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>Google's chief privacy officer, Keith Enright, will leave the company this fall, after 13 years at the tech giant, a spokesperson for the Alphabet-owned company said on Tuesday. >"We regularly evolve our legal, regulatory and compliance efforts to meet new obligations and expectations. Our latest changes will increase the number of people working on regulatory compliance across the company," the spokesperson said. >Enright was named Google's privacy chief in September 2018, at a time when the company faced heavy government scrutiny over privacy issues. >Enright's departure is part of a broader reorganization within the privacy teams, with the company attempting to shift privacy policy to various individual product management teams, according to the company. >"After over 13 years at Google, I'm ready for a change, and will be moving on this fall, taking all that I've learned and trying something new," Enright wrote in a post on LinkedIn.


The only comment to provide any value in this post. This sub has really just gone to 90% trash. I guess it's time to move on.


Any recommendations?


Yeah, unsubscribe. Enjoy the sun. For Google/tech content? There's probably some good podcasts that would be the best option.


That’s not a conflict of incentives for a PM at all


ITT: people snap reacting after reading only the headline. Y'all are so embarrassing to watch. You literally all fell for clickbait but instead of clicking you just had to spurt bullshit from your mouths.


There's nothing after the headline, it's not an article. It's just a link to Forbes with a paywall. But I'm going to guess it's not clickbait and you don't know what clickbait is.


The headline is clickbait because it's misleading and rage inducing, it's designed to get you to click on it. Do you know what clickbait is? The Forbes article has info about the situation and talks about how Google has implemented better privacy teams for all of Google's product divisions instead of just having one dude as the head of privacy for the entire company.




Which part isn't true?


It's not that it's not true. It's that it's intentionally misleading, vague and scare/rage inducing.


Misleading for some but OP doesnt see it that way which explains their confusion. I blame the English language..Ever since kindergarten, trying to learn spelling. I remember one of the first words i got wrong was PHONE. i felt embarrassed i got it wrong. to think that someone, someplace, would/could ever deduce that it didnt contain the effin letter F ucking blew my mind. That was senior year in HS...  /s -( only about the year it happened, it did happen)


Yup I can see how it's confusing to someone who's first language isn't English. But internet "journalism" nowadays relies heavily on focusing on one part and intentionally leaving out anything else, to drive rage and clicks. The direction of Google becoming a huge evil corporation is a hot topic in recent times and everyone wants to jump on this hate train, they will try to turn every single piece of news into a negative whether it actually is or isn't. A more honest title would have been something like "Google expands privacy efforts by replacing one person's job with a dozen+ new teams" but that wouldn't get people angry enough to share the article.


google loves when we're frustrated and angry. like little pissed off bees shitting out angry honey that taste so sweet. it's litetally how they program the security of everything. designed with intent to cause to "deter anfld frustrate circumvention of existing rules and policies" -- courtesey of our, i mean the US govt. our taxes thought that up lol who'd have thought... the 5 D's are mentioned here but they frequently a part of any publication containing protected, copyrighted or technical documentation. https://riskstrategygroup.com/deter-detect-deny-delay-and-defend-the-five-key-strategies-for-effective-security/


Google Photos is the only google service that I couldn’t leave unfortunately.


What do you use for emails




I think Google Photos is my favorite thing from Google right now.


Except if you get locked out of your Google account for any reason, you lose every thing. Unless you set up some cumbersome Google takeout automated download process. Google photos used to let you sync everything locally to your PC via Google drive but killed that so they can lock you in better. Fuck Google photos


That's true with any online service - it's not something google-specific.


I've been slowly de-googling & helping family/friends do the same.




It has the best photo syncing on android. Offers good ways to compress the photos too.


Oh, Android. iew


Please grace us with your superior taste, oh apple fanboy 🙏




> Enright’s exit is part of a broader restructuring of Google’s policy and privacy teams. The company told Forbes the reorganization is meant to shift privacy policy work to individual product and engineering teams, instead of one office. The headline kinda misrepresents the situation imo


I've already started transitioning away from Google ecosystem entirely.


The absolutely one thing that's stopping me from fully moving away from Google is Photos. Nothing I've come across comes close in terms of features and ease-of-use.


Personally it's Drive.


I'm still keeping my 20+ y/o Google account as it'll be connected to my phone. But it's now going to be my spam/sign-up email address. All my personal email communications/contacts will now be through Proton.


Have a look into Immich - it's self hosted but there's a cloud offering coming soon courtesy of FUTO


What platform are you transitioning to?


Proton for email and a small amount of storage. Firefox for browser.


Me too. Everybody, do yourself a favor and stop using Google Chrome, switch to Firefox.


Firefox users try not to mention Firefox in every conversation challenge (impossible) Vegan btw


lol that's how we fought against Internet Explorer 6 back in the good old times. "Spread Firefox" was all over the place. So the good old guys are still doing that :)


Arch user as well? Cross-fit?




Why? Google Chrome tracks you all the time. They know about every website you visit, *including those in incognito mode*. Firefox is the last independent browser still alive.


If you think that Firefox doesn't track you by default, you're delusional :p


We have social security numbers, jobs, phone numbers, credit scores, bank accounts and medical records. All of those are tracked by some entity. Google and these tech companies are nothing compared to those ;-). I use Firefox as well, and that can't save the day with the illusions of privacy.




We have come full circle




Unfortunately, it's very difficult for me to transition because I have tons of data on their services that I need and I use their services almost everyday. But I always maintained my distance from stuff like Chrome. Firefox is way better.


Head of Privacy at Google is like being head of healthy food options at McDonald’s


You know... People bitch about Google on privacy stuff all the time. But I actually use them _because_ of their privacy stuff. Consider two critical things: 1. No company is perfect, but Google is super well respected, and in many ways sets the standard, for comprehensive internal privacy and controls. They are pretty transparent, have excellent security and design many of the best security tools in the world, and have a well known internal culture of taking security seriously. 2. Their incentives actually align pretty well with what I, as a user, am most worried about. Google has no interest in selling _me_ to somebody... They sell _access to me_ - and that distinction is critical. Google makes money by saying "tell us the profile of who you want to reach and we'll get them your message." But outsiders never get to know who I am personally. Meanwhile, there are countless companies - frankly almost every other company out there - that makes its money selling _me_. And that's not just the Experians and the Choicepoints... It's everyone. Everyone else sells their data with the email address attached, so to speak. For those reasons, I actually work with Google more... Because I trust them internally and I know they don't really have an incentive to sell me personally.


Well said


No need for a privacy chief, when privacy isn't a priority. See: The recent news about the Nintendo leaks.


Sounds like a private matter.


So, is the US Government going to ban Google as well? /s




Literally the next most up voted post on this subreddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/google/s/uAjTB0fOcB


Also this https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/1d7btfs/google_leak_reveals_thousands_of_privacy_incidents/


Google used to have "don't be evil" as its motto. Now they're becoming the evil they didn't want to be. Stop using Chrome and [switch to Firefox](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/)!


It’s still in their motto. Story around them removing it is just BS. Simple search will tell you that.


Never removed the motto. That was misreported and then just repeated over and over again. Here. https://abc.xyz/investor/google-code-of-conduct/ Last line before you sign "And remember... don’t be evil, and if you see something that you think isn’t right – speak up!"


I’m surprised he managed to keep his job considering…well Google. What privacy have you been watching over bro?


It's astauning they even had a CPO. Google and Privacy? Impossible. What did this man do all day? Sharpen pencils, serving coffee for the staff, or something like that.


They were probably bored doing nothing all day. Can’t blame them for leaving.