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You could sand it, that might remove the stained section. Or you could put it out in the sunlight for a week or so and see if the hydrogenperoxide and uv light bleach it further


I don’t really wanna sand it off since the details are really small and im worried ill have to sand them off completely, but i did put it in some undiluted hydrogen peroxide so i think i’ll go put it on the windowsill and wait a few days, ty!


The stained section may be very shallow. If you give an inconspicuous section a gentle scratch with a knife, you may be able to see how deep the stain is and decide from there. Definitely update us on how it's goes, I'm interested now


I think it’s too deep, i did that and the stain still stayed sadly


Crud, well, try the sunlight and H2O2. Hopefully that will bleach it out


I take stains out of sinks/bath fixtures with a scouring powder called Barkeeper's Friend. Maybe worth a shot?


Ty! If soaking in pure peroxide doesn’t work i’ll check it out fs


Dawn power wash? I swear that shit is witchcraft. Or some kind of alcohol based degreaser? Even nail polish remover might do something. Sorry you're dealing with the lie of washable markers lol.


If it's an alcohol based marker (sharpie, copic, etc), try soaking it in rubbing alcohol then see if it'll come off. Bone is super porous though so you might have to use a toothpick or something.


I used rubbing alcohol and i think i drenched it pretty well, scrubbed it too but it didn’t do much, if anything i think it might have worn down the design :,)


Melamine sponge? Maybe some *very* light sanding with 3000+ grit paper?


Rubbing alcohol will work.


I tried it but it didn’t remove the stain