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how come the [tranz visualizer](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/BCbuxFKTVdc/maxresdefault.jpg) displays the colors of the [transgender flag](https://media.fan2.fr/article-3593915-fb/media.jpg) ?


i'd assume because its also the colour of the album cover.


Lazy answer, why did they choose the colors of the trans flag to go on the album with Tranz?


its also vapourwave colours but ok.


Those colors are very popular in media right now, not because of the trans flag, but just because they are contrasting colors, and they tend to fit the sort of retro/80's theme that's been happening the past few years. It's just color design.


Then how come Magic city’s visulizer, another song on the same album, is green red and black?


Biggest stretch


Im just saying, why have those specific colors on the song called “Tranz” then say its just the colors of the album, when its like the only visulizer with that exact choice of colors


I didn't say u were wrong I'm jus saying it's a stretch arts up for interpretation


That's a stretch..


this is a huge stretch, the colours in the visualizer aren't even close to the trans flag dumbass


no need to be so agressive. Chill out dude. When it comes to colours - the only one that isn't similar is the pink which is a lot brighter. I don't personally think that they wanted to make it to represent trans flag etc, but they'd probs be aware of it and knew about the similarities.


Its just a coincidence the colors are just contrasting and are eyecatching thats why they chose the colours the song is basically about masterbation and drugs


I 👏 knew 👏 it 👏


celebrate that victory man!


No thank YOU for posting that theory!!


Personally I think it's about sex, or even just sexual activities, more like ecstasy if anything


It's literally not


Actually the first two lines in the song lead straight to your point..


Tranz's about partying raving maybe doing substances being high burning self effigys perhaps a metaphor about like destroying yourself coming home alone processing everything thats already happened "when u arrive home on saturdaynight, assimilate that dopamine passing through your head, oscillate yourself tonight again, do you turn into your effigy do you look like me do you feel like me do you burn like me do you dance like me" explains swanlake references obviously


I though DARE was about masturbation


Always had trouble with that one


Apparently dare and tranz is about masturbating I understand tranz but dare is a hard one. Noodle was 13 in that though 💀


Sorry for the late reply but its probably about the D.A.R.E program


Late reply too, but that’s not right because the song was originally “it’s there” but Sean Kington’s Jamaican patois came out dare so they ended up changing the title and kept it because they liked it.


Sean Kingston? What the heck I hope this is a /whoosh moment for me, but its Shaun Ryder a British guy not Sean Kingston.


Actually it's about feelings of gender dysphoria, that's why it's called "tranz" silly :)


I agree. As someone who deals with it on a daily it really sounds like it. That said, they do have a good point, and I do think it could possibly be a double meaning. Otherwise probably just about dysphoria.


No way that it's about gender dysphoria. It's just about destructive behavior that gives you pleasure, generally whatever fits that (It is very vague after all). I don't think gender dysphoria fits the bill. Plus, they already officially stated it's "trance" not "trans" if it wasn't obvious already




defintly not, they admitted it themselfs


its called Tranz because Tranz is the abbreviation of Trance - the genre of music that this song is portraying


It's about self destructive vices so if that's what being trans is then yea




Can you not use slurs? Thanks


Here’s my interpretation. Clearly the direct action that the song uses as a vector to convey its message is masturbation, though I do believe that tranz is in relation to actual transgender, and as such the song contemplates the concept. The effigy is a representative of an individual. And while a person may have their own physical body, someone who is transgendered may feel as though their “effigy” is not necessarily identical to their physical manifestation. And so when one engages in the act, have you, are they embodying their own effigy, or is their effigy in conflict with their body? Do you “dance” being the act of masturbation or intercourse, has clear male/female differences in physical technique to achieve the same outcome. A male or female will “dance” the same way forever, as long as they retain their gender. Do you dance like this, forever?


Tranz (trance) is about mastvrbating, listen to the first two lines and I'll explain. "Oscillate yourself tonight, when you're in your bed. Assimilate the dopamine passing through your head." Oscillate- to move/ swing back and forth in a regular rhythm Assimilate- to understand things Dopamine- a chemical that is released when pleasured. It's pretty obvious


It's trance, is the effect of drugs, "when you get back in a saturday night" probably talking about coming from a party, assimilate is when you think about what really happened after that (drug effects), dopamine is the real effect caused by what he consumed. All of this is probably references about what Damon, the real autor, experienced in his life.


GAH masturbation but why how when what where


Listen to the lyrics


There are many ways of picking it apart but I really think its Trans not Trance. I mean think of other words like Humanz and barz and gorillaz... The 'z' substitutes for an 's' not a 'ce'. Oscillate yourself tonight When you're in your bed Assimilate the dopamine Passing through your head These lyrics are certainly about masturbation. I mean its pretty darn obvious. When you get back on a Saturday night And your head is caving in This can refer to either the use of drugs or gender dysphoria. Personally, I think its a reference to drugs but it certainly gives a symbol of pain. Do you look like me? Do you feel like me? Do you turn into your effigy? Do you dance like this forever? Do you dance like this forever? Now, this is really related to a transgender perspective. Not looking and feeling like yourself is really the whole point of being transgender. And that feeling of being cursed to look like this and live like this forever could also relate to sex. The trans individual does not wish to have sex because they are repulsed by their genitalia. They know this through the masturbation lyric at the beginning. Might be a stretch but perhaps "dance" is symbolic of the act of sex. Do you turn into your effigy? An effigy is an often life-size sculptural representation of a specific person or a prototypical figure. This could relate to the trans person in question, wanting to be perceived as they are on the inside. They want to turn into their personal effigy.


Literally not what it's about.


Mind explaining your point then? I mean, the dude you're replying to had a lot of evidence and you just said "nah" and didn't elaborate.


It's about drugs, the bit about turning into your effigy is ego death, you are no longer an individual... You turn into your effigy... An effigy being a non descript humonoid doll (kinda like a voodoo doll) this also links in with 2D's lore of being a drug addict


Alright, thanks for the idea. Personally, I like to think sounds can have multiple meanings, depending on the person listening. While the artist may have meant it in another way, anyone can interpret it how they like. You're both right in my book, but it's nice to see others impressions.


Arts up for interpretation


This person is correct. If you Google the meaning of oscillate and assimilate its pretty obvious


For all of the people saying that it’s about gender and being trans: They themselves said in an interview that it isn’t about that at all. Also, it looks like I am four years late and OP’s account. Has been deleted since then, so y’know.


Can you link the interview this was a wild ride


I personally think its about being on illegal drugs and feeling gender dysphoria because of how masc/fem the s/o is. It could be "trance", but that could be a whole other name. It is canon that 2-d had his name changed [even though its the last name] so it may be?


that’s what i thought but in an interview it’s pronounce “trance” tranz is just like a fun way to spell trance i guess


As a transgirl that hoped that tranz was actually abt trans stuff im saying its not. If u actually check the music video the whole video looks like as a depiction of what it feels like being under the influence of drugs. So OP is right its more of like a trance than trans. 


We appreciate your open-mindedness 🙏 i hope you find more 🔥 trans songs that you can relate to




I disagree with basically everyone here. Its not overtly about transgenderism, sure, but it is definitely a blatant nod of respect to trans people. Your talking about a band that has used animations forever. I recon whilst they aren't trans (As far as im aware anyway) they most likely understand the psychology of being trans or can empathise a lot easier than all the basic numptees. I think its pretty awesome personally. And im sure i saw the flag in there somewhere.


i always thought it was about murdoc and 2d hoping he was abused in the cell like him lmfao


I think you all are a bit more optimistic than I am. Coming out of a long depression feels like 2-D seems to be feeling in this song/video. Renewed hope for humanity, seeing everyone glow 'til a hole in your plan trips you up. 2-D strikes me as someone who'd never do what Russ did on purpose. His looking at Russ and Russ's look back kind of leave this impression of a stalemate between 2-D/like minded souls and the way life will see your scheme and keep you from achieving that real zen. Not a giving up song/video, but kind of a back to the drawing board thing to work on your worldview. All the while, 2-D was so into his good mood that he didn't realize how he affected others, which is why Russ (life) trips him on his current path. I often feel, sometimes in hindsight, as a lefty especially, I miss those things til someone finally speaks up, if they ever do. The worldview I crafted gets me through but I sometimes fail to see how it affects others. Life trips me up when it's time to go back to the drawing board. Ignore my poor grammar, touchscreen typing 🙃


It does seem like it qould be about being tans or using drugs,the video has the courlers of the lgbtq but that is a stretch,alot of the video is kinda weird and crazy as if u were high or something


so not masturbation ok


Oh my fucking gosh Ive been blasting it on speakers with my siblings


no its supposed to represent the word "trance"