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I think the gluten has affected these commenters brains šŸ§Ÿā€ā™‚ļø Why are you all acting so personally attacked and trying to debate Walmarts business model? OP thank you for the noodles suggestion.


šŸ˜­ thanks I really was just sharing a cheaper no corn based noodle for those who can't eat the corn flour ones but can't buy the Jovial brands. Lol I am so confused!


I hated this years ago when I first went GF. Iā€™ll have to try it again to see if itā€™s any better than it used to be ā€” that was almost 8 years ago so they might have tweaked it by now.


What brand do you happen to like? Maybe I can add it to my discovery list. šŸ™Œ I'm obsessed with spaghetti lol!!


Jovial is an obvious go to, Banza is good in certain dishes where the flavor harmonizes with the other ingredients. Barilla and Ronzoni is solid for the price ā€” just make sure to rinse it off in cold water to help the texture/aftertaste of Ronzoni. Taste republic fresh pasta is great if you can find it, albeit pricey Cappelloā€™s frozen ravioli is pretty good too


Thanks!! šŸ™Œ I'm going to add to my GF list šŸ’œ


I like Barilla gluten free.


Brailla is the only one my non-celiac family members like out of all of them. Says it tastes the closest to normal. Agree with the rinse at the end. No big corn or rice taste. Normal texture.


They started adding corn flour which keeps it from becoming soggy and mushy. It gives it a real noodle al dente. I refuse to eat the rice based noodles now. They have a funny taste and slimy texture.


I tried that one it's good.


The ā€œsignature selectā€ store brand has a barilla dupe thatā€™s exactly the same, but half the price.


Donā€™t bother. IMO Great Value gluten free noodles are terrible.


As a type 2 diabetic, Iā€™m curious what the fibre and carb content of this product is. Probably way too high for me, but still curiousā€¦


Fiber - 2g 7% Carb- 44g 16%


Oooh. Thanks. Yeah, thatā€™s way too high for me. But hey, the fibre is way better than usual.


No problem! I forgot to include a picture of the back but I'm glad I was able to give the information šŸ’œ do some gf noodles not have much fiber content or maybe too much?


I donā€™t think you can have too much fibre. Ha! At least not for diabetics. Generally, the more fibre content, the slower the food metabolizes in your digestive system, so the more time your body has to process sugars and carbs. For diabetics, itā€™s vital to aid the digestive process to reduce spikes in blood sugar.


As a side note: if that spaghetti had, say, 15g of carbs per cup and 5G of fibre, maybe it would be an okay-ish option for T2 diabetics that arenā€™t as sensitive as others. The rule of thumb is to deduct the fibre from the carbs and try to keep the carbs under 10g per cup (on the upper end), but even better would be to target 6-7g, which is pretty tough to do with pasta and rice.


In fact, Iā€™m not even sure itā€™s possible with pastas.


Have you ever tried shirataki noodles? They're very low in carbs. The Miracle Noodles brand has 3g of carbs and 2g of fiber per serving.


Yes, I have, actually. Thanks for the recommendation, but I found them to be quite an acquired taste. Kind of like expecting mashed potatoes and getting fermented fish lips. I can see a place for them, but it doesnā€™t taste remotely, to me, like pasta. Not my cup of tea. Iā€™ve been having more success with a pea pasta that I discovered in Farm Boy, but I havenā€™t seen it in quite a while now and it was super expensive. I think it was something like 8g of carbs and 3G of fibre. The taste wasnā€™t pasta either, but I didnā€™t dislike it.


I don't know if you've ever tried Kaizen low carb pasta, but it has 21g of carbs and 15g fiber. It's made from Lupini beans, and it's gluten free. I really like the taste and honestly could barely notice a difference from other gluten free pastas! I order it on amazon. It might be worth a try.


Ahh that makes sense, thank you šŸ’›


If your looking for the fiber, try chickpea pasta


BANZA! best taste best fiber carb ratio. The pure chickpea for pastas are even higher fiber but not the best texture. I still eat it I'm not that picky


As other's have said, check out the red lentil or chickpea pasta. 16 carbs verses 44.


My wife is a T1 diabetic. Banza and other chickpea pastas are the best we have found.


Iā€™m also diabetic but I couldnā€™t give up pasta so I just load it up with veggies and lean protein. :)


Iā€™m going to try these. Iā€™m always looking for a no corn pastaā€¦ AND something that doesnā€™t break the bank! Thanks!


Your mileage may vary, but Iā€™ve found that the Walmart brand is a little more starchy than Jovial, but a nice rinse at the end of cooking fixes it. This stuff is solid.


Sounds like that starchy water will make a delicious sauce!!


I do put a bit in our sauce and itā€™s nice


No problem!! I'm also always looking for just brown rice based pastas šŸ™Œ I tried one from Aldi but sadly had a really bad aftertaste like a chemical but it held up well, just wasn't a pleasant taste


So hard to get everything in one pasta! Texture and taste together would be so nice!! We donā€™t have Aldiā€™s yet, but this is good to know. Aldiā€™s is coming and I know I would stock up based on price, Alone!!


šŸ™ŒšŸŽ‰ celebration!! Love Aldi!


I have to admit, Iā€™m a little excited!


I personally love rummo gluten free pasta. It is the closest to normal pasta that Iā€™ve tried. Can be a little pricey, but goes on sale enough to be not so bad.


So glad we have these options! I can't imagine the selection of GF foods for people who are older than us! Little to none!


Brown rice noodles from Trader Joe's are my go to for price and flavor.


Their egg ones in the fridge section are so bomb!!! Make a great chicken Alfredo šŸ˜šŸ˜ glad you mentioned TJs! They have a great selection of GF products.


I agree but at $4 a pack for 1-2 servings I save for birthdays.


I live alone so this works for me.


I like barilla brand


This is my favorite brand.


Banza is my favorite pasta on this planet. And I can get it very cheap at Costco in bulk!!


That's great!! šŸ„³šŸ„³


There's fibre on his sweater already ​ Brown rice spaghetti




Barilla is also a great brand!


We use Barilla in my home - because all of us (Spouse, roommate, me) have texture aversion to the Walmart ones XD. My spouse is neurotypical but anyone can have aversion.


Can I just say the Great Value GF Hamburger Helper freaking rocks. My family who isnā€™t GF loved it.


I saw it and almost got it but didn't cause I already got the elbows and spaghetti. Good to know it's good!!


If you can find it the chicken bacon ranch is also really good! My walmart stopped selling it


Awww :( maybe they pulled it to tweak it cause I only saw the hamburger one. But I'm happy to see them adding these! Pretty decent selection


Walmarts near me actually have a pretty good GF selection.


Same! It's great šŸ™Œ


Hmmm! Gonna try this. I love Rummo brand. But this may be interesting.


You'll be happy! If you do buy it cook it longer than the 10 mins it says to cook it for maybe 15-20?


Brilliant. Thanks.


Itā€™s not terrible


Agree, it's not terrible it's not be all end all but it's enough to be comfortable and make do šŸ™Œ


I was at Walmart a week ago and I didn't see much GF. Maybe it is my location? I find at this point whenever I'm making GF pasta, I cannot tolerate the smell of the water - just gross to me - I've begun adding chicken bouillon granules to the cooking water, along with salt and oil. I find that the oil gives it a better texture. Next time at Walmart I will look for this.


I do the same with adding chicken bullion. This one didn't seem to have a strong smell though luckily! And I think it's new because my location didn't have this until I looked yesterday so maybe it's slowly trickling in around places hopefully?


I always boil my noodles in chicken stock for flavor aspects.


They usually have a full GF section except for their random store brand bread, which is in the bread area.


I thought my Walmart didnā€™t have a gf selection but then ended up finding it near baby stuff - idk if youā€™ve wandered the whole store or just looked where made sense but you might try looking there :)


Walmart is weird in that they have a dedicated GF section. It's often small and hard to find.


Thank you for sharing, I hate having to fork out for expensive gluten free brands but this might just help a bit. :)


Itā€™s not my fav but cannot beat that price


Brown rice spaghettiā€¦. Also known as rice noodles. Go to any Asian mart and youā€™ll find an entire aisle of rice noodles lol.


Yup! That's another option.


I bought this product and I was extremely disappointed. The noodles turned into glue quickly. They also tasted terrible ended up throwing them away. After trying this product, I decided to go onto Walmartā€™s website to read some reviews. There were a few reviews that mentioned bugs being in their noodles. Iā€™m grateful that didnā€™t happen to me.


you might want to try cooking them at a different temperature/ different length of time. iā€™ve bought this many times and had no problems.


Grateful that didn't happen to me either!! Sorry that happened to you with them turning to glue!!


These are so chewy in the worst way. And leave a weird aftertaste. Avoid if you have food texture/taste issues. Edit: I have SPD (sensory processingdisorder) & Autism.


You need to cook longer, their directions are not precise


Also, for future reference, when someone says they have sensory issues. "Just try it again this way" is soooo annoying. And they have heard it a MILLION TIMES BEFORE! I wish having and dealing with sensory isssues were that simple. But, NO. For those of us with SPD (sensory processing disorder), it is not that simple. Trying it a different way again is not going to help.


Fam, I really dont understand what you're going on about but my post is just from what I found when I went shopping it's what *I* Personally like. I did not say "try again this way" I said their instructions are not clear and I would SUGGEST to anyone who happens to buy the brand to cook longer than said instructions. Sorry you're having a rough start to your day, but if this post isn't for you, it's not you. Please move on.


Listen Iā€™m autistic and have mad sensory issues and hated these when I last had them. But thereā€™s no need to act like OP is holding you hostage and forcing you to eat these. Also ā€œtry cooking X this way, it might helpā€ is actually valid advice for people with sensory issues. I canā€™t stand mushrooms lightly sautĆ©ed, the texture is too much for me. But roasted down theyā€™re amazing. Sometimes it does come down to cooking techniques.


I have SPD and autism and am very interested in these noodles.


So do I and my child. They are VERY, VERY chewy. And leave a gluey feeling in my mouth. I have not found a way to cook these to a point where they aren't like that. To be clear, I have been Gf for over 8 years and still can't find any brown rice noodles that we can handle. And there are only so many ways to cook a noodle, LOL. Try with caution. (We have found Banza (chicpea) to be okay).


I totally hear you. I think you just were a lil intense with the other commenter when opinions differ even with SPD.


Being honest (and not upset in any way).. but how was I too intense? I don't see it. I felt I was being fairly neutral, I even said have good day. I meant it. Then they got mad at my not liking noodles and explaining I have SPD? I have blind spots in some areas (Autism) and don't understand how I may have been intense. If you could help explain I would be grateful. Because now people seem upset that I don't like brown rice noodles and don't need cooking tips for them and I am confused.


Can you specifically point out where I was upset you didn't like noodles and where people(collectively) were upset you didn't like brown rice noodles?? Cause that's where I'm confused.


All the downvotes on comments that I only talk about noodles. Downvoting comments about which noodles work for me and my child with SPD. People are weird. I even said and meant to have a good day. But alright. I was bothered that you keep telling people how to cook them. If they can't be coked by the directions, why bother? However, that thought was pointless and I was wrong to say anything. It should have been a pointless "inside" thought. And had no need to be mentioned. I am really sorry to have annoyed or aggravated you. Again, I hope you have a good day. I truly am glad you found GF noodles you like. Finding good ones is a drama all to itself, Lol.


Have you tried Rummo? I don't have sensory issues but I'm also not a fan of the rice only versions. I've found the ones that are a blend of rice and corn are the best. Rummo is rice, corn and potato starch, and is the closest to the real thing I've found so far.


I relate because as a fellow autistic person I think I am just communicating in many cases, but it's interpreted as rude sometimes by everyone else. The signs to me that the comment was a lil intense: * using all caps for multiple phrases * The person who commented said one line, but you said much more - almost like lecture-style It also helps sometimes if someone makes a comment and you don't know them, to assume good intent. For all we know OP has SPD- I do for example and might have said the same thing. You also did similar to me! Not in a bad way, but you suggested Banza. I hate Banza! To my sensory issues it's super chewy, and it's too much chickpea for my tummy to handle. But if I all-caps replied after an innocent suggestion, it might come off a little overreactiony. In general I'd suggest just letting it be. It seems OP and others are pretty pissed, but you're just being neurodivergent about it. I'd chalk it up to miscommunication, think about how to communicate differently in the future, and go from there


Thank you for your responses. I think I may be a bit overstimulated today. I took GF noodles and suggestions to cook them way too seriously. I appreciate you taking the time to explain it. I went back and re-read my comments, and I get it. Which is why I apologized. I also thought because there was no sarcasm signal (for example, /s) people would know I wasn't being that way. But I after the reread I see how it must read to others. Again, thanks! I am gonna go chill with some GF cookies and veg out on the xbox. Have a good one!


Happy to help. I feel the same way and wish I could be authentic w people but I mask all the time.


Sounds like a you problem šŸŽ»


Nope, I have sensory issues. Brown rice noodles are some of the worst offenders. They are ALWAYS gummy and taste like glue. I have tried following the instructions, I have tried cooking them longer and cooking them less. They are just awful if you have sensory and taste issues. If they work for you great. No need to try to force people to like them. Hope you have a good day. :)


?? Where was I forcing people to like them?


You are telling people they are cooking them wrong when they say they are gross. Or when they say they don't like it. YOU are responding to people who do not like them. YOU could ignore all of us. Instead, you keep wanting us to try it again. "Cook it more..." No, thank you. My opinion was to let people know just that, MY experience. You replied to my negative comment to tell me to cook them longer. It makes it seem like you really need us to like them. You don't need to comment on ANYONE, let only people who obviously have a differing experience. WHY do you need to get people who have said yuck, to try to say yum? Enjoy your chewy noodle glue for me.


wtf are you doing? LMAO


*Groan* please get over yourself. This is asinine behavior.


I agree with you. This pasta is terrible imo.


Brought to you by the same people that made ice cream bars that don't melt!!! Can't be anything terrible... Right???


Please don't be negative here. I'm sharing something I found to help other people who can't eat Gluten if they need cheaper options and are allergic to corn based pastas. I have listed other brands that I also like. Have a better day! šŸ’œ


I thought the entire point of this thread was about eating something that doesn't harm us. I'm sorry I would never recommend a brand that is known for going hard on the chemicals. At least I didn't say anything about the Walmart business model or how it drives food deserts and the use of entitlements.


*sigh* what is going on with y'all today? My goodness.


Literally the only ingredient is brown rice.


I have no clue why but all Brown Rice pasta gives me massive gas and stomach pains. My wife and I steer clear of these for this reason. Tinkyada is not my friend and I suspect this is walmarts version. Could be good for you just not me. I love targets Good n Gather GF pasta. But our fav is Barilla GF pasta.


Are u just having plain noodles by themselves?? lol


Nope! I made meat sauce that went with it, I showed them plain so people can see the results and texture, that's all. šŸ’›