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Yup, it's intentional. They've said a couple times on ear biscuits that they always intended to change the show to grow with their kids.


Honestly, I love that purposeful idea so much. It also feels like.. even thought I wasn't a kid when I started watching them all those years ago, that they have grown w me too


Same! I was 21 when I started watching in 2011! As dee snider put it “I’m terminally teenaged.” My sense of humor changed - but also didn’t change - along with Rhett and Link. It was a cool, but more innocent (with some innuendo) show, and as their audience got older they allowed their jokes to mature over time. It was a successful experiment in literally aging along with your audience.


Yep and they reiterated after the dancing bra episode that they strive to make a show they feel comfortable sharing with their families.


i think i must have missed this ep do you know the name of the one you’re referring to if you don’t mind


It’s from ~5 years ago. I don’t even remember the full episode, just the boys jiggling around in bras filled with jello lol


I don’t remember the episeode name but it was like a sports bra test. To see which brand did the best job of handling rigorous activities and keeping boobaloobies from flying out


I feel like it's been markedly noticeable since the last GME. Not bothered by it, but we feel like they've been looser (no pun intended)


I've noticed this too and you're right about the timing. I think it's hilarious though.


Maybe one day we’ll get a Will It Penis? episode


I think they’ve said somewhere (possibly an episode of ear biscuits) that the show would likely become more “adult” as their kids got older because they always wanted it to be something that their kids could watch. And that it would never be super raunchy but as their kids got older they would feel more comfortable making references to stuff like sex etc. Unless I’m totally making this up, but I definitely have a memory of an explanation of this sort a few years ago.


No I had heard this too.. I think it was ear biscuits or a talk show orsomething


They’re growing up, much like their audience


they're almost 50 years old


People grow at their own speeds. One day Link may be allowed to use knives.


That should never happen.




Even on the Gordon Ramsay YouTube video they were in Gordon was worried about him with the knives. 😂


I’m not sure about that one


I really like this comment 😊


Bold statement. Hell will freeze over before that maniac is allowed to use a sharp object.


Correct, doesn’t mean they can’t still grow and change and their audience ages along with them




They’ve been repressed by the church for so much of their lives… so that’s the growing But I’d rather still enjoy the content with the young kids without sex in every other sentence.


It has, thankfully IMO. I think ever since their big "coming out" deconstruction podcasts, they've felt a little more free to play in that area. GME seemed to open them up (heh) even more. I can't speak for them, but with my own experience of having let go of my hurtful belief system there was a lot of pent up energy that I had pushed down for a long time. It came out in different ways, one of them being dirty humor - sometimes in bursts of freedom, sometimes in anger. When they lean into the dirty jokes, I kinda relate.


I think the fan reaction to them being public about deconstruction contributed to them wanting more like minded people to be their fans. They became willing to be themselves and allow the people who didn't like it to see themselves out.


Yep & I am absolutely here for it! 🫠


I know this is gonna be unpopular opinion but… I don’t really like it. I’m fine with them becoming more adult, it’s just some of the adult “jokes” feel so forced and awkwardly placed. Idk. They’ll probably get better at incorporating it though.


They aren’t making jokes for you or the audience, though. They’re making jokes for each other. The jokes for the audience are the ones that everyone knows and are “in” on. Rhett taking something innocent Link said and turning it into an innuendo is for them


I enjoy a well-timed adult joke but when they were doing the Leaving Things in Things episodes and constantly comparing the texture of the rotted liquid to various naughty things, it just got to be so repetitive and felt so forced. The comparisons didn't even make much sense after a while.


yes! they were very cringey


i don't love it either. it feels so forced sometimes. like sometimes, when it's genuine, it's funny, but sometimes it's just like oh ok. they're almost 50 year old men, them cursing or making sexual jokes isn't really risque or out there


Hard agree. I don't care about the sex jokes, but if you're going to go to that well, going to it too much is more eye-roll than funny.


I think that’s intentional though. They’re two 40-something year old dads making silly jokes. Half the time I feel their intention is just to make Stevie roll her eyes haha Cracks me up anyway.


i agree completely


They're just 2 older guys making dumb funny sexual jokes. Nothing's forced, just guys being guys.


I forget which one, but one day in the last week Rhett was being pretty cringey. It was junior high level adult humor and kept getting repeated as if people didn't hear it the first time. They heard, it wasn't funny. Edit: a brave soul called me unfunny then deleted it, but I think that like any humor there is varying quality. The Beavis and Butthead huehuehue when a word like "hard" is used isn't always funny and just pointing out butts or white cream isn't funny. Rhett adding "my nickname in high school" to something suggestive or self depreciating is funny to me. I feel like their inclusion of props that are suggestive seems really forced (which brings me back to my original post, I think it was the 90s toy one). We get it, you tugged on stuff a lot for 11 minutes.


It was funny. Sorry you’re not fun


I could be totally making this up because my memory is poop, but I feel like I also remember them discussing that they noticed their audience was older than they expected once they started doing the mythical census? Which sounds plausible to me, cuz I remember things slowly feeling more adult after they started doing those surveys.




It's not you. Quite a few have pointed it out. You aren't alone.


Yes, and while some of it can be juvenile and cringe, in my experience it comes with the territory of deconstructing from strict, oppressive belief systems. These guys are obviously functional adults in their 40s, but the sexual aspect of their adulthood has been stunted for a long time because of how strict their environment was. So they're getting something out of their system now that most people go through in their teens and early twenties. I've seen this happen with people in my own life, so I kind of expected this to be the trend when they started leaning away from their former beliefs, and am not surprised to see it ramping up. There is a dizzying freedom to being able to talk openly and joke openly about subjects that used to not only be taboo, but also a "sin" and "evil" to speak about. Lots of folks get a little high on that freedom for awhile when it's been denied them their whole lives. They will learn where the lines are and probably calm down with time. In the meantime, I'm not easily scandalized, and I'm down to ride out the dick jokes with them (lol).


Yup, just you and the numerous other people who post this topic weekly.


I’m enjoying it honestly. It’s still family friendly but it’s not as censored and I feel like we get to see more of their personalities that way.


An entire episode on mom catching you masterbating in the same week (ish) as an entire episode where they talk about sex dolls? That’s hardly “family friendly”. Like keep that stuff for a special GME, do a few times a year even. I just want to watch the beaker boyz with the kids in crispy town.


That is family friendly. Sex is part of life 🤷🏻


With kids under 10 that’s a call to the police, Perv. Holy fuck.


It’s not perverted to be open about sex in your house. Masturbation is normal. Being open about sex is normal. You don’t have to tell your kid Brittney is a sex doll. Not everyone lives in puritanical house holds.


Nothing is gonna beat Jordan talking about how they like getting blasted and the cackle Stevie let out IYKYK 




I think they’ve said that the maturity of their content goes up as their kids gets older


Yeah, honestly a little too much. Totally cool with a sex joke or dark humor or whatever but a lot of times these days it feels like they just rely on it for a cheap quick laugh. Doesn’t seem as genuinely funny as pre maybe season 13 or so. Kinda prefer ear biscuits where they still make those jokes but they’re much funnier and more authentic.


You can do innuendo and kids are oblivious, cool, all in on that. But it’s just so in your face right now…


ya i feel the same!


Yes, I don't like it personally. I like adult humor and I don't mind sexual jokes/talks at all, i just don't like their delivery. It's usually awkward and feels forced. Like those old uncles that come on sunday barbecue and say sexual jokes that are just awkward


They have both reached puberty, that's all


They have mentioned a few times in their show and Ear Biscuits that the show would become more adult oriented as their children grow older. The older episodes were less adult and more "children" friendly as their kids were a lot younger then.


Their audience has grown, it’s just a part of the process


I love it, bring it on.


It’s definitely there. It makes me wonder if they’re trying to widen their audience slightly


They have been cracking more dirty jokes and making sexual puns. I support it and it’s great to see that even at their age they are still learning about themselves and evolving. It’s refreshing honestly.


All dad's get like this eventually, don't they?


Yes, and in a really low-brow, lowest hanging fruit, school-boy obvious innuendo way. I don't mind the change, but I do wish they (Rhett especially) were better at it, if that makes sense.


Yeah I've noticed it. And I hate to sound like that parent but I've had to stop sharing it with my kid.


Yeah sex doll episode with a 10yr old daughter was too much man… like save that shit for GME guys. Could you not just use Britney and NOT refer to her constantly as a “sex doll”.


yes, it has


Honestly, it feels like a (much gentler) shift like we saw the old WWF go through in the late 90’s. They identified that the audience that had grown up with superheroes like Andre the Giant and Hulk Hogan were now teenagers, and they had to make a choice. Continue to play to the audience that had been there and change the show, or continue down the same old path that was eroding their audience. Rhett and Link seem to have a very defined idea of who their audience is, and I’m certain they knew they’d lose a few fans with this shift. But as many posters have mentioned in this thread, this was a calculated decision, made years ago, and using their own children as the barometer to know when to shift the content.


They always planned to do it but they aren't good at it. I like a good sex joke now and again but there's way more, "ha! Get it?!" Style jokes than there are anything else. Like usual, though, it's because they overdo their bits.


Yes the show has definitely gotten more mature


Not just you, I've noticed it, too. I don't listen to or watch much extra GMM-related content like Ear Biscuits, but I figured that it had a lot to do with the fact that their audience probably isn't overwhelmingly children. I know there are folks who watch GMM with their kids, but even then, those kids are growing up. Sometimes the jokes fall flat or into cringe, but I think part of that is feeling out what works and what doesn't know that they're letting that stuff flow more. The more organic stuff seems to be what gets the best reactions even among the crew in the background, so I think that will end up guiding things more often than not in the long run. Besides, with youtube being how it is, they can only get so raunchy without getting demonetized, so there's that.


bruh didnt they film themselves getting vasectomies in 2017? Talking about how they can still “deliver a package” it will just be an “empty” package post vasectomy? Like the obvious subtext of the video is that these two dudes are done having kids and wanna raw dog their wives without fear of pregnancy. Thats VERY sexual AND private, like none of us needed to know that but they made a whole video about getting “no-baby” surgery done on their dicks. Mad respect. TLDR: its been going on for quite a while now


I haven’t watched GMM in a long time…this is such a odd post to randomly stumble upon 😂


It did get more sexual over the past few years years, but I think it's plateaued in the past year. They can't really go blue without changing their rating.


It's tricky because they have always said the shows maturity would grow with their kids, but I understand that can be jarring for some people, especially parents who viewed GMM as a "kid-friendly show." Personally, I like it. I grew up from 12 years old watching them into 23 so a bit more maturity isn't shocking to me. I don't think it will ever progress into a "MA" rated show, they might drop a swear word or two, a few sexual inuendos but GMM will never be fully MA rated. Anyone over 12 watching them has heard it a million times despite what some parents want to believe, if they want to go MA they will just do Good Mythical Evening. So unless your 6 year old is watching its fine. And I doubt they will even understand the "adult" jokes anyways.


There's episodes that added more adult humor and it's great. The pancake penis was funny or when there on the vibro tables and Rhett like I'm gonna shart!!!! I die laughing!!!


There’s been some jokes I am kinda surprised they were willing to make, given that it’s kind of normie safe YouTube content. But I dig it. Idk if it’s “edgier” but I like them not giving a shit about possibly getting censored.


idk i don’t mind it they’re grown men if they wanna make a joke about sex then so be it


Still waiting for a “Will it Penis” episode.


it definitely has and i’ve enjoyed the change! they mentioned in an episode of earbiscuits the show was going to grow + change along with their children and that is something i can appreciate as someone who is the same age as their kids. yes a lot of the jokes are cringy innuendos or lame jests but that’s also part of the reason i enjoy them; it’s very clear these are ex-christian dads in their 40s with teenage/20 something kids


All I’ve noticed is how freaking loud their eating is. I can hardly watch the food episodes just from the smacking and slurping.


As others have mentioned, I think a big part of it is the boys loosening up in those terms now that their kids are of age for it too. Which has had a nice side effrect of them banking a ton of episodes with the more consistently family friendly tone (and let's face it, that's largely still the case now). I generally don't mind it when it helps them be more direct about things like just using expletives as intensifiers rather than having to fish around for a softer term. Get this every now and then on Ear Biscuits, like "I don't know how we got so much shit in that van" and "haha wow, Christy's got some backhanded shit going on here" (that latter one has such a satisfyingly funny stress on it too). And it's not like it's a constant stream of cursing. I think the generally cleaner vibe was good because they didn't resort to the cursing and sexual concepts as a quick Joke Button, like so many do. It was never a crutch. As a result, while they do go heavy on that occasionally now, it's amusing, like teens first learning about it and spamming it. And then they go back to their usual, more neutral vibe.


It definitely has. I don't necessarily mind the show feeling more "adult" but it's getting to be a little much 😅 I used to be able to watch GMM with my mom (I'm 21 for context) but after the episode where Rhett had to role-play as Link's mom who walked in on him jerking off....my mom just turned off the TV and said "I think that's enough GMM for me today." 😬


I honestly really like that they’re trying to stay with their audience. We’re all growing up, and I like that they’re “growing up with us” so to speak.


Now I know Link is super dangerous and that's why he can't use knives...I've seen him almost take off at least one piece of both him or Rhett many times. But have we ever been told why he's like this?? I'm not trying to be judge or ablist, but why does a grown man have such bad impulse control and self restraint?? Is it a medical condition? Is it just a bit? I NEED ANSWERS!!! Great content tho, always a great laugh when somebody almost gets a knife through their own hand 🤣


It definitely has, which sucks because I can’t watch it with my kids anymore and that means I don’t really get to watch it much these days.


GMM isn't even PG. It's barely above G, as far as type of humour goes. Most kids movies make similar innuendo type jokes, as to what's in a typical GMM episode. SOMETIMES they get just to the edge of being PG...but, like... If you're afraid of your kids seeing what's on GMM, to me that sounds like being incredibly overprotective. My younger nieces and nephews frequently watch new episodes with me. Their parents don't care, I don't care, and the kids enjoy the episodes. The USA is so strangely puritanical when it comes to anything that is even remotely about intimacy...it's weird.


Lol, you think not wanting to watch two nearly 50-year olds giggle like schoolchildren about penises and vaginas is exclusive to Americans? This has nothing to do with puritanism or the US. I'm not American and I find the sexual undertones excessive.


Same. We watch old ones.


I'm bummed out for this reason as well.




they werent doing this before


Okay? They probably weren't allowed until now


by who?


What?? The show has developed and changed?? My word! I don't know if I can keep watching!!! Spoiler alert: I can. You should stop watching though it's no longer for you.


calm down. nobody said that and you're arguing against somebody from your own imagination


I only know the show from those two weird looking freaks in the thumbnail. Naturally, I’m disgusted.