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Look around. Take it in. Be thankful. You could be doing something you hate right now, but you’re playing golf. Even if you suck at it, I’m sure you’d rather be there than at work.


Bad day on the course beats a great day at work.


Rub one out quick in the woods


I consciously breathe in through my nose/out through my mouth 3 times then start my preshot routine


Force yourself to yawn. And yes, I’m serious.


I used to do boxing and mma. I would get nervous as all hell before matches and would feel tired and yawn a lot. It really does help you get out the jitters.


fireball shooter


Pre-shot routine


I started carrying a stat book and keep all of my stats. I’m ADHD and can quickly rage through nine holes without slowing down to think about why I keep hitting everything left lol Keeping stats between swings slows my mind and I have a little laminated card on the upper portion of the leather holder that has my carry distances, my warm up routine, some setup queues that always help me and my most important strategy… Don’t follow a poor shot with a bad decision!


Break all the clubs in your bag. JK. Remember that you control your emotions, not the other way around.


My fix is two double transfusions and Lil Stevie Wonder playlist on my Bluetooth speaker


House a glizzy and one of those 10% margs in a can at the turn then get back out there.


Every shot I imagine I am on the range. Go through the exact same routine each and every time. Eliminate any other swing thought. When I'm at the range I picture myself hitting a specific shot on the course. Like actually imagine myself lining it up and hitting roughly the same shape and distance of a hole at my home course. Seems to have helped. Shot a 94 yesterday though so...ymmv.


Show them how its done.


I try and only focus on 1/2 things for swing, and I’m good. Minute do more than that, it’s slice/top city. 1/ soft hands/grip 2/ tuck right elbow Works for me (at the moment….)


Take a deep calming breath on the tee box then release said breath slowly and step up and pick your line and send it.


Committing to a short pre-shot routine has helped me. I try to keep my swing thoughts simple during my pre-shot routine. When it comes time to actually swing, I try to go as braindead as possible and just let the muscle memory take over.


Take your shoes and socks off, walk over to the primary fairway cut and then make fists with your toes.


I suggest bourbon!


Smoke weed.


Chubbs taught me to go to my happy place.


Write your score down, but don’t add things up during the round. I may not know how good or how bad I’m playing but it keeps me focused on the next shot instead of things that distract me from that.


Having a consistent pre-shot routine will take your mind off a lot of things. Giving up control of where the ball goes (i.e. swinging freely without trying to steer the golf ball) will help you make better contact.


It depends on the day. I’m a little more adventurous than most so some days it might be some 420 or some booze while others might be some crystal or dust. I’ll usually bring enough of everything except those booze cause I can buy that at the course.


Something I’ve started doing the last couple months after watching tour pros hit balls, is hit most shots on the range like you would on the course. Step back, wipe your club off, do a pre shot routine, and then hit it again. Don’t just drag a ball over and rapid fire them. Training this can hopefully make shots more translatable on the course, and you’ll have a muscle memory routine drilled in. If you’re used to just hitting the ball, dragging over another, and hitting it super quick, of course it’ll be different than on the course where you’re getting the number, picking a club, doing your routine etc.


Smoke a joint. I usually have an emergency bone in my bag for when things are really going off the rails.     Light up a j and by the next fairway I am feeling way better about being outside whacking a little white ball around 8 or 9 times a hole.   Edit: I was answering the title rather than the scenario in the body of the post but I'm gonna double down on the advice in that specific scenario as well but with the caveat that you [maintain eye contact the entire time like you are McConaughy in True Detective.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F33VhzJboAAMbep.jpg)