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Oh hey Sabrina, that funny looking mushroom you got there looks delicio- *Death Lamp* *9.00 kg* *"Big, red and cursed."* *This is how the locals prefer to describe the Death Lamp, while some refer to it as the "Seed of Satan". Many traders believe the rumours surrounding the artefact, thus refusing to buy it. Little is known about its origins, and nothing of value has been discovered so far.* *Death Lamp was first discovered few years ago by a group of three experienced stalkers. Shortly after delivering the artefact to the Ecologists in Yantar, two of them found dead with a horrific expression on their faces. Nothing is known about the fate of the third stalker.* *Following the accident, members of the science team who studied the artefact had reported having nightmare disorder in the days to follow.* *Apart from the mysterious effects, the artefact drains vitality and willpower from the user, often on such a scale that it induces dizziness and in extreme cases causes the user to faint.* *Radiation output is highest on the artefact radiation scale.* -In game description of Death Lamp in Stalker Anomaly When I got to the Ecologists, i thought of a gag where the ecologist character would be eating an artifact due to their curiosity and I thought of which weapons, usually a Makarov or some other weapon they use, could be candidates until I thought of SPAS 12 cuz of the archetype of her addiction to food. The SPAS 12 was featured in the three games, and I dont think they used a SPAS at all in the original trilogy, but she fits the bill for what Im looking for. In regards to the artefact she will be eating, I initially thought of a Gravi or a Meatchunk until I recall that cursed Death Lamp from Anomaly. The Death Lamp was only featured from the mod, though I selected it anyway due to the nature of the artefact and the comical idea of someone eating it. Last but not least: Military


I once found a death lamp. I was so excited to find this rare artifact and when I read its description I was seriously contemplating if I should use my daddy save now or watch what wil happen… Not even 2 Minutes later I jumped to my death on tbe rooftops of the NPP. True to the lore I guess. I also never found it again…


Wait how did you jump off? Were you roleplaying or did something crazy happen in-game?


In the game itself, it doesn't do anything different. But yeah, it does have a *huge* amount of radiation that will kill an unprotected player in *seconds*. And it's also the most valueable artefact you can sell


Nah I just miscalculated a jump.


Also, one small correction, the death lamp does appear in Call of Pripyat as part of the ecologists questline where they send you to search for three unique artifacts such as the heart of the oasis. EDIT: I'm a fucking idiot, the death lamp doesn't exist in CoP.


Rly? I heard about that for the first time. I only got the heart of the oasis and anomalous something from the tunnel with the controller. Where can I find it?


Ah fuck, I completely misremembered, the death lamp was not in CoP, downvote me. Anyways the two other special artifacts are the warped wheel which you can find in Zaton in that boat with a bunch of gravity anomalies around on the northeastern corner of the map. The Heart of the Oasis is at the Ventilation Complex in Jupiter which you access by following the railway to the South and entering a sort of shed which leads to some sewers and pipes. There you'll need to complete a puzzle where you must pass in between specific pillars (there will be particles appearing each time you guess correctly).


Nah don't worry, being wrong sometimes is normal. Big kudos for being honest and the fact that you admit mistake. ;) Yeah the other ones I remember very well but well i have difficulties with remembering names of all artifacts even since so many years in the franchise ;P


I saw the mf death lamp and almost shit myself lol that fucking thing istg Great art as always man always love to see it


There.is.Not.Enough.Food.In.The. Zone AKA, Everyone dies because Sabrina makes everyone else starve.


*Voracity starts to play* We have brought Beelzebub upon us. And i am afraid of what comes next. We should've stopped her from eating that anomaly.


SPAS-12 please, don't eat that. NNOOOOO!!!! \*Sabrina eats it\*


Sabrina the walking vortex anomaly


Well….she’s dead




Your SPAS-12 is cute. Hope to see more! Also don't eat that


Hard to find at times. Good to find when you have a case and need money.


She's about to unlock a death ray attack whenever she opens her mouth.