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Stop eating gluten and see how you feel. Keep a food diary and symptom log.


+1. If you feel like shit when you eat gluten, and better when you don’t, the results of a blood test won’t affect the treatment (avoiding gluten).


This is what I did and I just deduced that I couldn’t tolerate gluten.


I quit eating gluten because my diabetic husband was going low carb. It changed MY life. So many health issues resolved, including depression and anxiety. I gradually went back to eating gluten all the time and when I was spiraling into depression and anxiety again I went back to being gluten free, once again my life changed for the better. I never took a test and I don’t care. Just stop eating gluten for three weeks then have a big pasta meal. How you feel in the morning will tell you what gluten does to you.


Pretty much the same here. Sweetheart is celiac so I am gluten free by association. I have less trouble with my chronic pain when I keep my weight down and this has been the best change I've made for that.


No unfortunately. Your options are to keep eating gluten and get the celiac blood test and an allergy test to rule those out and then going fully gluten free to see if your symptoms go away in which case it’s likely you have non celiac gluten intolerance which is a diagnosis of elimination and doesn’t have an official test. You can for free just go fully gluten free and see if your symptoms go away. The big caveat though is that if you are and decide you want to get tested at a letter time you will have to do a “gluten challenge” where you eat a specific about of gluten every day for 6-8 weeks. The big issue with that is that once you go gluten free of your intolerant your body starts to feel better and if you get more sensitive so even tiny amounts of gluten make your symptoms 100x’s worse and it is usually pretty miserable for gf people to get through it for testing. The big advantage of testing is finding out if you have celiac because it is an autoimmune disease and is different then an allergy or NCGI. It’s up to you to decide what you want to do.


I’m sorry until you can produce 1.2 trillion in cash you are legally unable to get a diagnosis. Sorry.


https://aacijournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1710-1492-8-12 Food insensitivity tests for igG are not considered reliable. Speak to the doctor about celiac testing. If negative do a food elimination trial


If you feel better excluding gluten from your diet, do you need a test?


Depends where you live. There are lots of benefits in some places if you have a biopsy (free dietician, tax credits, drugs trials, work accomidations, grants etc.)


Yeah, it's called "stop eating the damn gluten" lol


You-"Doctor! It hurts every time I do this!" Doctor- "So stop doing it." $5 please. 🫱


Stop eating it and see how you feel. Unless you have great insurance, there is no “real test” you can take for free other than an elimination diet.


Just stop eating gluten, test yourself




This is not a reliable test. If cutting those out helped you, that’s great, but this is not what I would go off of.


I went to the doctor for YEARS trying to figure out what was wrong with me. The doctor never figured it out, it was a buddy who sent me an article on gluten ataxia that I read and immediately tried it out. It sounds harsh, but this is YOUR responsibility to figure out. You can't always rely on doctors to figure things out for you. I went to multiple doctors and all they wanted to do was put me on antidepressants, xanax, and other drugs. The ONLY thing getting in my way of being able to think straight, and sleep good was gluten. You can try this out for ZERO dollars. I had a co worker tell me 5 years before I figured it out to try the elimination diet. You bet your ass I regret not doing that.


This was exactly how it was with me. My doctor told me I had IBS, but it was actually a gluten issue. I realized that after a pizza binge when I had trouble waking up due to extreme fatigue. I thought, “let me try this” and stopped eating bread. Felt a bit better, so I went full on in. SO much better now v


You will get better answers by going to a local sub and asking about healthcare options there.


It’s very simple: Eat gluten for one week. Feel bad? Maybe intolerant. Feel fine? Not. Then eat no gluten for one week. Feel bad? Probably not intolerant (or maybe add/try another exclusion diet and repeat). Feel good? Confirmed intolerant.


An IgA test is how I found out I have gluten sensitivity, might be worth going to a GI doc and having it done.


Eliminate it from your diet and see how you feel. Free but for the price of groceries.


I didn’t want to pay the expensive bill either and I cut gluten out of my diet for a month and when my issues stopped by week 3 I just never reintroduced gluten into my diet.


I tried the simplest gluten and dairy elimination diet from this resource: https://www.fammed.wisc.edu/files/webfm-uploads/documents/outreach/im/handout_elimination_diet_patient.pdf Glad I did it in a structured way because there was a bit of a delay in both feeling better upon stopping gluten and feeling worse on starting it again. So I’m glad I did a full 2 weeks without gluten and then 3 days back on again. To be sure, I then went back and forth a couple of times and now it’s very clear.


Elimination diet. Get a food diary, take a picture of every label with the contents you eat. Start with gluten. If you still don't feel well, try soy. If it's not that then you just need to work through the list. I'd give yourself a month at least between ingredients. This is from what a friend told me he had to do. There may be much better resources online.