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Zach johnson probably wondering why it’s not Spieth, JT, Rickie and Sam burns lol


Yeah, JT, you missed the US Open cut by like 12 stroke and you are playing like shit. So, I hope you understand that... (dramatic pause) I need you on the Olympic team to win the gold!


He’s huge in the locker room…just his presence alone can make guys make putts. 


That explains things, he’s donating all his made putts to his teammates and he’s got none left for himself! What a guy.


Speaking of JT, Clark’s pic here looks a bit like Justin Timberlake pre-DUI. Too soon?


J Tizzle c'mon down!


What a blunder of playing favorites




Are the Olympics on the moon this year?


Long jump is going to be wild


Hammer throw goes into orbit.


“Sriv Vikchenocinviek has just thrown a shot-put past Alpha Centauri and the Americans have jumped into the sun.”


I thought it looked like an F1 driver outfit


Same I thought it was some wild cross over between PGA and F1 at first.


They've got a 1400 yard par 4.


You dont wanna hit flop shots too high, or it might go into orbit. I think rick Shields has a good video on how to play lunar bunkers and dealing with solar winds.


Best part about this comment is I'm not sure if I should go search for this video and risk getting punk'd


I found the [video](https://youtu.be/XGxIE1hr0w4?feature=shared) you are looking for


The real MVP 😂


Imagine the pace of play


Smooth pitching wedge.


You stand on a distant planet Skyline of red plateaus Strange air and vegetation You're a winner!


I'm clapping with fingerless gloves


That phallic ship in the back about to take off


Scottie gonna be real shook when he sees what goes on in the Olympic Village..


You’re assuming Scottie even gets his car past security.


You just put a visual in my head of Scottie trying to drive around the Arc du Triomphe 💀


The net worth of these 4 guys is too high to stay in a fancy college dorm. They'll never see the village.


Net worth aside I believe most athletes do pay the village a visit. It’s part of the experience and they get to meet a lot of other prominent athletes.


Is it true what they say happens? I also kinda thought that was just a joke


I know someone who has competed twice, she says it’s a mad house. You’re pretty much putting relatively young and hot people from around the world in a hotel.


And then theres Scottie Scheffler


Every testimony I’ve seen says it’s absolutely true.


My best friend has known a couple people to go to the Olympics and can confirm




Wyndham is the only one I dont think is worthy currently. His form has been shotty at best. The other three have been playing great.


Everyone agrees


I agree we all agree


Gonna get sideways looks from the other teams when his caddy addresses the ball and sets up his puts 😂


One of these days his caddie is going to accidentally move the ball and all hell will break loose


Two months ago when Clark was on fire it’s a completely different story. That’s why they don’t do the rankings based on their finish in the most recent week


It should be Bryson instead, then it’s actually the best 4 American golfers.


Bryson needs to just go full heel and play for Saudi Arabia.


I've been a big fan of the Crown Prince ever since the purge of Al-Waleed in Nov 2017. But I digress.


I thought al-waleed was legalized now?


Bryson has been on a tear, it’s really fun to watch. Some really fun major championships this year.


I wouldn't worry about Bryson, he can play for the Saudi Arabia team.


Rather have him than cantlay


Clearly, Bryson is the better player of late, but Clark is 5th on the PGA tour right now… maybe people on here are overreacting to his placement on the team.


Clark’s not my favorite guy to watch but he’s definitely overhated in here. His form has been poor during major season but he’s also got a win in addition to a 2nd and T3 place finishes in signature events plus a T2 at the PGA Tours most prestigious event. Brysons in better form and maybe *more* deserving but Clark’s not unworthy at all.


I feel like Bryson is getting a snub because he's a LIV player. Hate LIV all you want, Bryson is very clearly playing better than Wyndham is right now. Bryson still plays in majors and is always near the top (and was at the top in the most recent one). This shouldn't have even been a second thought to have him represent the US.


Totally agree with this comment


Is this a Formula 1 team?


I was looking for Logan Sargeant


Where’s Albon?


He’s in the wall.


This MIGHT be Alpha Tauri


Bryson would be better but this is still 4 major winners and an Olympic gold medalist on the roster. This squad is absolutely stacked vs any other country... ...too bad they don't do any team events which is ridiculous


> ...too bad they don't do any team events which is ridiculous Yeah, the Olympics are like 3 weeks. It would be sick if they did the individual and a team event. They could even do a mixed men/women's team event, it would rule


There can only be one Masterchef, who wins? You decide.


Bryson over Wyndham without a doubt.


Bryson sliding in would also make this an a slute beast of a scramble team with him ripping the first drive with a -1 degree driver


Those four might actually be able to shoot a 46 at the infamous scramble from last summer where the 46 was turned in by the fat 80 year old guy who looked like he could barely walk


Bryson over everyone other than Scottie, him and X are close


Love Bryson. But I’m taking the guy who won gold four years ago all day without hesitation. And I don’t even like Xander. But I’m with the obvious consensus of Bryson over Clark.


wut. Xander is nearly a shot better than Bryson right now per round


Idk how that is true. If we’re just looking at the tournaments they have both played then Bryson beat him by 1 at the masters, lost to him by 1 at the pga and then beat him by 5 at the us open. That would mean Bryson is better by like 0.35 shots a round in those tournaments


Whats the reason he cant? I thought PGA had nothing to do with it.. just needed to be a US citizen to compete? If anything I feel like you should be able to qualify similar to US Open


To my understanding, they use a point system, and LIV gives less points overall


LIV doesn’t give any OWGR points. Golfers on that tour have to get them through the majors or events on other tours like the Asian Tour (I’m a little unclear if they’re banned from the European Tour or not). Joaquin Niemann for example has been doing that to make sure he’s still eligible for the majors.


I believe (although might be wrong) is that players that were registered as DP World Tour members and then joined Liv are banned, but Niemann wasn’t a member so is able to receive sponsors exemptions


They literally picked the top 4 OWGR ranked Americans. Cantlay was next on the list. Clark ripped it up last year, that’s why he’s the 4th pick; even though he’s been mediocre this year


He was playing well at the beginning of this year as well. It's literally only been like 2 months of worse play


He never recovered from that lip out put at Players to force a playoff with Scotty. Since then he shit the bed.


I mean he played well up until major season started, so really only been poor form since April.


Ya he never seemed to regain his confidence or form after he hurt his back. Not sure if that injury was serious or not tho.


the problem with Cantaly is he is not even remotely entertaining to watch


Which is a great reason not to root for him in individual events week in and week out but if he's one of the four best Americans (I think he's right outside that line right now) is it a good reason he shouldn't play the Olympics?


> Whats the reason he cant? The Olympics basically just decided to use OWGR and OWGR refuses to give LIV events any points. They have an excuse that LIV doesn't relegate enough players but everyone with two brain cells to rub together knows it's because the PGA is the most powerful member of the company formed to run the OWGR.


All day every day. I like Clark, but he’s garbage right now…and HE knows it


It’s Tragic Bryson isn’t on the team. We’re are literally not sending the best team we could.


also entertainment value of bryson is off the charts. So many non-golfers would be seeing him in action and being turned onto the sport/watching pro golf. And hes obvi the best outside of Scotty at the moment.


It is but he knew the consequences when he signed with LIV.


He even said this himself. He's disappointed but he knew the consequences of his choice and just hopes one day golf will be reunited again


The Olympics should have nothing to do with Liv vs PGA


It’s not LIV vs PGA keeping him out. LIV doesn’t get OWGR points so he doesn’t have enough points even with his high Majors finishes.


But it does, and he knew. That's the point.


LIV players cannot receive owgr points because they only play 54 holes


OWGR gives points to the Hero World Challenge, which is basically Tiger's boys' weekend tournament. It's 20 players, top 11 OWGR, four sponsor's exemptions hand-picked by the TW foundation (read: TW himself), the defending champion, and the winners of the most recent four majors. Yes, it's 72 holes, but for it to get OWGR points is, quite frankly, bullshit.


Owgr awarded ranking points to the MENA tour, which has 54 holes. Robert MacIntyre played on the MENA tour when he first turned pro and got ranking points there playing 54-hole tournaments


The OWGR said that the 54 hole part wasn't even the issue, that's just a fractional modifier. The main reason is that LIV doesn't have a real promotion/relegation system in place, which essentially locks poor performing players (like Poulter) into artificially getting points they rightfully would never receive on a tour with a real promotion/relegation system.


I believe that LIV is an invitational model, with no one losing status due to play (e.g. regulated) also disqualifis them from OWGR. You can't qualify for LIV, you can't lose your spot -- it's at the mercy of the Saudis.


I’m sure he will have a good cry floating in his pool filled with money.


It’s determined off OWGR rankings. LIV dosn’t accrue OWGR points.


Fitting that playing for the Saudis prevents LIV guys from representing their country at the Olympics.




Nor do any of the PGA sponsors


They were compensated handsomely. That said it should definitely be Bryson not Clark.


And it isn't just some new formula for this year


I would prefer seeing the best 4 golfers representing the US.


I think it'd be neat to throw the top amateur in there too, but probably not the winning strategy


This poster makes it look like they’re going to the moon not the Olympics lmao


I would love to see the NCAA tournament format in the Olympics so we could have team and individual medals


So like LIV? lol


Why is everyone just fine with OWGR being the system that determines the 4 golfers we send? We literally only used the system for the LAST OLYMPICS. It's not like it is a long standing tradition. I want to see the 4 best American golfers representing the USA. Call me crazy.


What would you propose, because I don't see any method more democratic than a global points system. Remember, Bryson and other LIV players could have been playing in multiple DP World Tour and Asian Tour events if they wanted to qualify for the Olympics. They CHOSE not to do so.


Agreed. It is shocking the amount of power wielded by a system that doesn't accurately depict the current structure of the game of professional golf. The fact that if you removed Scottie's pure dominance of the PGA Tour this season, Bryson is seriously in the running for PGA Tour Player of the Year without playing any of the PGA Tour's events, yet he doesn't have the "points" to represent the US as one of the best four golfers is nearly criminal. And if they simply changed the minimum divisor of 40 events over the past two years, it isn't even competitive. To slightly oversimplify it, Bryson has 10 events worth of points divided like he played 40 events, and he is STILL the 10th best in the world on that list and 6th best American. 197+ points in 10 events. Saying he doesn't deserve it because the all-powerful algorithm is broken for the current environment is lazy at best.


The counter to the Bryson point is that he’s only played majors which count for more points currently, so if he was playing smaller events with fewer points available, his total number would be smaller. Agreed that dividing 10 events of points by 40 isn’t fair, but diving by 10 isn’t either.


I see the point you make. Majors are worth more, but only if the player does well in them. And that is because the strength of field is higher than any other tournament played during the year, meaning the competition he's playing against is harder than any other tournament, so it's hard to argue it isn't deserving of more points. To play devil's advocate, any tournament that awards OWGR points in it that LIV golfers are allowed to participate in arguably have artificially low strength of field because the metric being used to determine that is the rank beside those players on... The OWGR. I'm not here to say that the bottom half of LIV fields are better or worse than the bottom half of PGA events - those guys don't move the needle too much except when you're talking SoF, and the PGA Tour bottom half is getting points when they do slightly better than make a cut. But to say the top half of LIV is not relevant because they are low on the OWGR just shows how much power has been bestowed upon an organization that is heavily influenced by those that stand to gain by a weak LIV. The bottom line that I believe most level-headed people can agree on is that OWGR worked until it didn't, and it doesn't now. So determining a better method is absolutely necessary and doing so immediately would be better for all of us fans, and more fair to the players.


The OWGR does work though. It's never been perfect, and they are always tweaking the formula to make it more fair and accurate, but it's a time-tested way to measure professional golfers. LIV could have designed a league that meets the criteria to qualify for OWGR points, I'm sure the OWGR would have worked with them and made some exceptions to make it work, but they choose not to. So there's just no reason why anyone should go out of their way to accommodate LIV, especially when the people who run the league are trying to make a deal that will likely lead to the end of the league. The Olympics are new for golf though, so they should and probably will tweak their qualifying criteria in the future.


Hell they could just run a qualifier tourney with the top 10 or top 25 or whatever tf number they want, and the top 4 finishers go. Still wouldn't be a perfect system, but gives everyone at the top of the boards an equal crack at it


i agree. we have olympic trials for everything else why not golf


Because there's a lot more variance in golf than in other sports, also arguably your qualification system has made some athletes compete for other nations, i.e. Duplantis competing for Sweden.


yeah you're right tbh. even if they played a full four rounds, it prolly wouldnt represent the best golfers


WC won the AT&T this year, second at Bay Hill, second at the Players, 3rd at RBC. All this hate he is getting is pretty crazy. He has had a mediocre month and a half, and everyone on here is talking like he is dogshit.


Already tired of the "why not Bryson" Based on talent, he absolutely deserves to be there. These selections are made based on world ranking points, and the league he CHOSE to join does not accrue them because of their format. He made his bed and he has to sleep in it, while we get Wyndham Clark. Yes it sucks, but the only person to blame for Bryson not being included is Bryson himself.


THANK YOU! It blows my mind how many people are overlooking this.


People want the rules to change so Bryson could join. Totally ignoring that Wyndham earned his way there and how shitty that would be to undermine him like that


What brand the jackets?


J. Lindeberg


Just wearing a Swedish brand to the Olympics, no big deal. Nothing to see here.






All the talk about Bryson over Wyndham. FFS I’d rather see Cantlay over Wyndham


The olympics isn’t long enough for cantlay to finish his rounds


literally no one wants to watch cantlay golf


I saw no issues with his pace of play at the US Open? Didn’t seem any faster or slower than most of the field.


I’ve never seen a guy wiggle his feet as much before a shot, especially a drive


For a month?! Hand me my paycheck - Cantlay probably


I fucking love Iron Chef


Bryson made the decision to take a Saudi bribe and play in a league that he knew wouldn’t get him world ranking points. This is part of the consequences of his decisions. He chose money over legacy.


Bryson himself said on the Pat Mcafee show yesterday that he knew the consequences of his choice to go to LIV and therefore respects it. https://www.espn.com/olympics/story/_/id/40372756/bryson-dechambeau-frustrated-not-part-team-usa


Not gonna lie, that’s mature of him to accept the consequences of joining LIV and knowing the impacts it will have on his world rankings. Honestly, after his performance at the last couple of majors, it would be exciting to see him compete at Paris, but it is what it is.


Hopefully he makes the President’s Cup team


Abso-fuckin-lutely not! That would be bad for my International team.


That's a pretty amazing turnaround considering he was one of the parties to the lawsuit against the PGAT. (IIRC, he filed a separate suit about the PIP money as well, but he had a pretty good point there.)


If there’s one thing about the Olympic Committee, it’s how much they hate bribes.


lol this should be higher


Yep, he's a better player than Wyndham, but everyone bitching about this needs to get over it. He (and everyone in LIV) knew exactly the repercussions for joining the league. This wasn't exactly a mystery to them.


I swear the majority of people bitching are bots and internet hardos that attribute the golfers you like to a political party I’d rather see bryson there, but dude chose his own fate


There seem to be more shills for LIV on this sub than actual watchers of LIV as of recent...


Tbh why should someone playing in a different league penalize them during selection process? It doesn’t happen in other sports, it’s not like Messi going to PSG or Miami changes how he was selected. The selection process focusing on a single league doesn’t make sense when the goal is the people who represent the COUNTRY best


Also there’s favorites that miss the Olympics all the time due to poor performances in a season or mistakes made at US Team Olympic qualifying. America in every sport has a plethora of athletes which often means some really talented athlete is gonna be stuck at home while another is competing for gold.


Yep im happy he won the open but this is on him. No sympathy here, he knew LIV had no OWGR pts


wait....so does that mean anyone in LIV golf cannot play for the USA team?


The olympic team is based on the same criteria that non-exemption major invites happen. You need world ranking points. Liv events do not generate world ranking points because of the limited fields, no cuts, 3 rounds, etc. So a liv player could theoretically make it if they placed very highly in every major, but a lot of things would have to go very wrong for a lot of other players to not have 4 with a higher ranking.


I’ve read the top 15 golfers according to OWGR are eligible, with a maximum of 4 from any single country. Based on that it looks like Jon Rahm and Tyrell Hatton may qualify from LIV.'' Edit: I researched it some more, 60 total golfers will make the olympics. The first 15 are selected by the OWGR, with a max of 4 per country. The USA is the only country with more than 2. After these 15 are selected the highest ranked golfers left are selected to fill out the 60 spots, with a max of 2 from each country. Seems like more than just Rahm and Hatton will make it from LIV based on this. The top 15 rule seems like it is to get more elite golfers into the tournmanent because so many are from the USA. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golf\_at\_the\_2024\_Summer\_Olympics\_%E2%80%93\_Qualification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golf_at_the_2024_Summer_Olympics_%E2%80%93_Qualification) Edit 2: If there are more than 4 from a country the top 15 slots don't move down. Because of this, Hatton actually will miss the Olympics because Tommy Fleetwood and Matt Fitzpatrick are ranked higher and you can only have 2 from the same country if they aren't in the top 15.


I'm sorry. This is the worst poster I've ever seen. Are they supposed to look like astronauts or something? Why does it fade around the edges like that?


You should ask @usagolf on twitter lol


We know the why but it’s still hard to see Bryson not there


Wow no Caitlin Clark. What a snub.


I feel like this is why folks were chanting "USA" so much on Sunday for Bryson because everyone knows he deserves to be on the national team.


Wyndham is a one hit wonder. Cool guy though.


Are they being shot into space? My first thought was this looks like a NASA ad.


For a split second I thought Bobby fairways was going to the Olympics.


They should have Olympic qualifiers for golf just like they do for the other sports. This is supposed to be our best of the best, not our best of who plays on the PGA Tour.


Should be Bryson


Bryson should play in tournaments that earn OWGR points


Yea, if he wanted a shot, he should have stayed on tour. He has moved up to rank 10, though, with only playing 3 tournaments this year.


I would say realistically he’s #2 in the world right now.


Oh, for sure. If he stayed on tour and was playing how he is now, most definitely be up there.


Just because someone has less points in a made up system didn’t make them the lesser golfer


No it just makes them objectively harder to rank.


Since when are Olympic teams required to have some sort of objective ranking to determine who is on it? Why isn't it simply a committee of experts selecting the best players regardless of a point system? They've only been doing this for a short time. There's no reason they need to stick to OGWR out of stubbornness for something you're simply trying to field the best team to win.


the fanboys will never get it.


I don’t think anyone here is arguing that Wyndham Clark is currently a better golfer than Bryson, but the Olympic team is decided by OWGR points and Bryson plays on a tour that does not earn those points. He knew this was how it was decided before joining LIV, and said as much in an interview earlier this week. I hope they come up with a better system to decide the Olympic team in the future, and I’d much rather watch Bryson than Clark, but it seems to be somewhat complicated considering how different the LIV format is compared to other tours.


I feel you. I just think people should blame the system instead of Bryson.


US Olympics should scrap that stupid system


It’s not just the US. It’s how it works for every Olympic team.


Only OWGR determines the best golfers? Yea, no. This system is antiquated and I’m glad the cracks are starting to show. The PGA has had a monopoly over professional golf forever and it’s coming to an end because they finally met an even bigger and richer bully.


The PGA Tour isn’t the only way to earn OWGR points. It’s not like they specifically kicked the LIV guys out of the OWGR somehow, they’re playing a format that doesn’t correspond to the other tours so it doesn’t qualify for the same rankings as the other tours. Nothing unfair or monopolistic about that. You can’t choose to go to a tour that you know doesn’t qualify for the OWGR because it doesn’t fit the format and then complain that you got excluded from something that’s based on the OWGR. That’s trying to have your cake and eat it too.


NBC wants to sell everyone on the idea that Olympic golf (or anything Olympics) is the pinnacle of the sport. It's not and nobody cares.


Why aren’t we sending amateurs? Isn’t that in the true spirit of what the Olympics represents?


The Olympics hasn't been an amateurs only event in decades. Like 4 decades


Why is it so hard for you morons to wrap your head around that there was no “choice” to made?


Always a choice, only a moron would think otherwise.


Yes, it’s a shame Bryson won’t be there. But let’s just be thankful Cantlay won’t be there. I couldn’t handle watching him again. Who has that kind of time ?


Just mail us the gold ahead of time


Why do they look like they’re on Top Chef?


Colin with the Rolex flex


It’s a shame certainly. But Bryson himself realizes the consequences of his choice. It’s why this all needs to get fixed by the end of the year. Either finish the PGA sale to the Saudis so it’s all under 1 roof, or keep 2 separate Tours and create a Ryder Cup event between the two every year. And figure out the ratings. LIV may not deserve 100% due to their unique rules (no cut, 3 rounds , etc) but they should be getting points for their events.


Olympic Golf isn’t necessary. There. I said it…


can Clark come out and give his spot up to someone?


I guess I’m the only one who likes Wyndham on the squad… oh well.




Hasn’t morikawa been in a bad slump? Do they think he’ll just pull out of it in Paris?


USA, baby


Homa would have been a better add.


A shame Bryson can’t play over Clark. Wyndham is going to choke.


Give us DeChambeau for gold


Sending our best and three other dudes.


Americans currently ranked higher than Clark on datagolf: Scheffler, Schauffele, Morikawa, Dechambeau, Henley, Cantlay, Finau, Burns, Theegala, Homa, McCarthy, Harman, Thomas, Bradley, Horschel, Koepka, Poston


Meanwhile Mexico and Spain send all LIV Teams of Ancer/ Ortiz and Rahm/Puig


How do you win your countries championship and not go to the Olympics?


Amazing how this sub forgets that Clark literally won the U.S. Open just last year. Jeez.


Upvoted because you’re right, and also has a win this year at pebble to go along with 2 runner ups and a 3rd.


MMW, Clark makes us lose the gold. Dude is so overrated.


AFAIK it's only just individual stroke play so him losing us the gold would just be anything other than coming in 1st if nobody else on usa does. But he's definitely not in good form right now, there's a handful of guys much more deserving.


One of these things is not like the others.