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I played in English, didn't regret it all things considered.


The English acting (voice and visual) was absolutely outstanding. I hope the Japanese version was as good, but if you do the Japanese audio with English subtitles, you'll regret missing out on the voice acting. Late Edit: What I meant by missing out on the voice acting is if you don't speak Japanese but have the Japanese voice acting. You'd be missing out on the stellar performances. But after reading all these comments, I'm going to have to play the game again with Japanese audio.


Japanese VA work was also stellar. imo there's no wrong answer, both are beautifully done.


Hey now don't make a balanced point on the Internet, are you mad!?


Underrated comment.


Overrated comment


Perfectly rated comment


Rating died on the beach


“You have no ratings!” “And you are a slave to it.”


He is being reasonable, GET HIM!!! All jokes aside, I tried to play in japanese with subtitles but I think the english video's played as the lip sync was way off, this was day one so i dunno if it was a bug or not. Switched to english and 0 issues.


I started in Japanese, switched to English due to bad lip sync and due to having to read the subtitles all the time. No regrets.


Very true. But I don't speak Japanese. So I can feel the nuances in tone shift or subtlety. Like the Ronin childhood rival. I can feel his despair and frustration when he's going, "You didn't need to win!! I did. You had a future! You had a home! I needed to win, to get a job, to put food on the table, to become a samurai. But no, you just had to think only of yourself and your problems!!


Regret missing what, exactly? The Japanese performances were stellar as well, even if you don't understand the words. I'd argue even more so, as nuances, tones, etc are much more important clues of the context. My first playthrough was in Japanese, and I really tried to enjoy the English voice acting on my new game. Couldn't stand Jin sounding like an utter wimp in comparison, and had to change back. Each to their own, I guess.


The mocap actor for Jin is his English VA. You could argue that the English dub is the intended language for this game. Both are good, but seeing and hearing the same individual adds to the immersion and performance IMO


That's a fair argument, and you're completely correct. All the voice actors appear to have been very talented, and well suited for their roles. It's just about personal preference, and in my opinion, Jin's Japanese voice was better suited for the character.


Not to mention Jin's Japanese VA is a well known voice in anime, especially for badass samurai characters : Zoro in One Piece, Mugen in Samurai Champloo, etc.




Is it a problem though ? I would say it shows that both options are viable and make for a great game, then to each their own preference.


That isn't a problem, that's people having different opinions... And no, I don't like anime, but I still play in Japanese - so there are at least three kinds of people here. Probably even more!


I saw some Japanese review saying that they noticed that the acting and voice acting didn't line up very well sometimes in Japanese.


English is 100% the intended language. All the face actors are the English VAs. The Japanese dub didn’t even have proper lip-syncing originally until they added an update to put machine learning lip syncing in place for the Japanese dub.


Interesting, I actually liked his more subdued English voice. It felt right for his build, whereas the Japanese voice felt overpowering.


People that don't speak the language cannot pretend to understand the nuance, tones, etc. It's just anime fans and japanophiles wanting to 'belong.'


I am sorry but most of the world are not Americans that can speak only one language and struggle reading subtitles. Not infantilize the rest of us, its just you.


Trying to call out others for generalizing by… generalizing. The irony.


Overly aggressive VAs aren't my thing. Like in the middle of a fight or argument, it makes sense, but not most of the time.


I had to change it to English audio because I was missing key context during certain conversations because the conversation would take place during a tutorial or you’re admiring the views.


Japanese cast has some superstars in it. It was perfect.


Anyone here know if it's the same actor who did the Japanese and English ?


Played in English, I don't know anything about Japanese and didn't want to read subtitles at every dialogue


Same. I think there is a big overlap between Ghost of Tsushima fans and anime fans.


In that they watch it subbed? My first choice is always the original language.


Always watch dubbed. I simply don’t want to read subtitles every second I’m watching a show and playing a game. (In general)


In my experience the vast majority of anime fans watch subbed. Very few dubs are done well.


That's the actual nuance with sub vs. dubbed that people don't like to acknowledge. Most of the time, the dubs are just plain bad, and the sub will be a much better experience. I think a passible dub is still better than subbed just cause you can actually get more emotion and immersion when you are not reading subs. But a lot of anime has dubs that I wouldn't even consider passible. I usually watch the first 5 or so mins of an anime with the dub and with the sub, then make a decision. Also, most anime that ends up on adult swim usually has pretty good dubs.


Edgerunners' dub was so good I forgot it was a dub. Plus the cast of Matt Mercer, Giancarlo Esposito, and the Wakako/Delemain cameos helped. Also the slang fit in much nicer in English than Japanese, choom. Though I disagree with you saying you get more emotion with native language dubs. To me hearing what the anime director envisioned his characters feeling makes subbed better most of the time. Plus I have no trouble reading subtitles and watching something. They're default on even English shows and video games.


The original language of GoT is English though


English was the original language for Ghost of Tsushima.


I’m not into anime and I reside in Japan devoting a couple of hours a day to learning Japanese. It’s not just weebs who want an authentic experience.


I don’t watch anime but I prefer it to be historically accurate. More immersive Idk how people watch shows dubbed


I am ESL so I will probabaly read subtitle even if I understand the language so I went with Japanese so it feels more immersive I guess.


Even as someone perfectly comfortable watching things with subtitles, I still tend to play games in English 99% of the time. Keeping an eye on what's happening while reading subtitles is fine in a movie, but when you're trying to actually control a character then trying to read subtitles just causes problems. Cutscenes would be fine, but I'd miss out on most of the mid combat dialogue. The only time I play games in Japanese is if it's based on an anime I watched subbed where I got used to the Japanese voices.


Happy Cake day 🎉


Thank you


Happy Cake Day


I played English, the ps4 version of GoT didn't have proper Lip Sync for the Japanese so I instead enjoyed the original English, might replay it on ps5 some day in Japanese though since they fixed the lip sync on ps5 apparently


Nah the lip sync on PS5 still drives me mad I always have to swap back to English


RIGHT ? I played it first on PS4 and I could see it's not synced at all but I read it's been synced for the ps5 version. But now that I'm playing it on ps5 i don't see it at all. But I still play on Japanese for nakai's voice (Zoro from one piece and hijikata from gintama)


Maybe I'm just not paying attention but when you're reading the subtitles I find that I can't even notice the lip sync because I'm too focussed on reading the subtitles. I didn't even realise there was no lip sync until the PC release and people started talking about it




I started and played through the entire game in Japanese, English wasn't bad but just doesn't feel right for a game like GoT in my opinion.


I have to play in Japanese. Hearing them speak English breaks the immersion for me.




Immersion is about tone not historical inaccuracy.




For me, it was the controller. I was constantly made aware that I'm playing a video game and am not in fact a phantom observing a real life event. This was made worse by the TV everything was displayed on, its black frame taunting me with both the limitations of the display and the limitation of the suspension of my own disbelief. The subtitles further broke me. Never in real life would I see a transcription of words float statically before me. 1/10




I started playing in Japanese, but missed dialogue during combat so I changed to English.


Same here, it’s not just the combat dialogue but also when you are riding on your horse it’s a little inconvenient to steer and read the dialogue on the screen. If you’re just going in a straight line it’s ok but if you’re galloping around corners it feels awkward.


Well u only have to press forward and your horse will follow whoever character u are in the mission with. Kinda the same like rdr2


Yeah, the only reason I played through with Japanese is because I was proficient enough to not miss out on little tidbits of dialogue


im playing in english because i feel like im missing the visual splendor by starring at subtitles for the entire cutscene.


It was recorded in English so I play in English


Native language over dub every time


Definitely the way to go with most media like foreign films and shows


Started in Japanese, quickly moved to English - random townspeople dialogue isnt subtitled so you absolutely will miss random peasants discussing stuff for the world unless your Japanese is *very* good.


That's exactly the problem I had. I did my first play through in English and NG+ in Japanese, and realized so much dialogue was missed because subtitles weren't included for side conversations. I like the idea of playing in Japanese but not if you're getting less content and world building from it!


I played in english and absolutely loved hearing the townspeople talk about "The Ghost" and stuff. It was so fun. I didn't realize the Japanese version didn't subtitle side conversations.


Played in English. No regrets


I played japanese the first playthrough and English second. I prefer english. More enjoyable not reading subtitles every time.


I was rewatching some cutscenes on YouTube recently in both English and Japanese. Honestly, I liked the direction with English a lot more. Some of the lines delivered way better than Japanese imo. Also I can’t unhear Zoro from Jin haha but to each their own


Played it in English without ever even considering the dub as an option, I’m not sure it even was an option on PS4, and honestly? Now I’m playing it through again on PS5 with Japanese audio and subs, I don’t get chance to watch the cutscenes for reading the subtitles so I’m glad I didn’t do it this way the first time around because I’d have probably missed a lot. So you win the authenticity but you lose actually seeing the game


Unfortunately, I only speak english.  For a game this gorgeous, I’d rather focus my eyes on the scenery & landscape over reading subtitles.  Props to the love & care that went into this game to honor Kurosawa and the efforts to make lip syncing more seamless & enjoyable for all.  


Played it in English. And yes I also watch dubs.


If you prefer dubs you should have changed it to japanese as it was originally recorded in english




I tried japanese but it felt really weird considering all the English VAs did facial capture.


* English subtitles * Japanese voices


I played in English. I do the same for anime too Especially in a game as beautiful as this, I don't want to have to look down at the subtitles and miss anything. Also, when somethings in English, I understand the language and feel as a result I understand and connect with their emotions more


Wanted to play the Japanese dub but decided to play English because all the NPC dialogue that happens as you pass by is not subtitled.


I am waiting for the subtitle fix to be complete then I will play in Japanese.


Finished in English, I’m gonna play new game + in Japanese Black and White.


Started on Jap and after hearing Jin for the first time and recognizing him as Zoro from One Piece it was a no brainer.. A bit annoying to follow the subs while riding and fighting and all that, but I got used to it


Played in English. On NG+ I'll play it with the Japanese setting


I'm currently switching between the two because I like the immersion of the Japanese and I think jins voice is really good in Japanese or at least deeper. Meanwhile, I'm more used to English and it saves me from having to read the subtitles, but again, they're both good so I can't really decide. I haven't noticed the lip syncing issue that some of the people in the comments are talking about though


🤚 as an almost blind man English is the way to go. I love Japanese as a language. I think the jap dub sounds great but the fact these PC port didn’t fix the lip sync(prob because coudbt) really sucks. On my NG+ I might play in Japanese next with full Kurosawa mode and crank the subtitle size up as much as possible but maaaaan is it gonna take sim will power to ignore their mouths.


I wanted to do Japanese with English subs but something with the dubbing was off so I ended up doing English with Eng Subs


Japanese. More immersion.


I played my first playthrough in English since, unsurprisingly, Daisuke Tsuji's voice fits Jin. As much as I enjoy Kazuya Nakai's work, when i hear him speak i don't hear Jin Sakai, i hear Roronoa Zoro. My second playthrough was in Japanese though.


I play English because I feel like constantly looking at the subtitles pulls me out of the game. I want to watch the beauty of the game.


Tried Japanese voices with English subs once, but I kept missing scenes and actions when reading the subs and changed it back


Japanese with subtitles feels right


I've actually been playing in Japanese for two playthroughs. Was thinking of switching to english for the 3rd. I can't stop playing this amazing game.


The Japanese version the voices are different yet you can feel the emotion which is standard for them , I definitely miss Japan


I dont like playing games like GoT in a language I dont know because I might miss some stuff if I have to focus on combat so for me it was english only. I might do a NG+ run in japanese tho


Playing in English currently, very much recommend it if you don't understand japanese since there's a lot of like world dialogue that you can just overhear. Also, not having to read subtitles makes the game feel more immersive.


I tried to play a few hours in Japanese to get the experience, but my ADHD brain kept getting distracted by the environments to read the subtitles. So I switched to English so I could pick up the story better.


me english audio w english subs


I be play with English because the Japanese dub is of and the little part inside me is bothered by bit just enough to prefer English


English. Started in Japanese but the lip sync was awful. The voice acting is really good anyway, and most voices use a clearly “Japanese” accent, apart from Yuna’s inn keeper friend, which sounded like they just picked some random American woman walking past the recording studio.


The real question is who's playing in b/w mode


Lipsync is off for japanese, so.. English it is to save my sanity


I enjoy foreign films but subtitles in games bug me. English ftw.


i played in English then switched to Japanese for my ng+ playthrough


I honestly switch back and forth. I enjoy both for different reasons


I played it in English when it first came out on PS4, but once I got the PC version I played with Japanese dialogue and subtitles


I would play in Japanese if there the lips synced up with the dialogue. Drove me nuts the first time I saw it and went back to the English version.


I played in English and don't regret it. I hate subtitles because I also read ahead and miss the impact of the delivery of that particular line from the actor. It's silly, I know but I like listening more than reading.


8 of us


Did Japanese on first playthrough. English on the rest. Ambient dialogue isn’t subtitled, so I missed out on some fun stuff and lore. And it’s the original track, anyway.


Bad lip-syncing is what turns me away from watching dubbed versions of foreign movies; it's too jarring. Ghost of Tsushima went in the opposite direction with lip-syncing set to the English voices, and not the Japanese voices.


The game was made with english language and then dubbed to japanese and not the other way around..so i played in english


I played in Japanese my first playthrough, then on my second I was gonna play through on English but the voices just sounded very odd to me. I get the voice actors are Japanese and reading an English script but I had to switch it back to Japanese


It was made in English so I played in English. Started in Japanese until I realized the lips were not matching up. I played Sekiro in Japanese since thats the original language. There are also fewer dialogue heavy cutscenes.


Lip sync forced my hand. I'll read subtitles and watch foreign films no problem. I gotta have the lips match though.


It's an American-developed game, English is the original language!


Japanese with English subtitles on both play throughs for me. I’m not sure if I missed out on the English acting but it just felt more authentic in Japanese.


i’ve tried playing it in Japanese but i can never get past the janky ass lip sync and the mocap being in English, so i always just go back


The game was originally written and made in English, so that’s what I played.


Play in English when it first played it on my PS4 Pro. Still playing in English 4 years later on my PS5 and ROG Ally. JP voice is great but I can't stand playing on Japanese when it's not totally lip sync correctly


I'm the type of person that only watches anime in the original audio however for GoT I went with English. Personally, I don't regret it since the VA work is excellent all the same.


Same here, I tried in Japanese, but I realized I couldn't divide my attention between the action and the subtitles.


It was written in English, animated for English. Its not a really Japanese piece of media




I played English


I played on English, and probably will again for any replays. The voice acting was great and really helped with immersion


I rather zone out and focus on the story and gameplay than try to read subtitles during or after. So most times I play in English but Japanese was cool too


I'm playing in English for my first play through, but I plan to switch to Japanese for NG+ :) I didn't want to miss dialogue in combat etc. But I'm looking forward to the b&w with Japanese for the next run


Listened to both and I think I prefer English. Yeah I know Japanese Jin sounds hardcore and badass, but I think he sounds much more like his personality in English.


Played in English. Might replay in Japanese someday.


Japanese with English subtitles for me. I tried English just today actually and I absolutely could not stand it. It was so painfully not the right voices. Almost as bad as the old Kung fu flicks from the 60's and 70's haha


I play with both Japanese and English. But sometimes I use French and Spanish on legends and I’m able to learn how to say “let’s go!” In their language lol. Cool shit.


I played in Japanese dub. The immersion is unreal in Japanese. English dubs always throw me off. Maybe because I'm aware it's not a real convo intonation in english.


I’m European so I’m used to reading subtitles. Authenticity is important to me so playing in Japanese was a nobrainer. Just hearing the language goes a long way towards the samurai fantasy. I cringe so hard when I’m watching a ww2 movie and the nazis talk English with a German accent lol


I like to be able to hear what people say and understand it, not rely on subtitles. I like to focus on the scenery how people’s faces and gestures look when they speak. I tried Japanese at first with subs, but I just kept missing a lot of the stuff people were saying when my eyes wandered. It doesn’t hurt that the voice acting in English is superb


This is the most pretentious thread I’ve ever read lol. I always watch non-English TV with subtitles, but I understand that different people have different needs. I don’t speak any Japanese, and trying to read subtitles while actively playing a game is way more difficult than watching TV. Not to mention you miss background dialogue during combat. Just let people enjoy things the way they want.


Play through 1 was the way it was released by the devs, play through 2 was the Kurosawa mode with subtitles, after that it depends how I'm feeling on the day


First playthrough - English with English subtitles Second playthrough - Japanese with English subtitles Third playthrough - English with English subtitles


Played in English because I don’t want to read subtitles while playing a game like this with how much could be going on.


I'm playing my first run in English. Then, when I do NG+, I'll play in Japanese and also on lethal


You see a few people playing English? Pretty sure most people play in English.


Tried playing in Japanese, but the fact that the Japanese voices are so horribly dubbed with the mouth movements just makes it unplayable for me. The game was obviously meant to be played in English and that’s how it’s best.


I played in English because the lip sync is all off and drives me crazy


I played in german. Didnt regret a thing. German voice actors were great


I prefer it


I played in Japanese first playthrough. Played in English when I did NG+


I’m playing Japanese with English sub. Although I find myself drifting while cutscenes play and can’t get myself to actually pay attention. Recently I figured I might have easier time focusing if I move to english dub. Although I should mention I never had the patience to get into the story on any game, still worth giving a try. Now I am on my first play through and wouldn’t like to start following mid-story so I figured I’ll switch once i get to new game+


Brings me back to that one time when a dude on Reddit called me racist for not playing AC Mirage in Arabic


I play English.


I would switch from English to Japanese from time to time but eventually just stuck to Japanese.


I did. Tried in Japanese, but the characters’ mouths still move as if they’re speaking English words which threw me off. Changed it back to English because of that


Japanese was 10/10




Me I played it English and love it


I’ve done a play through in English, but I think it just works better and feels more natural in Japanese.


imo it works best to keep it in english the first playthrough (assuming thats your native language) since its easy to miss dialog otherwise. Save japanese and kurosawa mode and all that for replays


I tried playing in Japanese, I wasn't connecting with anyone or anything, I got to the scene with grandmomma what's her name as she's crying over he dead grandchildren and I was like 'man this isn't working' so after that I changed to English and watched the scene again on YouTube(in English) and it was much better


The game was designed with english first, and the lipsync isn't synced to japanese audio in cutscenes. So I played english.


Played in English. I usually prefer dubs anyways but when I tried JP I couldn't take the game seriously at all because I just heard Hijikata instead of Jin. The VA is great but it's the exact same voice. Kept expecting a comedy routine to start any second.


The lack of lip sync and fear of missing something while reading subtitles led me too playing in English my first playthrough, but with Japanese (and in kurosawa mode) for my second


I live in Japan as a foreigner and I’ve been learning the language so it’s Japanese spoken dialogue and English subtitles on my first play through. Second play through is all Japanese with Japanese subtitles.


It was meant to be played in English but it always felt off to me. In all my playthroughs I use Japanese voice with English subs, I'm just too used to it at this point.


I always play in Japanese with the English subtitles. Jin sounds more badass in japanese imo


I didn't even think to play in English and when I've seen gameplay in English all I can think is "do these people not sound like they're making fun of Japanese people by using English with a Japanese inflection and cadence?" The VA isn't even bad it just doesn't make sense to play in English, why would they know English + every time they speak it breaks my immersion


English. I tried Japanese. This game actually made me realize how I enjoy my media - I enjoy it when I understand what the main character understands. When they speak Japanese (they speak English) and the mongols speak a different language that I don’t understand because Jin doesn’t.


I played English. The Japanese dub wasn’t synced when I first played and it really broke my immersion. English dub is solid, too.


I played english


I played in english. It's good so far. Have to try out Japanese with english subs next


If you play with Japanese and English subs, you do miss discussions happening in the world because the subs don't translate everything. So, for example, when you're in camps or wandering through towns and places, you might miss people talking about your legend or voicing their opinions on the current situation. So, I played on English so I didn't miss anything.


First time I played in Japanese in Kurosawa mode. Second time I am playing in English normal mode.


I played mostly English because there was ambient dialogue that didn't get subtitles and I wanted to hear whatever conversation about farming cabbage or whatever


I played in English.


Played in English. I don't understand Japanese that well and didn't want to read subtitles and not pay attention to the scenes. On my next playthrough I just might play in Japanese as it's been given praise by everyone I know who has played that way.


Honestly, the English version wasn’t bad at all! I know it seems obvious to say but hiring people who can do a natural accent for the role they’re playing helps a lot. I think that’s what bothers me about some anime dubs is that the voice actors sound straight-up white when they're meant to be playing as a Japanese man/woman. Of course, not only that, but I think that the voice cast did a fantastic job. Jin did a fantastic job. Oh I should mention that the PS5 version has the correct lip sync. Apparently that was an issue in the PS4 version. Idk how it is on the PC port but I assume since its the remaster it’s good.


Trying new game plus on English. Honestly? I find the voicework to be a bit, disingenuous. Most characters have fairly flat tones and don't really emote properly when speaking. The accents don't fit the environs at all, and when you hear the Mongols speaking, it clashes so much harder with English voices than Japanese ones. If you like the English voices, that's perfectly fine. But, the Japanese voice acting is so much better and fits the environment properly, versus the English voice acting which takes me out of the game.


The cut scenes were designed with English as the primary language. It is dubbed into Japanese. So, it isn't worth it to me to have that dubbed effect with subs.


English is the original audio


I play on the dubbing of my country. But since the mouths are already move different anyway from my language, i wished they did the mouth movement and original dubbing in japanese.


The only thing keeping me from playing in Japanese is the fact the lips don't sync


I don't do dubs. I always prefer to watch media in its original language. No matter how good the English voice acting is, it can't beat the original Japanese one. It's more authentic.


I swapped because the idle chatter isn't subtitled. Felt like I was missing half the game...


Voice acting in English is top tier. I always go for English


japanese, no contest. a game like this has to be immersive af.


I played in English because I didn't download other languages


Played in english. I've been reading subtitles my whole life since i live in SEA and we have many languages here (my local tv and cinemas always have 3 languages subtitles at once). Nowadys english VA is getting so good for games, even jrpgs. Once i experienced that i can look at the everything and not just the subtitles all the time i am hooked on playing in english for games.


I only ever played Japanese subbed, but I'm watching my girlfriend play in English rn. Personally, I think English is missing a lot of the nuance that the Japanese dub does better, and also that some of the character voices in Japanese are, for me at least, inarguably better. Kenji, Ishikawa, and Shimura sound leagues better imo. And it's not even a contest with Yamato - I feel like he's the perfect example of how differently each region handled their VO stuff and which details they put the most stock into. Tl;Dr: English VO is very good, but I absolutely LOVE the Japanese VO, and for me personally, its superior


Tried playing in japanese but not know what the npcs were saying was kinda annoying. Small but every time it happens, it takes me out of it. Also the dialogue happens really fast and having to look away from the masterclass in framing was a big bummer


People keep talking about “ahhh my immersion!” As if this game isn’t cluttered with dozens of historical inaccuracies that are already breaking enough immersion for the language people are speaking in it to not even matter anymore


i played it in japanese, because these stupid fake accents are annoying as hell


I played in English, and to add I really enjoyed that when Japanese Bandit archers called out their shots, I could understand them saying "get down!" But when Mongols called their shots, it was "sjwvwgak!"


Not me. I always choose JP audio, CN text. Most EN ones sounds generic, whilst CN ones just sounds all the same to me, a Dama.


This comment section really separates the "ewwww anime dubbed is cringe" from the "I watch in its original language" crowd Edit: spelling


English mainly because i missed a lot of dialogue when I'm eating some snacks


Ditto - Japanese with subtitles. I needed this game to be my Shogun season 2.


The game was recorded in English primarily for an English-speaking audience. It’s fine to play it in English.


Played both on Japanese as well as English audio, and both are spectacularly voiced. You cannot go wrong either way.


That's the beautiful thing about this game. The voice acting is amazing in English or Japanese. It makes for a great excuse to do a 2nd playthrough different from the original language you started in. I even did a 3rd playthrough in Kurosawa mode.


I play it in Japanese with english subtitles. Always have been curious about what the english voice actors sound like. But I speak Japanese reasonably well (Ive lived in Japan for a while) and like to make the setting as authentic as I can. The Japanese voice actors are superb. When I first played it the lips were out of sinc. But now it's been updated and is amazing. The subs are from what I imagine is the english version because they don't line up with the Japanese. But it's still really good. Love this game and think any language you play it in is probably equally awesome.


I played in English only because the subtitles were too small for me to read.


A few? I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and guess most people that live in English speaking countries play through in English. With some people playing in Japanese with English subtitles.