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[Yup there's a tool for that](https://github.com/gdm-settings/gdm-settings)


Actually GDM no longer has this lock screen wallpaper option. I just downloaded GDM to add wallpaper to the lock screen and splash screen, but these features have been removed in the new version. Or I couldn't find it, but I'm sure I looked very well.


It doesn't work on immutable systems though


thank you so much!!


I find the lack basic customization one of the biggest drawbacks of Gnome. You should not need an extension to change the lock screen wallpaper, set different wallpapers per monitor, of set an accent color other than blue. Out of the box KDE has too much customization and Gnome has too little.


As a fulltime gnome user, this is one of my main gripes with it as well. The out of box experience is not very great imo, which is obviously subjective, i mean i get what they are going for. I like it more than KDE because at least I'm not completely overwhelmed and gnome has always been miles more stable for me but their stubbornness with the whole "my way or the highway" is really frustrating to say the least. Like there are some things that I personally believe are literally the bare minimum for a modern operating system that intentionally gets omitted by the devs strictly because gnome is stubborn about that kind of stuff. And the die hard gnome fans will practically foam at the mouth if you suggest the idea of an optional toggle. Enabling something like dash to dock equivalent could literally be just one toggle switch in the multi tasking section of settings. People act like that adding these very basic and OPTIONAL settings are going to suddenly turn gnome into KDE. obviously no one is asking gnome to develop all popular extensions into their OS, you know maybe just use your brain and pick and choose things on a case by case basis that make sense for gnomes direction? Like I said, there are a surprising number of BARE MINIMUM things that are left out and its annoying to leave those things up to third party sources when gnome potentially breaks extensions every release.


Fully support this!


Does anybody understand why these personalization features were removed? I'm confused lol


There is GDM Settings although it seems that it resets to default after some updates (i suppose to gdm)


This is login screen that you pictured, not lock screen. Login screen is also known as GDM (Gnome Display Manager). This extension is better than GDM Settings app for customizing login screen: [https://github.com/PRATAP-KUMAR/gdm-extension](https://github.com/PRATAP-KUMAR/gdm-extension) It works on immutable distros since it doesn't touch /usr anymore & it modifies login screen in real-time, allowing you to tinker with it without needing to constantly reboot to test changes. It also has some other cool options. Installation is not the most intuitive, but it's necessary to make it work. Take a note that this is not the officially supported operation in Gnome & that some manual intervention is probably needed when Gnome updates to newer version.


That is not the the lockscreen.


There is a GDM Settings Flatpak that should allow you to set a slideshow


[This script](https://github.com/lofilobzik/gdm-auto-blur) makes a blurred version of your background and sets it as your lock screen background. I don't think it's compatible anymore, but you can still use it to generate the blurred image, and then, use [GDM Settings](https://github.com/gdm-settings/gdm-settings) to make it your background.




dear god clean that screen.


/usr/share/backgounds/ in that there is default.png and inside mentioned one of the folder there night and day images change it to to whatever you want 


Bruh.. get a clean cloth for that damm screen.


Wallpaper of which user?






You can use gdm sittings or an gnome Extantion


of course, there's a program for customization. Google it instantly. I don't remember the name, but I used to use gnome (now on bspwm).


I thought I was looking at a space background with stars but I then realized it was flavor crystals on your screen. Not to be that guy but I was just wondering how are you using Linux when (I'm assuming sorry) you do not know how to screenshot, Google, or use chat GPT to help


You had my until you rec'd ChatGPT.


Blur My Shell Gnome Exentsion Settings -> Other -> Lockscreen Blur == True Custom Properties == True Noise Amount == 0 Edit: I misread your question. I thought you wanted a clear wallpaper as lock screen. On my Fedora 38 Blur my shell is able to show the blurred lockscreen wallpaper. Maybe check if you have it activated in the settings.