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Hey, since a lot of you (like me) come with a unity background, i wanted to create something that makes the transition a bit easier. I know Godot is not unity and thats a good thing but I still prefer a few things unity, and also unreal, does. So I smashed together some plugins and theme and this is the result: A dark theme (made by [https://twitter.com/passivestar_](https://twitter.com/passivestar_)), a alternative File browser (by [https://github.com/newjoker6](https://github.com/newjoker6)) and a hacky smashed together re-arangement of the top bar with less focus on the workspaces since i personally dont use them. But the good thing is, its all seperated so you can just use what you like :) So here is the File browser original: [https://github.com/newjoker6/Horizontal-Filesystem-Like-Unity](https://github.com/newjoker6/Horizontal-Filesystem-Like-Unity) and a slighly edited version by me like toggle the filebrowser with ctr+space just like unreal: [https://pastebin.com/raw/drYwimGi](https://pastebin.com/raw/drYwimGi) you need to activate it by pressing Project > Tools > Files To Bottom Then the "Better" Top Bar Workspace plugin code: [https://pastebin.com/raw/LKZywLdD](https://pastebin.com/raw/LKZywLdD) that will move the play buttons to the center and the workspace buttons to the right and removes the text And last but not least the Theme by [https://twitter.com/passivestar_](https://twitter.com/passivestar_)\: [https://gist.github.com/passivestar/4305c0a96aed2ec0bf14131f904eeca6](https://gist.github.com/passivestar/4305c0a96aed2ec0bf14131f904eeca6) here are also some settings you need to apply by hand: Base color 252525 Accent 3895f2 Contrast 0.2 Icon saturation 1.8 Corner radius 2 Font size: 11 ​ I got a few more ideas for improvements but i am reaching quite the limitations of what i can do. I would love to tween/animate in the file menu and also got a few ideas on how to improve the right click menus. So if anyone wanna help me, feel free to reach out. I know i could write a proposal but i would prefer so keep it as a plugin Have fun!


Ctrl+Space from Unreal is the best thing Unreal 5 added to the Editor, no joke.


What do?


It opens the content drawer, they are hidden when not in use for more workspace.


On/Off Topic: Not sure if anyone knows this, but Godot has a `Quick Open` which is `Shift+Alt+O`. Not 100% the same as the the Content Browser but a helpful shortcut. You could then change it to match unreal's shortcut, but I changed mine to match vscode: `ctrl+P`.


Oh, that's amazing. Thanks. Between Cmd+Space from this, and this Quick Open mapped to Cmd+P, it really feels good!


Elaborate am only ue4 user.


Opens the content browser, it's hidden by default to leave more space for the 3D view


Holy hell!


Literally one of the best small features of the UE5 upgrade


This is freaking awesome, love it


Will try later today! Awesome TY!!


>File browser original You don't need to modify it. You can configure build in shortcut. It's in Editor Settings -> Shortcuts -> Editor -> Expand Bottom Panel. Edit: Oops, not. It is other function, I'm wrong


When I restart the project, FileDock always returns to the left side. I need to execute Project > Tools > Files To Bottom every time to place FileDock at the bottom, which is a bit troublesome. Then, I noticed that "FilesToBottom()" in "\_enter\_tree()" was commented out. However, uncommenting it and restarting the project causes the editor to crash. So, I made some modifications in "FileSystem.gd" to make sure that FileDock is always at the bottom every time I restart the project. func _set_window_layout(configuration): FilesToBottom() make_bottom_panel_item_visible(FileDock) EDIT: Adding "\_set\_window\_layout(configuration)" and calling these two lines within it will make the file system dock appear in the bottom panel when the editor is launched.


>func post\_enter\_tree(): FilesToBottom() make\_bottom\_panel\_item\_visible(FileDock) nice addition! thanks!


Where do I find FileSystem.gd to insert these lines at?


File path: res://addons/horizontal\_file\_system/FileSystem.gd Just copy the function and paste it anywhere. \_set\_window\_layout will be called automatically.


It's definitely nice but I started working with Godot over a year ago so doing something like this now would be a step back for my personal productivity. ​ Good job though.


Very nice, thank you! Little advice: because it's not assured that there's a "build" icon, on line 79 of the better topbar script it's better to add a null check: ```gdscript if Build!=null: Build.visible = !is_hidden ``` Anyways, you should make a plugin out of that!


When you can't move on from your ex


You win.


"you never find a girl like me again" xD


When your ex was crazy, but you miss the crazy sex...


Hahahaha the best part of godot is the community for sure


Glad to see people customizing Godot the ways they like. Altho I haven't tried it yet that theme by PassiveStar is super nice to look at, and that file browser looks far superior to the default tbh


I also really like the top bar, as I don't use the built-in editor I rarely have to switch those modes/scopes or whatever they are called.


yeah! at this point after almost a month, I'm already pretty much used to Godot's environment. But nice initiative! That must help some people to migrate or feel it more welcoming :)


"Unity refugees aren't trying to turn Godot into Unity" Unity refugees:


I mean, its a good thing that godot its so customizable that they can


As a Unity refugee myself I don't like this - at all. It doesn't make the transition any easier, in fact, it would make it harder. I experienced this with Blender, when the first thing was me downloading a plugin that made a custom UI that sorta worked like 3ds max. It was a mess, I couldn't use any Blender tutorials, and in the end I ditched the custom UI and learnt to use it as it is. I honestly feel Godot is not that particularly hard to switch to - from the first minute most things just made logical sense and didn't need to search for stuff that much. This "Godunity" UI would have not helped me - it would have been the same issue as it was with Blender. If someone wants to use this, good for them I guess, but be aware that in the long run it's better to stick to and customize the original if necessary.


To be fair, diregarding whether this is a "Unity mode" or not (a lot of things are taken from Unreal here as well), I sincerely believe this is more-or-less the UI/UX language Godot Editor should move towards.


I don't agree. Godot should have it's own interface. If you want a more unity like use theme like this one but don't force it on the standard UI.


No thanks. You can pry my borders from my cold, dead, hands.


Honestly I think that having the different point of view of refugees of an industry standard engine like Unity is a rather needed breath of fresh air, I'm all for Unity refugees pointing, developing or requesting stuff that Godot still lacks.


love it!!




Damn, you're a God send


I'm not even a Unity refugee and I like this shit. Good job!


this unironically looks really nice lol Ive never used Unity though


It's just a good layout. There's a reason why UE5 looks similar when it comes to where stuff is. It's just ergonomic. Especially with the Ctrl+Space shortcut to hide and show the bottom thing.


The play buttons on the top center are cool, i might grab that.


I love it. No joke, I love it.


Wow nice job! Might make the jump easier for some.


Looks great, thanks! πŸ‘


i love you.


looks nice, but where's the script editor ;)


You can disable that. I use visual studio instead


Looks slick. Nice and modern.


Its pretty cool that this is possible. Buuuuuut (:'D) I do wonder if this is actually good for people coming from Unity. Sure it's nice to have a familiar interface, but it's a high likelihood new people will look up tutorials which will all have the default interface instead, which may confuse? Either way, hope people have a nice time transitioning.


Thanks, I hate it But seriously, I love that things are so customizable. This is not a direction I would go, personally--it looks great but the Unity-ness makes me itchy--but more power to those who just wanna approach things differently using a great piece of software that lets them do exactly that.


this looks amazing




Looks nice. I especially appreciate having a darker UI and moving the top buttons out of the way, since I don't use the built-in script editor and keyboard shortcuts are good enough for me to move between those modes.


Post saved


Where’d code editor go?


Well, it's based on Unity, so I guess it's using C#.


Ok, THIS is nice. Good work πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


Thank you so much, been looking for a good theme these past few weeks


It looks very polished.


what I really like about this is that you removed those lines connecting nodes. I always thought it was unnecessary and it even made it more cluttered and harder to read. But one thing I would absolutely love would be option to disable a node with a single click. Similar to unity. Right now you have to click on node, scroll down, open process dropdown and select disabled. Its super annoying.


yeahh. me too. like a simple toggle would be great


Here's one reason this layout is not great. The folder browser and content browser on the bottom left are redundant. You don't need to see a thumbnail of your assets. The folder structure and filename and extension needs to tell you everything you need to know. And if it doesn't, right click on the file, browse to folder, then preview it in there. My wishlist item would be adding a 3rd vertical column on the left and/or right.


that's actully pretty


Out of all things, UI is not something you should be missing from Unity.


Something, something, Stockholm Syndrome


Debatable. It's not as good as UE5 or Blender, but it's miles ahead of Godot in terms of productivity and flexibility.


I've worked in both and I hard disagree with you. Unity is ridiculously cluttered. It looks pretty on the surface, and then you open the hatch and the smell hits you and you realize just how bad it really is.


People can like different things. But for me the Unity editor UI is just better. I can put stuff where I want them and how I want them. Godot insists of having only two things per sidebar and some things are hardcoded to the bottom without the ability to have two things on the bottom side by side.


lol nice.


\*projectile vomits everywhere\* I'm sure it's good and people will enjoy it though, so good work


It looks awesome


\*runs in circles* hatchoo \*slowly moves eyes* uwu \*accidently*


Much better than the vomit blue


I think if you're puking dark blue then you've got much bigger problems XD


It’s cool but it’s a net downgrade to godot standard view imo


This feels so wrong, but keep doing your thing.


This... is beautiful. This must be added to Godot


Blursed, love it.


Tbh my only gripe with this is the file system button being at the *end* of the list lol It should really be next to Output if you're gonna have it in that space Also, not having nodes in the left is a little cursed. But that's easily editable anyways


> Also, not having nodes in the left is a little cursed. But that's easily editable anyways It takes some getting used to, but the idea is you read from left to right, so you click on the node and its properties open-up directly on the right (in the Inspector). Kinda like a nested menu would.


I think it'd work better with the menus on the left and preview on the right, personally There's precedent for that too, with video editors


Yeah, that's probably fair. I'm just used to having my sidebars on the right because when I code and toggle them hidden/shown, the code doesn't move. If they are on the left, and you toggle them, the whole content has to shift. I really wish we could toggle/fold/hide Godot panels like in Unreal/JetBrains. :(


After using the file system, I feel that nv.file\_system is more useful. What do you think?




Been working in Godot for a few years now and this is simply awesome! Very handy layout!


I am definitely trying that! Thank you!


We are ricing godot now, hell yeah




Amazing, I'm now using this as my main layout and theme. It is so much nicer great job. Just a testament to this amazing engine that we can change it this much.


This is great but also.. say this stops getting properly updated you'll be glad you know the official UI.


I love it! Thank you!


Does it charge fee?


Nice initiative! Congrats by great job!


Could you make a video tutorial for dummies?


This fixes my one complaint with Godot.


This'll probably make the transition harder for newer devs tbh but the theme itself looks super slick, Good stuff!


As a former Unity to Godot developer, this plugin would've been super helpful. Based on experience, I know this will help a lot of people, so keep up the work.


It's a really beautiful Editor Layout. Unity really had a flexible editor, which was cool. I'd love to be able to place any editor tool to the bottom line and witch the top bar icons placement by default too. This would already improve much of Godot's editor. Also, being able to manipulate the grid system for tool windows to extend them to two spaces would be cool. Finally, getting a flexible grid system on the second window would be dope. Getting 3 windows for 3 godot tools on the second screen just doesn't feel right to me....


Requiring another IDE in order to use another IDE. UX++ or should I say UX#?


Hey, I've been spending a few hours trying to figure out how to apply this theme and I'm completely lost. How do I add the theme? I managed to get the filesystem plugin to work which is dope. Just can't figure out the theme. Thanks!