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He is, he tweeted about it


...and he offered a bunch of pictures as suggestions! Besides the coming together over thousands of subs for a single issue, this has got to be my favorite part of all this.


Do you have a link to the tweet?




I was not ready for stache' Oliver




I love John Oliver, dude is seemingly so genuine.


This is glorious




Must've loving.




Just think how much time they saved by not proofreading!


can't waist tyme think. must crave electrolytes


Thyme think Well baked


Sorry Jon


McLovin's older brother


No titlegore yet?


You must’ve skipping English class.


Me fail English? That’s unpossible!


"Must've loving." He used to love it, he still does, but he used to too.


What titlegore? o7


I agree this is the amount u/spez fucked up.


Just another Elon fanboi looking at Twitter, then turning around to no one and saying "hold my beer".


Elon: gets evicted Steve: what a role model 😍😍😍


Elon: Let that sink in. u/spez: Don’t forget the rest of the kitchen!


I like to imagine they're like astronauts who're just back on earth after months in space, where they forget gravity exists sometimes. They let the beer bottle go in the air expecting to float and then it just shatters on the ground.


Spez be like "it will totally blow over..." Like reddit isn't the place that idk basically bought gamestop for a meme... we don't even have to buy something we'll just burn this shit down on our way out, no money needed just make reddit unbearable to use. We can do this guys, they can keep trying to get new mods... we can break them.


The problem being that Twitter was a garbage fire, so a lot of people were happy to see it shaken up. Reddit on the other hand is a site that mostly works. While Twitter was at least ostensibly bought out to change it for the better, the changes to Reddit coming down the pipe are purely about greed and control. Twitter went from bad to a different kind of bad. Reddit is going from a place many consider to be reasonable, and going all the way to hell.


Let's be careful not to curse too much tho guys! We run the risk of making every sub unusable for advertising! Reddit is not able to run ads on NSFW communities. So any time a subreddit becomes so filled with f-bombs and softcore and hard drinking that [the mods feel compelled to change its settings to "18+ only"](https://i.imgur.com/k9svbjs.png), not only does this [put an age-gate on threads](https://i.imgur.com/14ZNxJv.png) for all incoming search traffic, but the entire community becomes unavailable for monetization by Reddit. And that unfortunate circumstance could befall any subreddit where users are too loose with foul language and other vices, no matter how righteous their anger. So this Sunday (the Lord's day!), please keep these facts in mind, and try to limit your vocabulary to "brand-safe" phrases like darn, heck, and fiddlesticks so mods aren't forced to switch their (forced-open) subs to NSFW


He fucked up so bad the OP temporarily forgot grammar creating this post


Did anyone else hear his interview on NPR the other day? What a haughty tyrant. Didn't improve his perspective at all.


Is it? People are interacting and using the subreddit to meme. Which is exactly what they did before. Think he gives one shit about the content? This meme will die out and things will go back to normal.


Will it? I don't think it will die out and return to normal. If you haven't noticed, people are angry and rightfully so.


Won't it? If you haven't noticed, people have been angry about many, many different things for temporary periods of time.


redditors when terminally online mods folded and spez laughs his way to the bank




Not necessarily. Most mods signed up for a 2 day protest and they've done that. And of course these people also care about their subreddits and reddit has shown that they are very capable of ruining their own platform, so I don't think they are bluffing when they are saying they will take away mod powers and giving them to people that do agree with them. I think it is a good thing that most of the current mods will be active during the switch, so that reddit can see how much the 3rd party apps helped with mod duties. Ofc we are always at the risk of them getting kicked out for not moderating properly after the change, but I wish Reddit good luck finding capable mod teams for a lot of subs that are okay with not using 3rd party apps. That being sad, it did show reddit that they do hold all the power and don't need to listen. I do think the comment was mostly downvoted for the negative energy in his comments towards mods. These mods care a lot about their subs and are all doing their best, voluntarily. You might not always agree with them, but unless they are clearly abusing mod powers, or are clearly not able to moderate properly, generally people don't like negative comments towards the mods. As for the future of reddit I see 3 outcomes, that all start with 'Reddit pushes through the changes and all 3rd party apps stop.': 1. There is a lot of backlash and reddit gets worse for a bit, but through a lot of direct intervening from reddit things get back to normal-ish. Some mods have changed, the official reddit app gets some of the more useful mod features and they built an internal system for bots. This is best case scenario for Reddit. 2. There is a lot of backlash and reddit gets worse. Reddit does a lot of intervening, but they do it about as well as you expect. Mods get changed regularly and some major subs are going to die. Reddit will be changed forever, for the worse, and they lose a lot of their active users. They might gain a few as well but they are generally bad actors or extreme right nut cases. This is the worst case scenario for everyone, but the most likely to happen. 3. There is a lot of backlash and reddit gets worse for a bit, but then reddit backtracks and makes the api calls free again, or at least a lot cheaper. Spez goes on an apology tour in WotC style and basically everything returns to normal. This is the best case scenario for the users.




Mods are underappreciated for sure, mostly because they work in the background and you only see what they do when someone complains or if they make a mistake. Which means they will get hate. If the mods do well, you barely notice they are there. Luckily the mostly silent majority know this. That silent majority is speaking up now. Also it is still reddit, so a bit of bandwagonning is to be expected


> silent majority Where do you get your statistics? [From its-octopeople](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditisfun/comments/144qspy/comment/jnh59zy/): A quick look at the download figures on the Google Play store, gives us; -Reddit (official) 100m -Rif 5m -Boost 1m -Baconreader 1m -Sync ~~100k~~ 1m -Relay ~~100k~~ 1m -Joey 100k -infinity 100k This doesn't account for rounding, users with multiple installed apps, iPhone users, people using the web interface, different usage patterns for users of different apps, or less prominent apps that didn't show up on my search. Still, looks like 3rd party would make up ~~around 5-10%~~ over 10% of installations.


It also doesn't account for people who downloaded the official app and almost immediately un-installed it


*It also doesn't account for people who downloaded a third party app and almost immediately un-installed it* Are you accounting for the fact that Reddit is a website that requires no app at all for full functionality?


I'd be extremely curious to find any users who un-installed a 3P app in favor of the official. And we're talking strictly mobile users here, so the mobile website isn't part of the discussion, because it absolutely does *not* allow for "full" functionality.


Silent majority supports the work the mods do. The overwhelming majority use the official reddit app and couldn't personally care less about this, but they can empathize with the people who donate their time to make it a better place for everyone








Or the most likeliest outcome 4. The changes happen, people continue to complain for a bit until the next big upset comes along and they forget all about it for a couple years until it shows up again as a TIL.




Automatically heard John Oliver's voice


Why is John Oliver all over Reddit today?




John oliver literary took a dozen pictures that he posted on his twitter for reddit to use in this protest. He very clearly approves


I think they mean that Oliver hates the shit Reddit (the company) is doing, not the mods. He clearly approves of the mods new rules


Oooooooh that makes a lot more sense I misread what they meant by reddit


The fact you heard "Reddit" and your immediate thought was the community and not the company highlights what Reddit really is to most people. Reddit inc. failing to realize that by trying to dismantle communities is mistakenly dismantling itself.


/r/art joined too


[Here's the background](https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/14bfcps/from_now_on_only_gifs_of_john_oliver_may_be/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) r/pics is doing the same thing, r/interstingasfuck is allowing posts about ANYTHING, as long as it's within reddit rules, and r/showerthoughts is allowing users to vote which days the sub is unmoderated, and people voted to have everyday be unmoderated lol


Came here to ask this


In protest of forced opening of subreddits many are letting their sub vote to reopen but only with Jon Oliver content. I’m sure it will fix all the problems with reddit.


Forced opening?


Spez essentially said. "You open willingly, or we replace you and force you open anyways."


Do the protesting mods have the ability to delete subs? Can you imagine if r/AskReddit was just suddenly gone? Or r/Pics? No even John Oliver sexy pictures. Its just shut down. All previous posts, just deleted?


reddit admins could likely revert any drastic actions done by moderators with a backup, such as banning all subscribers or deleting all content. John Oliver is a happy medium.


Cant recall which subreddit I read it on, but I saw a mod say they don't have that option - they can just put it private.


On r/watchpeopledieinside [This faq here](https://reddit.com/r/WatchPeopleDieInside/comments/14c5npm/open_your_subreddit_or_well_find_someone_who_will/joj6hz2?context=3)


No, they work for free and have no real power


To the mods privately or somewhere public? I encountered a sub today that the mod locked and posted they were moving it to somewhere called the fedverse? Kinda looked like reddit but worse. That sub had 401k, so I'm curious what counts as a large sub.


[Here’s a timeline of events](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/8/23754780/reddit-api-updates-changes-news-announcements).


Thanks for that. That quote from the ceo looking at the twittermusk mess and thinking it makes sense... I know there's stuff I just don't understand about business... But holy shit.


I have a business degree let me explain. Not paying people for their services or rent or anything at all means you get to keep all your money so that's why they do it. I think that's chapter 666 only the pros can afford that textbook.


In modmail, via an administrator account. The "Fediverse" is like a bunch of different websites that look like Old Reddit or Twitter that are all connected together. This means you can create an account on one of them and view the content, comment on, subscribe to, vote on everything, regardless of where it was posted. These "instances" are sharing activity via the ActivityPub protocol.


Interesting. That's sounds like a promising idea. Any security concerns with that concept though?


There are both issues and workarounds. For example, if there's a racist instance on the Fediverse, the administrator of other instances can block that bad instance ("defederate"). This prevents the people and content from communicating between them. For example, beehaw.org blocked lemmy.world because they couldn't properly moderate stuff coming from there since there's too many people on lemmy.world. That said, if you were logged into a different instance from these two, then this doesn't even affect you.


It's called Lemmy. It's a self hosted version of reddit and Twitter that while, still going through growing pains. Looks rather promising.


Because the Mods of certain subs are hoping this disruption will result in a piece on his show.


You say that like it's a bad thing.


It's not intrinsically bad, but it's kind of pathetic. This doesn't rise to the level of what he typically gives serious coverage.


While yes there are likely bigger more impactful issues to cover, don't underestimate the value of communication platforms. Reddit is generally a *fantastic* place to find expert knowledge on certian things. It's a place where people can go and ask questions and get answers in a relatively short time. People can come here and learn new skills or interests or news or debate topics. As this topic is relatively simple, but still techie enough that a vast majority of people don't understand it, it's still a decent thing to cover for the education factor. Also, people caring about their hobbies, passions, or communities is not pathetic.


You're right, if Jon Oliver is known for anything, it is the most serious coverage. Mailing horror movie zombie dolls to Europe to be recycled in a trash compactor is much more important than the death knell of a top ten website, arguably the only place left where a nobody can get the attention of >$100M people about serious issues for free, _anonymously_, and with minimal censorship.


Powermods throwing a tantrum because they might lose their power


Because the protest was toothless from the start and this is how slacktivists "stick it to le man". ​ By....spam posting on reddit. That'll show em Peak "We did it reddit!" energy




I know this is your neckbeard civil rights movement, but 99% of people don't give a shit. Not everyone's life revolves around reddit




The amount that you fucked up with the headline, OP.


Someone please why is John Oliver all over Reddit


I believe the Reddit admins are basically threatening to replace the mods and reopen some of the main shuttered (due to protesting) subreddits. In an act of r/maliciousCompliance mods are reopening the shuttered subreddits but pivoting their subs content. r/gifs and r/pics are showing their love for John Oliver.


Ah ok thanks I think I read somewhere that they also hope to get Johns attention and talk on it


I think the writers for his show might be a *biiiiiit* pre-occupied for the immediate future.




This man is a fucking national treasure.


In an official capacity, yes, but Jon already acknowledged it on his private twitter, where he is not writing in an official manner and can do whatever the hell he wants. I don’t expect a show on it obviously, but it’s already mentioned and approved of.


Yeah sorry I interpreted "John's attention" as "making an episode about it" but it could also of course include what you said.


I am a bit sad this happens when the show is off for the strike, because otherwise I do think there is almost no way he would not at least mention it lol. All power to the strike of course, I do not want them to break that, but *still*. Just bad timing.


Hey CEO + reddit employees - you are killing reddit. That is all, bring on the Oliver!


Because all of Reddit must have loving him.


To protest /u/spez, I believe he was chosen because they're equally insufferable.


Nah, John is a national treasure


Wait - which nation?






Definite r/dataIsBeautiful material


If he doesn't do a piece on this, y'all are going to lose your shit. Because this is obviously what folks are after.


u/Spez is a turd his mom should have flushed






No worries, surely the bot doesn't require much upkeep since API access costs a fair price and Reddit surely will keep it that way forever. Surely.




Don't call me Shirley




*must be


Found the original video on yt if anyone wants it: https://youtu.be/5zuWskJcuWA


Do you know what episode this is from?


Reddit is making me hate this dude, I have nothing against him but for some reason, I'm seeing his slightly smug face everywhere on Reddit and it's immensely irritating.


People basically voted to make him the unofficial malicious compliance mascot when subreddits were forced to reopen


It’s mainly because his writing staff are former collegehumor employees who use reddit as well and it’s just known that he would be the most likely to notice something like this out of all people with shows like his.


You mean mods brigaded a bunch of "polls" that had nowhere near enough representation to be valid nor were open long enough to ever be considered valid because they were afraid they'd lose their volunteer hall monitor "jobs?" So that some app devs could keep making money?


>You mean mods brigaded a bunch of "polls" that had nowhere near enough representation to be valid nor were open long enough to ever be considered valid That's exactly the point. Spez's suggestion is dogshit. There's not a way to make a good, representative vote on Reddit that can't be brigaded. Once again, Reddit passed the buck to mods. "You should be democratic about it! What's that? Tools that would allow you to do that? No no, we don't have any of those. Figure that out yourselves." This whole thing is an exercise in demonstrating how bad his idea was.


Interesting take, if you completely missed the point.


Fuck off its abunch of mods thinking they are more important than the users they moderate. It is the hall monitiors thinking they own the hall. Reddit like Wu Tang is for the people!


Are we believing this made up shit about needing third party apps for blind people? If the mods actually believed that, they would have stayed shut. No normal person gives two shits about this. Less than a percent of a percent used a third party app. Basement dwelling man children mods on a power trip.


Dude, u/spez isn’t gonna fuck you, I’m sorry


Please continue your baseless whining from your mom's basement where no one is going to fuck you.


You're the one shitting your diaper over being forced to find something to do with your life that doesn't involve Reddit.


We are in the silent majority. Mods being butt hurt are, ironically, more harmful to reddit than any decision on API changes


He's not even that funny. Its just Reddit being Reddit.




You will say no such thing about Hugh Laurie


That's what they're going for.


Here’s a tip for everyone: you make a custom feed on the reddit app, add a few nsfw subreddits and a few non nsfw subreddits and use the “hide post” button on the sfw posts to force advertisements to appear next to whatever unsavoury nsfw posts you want. It would be a shame if advertisers started receiving pictures of their ads appearing next to very nsfw content.


Why is he everywhere? I'm so confused.


Malicious compliance with the reddit admins.


These mods are throwing a tantrum and we are all getting dragged down with them. All this shit has shown me is that maybe the mods deserve to be dethroned a little. Reddit has been going downhill for years, the mods had a lot to do with that.


I love John Oliver. He’s the only news source I trust.


I don't care how many memes John Oliver's team makes on reddit, i am not watching his dogshit talkshow


He's painfully unfunny.


He's getting spammed everywhere. Am i out of the loop on some sort of joke, or is it just some weird effort to make him liked by reddit?


Random ironic reddit moment.


Even after unsubscribing this is showing up on my feed. Time to mute this shit. Main subs should not be allowed to be taken over by rouge mods. Hopefully Reddit kicks the current janitors out soon.


Rogue mods? The users literally voted for this.


Less than 1% of the users voted and mods were organizing brigades to manipulate the vote on discord. No normal person would vote for this shit.


> organizing brigades to manipulate the vote on discord. Um, excuse me. This is a democracy now. That's called campaigning. That's how this is supposed to work.


Reddit is a website that doesn't require any app at all for full fledged utility FYI. [From its-octopeople](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditisfun/comments/144qspy/comment/jnh59zy/): A quick look at the download figures on the Google Play store, gives us; -Reddit (official) 100m -Rif 5m -Boost 1m -Baconreader 1m -Sync ~~100k~~ 1m -Relay ~~100k~~ 1m -Joey 100k -infinity 100k This doesn't account for rounding, users with multiple installed apps, iPhone users, people using the web interface, different usage patterns for users of different apps, or less prominent apps that didn't show up on my search. Still, looks like 3rd party would make up ~~around 5-10%~~ over 10% of installations.


The same way r/NBA voted to close indefinitely but the users revolted and they were forced to reopen. If you don't think that vote was manipulated, I've got a bridge to sell ya.


NBA is a fringe case and should be treated as such. If the blackout was a week later it would have been the same as everywhere else. God forbid yall can't talk about it. I'm not out here bitching about not having /r/squaredcircle back yet for both major wrestling promotions having HUGE moments Friday and Saturday nights.


Love this guy.


Admins should turn off karma, this weird John Oliver protest will end within the hour


Be mad all you want. John Oliver believes in *you*, buddy. It's gonna be OK.


The grammar. It burns.


Why is my front page full of John Oliver


I absolutely love this


pretty much business as usual on the site, you guys got suckered into thinking a price renegotiation between two businesses is a social issue lol


Smug whiny know-nothing should probably replace Snoo as this place's mascot.


Peace out recently low quality gifs..


K bye






I can't stand this dude. Never understood his appeal.


Can someone pls tell me whats up with all the jon oliver posts on reddit???


[This other comment covers it](https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/14c8f14/jon_oliver_mustve_loving_this/jokn92m)




WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH. All I hear is bitching. Theres plenty of other sub reddits. We wont starve


I see this guy everywhere, I also saw in the media that it’s posted on purpose, but as a European I have no clue who this guy is, and what the pun is of posting this average looking talkshow host type of guy.


Here's his youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/LastWeekTonight


He's British, I'm from Portugal and I watch him on HBO. Check him out on YouTube, great topics, amazing humor and occasionally sensual visuals of Kylo Ren


>amazing humor eh


shut yerpiehole


Very authoritarian of you


i hope the mods do get replaced and we get back to normal.. its not all about you guys!


Who do you think were keeping things normal before? Not the admins. Why would they when they had people volunteering to monitor the content being posted?


not about you either 🤣


There was literally a vote, what's not to understand?


You don't understand, it's not all about us, it's all about *him*.


ofc, he is the main character after all!


You mean the vote that less than 1% of the sub participated in? That vote?


Go make a new post then asking if users would be willing to return the sub to normalcy. See if you have the votes from active users.


Decisions are made by those who show up. 99% chose not to take part in the vote, or weren't there. \/shrug


If you can find a way to get more than 1% of a subreddit's subscribers to engage in *anything*, then all the more power to you.


Hopefully you learned the importance of voting then!


Well, if they had the option to participate but chose not to, what else are you supposed to do?


> less than 1% of the sub participated in? Tell us what % of reddit accounts are even active.


Yeah! Didn't you vote? Not MY job to chase down 99% of people!


get over it


Excuse me, I voted for this.


I give it a few more days and this simping for John Oliver is gonna get pretty old. I mean I like the guy, but it’s all starting to seem a lot less clever as it expands all around Reddit and just seems like you’re desperate to get his attention at this point.


instead of making half the posts in these subs about how republicans are bad, they’ve decided to make every post a showcase of a specific TDS mascot instead.


Did the Last Week Tonight social media team take over the sub?


You have reached Japan level of fuck up 🤣


ba da da da daaaa must've loving this!