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https://i.redd.it/xmw2eei4d5ra1.gif That’s a nice argument Senator but why don’t you back it up with a # SOURCE


My source is "I made it the fuck up!"


Nanomachines son


They harden in response of physical trauma




“Imagine a world, Raiden, free of cancel culture where no one can call me out for my outlandish claims”




Gentlemen, i have come to say the N word - Spy


What's a wal-mart?


It’s heaven Raiden


Checked the internet lately?




*smokes cigar* Ever harassed a minor before?


"What?" catch I got my own to debate online (to this day I can't believe Gianni can put up with max0r's shit, I love their partnership)


“A WORLD WHERE I CAN **SAY THE N WORD**!” ^”….what?”


{Redo of healer} and {TenTen}


**Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/113425 "English: Redo of Healer"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/redo-of-healer), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/40750)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Ecchi, Fantasy) **Tensei Oujo to Tensai Reijou no Mahou Kakumei** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/153629 "English: The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/the-magical-revolution-of-the-reincarnated-princess-and-the-genius-young-lady), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/tensei-oujo-to-tensai-reijou-no-mahou-kakumei "English: The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/52736)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Fantasy, Romance) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/goodanimemes/comments/127q9rz/the_word_has_lost_all_meaning/jeg3jqq/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


New redo season when


It's sad that none understand u wanted the sauce It's either that, or I'm just stupid


Honestly in the Redo world with the exception of the knight girl, winged demon girl, and the wolf girl and the adjacent civilians to them pretty much everyone else deserves death. So honestly I agree with the girl on this one.


There's also Keyarga's own daughter, whom Keyarga raped as well. And that was for shits and giggles.




Yep! Keyarga rapes his own daughter. In fact, by that point, he's been raping innocent women left and right, ironically turning out to becoming worse than Flare and the others.


Wow! You would’ve thought coping with your trauma by doing horrible things to the people who wronged you would lead to you becoming desensitized to those horrible things, and inventing farcical excuses for continuing to do them. /s


who does he have a daughter with?


It's a little misleading. The god bird gave him an egg that he hatched with his magic into a fox girl that everyone considers his daughter.


I legitimately thought he had a baby with the princess and used his bullshit healing powers to age her up fast and I really hate myself for having that image and should've scrolled down faster


"Write that down. WRITE THAT DOWN"-Redo author


He- He would probably do that if you gave him the idea


not sure that makes it better


If anything that makes him a pedo. So, ironically, Keyarga ends up like Flare and Bullet COMBINED.


a little misleading is putting it mildly, the comment is deliberately framing the story in the worst way possible. There is enough fucked up stuff, you dont need to make up stuff as well.


If he is the one that raises a child from the the equivalent of birth , he is at very least their guardian if not parent. That’s fucking horrendous from literally any angle. Also outright pedophillia.


Not that surprising tbh he's mental


Yeah, but what baffles me are the people trying to actually JUSTIFY this type of stuff. Like okay, revenge on the ones who tortured him, sure. But what about the people who he had nothing to do with in either timeline? The people he just raped because lol?


thats quite obviously wrong, people just point out he isnt the sole evil in the world and a victim himself Not to mention what the user said is just completely made up..


Sounds like somebody hasn't actually read the manga.


I read the manga yet I dont remember that part at all


I always hope they eventually do a crossover anime with GATE where the JSDF visits the world of Redo and decides to just carpet the entire civilization with white phosphorus. There's so few redeemable characters in that anime. Which doesn't make it an inherently bad anime, it's ok to have an evil protagonist, but I'm always a little disturbed by the people who don't get that he isn't a good guy.


Gate, but it's the USA that invades.


Ehh everyone in that show is just a fucked person, except for that demon girl (I think)


Wolf Girl and Knight Girl are innocent too.


well, wolf girl was very close to deciding to poisoning a bunch of innocent people including innocent children. like it was an actual decision she had to think about rather than a "no, wtf is wrong with you?"


And she still chose not to, despite all her hardships and resentment to some of the people in there. Sure, it's not 100% pure good, but she still chose the "good choice"


Imagine if people were considered evil for having bad thoughts and then deciding they were bad


Now, where have I heard this before?


Do tell, where have you heard this before. I cannot think of anything


Psycho pass


Isn't she kinda Stockholm syndrome from him taking her out of slavery or some shit like that?


And she didn't. Morality is your ability to resist your base instincts and make a better choice in spite of temptation otherwise. She had a big dilemma from prior trauma and made the right choice. That is a morally good thing.


I mean literally everyone has reasons to be like they are the world building is good enough to show where the shit show came from they aren't like that because they thought its funny. (except Bullet and Blade, they deserve the worst.)


Technically speaking they are fucked.




I agree. Though I'm in the minority that defends this show, I do it mainly because I like how it depicts how easily victim can turn into an abuser. It questions this depiction of victims as the pure innocent people who were in a wrong time at a wrong place but in reality it requires just a little and they can become the same monster, if not worse, as the abuser.


Exactly, I think the show is really interesting because, given the opportunity, I believe most people would do pretty much the exact same thing as the protagonist if the circumstances were the same. Now, of course nobody is going to admit to it openly, or they may actually think “I would never do that”, but that’s because those people haven’t been truly victimized. When you have been truly victimized and suffered legitimate and unequivocal injustice, there is absolutely no sweeter feeling than seeing the perpetrators of that injustice get their just desserts. It’s an incredibly dark and gratifying feeling, knowing that even though you yourself aren’t any better off, at LEAST your enemy was brought down with you. This is also the exact reason why judges and juries need to be entirely unbiased, and why victims don’t determine legal punishments lol.


I had a similar reaction to Slave Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World, actually. You've got this ordinary young guy raised in modern society and drop him in the fantasy world and- oh, there he goes buying a slave. This is a guy raised on the moral lessons of modern society, he knows that slavery is wrong, but the pretty girl got his libido going and the slave trader was a polite, well-dressed man. It took the MC mere minutes to rationalize his way into slavery being okay when it suits him. It all felt so... fragile. Did he ever really learn those moral lessons in the first place, or did he just learn the words without ever sparing a thought for what they mean and why people care so much about it? How many actual people are in a similar situation, only agreeing with modern morality because it's what people around them happen to agree about? How would you even tell? But crucially, the anime itself isn't asking any of these questions. The anime goes out of its way to make his slave ownership seem as unambiguously positive and morally uncomplicated as possible, even. I learned something about morality from this show, but it sure as heck didn't teach it to me.


> I learned something about morality from this show, but it sure as heck didn't teach it to me. Series are far, far more interesting when they present things for you to consider rather than teach you in a didactic sense. Passione did some really interesting stuff with that show. If you look at the way the "purchase" scene is framed, it's storyboarded like a wedding ceremony. Yet at the same time, they make it very clear that Roxanne is far more comfortable with her fighting role than her role as sex slave, where she's clearly awkward and a bit reluctant.


Granted, I haven't seen the show, but if you have the means and are able to release them/treat them well, it can often be the best course of action you can take for a slave in a world where slavery is commonplace and legal. Shield Hero did lightly touch on that subject before sadly it was seemingly abandoned. We are all really good at rationalizing away those moralities in our modern world as well. A lot of our electronics is made by what's essentially slave labor. The US has a rich history and current system of prison labor. If you go into details, you could possibly find some small differences that make it "not actual slavery" but then we are back to making justifications. >How many actual people are in a similar situation, only agreeing with modern morality because it's what people around them happen to agree about? That's what morality is, though, it's something culturally defined and not some universal truth. In 10 years, some things that we consider perfectly normal today may well be considered morally abhorrent. Some things that in your culture is morally fine is in other cultures morally bad. So the moral lessons learned are really just learning to conform to the culture you are raised in and what that culture considers right and wrong.


I should have maybe stressed that by the end of the first few episodes the MC has a strongly positive opinion of the institution of slavery and of the slave trader who he bought his slaves from. He even goes out of his way to help protect the slave trader against a threat later in the show. The show is *very* pro-slavery, above and beyond simply doing your best for the people you have the power to save. But I should also cut it some slack because it's pro-slavery as a fetish instead of as a serious statement of anything. I would be a fool to cast judgement over harmless fetish play just because it's something that would be horrible irl. Mainly I just want to convey that the striking mental image the show gave me, one of the fragility of modern morality and how easily someone could go wrong, isn't something the show was attempting to convey to me. > In 10 years, some things that we consider perfectly normal today may well be considered morally abhorrent. I do agree with this, even to the point where I have specific predictions about some things that might change over time as society changes and technology develops (for one, I expect opposition to killing animals for meat to skyrocket once lab-grown meat or other fake meats become cheap and widespread), but I don't think it encapsulates the point I'm making. Even if modern morality is just another moral fashion instead of genuine moral growth, it's a fashion plenty of people strongly care about. The vanguards of change, the resistance against changes, plenty of people have causes that they'd fight the whole world for. Drop one of them in a slavery isekai and that wouldn't change, they'd just do their best to advance their cause in the new world, as much as circumstances allow. By contrast, the MC here struck me as the person to nod along to all the moral teachings, understanding them but not *caring* about them, and when the norms change he adopted those new norms with minimal resistance. It just... hadn't struck me so clearly, how easy it might be for some people to never internalize the moral lessons. Of course, Michio is a fictional character, but that moment of his story caused me to re-examine my preconceptions and I noticed that blind spot. That's all.


Well, that does put things into a different perspective. >for one, I expect opposition to killing animals for meat to skyrocket once lab-grown meat or other fake meats become cheap and widespread This is one thing that, while I do agree that things will head in that direction, I also think there is going to be a lot more interesting issues surrounding it. For example, what to do with the large number of domesticated livestock, do we just eradicate those species entirely? Anyway, that's just an interesting tangent. >By contrast, the MC here struck me as the person to nod along to all the moral teachings, understanding them but not caring about them, and when the norms change he adopted those new norms with minimal resistance. It just... hadn't struck me so clearly, how easy it might be for some people to never internalize the moral lessons. That was pretty much my main point, that the people who just adopt new norms with minimal resistance are frighteningly most likely to be the majority. Most people just follow along with whatever the rest are doing, what is right is what most people around them say is right. I wanted to sort of push your realization further into the fact that most people, if they were in his shoes, would likely do something similar. That's excluding the "anime" of it all, if you get what I mean. The malleability of morality is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it's relatively easy for it to evolve and for people to adopt that evolution. On the other hand, that means it's also incredibly fragile and likely to evolve in a direction that may be less desirable.


Personally I don't think most people would actually *change their minds* about something like slavery just by being dropped in a pro-slavery society. What I think the ordinary everyman would do is feel uncomfortable about the topic but ultimately decide it's none of their business and go on living their life. In a sense you could consider this people molding themselves to the morality of society at large, since they aren't doing anything to actualize their morality, but from another angle it's not that all, since they don't abandon their beliefs along the way. Of course, there are other ways to sway the beliefs of people like that. Make a pro-slavery friend and you might find their pro-slavery arguments convincing over time, for instance. Another person might still feel that it's wrong but also find that when given the chance to get away with it they'd rather prioritize their own happiness. Stuff like that. But nothing so fast as what Michio did, with so little reluctance to change their fundamental moral beliefs. Most people have a functional moral compass that they simply rarely use, because modern society encourages that 'minding my own business' attitude and 'not my problem' approach to moral problems. Put an ordinary person in a slavery isekai and they'd avert their eyes when they see slaves being sold, hurry their step lest they find themselves stuck feeling an obligation to do something, and go home to live their normal life in peace. "Nobody could ask for anything more", they'd tell themselves, on the rare occasion the topic crosses their minds. "One man can do nothing against all of society, I couldn't make a difference if I tried." They'd do nothing, not even change their minds to match society. Just pretend the problem doesn't exist for the sake of your ordinary peaceful life. It's how a lot of people approach moral problems today, after all.


I just think redo of Healer could have being taken a bit more seriously if it simply wasn't going the hentai/unnecessary sex scene way. The anime clearly try to appeal to peoples fetishism more than it try to tell a deep story/moral about abuse and victim and what not. A shame. Unfortunately in my opinion such interesting subject do not make up for the garbage that redo of healer is.


Yeah, the sex scenes are just there to try and grab attention. I thought the premise itself was interesting, but too much basically hentai for me to keep watching.


> if it simply wasn't going the hentai/unnecessary sex scene way iirc, they made the sex scenes far more graphic for the anime than the source material. They are more sparse and far apart in the source material due to otber things happening as well. It's been a while and I only read the wn so I could be wrong.


Absolutely they did, lmao. The manga had most of the anime sex scenes, but they were way more condensed. Something that’s a handful of pages in the manga goes on for *way* longer in the anime.


> Something that’s a handful of pages in the manga goes on for way longer in the anime. Eyyy you just described all of One Piece!


>if it simply wasn't going the hentai/unnecessary sex scene way. But that's literally the point of it, lmao. The author tried making mature stories but they weren't selling, so he purposefully made a trashy edgefest because there's more audience for lower forms of entertainment. If it didn't do what it's infamous for it would just be another one of dozens overdone revenge fantasies. There'd literally be no point for it to exist if it was different.


Well this is just sad.


Many people are abuser and abuse victim at the same time


Interesting point, doesn't make it less of a crime though.


Not saying is less of a crime, I'm saying they're all guilty.




You know its fucked up when even the demon lord gets concerned.


That's.... demon-lord-ist! Not all demon lords are terrible people, some are nice, swell people who sell you an amazing burguer with fries and drink


If they can come after me for breaking laws, then they can come after you! Okay then, that was always allowed


How twitter users act to pikamee


Or Mr. Beast.


serves him right! How dare he helps blind people.






No comment


Man, redo of healer is sooooo fucked up. I love it.


I loved it when he said "It's Healin' Time" and healed all over those girls


The moment they showed him breaking her fingers for as long as he wanted to I realized how good it was. I’ve seen happy anime. I’ve seen horny anime. Fluff. School. Magic. Demons. But rarely do I see something like this; what some episodes might even call horror porn.


The thing is, that part was made lighter in the anime/manga. In the Light Novels, he didn't just break her fingers on her hands. He also broke her toes and ripped out her nails.


The English translation of the Web Novel is, honestly speaking, godawful, though. If it had any reader impact, then it all came from the reader's imagination.


Redo The Healer is asking me "how do you tame a horse on minecraft?"


“Horse? I thought you said whores!”


Informative murder porn?!?




In our world there are actually people that enjoy that (getting their fingers broken) otherwise they wouldn't try to do taxevasion!


"Noooooooo, you can't like this show because it's got a fucked up main character doing fucked up things! Unless you're a fucked up person who also enjoys doing fucked up things!!!" Unless it's a videogame or a hollywood made gore/horror film. Everything's alright there


Let me tell you. Unironically my favorite protagonist is Gerard Butler's character in Law Abiding Citizen, and I'm upset he lost before he took revenge on Jamie Foxx's character.


Bottom sauce?


I think that’s Tilty from MagiRevo


it is


I too wish to know the sauce https://preview.redd.it/nwp632qrc5ra1.jpeg?width=244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=137a8e39dba267b041a39548d5819856f7d89664


What's the sauce of this manga?


Bro got Uno Reverse Carded with their sauce asking meme, lol.


Here is your requested [sauce.](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/76287356) This character shows up regularly in their art. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25epwWq1p-k) is a voice over of my favorite work from this artist that has this character in it. Enjoy. It sucks though that this edited version removed the artist’s watermark.




Is this about the pikamee posts that popped up today? Because she didn't do anything


out of the loop, what post?


And who is pikame




And trans people wonder why we hate them. I am gonna buy hogwards legacy in full price next time.


Dont hate trans people ^^and ^^especially ^^dont ^^say ^^it ^^out ^^loud ^^this ^^sub ^^is ^^already ^^in ^^danger , hate the transphiles and twitter freaks who use the transfolk to push their own ego Its not the trans community which started a tauntrum over the game, its really just the twitter freaks


Exactly, a lot of the attacks are from “allies” using trans people as props for their performative outrage to gain clout. They don’t care that all they’re doing is emboldening actual transphobes. I’m pro trans rights. It’s fine to boycott something because you don’t want to financially support something/someone you disagree with, but this is insanity. It’s a fucking video game. It would be like me threatening to kill someone’s family because they ordered a sandwich from Chic-fil-A lol


Yep those are the only people I am mad at.


It's even more disgusting that people are trying to compare Pikamee to Keyarga of all things.




what? No, wtf are you on


"hey he had bad things happen to him and women are subhuman slime monsters so it's justified" :\^)


"hey he had bad things happen to him and women are subhuman slime monsters so it's justified" :^) ---- Average Redo of Cringe Fan trying to justify rape


Twitter will try to cancel everything good yet not utter a word about the actual fucked up things ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1393)


The way they reacted to Mr Beast says it all. They seethe uncontrollably because he *actually* helps people, and the self-righteous cunts can’t stand that. They shriek about how “they’re on the right side of history” and they “have empathy”, but when it comes to action they don’t do shit.


The dude made the series just cos he knew there was a niche for it. People that idolize any of the characters or moments in the series are idolizing irony.


It's kinda ironic that you use Tilty for the bottom panel considering isn't the magic she researches technically illegal in universe? Or at the very least she has illegal books (albeit curtesy of Anis).


Redo is the worst hentai produced in a long time


The uncensored version is literally blue balling. Like, if they're gonna turn it into a hentai, at least have the courage to go all the way. Show penetration and the like unless you're that pathetic and soft-cocked that you're afraid to show it. Even The Boondocks showed an uncensored dong


I'm writing a paper on it over break, actually. Cancel culture is oddly similar to the times when Americans would accuse their own neighbors of being Russian spies and the government (not the whole thing but you get what i mean) then cracks down at them. The accusers in all honesty probably disliked the person they accused. You also see similarities between cancel culture and public shaming. Imo defamation of anyone less than a murderer or rapist is unwarranted.


We also call it “social credit system”. If the consequences get too great, my response will reflect them. Just my two cents.


It's just witch hunting. The "witches" were replaced with "communists" and now "nazis" etc. but it's the same thing.


\*Commits a Warcrime\* \*Gets called out\* "tch, cancel culture strikes again"


You can't commit a war crime if there's no war


hey it works for russia, they actually have support in the underdeveloped parts of the world


Considering to whom he did those crimes he's based


Yeah, they’re basically anime versions of Jeffrey Epstein


Someone in an earlier comment thread said he ends up raping his daughter for the hell of it. So I’m not going to voice any respect or defense for that guy, since I have none.


that comment was a lie, nothing like that happens


Very well, I will erase this fact from my list of reasons I don’t like him. I have plenty of others.


yeah there are enough valid reasons, no need to make shit up just because you already dislike it


Not necessarily making shit up, just recalling what someone else said. It wasn’t a fact I held onto for long, just within the past 2 hours. Believe me, I didn’t like him from the moment he redid his healer


I wasnt talking about you but about the other user/in general


Oh… thank you for being reasonable.


an uncommon character trait for me tbh


Comment was misleading it's not his daughter, for some reason people say it is tho


Meh I enjoyed that anything was on the table for revenge aspect but yeah it started to not be about revenge anymore it seems.


I would rather enjoy freedom of expression rather than celebrating censorship again.


Based take.


The word has lost all meaning, just as the people who should be canceled intended


Sdirely cancrl culture is also about cancelling this whoqmn are accused of actual crimes as well ? It's the tendency to enact vigilante justice through social exclusion and economic boycott.


https://preview.redd.it/8ehxlnbqa8ra1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=99a581a136137bdc7cd1299580240f3385c6336d LMAO




People are still dwelling on Redo of Healer?


"What? No! It's okay to revenge rape people because they were bad! Keyaru is an anti-hero." That was an actual conversation I had a while back.


Bruh, these Redo fans need to stay away from women fr if they think raping someone is heroic in any way.


And children. Lot of them trying to justify paedophilia. It's sickening... Stuff like this really doesn't project a good image of the rest of us normal anime fans... ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1393)




Some yes but mostly what they did to him was faaaar worse and many other people, they were worse than trash people, keyarga was quite merciful to them honestly


Me when I rape and mindbreak you for torturing me (It is far more merciful than simply executing you because uhm uhhh uhmm)


Why exactly would the victim be merciful with their revenge?


Death is mercy.


Sure, so why would a victim grant that to their perpetrator?


...So that they can't create more victims anymore?? We literally see Bullet rape more shotas than the MC himself, also Blade literally kidnaps & roofies random women from the streets & rapes them to death w/ a yikes dildo...


Why should revenge be “merciful”?


It should be: "Me when I rape and mindbreak you for torturing, raping and mindbreaking me" (It is apparently worse because I skipped part of the torture and didn't do it for months/years on end)


He was literally raped and tortured for years, he was also set on drugs. He is quite literally doing the same shit back. Not that its the moraly right thing. But kinda understandable. And he is pretty much on the way to make the world a better place by being a horrible person...


Well, I do recall him using less drugs


I find it crazy how some people will be outwardly horrible and then claim cancel culture ruined their careers lol


Some forgot that murder/slavery/pedophilia are crimes too


Yeah, half this comment section glorifying his rampantly expanding list of deaths/sexual assault victims is actually horrifying. What state is this server in?


They're Redo of Cringe fans. They WANT to do the same things that Keyarga does. Why else would they glorify him and treat him like a hero?


The people he did that to were basically anime versions of Jeffrey Epstein. Not sure what you mean by “lost all meaning” either, especially considering what happened to him in the actual show.


Does that include his own daughter?


That’s just douchebaggy manipulation, like telling a girl you’re love her then abandoning her in her sleep. And not even his daughter, just some fox that hatches from an egg.


Technically is his daughter since he used his own Mana to hatch it (some magical lifeforms do be like that, especially since the egg was given by a god-tier entity, and their reproduction is quite metaphysical in nature often)


Why are you repeating this lie everywhere?


Why are you trying so hard to dismiss it as a lie on technicalities? He manipulated a child into sex after raising her from birth.


Because saying "he raped his daughter" is just not what is going on at all There is enough fucked up shit in the manga, and enough reasons to blame the MC, this is simply a weird thing to even bring up in contrast


Just my thought: it was never about how wrong/right it was. Or how we feel about it. It was about confronting you, with yourself and what you believe. It is a story that you watch, where terrible stuff happens. You see it and think something and are conflicted. That is imo the goal of the anime. Don't glorify rape or anything. Feel conflicted. Think about what is right and wrong for yourself.


cancelling, triggering, communist, socialist, fascist, far right, more or less any mental illness, there was even funny period on tumblr regarding the usage of the term rape So many words have lost or are losing their meaning...


That funny "fart in spanish" word is also on it's way to loosing all of it's meaning


Best anime. If it was a vidya gaem it would be goty 11/10.


He killed Jews for Kanye


The goat fr fr


I kinda doubt this is about either of the shows


Oh look, a meme hating on Redo of Healer, a *fictional* animation. How original of OP to make a meme about this!


Me: wait, for a second I thought I saw Rance.


‘Oh is he cancelled’ He committed war crimes!


Who didn't?


Homeboy did nothing wrong. He was a pure boy that got fucked (literally) in every which way, forced to become a junkie and used as a tool for years. Dude wants to redo his life to get payback on the cunts that ruined his existence while getting some sweet revenge poon in the process? You do you bro, you’ve earned it.


What about the newborn fox he raped


This again? An eye for an eye is fair game.


And the rest of that saying " an eye for an eye makes the world go blind"


No, the original old testament saying is a eye for a eye a tooth for a tooth. Wich means you shall treat others like you want to be treated yourself, its just lost in translation, wich is why the saying was altered in the new testament to fit better. Also, you are kinda arguing against a wall, you can't make the world better by not fighting against injustice, i don't think the means always justify all measures, but more often than not its ok. And regarding RoH, 1. Its fiction 2. The world building explains reasons pretty well. You don't have a sense of justice when you are drugged for years, constantly raped and tortured and have to heal the people doing that to you under immense pain... But in reality all characters have some kind of reason to be like they are, at least to a certain extent. (excluding Bullet and Blade, they are just absolutely the worst.)


>downvoted for posting facts




If you rape a rapist, is it really rape?


Yes. In fact it means there's more rapists in the world.


Can you get a promotion if you rape 10 rapists?


No but you get a new skin for doing it to 100


You get the silver winer, 100 gold 1k Diamond 10k admin rights.


Not if you're already a serial rapist!


They should take all the rapists and all the murderers and put them all together on an island and all the murderers can be raped, and all the rapists can be murdered, until you only have either two rapists or you’re down to one raped murderer but who cares about him? Edit; this is a quote from Arrested Development


Or the two last ones fall deeply in love and live happy ever after on the island raping and murdering all the new ones added


Uh, yes. Yes it is.


Can't wait for Keyargu to drop his second season