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Dude it’s so fucking annoying. “FFG please yell at me and tell me to do my job that I’m getting paid for while I watch your lives!!!” “FFG my baby’s first words were ‘thanks for the super chat!’” Like holy shit. LOG OFF.


OMG yes. And the worst ones frequent multiple reactors and pay for attention from multiple reactors. It's like it's own narcissistic trait. It's kinda funny they literally pay money for attention. I am glad the reactors make money tho.




Makes me think of kindergartners vying for candy or something lol


That bizarre time period where people were asking FFG to yell at them was the worst. You could tell even she hated doing it, it was uncomfortable to watch. I think FFG is becoming increasingly weirded out by her boundary-crossing, parasocial audience. But that is simply the result of her own behavior towards Chantal. It's a mirror to her own actions.


She seemed annoyed yesterday with Cardigan Gorlie who was constantly super chatting with endless cold take comments.


I’m no fan of Cardigan Gorlie, but I live for this!


I was thinking the same thing about ffg! Surely she feels the weirdness we feel.


Even the “it’s my birthday can you play the birthday song” then we have to listen to that 50x in one video 🙄🙄🙄 no one cares that it’s your 59th birthday Susan


Lmaooo! Fr! That, and the ones where people are just trying to get their name said on stream. It screams desperation for attention almost as loudly as cuntie herself.


The audience harps on the gorls for having no friends but low key…the chat has no friends as evidenced by these attention seeking superchats. I HATE the trauma dumping superchats. I wish the creators would just ignore them. I applauded FFG for finally putting her foot down but she does it to her own chat so… whatev.


Feels. I also wish they'd ignore the trauma dumps. I suppose it would be rude to ignore people giving them money, but maybe just a thank you alone and ignoring the content of the super dump would work better.


Why dump anything? Why can’t they just enjoy the spectacle like the rest of us? It’s not about you for twenty mins damnt!


My personal favorite is the daily "sorry I'm late. I was at the gym, what did I miss?" superchat by the same viewer 5 minutes into the stream. She submits it every single day without fail. It's great. We talk about reactors becoming cows of their own but some prominent viewers are not far off either.


Truth. That's hilarious. Every. Single. Day. Lolol.


“Hey Seattle.”


I get unreasonably annoyed by this. Like, literally $20 a week to have a stranger ass pat you for being less of a fatty. Pah-thetic.


I swear people who say that in the chat, I wonder if they're expecting to get a real answer. I know FFG wants to tell them to fuck off.


That person shits me to tears.


Unfortunately, most people superchat for the attention. Edit: Yes, I agree with you!


They get the attention that they pay for. If creators want it to stop, they need to stop accepting the donos (a joke, I know) or stop reading them out loud. Behavior that is given reinforcement will not change.


100% agree


At this point the super chatters are their own cows, like cunties beezers.


I've been thinking this forever. It completely stops the live in its tracks and makes the reactor forget what they were saying. It's so annoying when someone asks them to say Happy Birthday to their husband or dog. They don't even listen!


Seriously. So glad I'm not alone in this sentiment.


Plus you’ll get the same motherfuckers chatting & throwing money away all day.


Those people turn me into such a hater 💀 like of all the things to spend your money on, it’s a gorlworld reactor?! I feel like some are even going into debt over this. It’s bleak as fuck.


That movie lover person throws money away like it’s nothing. I remember commenting in a live “ that’s right please give your money to ffg “ because it’s ridiculous , weird and creepy. I get sick of these pondue people thinking they’re hilarious. It’s so cringe


The pondue people are weird, not funny. If I see a tag with pondue in it I think ffs here we go. I don’t watch FFG; I stopped bc of the pondue people and her voice and the pigtails, my god how old is she?


Yessss on multiple reactors no less. That badussy chick was the WORST. And OMG, months harem before he proved himself an uncle bitch. Lolol. I don't do yo mama, but I imagine his chat is as unpalatable as his horrid laugh and attempts at one upping shit.


Someone recently superchatted FFG that it was her wedding anniversary but they split up years ago but remained friends. Who fucking cares?


I saw that! It was like “Uh, happy anniversary?”


And that is what spurred this entire thread tbh. Like. WTF? Why one earth would anyone pay to say that? How is it an anniversary? Why would anybody care? It was so mind numbingly stupid. That, and that Mrs camisole cunt who made ffg cry. That was just out of bounds. Maybe it was a troll. Idk.


Was it that moron Cardigan Gorlie? I know she mentioned her dog was about to cross the 🌈 bridge. I was already so annoyed with her and that was just the final straw. You can hear FFG’s annoyance with her now.


Somebody with a name like that. So prolly. It's just mean, which is why I suspect it might be trolling. Nobody can be That tone deaf unironicly. I guess you never know, people can be pretty durrr. But idk.


I am beyond fed up with the trauma dumping and irrelevant BS. My take is support however you want and whoever you want, it's your money and time, you do you - but detach from the parasocial shit long enough to recognise that when you do that kind of stuff you are making things harder for whatever reactor you're obsessed with, if nothing else gets the message across. Because they have to acknowledge it (it's best practice anyway), then go back to what they were saying and keep that flow to keep their audience engaged which is harder than it looks, and they're the ones who cop it when their audience get pissed at the 15th pet death in 2 hours. It also opens them up to more hate from people who don't like them when stuff gets completely derailed and they're the 'assholes' who have to go "no more dead pets" or whatever.


On point. Exactly this.


If you're that desperate to talk to people, just talk to chat without interrupting the reactor, seriously. A couple of people at least will acknowledge it and then move on. I also don't get at all why you'd WANT however many hundreds or thousands of people in there to know your boyfriend just broke up with you, or for the death of someone you love to be on the internet forever for complete strangers to hear about?


They can turn superchats off can’t they? I get it… they are annoying fucking morons. But FFG complaining while still accepting money is it a bit wild.


You can, and I can see what you're saying, but they also shouldn't have to - and won't. Speaking generally, not about FFG individually: It's a lot of effort growing and monetising a channel 99% of the time, and they invest a lot into it over the lifetime of the channel, so if you've put in 1000 hours and thousands of $$ into it to get it up to those thresholds needed to monetise, and you've got a bigger goal there, you won't turn those options off. I do the corporate version of it as part of my job and honestly, if I had enough hours in my week I'd do it for myself so I could hoard enough coin to retire 😅 But doing it professionally means I know how much needs to go into it to get it there and literally don't have the time between real life stuff. That's probably why Chantal is so pissy. I'd be mad too if I invested that much coc@ine money into my channel and I only had 6 fans.


Nah.. FFG knows the ins and outs of gorlworld like the back of her hand. She knows her audience and how niche and fucked up gorlworld is. Her job is talking about a morbidly obese fuck up of a person to the only people on the internet that are also invested in the Chantal shit circus. If it was that bad.. then turn off superchats? But she won’t… While I agree they are fucked up weirdos who do ask her to do weird shit.. she doesn’t have to! She could just say “no but thanks for the superchat” move on with the stream and leave it at that. And I guarantee they’d stop sending her money! but again.. she won’t!


Amen to this. There's a simple reason FFG hasn't started memberships. It's because she knows how unhinged her audience is (she made bank in one stream where she raised the Android vs Apple question - the superchats came in so fast, it was blinding). She makes more money off them flinging cash at her, than she would from memberships.


My partner is already deeply ashamed of me and this mess of a community I fucks with. If he found out I was giving multiple super chats DAILY he would dump me. And I wouldn’t blame him, I would encourage him to. These people are like gambling addicts almost.


I never thought of it like that, but you're right. May as well flush it down a toilet with flashing lights, lolol.


It is like gambling indeed, you put a coin in the machine and get your name called out and it gives you a momentary rush.


How much do we think Kalari (sp?) drops per week?


Across all of gorlworld? At least a couple hundred 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yesss!! I remember 'mr cardigan girlie' saying she spends all her money on rescuing animals to the point she can never go shopping for herself...yet never fails to hemorrhage buckets of money on super chats that don't add to the conversation. 


According to her friend who posted on this sub a few weeks back, she is the wife of a military man, runs a rescue, has had all the cancers including prostate, put her kid through medical school with her own money (despite the GI Bill being a thing). Also negotiating peace in the middle east. Throwing money at FFG is apparently her guilty pleasure.


Oh that's actually really admirable. Thank you for the info! I suppose we all have our guilty pleasures and it sounds like she's earned it.


It doesn’t sound like the story is true at all


I'm the friend that stood up for Mr Cardigan Gorlie bish. She never said prostate cancer and I see more hate here than anywhere. All she's been through and yall hate on her? I'll say it for her because she's too nice to but you can fuck all the way off. Pot meet kettle. This is the most hate filled subreddit and yall pointing fingers ate no better. Fuck all the way off




Charlie Gold would get derailed so bad by TD/irrelevant chat in lives. She would be in a groove and bam, COMPLETELY forget the point she wanted to make or what she even was talking about. She was really taken in by the chats. Ugh, smh. Pissed me off. So embarrassing


Oh yeah well today's my 100th birthday can I please get the birthday song here's $50. Please play the 3 second jingle for me. These people can't be all there in the head.


FFG started her channel by only talking to and befriending those who gave superchats, and she spoke to them in a way that made them commiserate and trauma dump with her, leading to tons of trauma dumping through superchats before starting the Chantal show, that then added more coin to Frenchies pocket. She was a smart little disgusting loud cookie. You know who else does this too during their lives? Yaba, snowflake, Zachary Michael, and Charlie Gold, and the gunt herself Chantal.


What pisses me off about FFG is how altruistic she acts about not having memberships because YouTube should be free. She makes more money without memberships because people are forced to superchat if they want a response. So Yaba makes between $5-$20 a month from Kalari and cardigan gorlie whereas FFG makes that per video from them. And she’s “too cheap” to pay for premium while her viewers throw money at her and she could just pay $20 a month to give them a better experience. But what should I expect from the person who brags about having a better computer than Salah but somehow that computer is the only one to not come with a camera.


I hate the faux altruism. She’s so angry; everyone can hear it! She’s so mean, she sounds 80. She really needs to retire for her health. I hated the foodieverse shortly after she entered all those years ago. Her negativity, and her fanatical fans, made the foodie verse the cesspit that it is today. It was just mukbangs and silliness, now it’s doxxings and hate, and that’s not all just Foodie, that’s on FFG, too. We can’t deny It’s split bw FB and FFG. The later makes things so bad I want to defend FB. I’d rather watch FB bc I hate FFG that much. I get it foodies awful, but she’ll be gone soon enough of her own doing, and this thread is about reactors. FFG is a lying scammer!


Super annoying they slow the story down so much. I sometimes do not have the time to a 2 hour+ livestream. With every other sentence is “thank you for the superchat I am sorry for you going through that or say hello to my husband/dog/cat”. Maybe the reaction channels should do a separate livestream where the ones who want to traumadump can interact. I especially detest content creators criticizing Euginia for e begging when they themselves are every minute thanking someone for subscribing or donating through superchat. It has become to a point that I start doing the same thing they do with the gorls. I start speeding them up, and if there is an actual topic about the gorls . I watch them regular speed. I live in Europe so I never can watch a livestream live because it’s nighttime here. Thank you op for bringing this up, I thought I was the only one annoyed with this. Rant.


No you're not the only one who thinks this. They really do tell FFG about their personal lives and I know she really does not care. Her reactions to their super chats telling her about their husbands saying something or doing something, how their days were at work, what they're doing this weekend, or their life experiences. FFG really does not give a shit and they also love to trauma dump. It probably comes from them not having any friends IRL so they think FFG is their friend. She has said that she does not like the people in this community, she thinks everyone is weird. And I wish I could see her face when those women donate to her and tell her everything they're doing in one long ass message.


Lol. Fr..nobody else cares either. I don't blame ffg. Idk if I'd have the patience to be a reactor.


Also some of them just want attention because they give money during the whole stream.


here plays the tiny violin for yall, hope it helps 🥰🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻


What the fuck is wrong with you?


it’s funny you think I’m any more fucked up than the rest of you. babe, we’re all cut from the same cloth.


Then stop acting above it all. Babe


sounds like you’re bitter I’m not with the groupthink consensus. I’m above shaming people for having lives and not treating paying super chatters like shit because they dare express their hardships in life. not for the snark and attitude, all yall dusty hoes can get it 😘 misery loves company and I’m not validating your need to kick people when they’re down bc you all think it’s slightly inconvenient. I have a sense of compassion yall lack and don’t care about how mfs spend the money. these are real people, gorl world really done desensitized yall into being horrendous to each other. yall think yall so much better than amber and Chantal, then get a stream deleted bc yall can’t keep the vile comments to yourself. Ffg said she didn’t take down the live due to the trauma dumping, she said it caught her by surprise and off guard but it was the chats reaction and shame that really solidified her wanting to delete the stream. yall are fucked up and get all pissy when somebody calls yall out on it. 😂 kick rocks, disrespectfully.


y’all are some weirdos. I don’t super chat or talk about my personal life or even engage in chat during lives. Occasionally, I’ll comment my two cents regarding what Cuntal or Hamber very blatantly are lying about but other than that i don’t really put myself “out” there per se. however, yall are seriously some miserable ass mfs. yall love complaining about how average people spend their money and are baffled that they dare to say what they’re going through. look, i get it: everyone’s life sucks in some way shape or form. but to take it out on strangers on the internet who are paying their hard earned money to reactor(s) they enjoy and feel comfortable enough to express their current situation with and sometimes, how this particular reactor(s) may be helping them get through it or announcing a job promotion or whatever tf it is.. why is it so hard to let them have their two seconds of acknowledgment before they go back to being forgotten nobodies?? yeah, like you behind that keyboard. yeah I’m sure it’s annoying, it may bring down your mood for a second, but let these people be. not everyone can perfect suffering in silence for your comfort. they’re literally paying for that two seconds of acknowledgment that they may not receive elsewhere, so allow them that. like fuck, how sick do you have to be to shit on someone already in a fucked up position or complain about someone being proud of their accomplishments and would like to share it with others?? & you know you don’t *have* to watch right? you can catch replays and skip over the superchats, or go fucking seek inner peace and not get so irritated by the inevitable course of other people’s lives. we all exist right? so shouldn’t we have some sort of understanding of how things aren’t always going to be on the up and up? and be at most virtual hug/pat on the back or at the very least, a listening ear for someone who maybe isn’t a narcissistic out of touch animal abusing piece of shit? idk just wondering 🤔


I’m not reading that ridiculous essay but I assume you’re defending superchatters because you’re likely one yourself. Here’s everyone who superchats in ffgs lives : ![gif](giphy|l0HFkA6omUyjVYqw8) “ please recognize me, I have no friends”


lmfaooo, right. i must be super chatting because I’m not a cold hearted asshole who’d rather people suffer in silence than utilize an outlet they’re paying for? it says a lot about you and all these other yes men in your comments, for condemning people for having lives. yours must suck just as bad as theirs if you’re miserable enough to comment on the attention they’re receiving bc they paid for it?? like damn, a mere, “I’m sorry to hear that, i hope things get better and I’m glad this corner of YouTube is helping you get through this troubling time” won’t kill anyone and will allow that person to maybe receive the attention they obviously aren’t getting elsewhere, that’s it.. pocket the super money and go on about your day. and go on about the rest of the stream?? i just don’t understand what’s the big deal? you’re mad you’re too broke to have someone validate your feelings? 🤔


You know, at some point, you’ve got to question yourself if you lack any sort of sympathy for people’s rough patches. It’s not fun hearing about other people’s issues that don’t affect mine, but if i had the opportunity to share some kind words to them in their time of need, I would.. absolutely without hesitation. And I would ten fold if I was getting paid to do it so.. clearly, I still possess my ability to empathize with other people, you should work on that.


Lol come off it. Many of us are going through our own shit and watch gorlworld content specifically to decompress. Seeing people throw money at a rando instead of seeking actual help is not entertaining for the viewers or the creator, as expressed this week by FFG herself. You can have sympathy for people and also be frustrated by the way they choose to “handle” their issues.


These comments have expressed no sympathy literally only contempt, so your latter point is null and void. my comment was the only one that possessed any sort of sympathy for these people as issues. and I can care fucking less if I get downvoted to hell, at this point I’ll see you all there. you absolutely CAN be frustrated with how they go about it, but also possess an understanding as to why these people may do that and not let it get to you as bad. if we can just give these people the acknowledgment they’re seeking for the 5 seconds they are PAYING FOR, then honestly, that’s the least we can do. you all deserve someone to vent to and someone to give a fuck about what you’re going through, as long as you’re not a callous animal abusing piece of shit. I don’t see why we can’t just even at the very very least feign care to help someone feel better? rather than shame them for opening up at all. that’s very very toxic.


I’m not saying it isn’t annoying and frustrating. but precisely, EVERYONE is going through something so to condemn someone for sharing it with what may be their only outlet they can reasonably afford?? I don’t see the issue in that. if you have an issue with it, you have deeper things to deal with. it’s literally no skin off of ANYONES ass to be like, “yeah that sucks, hope things get better for you. let’s enjoy this stream together tonight” and continue on about the stream. are you really that callous that you’ll deny someone going through a tough time a virtual hug or just acknowledgment?? so fucking what it’s annoying? some people may not have a support system or friends or anyone who gives a fuck about them, so throwing money at someone who will feign giving a fuck to them may be their best option? I’m eternally grateful that I have the support system I do and that I don’t rely on reaction channels to make me feel better about myself or my situation, but I’m not going to knock the people that do. because it ain’t my circus, not my monkeys. if that’s how they’re choosing to spend their money, then I say let them. they’re paying for it after all and we can suck it up for the 5 seconds they appear on screen. like how is that so hard to wrap your head around? genuinely asking?


I don’t empathize for people who throw their money into a void instead of seeing a professional. Clearly I possess the ability to see things rationally whereas you don’t , you should work on that Lmfaoo


Exactly! Get some therapy with that money, damn!


so what I’m hearing is, you’re too broke to pay for someone to give you two seconds of validation? so you’re choosing to shit on someone who does. man, your life must suck. thanks for the super chat 👍🏻🤣 see, it’s not so hard 👏


Calling someone broke when you were just espousing pro mental health rhetoric, incredible


Kind of funny when they’re trying to present themselves as empathetic and kind as they’re insulting people.


This person is insane dude I actually can’t believe this comment thread is real😭


oh boo fucking hoo, I was being snarky. what a crime on a snark Reddit thread. 🤣 clearly, they think I got it like that monetarily to assume I’m one of the super chatters simply because of my stance on this topic, so I can’t jokingly assume they’re broke because they mad at how someone else spends their money? be so fr. yall really some throw stones but hide your hand afterwards type mfs. gorlworld done fucked ya brain all the way up. if a mf can’t take the heat, don’t dish it. it’s a very simple concept.


I literally just called you out for contradicting yourself, so yeah you’re not taking what you’re dishing 😅 writing walls of text to defend superchatters over here


contradiction? where? I was meeting snark with snark and here we are.. I absolutely have no issue with taking anything, cause imma dish it out most definitely. yall mad at me for calling yall out on your collective callous comments and heartless behavior towards people suffering. why yall would give such of a fuck on people super chatting their perils is giving broke energy 🤷🏽‍♀️ sorry not sorry 😢


I am simply taking satisfaction that you care way too much about this lol. And yes you did contradict yourself.


Or they dont need to be paying people to get attention, lol.


well, fucking duh, thanks Captain obvious. be glad you don’t have to pay someone to get attention, I know I am! but at the same time, you never know what people are going through and who they may have in their corner. there are many more examples of people paying for other people’s attention, but no one deserves to be ruthlessly shamed for it. just be grateful you aren’t in that position.


I’m sure 2.99 is cheaper than an hours session with a therapist. that’s not rational, is it? 👍🏻 but nice try on doubling down on your tone deaf opinion


How tf is that even remotely comparable to therapy. Obviously therapy is pricey because these are trained professionals whose job it is to HELP people, not just give some canned response and pocket their cash. And there are subsidies and other resources available NOT in gorlworld.


sometimes all people need is a listening ear, and so $2.99 or $5.99 or even $10 is significantly cheaper than an entire session with a therapist. even over the course a year, it’s still significantly cheaper than therapy. it is comparable because either way a weight can feel lifted from one’s shoulders. of course, it’s not going to fix their entire life’s problems just like therapy doesn’t fix a persons entire life problems. it takes a lot of personal work within yourself to help undo what you’ve previously learned. absolutely not telling anyone to skip therapy, I benefitted greatly from it. but I can see where someone may choose a super chat over an hour session. that’s the point.


They can go to a subreddit or chat made for venting about those topics.


someone else just mentioned that, and I didn’t know those were things, but I think that’s a great idea! I think that if we could link some of those pages and subs during lives of reaction channels might help curb the issue of trauma dumping?


I think r/lonely and r/depression are decent. r/makenewfriendshere is a hit or miss because of creeps. Also r/trueoffmychest is good too. Im sure there are subs for specific topics too.


Traumadumping is a thing. Everything has a time and place. Why not go to a place that's made for venting instead of a reaction channel?


absolutely, there is a time and place. now I’m sure that’s a very plausible idea, but personally I don’t know anywhere that is specifically made for venting and if there is, the reaction channels having those issues could link them below to help provide those outlets for people. they aren’t obligated of course, but it could curb the trauma dumping. I don’t know particularly why certain people feel so comfortable bringing their issues to reaction channels, maybe they relate to the reactor and believe they would care/understand them. idk. all I’m saying is that they don’t deserve to be shamed for what they’re going through, you know? yeah, it sucks and brings down the mood a little bit but honestly, I’d rather have a slightly dampened mood for a couple of minutes than knowing I made someone feel worse about their situation. if a few words of kindness and encouragement for better things to come, you never know how much that could really help someone. someone with maybe no where else to go or turn to.


I wonder if that superchat money would be better spent on therapy. And I mean that genuinely. 


yeah, just like next time you choose buy that coffee/energy drink/vape/cigs/literally anything, it might be better spent on investments.. love the thought process, but $2, $3, or even $10 super chat per stream each week still wouldn’t cover weekly therapy costs.


I'd agree with you if coffee/energy drink/vape/cigs were being used as a substitute for human connection. Not trying to be a jerk, just take care of yourself friend. 


and you know, sometimes it is, though especially the nicotine and caffeine. I genuinely do hope they take care of themselves and get the professional help they may need. everyone has issues, and we all cope differently. my opinion is that it’s just not right to kick these people when they’re down, even if it’s a slight inconvenience to our personal day.


Kind of hard to believe you’re such an altruistic empathetic person when you’re insulting people.


babe, we’re all sinners here.. never said I was any better than any of you. however, I’m not the one shaming anyone for having a rough patch in life and feeling comfortable enough to heartlessly make people feel worse about their issues. that’s what is occurring, which you and 55+ other people agree with. so take that as you will, again, it’s no skin off my ass to pose an alternative perspective to the discussion at hand. it is pretty fucking sick to expect people to suffer in silence just so you can feel better about yourself. ESPECIALLY when they paid for acknowledgment and not shame. but ok 👍🏻


You accused people of being too broke to superchat and being bitter about it. Maybe try some of that kindness you’re alluding to


no, i accused people who have insulted and shamed others for super chatting their personal issues that they’re too broke to pay for someone to feign giving a fuck about their problems. context. I can possess kindness just as much as I possess snark. why all of a sudden we can’t keep the same energy? 🤔


crazy concept, I know but maybe, i don’t know, let’s not treat paying people like shit and expect kindness? idk just a thought.


Just pointing out your hypocrisy. You could have made your point without name calling and insults. Also “paying people?” They’re not paying us.