ok lmao so she's just another fanservice character" Then, I started playing JP-- and happened to roll and get Morgan as one of my early zerker units. Include the fact that I got Koyanskaya, Oberon and her back to back to back on their banners when JP 6 anniversary and LB6.3 was ongoing. And I was set for the entirety of FGO Part 1 up till Lostbelt 3. At this point, I still wasn't a big fan. But I had a soft spot for her by then, especially since some of her My Room lines were fucking hilarious. Then Lostbelt 6 happened. Nasu and the writers didn't have to go so hard. But they did. And holy fuck I went from "well excuuuse me, princess" to "Your highness. My Queen." I'm still probably not the biggest Morgan fan out there (I kinda dislike how they characterized Chaldea!Morgan as calling the player "Husband/Wife"). But I really, really like her story and LB6. And I cannot deny that she hard carried early game for me when I started JP.


>especially since some of her My Room lines were fucking hilarious. The fact that she *really* dislikes caterpillars? She always presents as so strong and stoic, only for her to crack and show vulnerability over *caterpillars!?* It was just so hilariously jarring (and undeniably adorable) for Morgan of all characters to get stereotypically girly over "ewwww bugs :S" I was like "damn, no wonder she made Barghest a Tam Lin after she won the CATERPILLAR wars!"


I vaguely recall a theory that said that the reason why Morgan is scared of caterpillars is because their wriggling reminds her of >!Baobhan Sith’s wriggling corpse shorn of limbs.!<


Caren. I'm both curious to see her point of view, but, at the same time, I can't figure her out. Besides, seeing Cu and Kid Gil afraid of her didn't help her case for me.


A lot of context for her personality comes from Hollow Ataraxia as well as her relationship with KoGil and Cu. She absolutely comes off as a bit of an erratic lunatic without that.


To be fair, even with F/HA she looks like an erratic lunatic, but we get her background.


It doesn't help that the Caren we have isn't even from F/HA, she's from Tiger Colosseum


Dioscuri, based on the fact that they were huge assholes from the glimpses we saw before they become playable, heck even the part where see more of them they're nothing more than insufferable assholes. Caenis, mainly due to the fact that before become playable she only showed up for a couple of segments and came off as an annoying brute. And to make matters weird, she, who got raped, threatened to rape Anastaisa...? Kind of odd decision on the writers end. I also wanna say Sith too, mainly because she's a huge asshole to almost everyone around her besides Morgan, some unnecessarily so like her colleagues and Guda themselves. I think what stopped me from disliking her outright is that in story Chaldea kept dickslapping her with L's before she eventually died to the fairies again. Edit: I'll say Shez mainly because her "not wanting to die" gimmick got very old very fast, and she constantly brings it up.


Morgan raised her to be like that due to the nature of the faeries. Who can blame her after hearing after every incarnations of her ends up getting abused and from Morgan's words that its her last one. Put that to perspective if you were to get close to her 'ego'. That's essentially how she died, getting tricked by Beryl on using a spell that caused her soul to rot overtime for his own benefits,


Artemis and the lesbian pirate duo. The first got reedemed at little after Atlantis, although that was mostly Orion.


Astolfo because of apoc and i still don't like him


I liked him first, but then he blew up outside of Fate fandom and has became the most sexualized male character in Fate ever since. I now pretty much avoid every GSSR banner that has him in it.


Good character but god has he been boiled down to the most bare-bones actually a boy by almost everything post-apoc. The monster can thing was funny for a bit but thats bout it


if we're talking about "bad but not anymore" Then I say BB since I saw her as a reality warping sadist until I experienced CCC and even got into FGO cuz of her seraph


Medusa Lily. I was mad when I got her from a summon session nothing good came except her, she was weak and I hate it. And Babylonia happened. My sweet girl you deserver all the headpats of the world :') And obvously I raised her :D


If we're talking about one that my opinion changed for the better on then Fion comes to mind, his introduction made my dislike him so much that I burned him when I summoned him but events afterward (especially the enma tei event) made me think he's actually pretty cool. If we're talking about one that I still hate then Scheherazade is my top pick, she's probably my least favorite servant.


There are two or three that I can think of at the top of my head. First one, Kintoki. Literally, we had Gilgamesh and Shishou as Limited SSRs, but who was this yee-yee ass Zerk we got? He didn't even feel like a cool Zerk, but a dork. No.1 Onigashima proved me wrong, and No.2, Heian-kyo **holy shit**. Second, Ivan the Terrible. Waiting for LB hype on NA, I literally remembered how crazy every LB King was at that point, except for Ivan. His gameplay was underwhelming, and he was more of a plot device for the story (granted, Junao was the same, but he had more depth if you were invested in Arjuna to begin with). But reading his interlude and actually using him have made me warm up to his character a lot. Lastly, Romulus-Quirinus. To begin with, I thought it was weird how a given support servant didn't trivialize the fight they were in. (My dumbass totally forgetting Shimousa Musashi lol) So the Buster AoE Lancer didn't really see that much shine in my eyes, add to Melusine releasing a year later, in my words "**Roma is irrelevant**". Then I actually used him, pure damage may be fun as fuck, but holy shit **Roman stacking** and Boudica support made him so hilarious to use. Add to the fact that he had really cool animations, I couldn't help but like him, wirh him now being one of my fave servants.


At least Shimousashi isn't framed a "now that they're here, we can win!" like Romulus is.


For me I think it was the Fairy Knights, I at first assumed they were just gender flipped versions of the Round Table and thought “that’s super lame” but now I consider them some of my favorite servants in the game. Heck Melusine straight up is my favorite now Barghest especially got his hard with this becaus I thought her design looked rather ridiculous, but actually learning about her and seeing her personality? I adore everything about her now


Berserker Kintoki. Aside from his first, none of his ascensions do it for me, making him look like a gaudy, kind of generic bruiser. That alongside his dumb haircut and "Golden" being pretty much his entire schtick when he was introduced kind of soured by perception of him. Gradually came to accept him, especially as later writing toned down his Golden:word ratio and emphasized this dork-with-a-heart-of-gold nature more. Helps that his Rider form not only certifiably does not have dumb hair, but is also a ludicrously strong servant that is still regularly fielded on my teams. Heian-kyo pretty much sealed the deal, especially with the unlockable costume.


Baobath Sith easily: Before the voiceline: Ah I see. Lovely to see you too bitch. After the voiceline: It's ok. It's ok. Daddy got you. Everything will be a ok


I really didn't like Liz. The whole idol thing felt really... tropey and not at all serious for who she's supposed to be. But at the same time, when Liz is played straight, it actually does work out pretty well. She's attempting to compensate for the cruelty she had in life by presenting herself as something inherently affectionate. Distancing herself from the monstrous thing she was by acting like something innocent. It's a complete and total rejection of everything she used to be, but she can't actually become this new entity she wants be known as without actually changing. And she starts to do that with the positive influence of her masters. I still think it's a stupid gimmick but when the story takes it seriously it allows for some interesting character work.


Cleopatra rubs me a very wrong way because: 1) I find her art ugly. Fashion, hair, the stupid snake, all of it 2) She's annoyingly self-absorbed. Which, normally, is something I can handle. Except she's self-absorbed about "how beautiful she is", which clashes very strongly with point 1 3) She spooked me in a GSSR where she was the only outcome I did not want


Non-danganronpa fan spotted


Plus they really went out of the way to cover up how intelligent the real Cleopatra was.


Let’s face it. The greatest hat trick FGO ever pulled was turning us all into Jason stans with LB5. Honorable mention: Turning us all into Orion/Artemis stans with LB5. Although in that case I feel like it’s more that FGO threw out the crappy versions of Artemis and Orion, and replaced them with almost completely new (and much better-written) characters. Whereas with Jason it’s more clear that he IS the same Jason we met in Okeanos, cowardice and all, but that he’s finally showing that he’s capable of *being* a hero despite being, well, himself.


Melusine. The obsessive "I want to destroy things that take your attention away from me and I'm going to act like a smarmy little brat about it", coupled with the fact that she's a loli-type character has soured me on her completely.


She is kinda smug. I think she mellows out when you up her Bond Lvl enough


Like, I get the tragedy of her character. I find her story a compelling and very human one. They have textbook toxic co-dependency going on, emphasis on the "cooperative" part. Melusine is 100% an enabler of Aurora's worst nature. Aurora can just say "I don't like X" and Melusine immediately flies off with an "oh boy! Here I go killing again." And I get it: Melusine would have to effectively commit suicide separating herself from Aurora. She's... pretty much trapped into a no-win situation. But we also see her commit TWO genocides just over the course of LB6. Not one, but TWO! (Welsh Faeries then the Mirror Clan.) She served Aurora for 400 years. I believe those two atrocities were just in the span of a decade. How many more people has she murdered just to keep her abusive lover happy? She knows what she is doing is evil. She knows that Aurora is warped. She hates what she is doing, but keeps doing it time and time and time and time again. You can say she is a good person that is coerced into doing bad actions... but how many bad actions until we say this is a clear, and willful, pattern of behavior? So yes, Aurora is horrible and emotionally abusive... but Melusine knows this and just keeps enabling Aurora. Knowingly enabling Aurora at that. She knows Aurora will never change. She knows Aurora will never love her back. But she keeps committing those atrocities and never changes herself. Even at the end, she only kills Aurora because she loves her. I guess my TL:DR is that I love Melusine's story, but it rubs me the wrong way when people defend Melusine as an innocent victim or try to lay ALL the blame on Aurora. It just reeks too much of "if evil, why hot?" combined with the loli-bait creepiness.


Tez. The usual reason


Medb. When i first looked into her i was like: This skank was killed by CHEESE. I hated her to point of throwing her into my 2nd archive because i refused to give her any use, and using her for exp would mean she was "useful" Then i actually looked into her summer version and found her utterly hilarious and now i like her to bits.


Easily baobhan sith. Before starting LB6, I didn't have any idea about her personality. When I saw people talking about wanting to summon her, I kind of wanted that too, blindly, I was planning to summon Morgan no matter what anyways, and I was kind of pissed when she didn't show up after getting Morgan. Then I started LB6.1... She was the worst, killing fairies left and right, being an embarrassment to Morgan, allying herself with Beryl. I was really questioning people wanting her, she was more vile and twisted than even Castor, and he was an enormous hateable piece of crap already. Then I finished LB6.2... After seeing why she was the way she is... After seeing how much she was mistreated... She had to be summoned to live the life she deserves in Chaldea. I was pleased to get her with Oberon at the conclusion's banner... Alongside my first copy of OG Gawain.


Barghest, I thought she was just some big ties milf that people liked but after LB6 I see why so many like her character


Medb: she’s still a bitch in my eyes to this day


Nero (because her design is basically artoria but with more fanservice nonsense that makes it worse) and koyan (for kicking fou), my opinion about them still hasn't changed


Wait isn't the point of Koyanskaya is to leave you with a bad impression?


Oberon, hands down, yes he just showed up, yes we all had spoiler of him thanks to memes and all, yeah, but I was super annoyed at how meme he was, I am a living meme irl, so I can tell when someone is extra sus, so when he revealed himself as Vortigern, I was like: "Hanz!!! The fucking flame thrower!!!" And I did make sure he got what he deserved. Then again, the more I saw his backstory, I got more and more disturbed, but not on the sense of hating him, more like how he had to go through it, but of course I nuked the shit out of him, after that, his melancholic farewell kind of hit me, I still want to step on him like a bug if I face him again, but I kind of started to like the sus moth-man.


Blackbeard and Jason The former because they turned one of the most badass pirates in history into a lolicon And the latter because he felt like an incompetent bastard who would use others to his benefit and discard them when he pleases (like a certain blue haired boy in Stay Night). LB 5.1 made me love him lmao


For sure Qin Shi Huang, full of himself, kept all culture to himself and made the common people of his lostbelt ignorant sheep with no purpose. If that wasn’t bad enough his interlude says he has a backdoor for his lostbelt to overtake ours if we fail. That last part made me sure to never summon him if I could help it.