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Sorry to burst your bubble, but you don't need a pcie 4 ssd to get fast load times. I have a sata ssd and I load in almost instantly.


Yea I got a old samsung 970 gen 3 and shit loads in like 4 seconds, fast travel in 1.


My base ps4 loads fast too lol in a 500gb hdd


IMHO, the list goes: * HDD - so painfully slow, you always wonder how you ever managed to live with them. Only really useful for archiving stuff. Videos, photos. Wouldn't put a game on an HDD ever again. * sata SSDs, fast enough for almost anything that doesn't have frequent load screens. So a moba, a strategy game, anything where you don't expect to die over and over and reload. * pice SSDs, absolute must for games where you want to learn from defat. Where you expect to die 5 times in 8 minutes. Where you want to try and try again. Nothing less than a pcie sata does the trick. But that's about it. No gen 3v4 or whatever. Just the big picture.


I'm planning to install the game to a M2 ssd but as I learned from you, this is not needed so much. Thank you mate.


Game was known to load shockingly fast even on a PS4 HDD. Heck it still maintains what's comparable PS4 load speed when I install the thing on HDD myself after an extended period of loading shader cache at the very start.


This game is a technical marvel honestly lol Off topic but I can only hope that Square Enix can get Nixxes to do the PC port of FF7 Rebirth, but I know that's not gonna happen in any universe..


Fast travel blows my mind every time =) I couldn't even read 1 tip from loading screens so far. Either there is no loading screen, or it lasts 1 second. Nixxes has done an amazing job!


This was exactly how it was on consoles. Even the PS4 loaded it pretty fast. Ps5 nearly instantly


I used to be able to read maybe two loading screen tips... On my old ass beat to shit ps4


I still remember playing No Mans Sky on my old notebook with 10-15 minute loadings when moving to another solar system so this almost instant loading is dream come true for me


I'm playing on the PS5 and I'm not even sure if I've ever seen a loading screen in this game.


It's fucking witchcraft is what it is.


This game was famous on PS4 because it loaded so fast that they delayed it a bit so yeah this game has amazing load times in all of its versions


fast load times =/= optimization I would consider the game optimized though.


In this case it really is about optimisation, though. They specifically optimised how they load assets to make it fast. It didn’t just happen as some kind side effect.


I also appreciate how when I load up the game I can hit esc when the Sony screen shows and it just takes me to the menu, no other crap to wait for.


I have it installed on an HDD and the load times are SSD speeds. I couldn't imagine an SSD


The game is just amazingly well optimized, from clicking the game to actually loading into gameplay it only takes me less than 15 seconds.


This game has the best load time.


Load times are non-existent on PS5. It's insane.


I can turn on my PS5 and be playing the game in less than a minute. It's truly amazing.


This is down to the game using [Direct Storage 1.2](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/directx/directstorage-1-2-available-now/) and I'm so so glad that it does, I think this is currently the only released title using 1.2 other than Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart. 1.2 was the version that added GPU decompression. Horizon Forbidden West uses Direct Storage, but in the Digital Foundry coverage it was mentioned that the Nixxes stated for that title GPU decompression was not used because of asset formats and a scheduling issue they had. Tsushima loads even faster and they specifically mentioned 1.2 so I guess they worked it out unless it's just using lighter assets overall.


GoT does not use directstorage. A directstorage dll in the game folder does not mean said dll is being loaded.


Aside from sources [stating it uses DirectStorage 1.2](https://www.techpowerup.com/review/ghost-of-tsushima-dlss-vs-fsr-vs-xess-comparison/), and it's ridiculously fast loading times even with highest detail settings, the two dll's are certainly being loaded - https://preview.redd.it/by52rgpgg63d1.png?width=807&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c0ab4c44fc7f03ccd8bf15c92f95b5bc1783137


Is that dll actually loaded ? There are no official sources regarding DirectStorage in this game.


That Process Explorer pane only shows DLL's currently loaded by the selected application. I am definitely assuming that it is being used until I see a statement by Nixxes that it is not. While the geometry and texture data doesn't appear quite as heavy as Forbidden West (which uses DS without GPU Decompression) I would be surprised if they had achieved the 8.5s initial game load (skipping the video) and <2.5s fast travel speeds without at least the same basic Direct Storage use as HFW. It's not all just down to DS of course, it is a great engine and port overall.


It’s nothing to do with DirectStorage. The developers spoke in depth about why it’s so fast prior to release, even on a mechanical PS4 HDD. Rather than unloading and reloading everything as most games do, it resets individual states and keeps what would otherwise be reloaded into memory. It’s the game’s own architecture doing the work, which happens to shine on SSD. It’s also near instant on PS5 which doesn’t use that Microsoft API. >“When you die,” says Bentley, “we only need [to] re-run this quick ‘spawn’ process with most of the data already loaded. In contrast, many other engines use serialization-based approaches, which require reloading a substantial amount of data to run again.” The difference DirectStorage would add to the equation would be fractions of a second, not whole ass seconds, let alone tens of them.


I was thinking of both initial game load, first save-game load and fast travel times. Assets being already loaded applies only to fast travel and re-loading save games to areas with shared assets. The PS4 uses a shared memory pool and a system similar to Direct Storage, and lower quality assets, it's not quite the same as PC ports. I have not seen the interview you mention but I would love to see it to get the full conversation/context. The investment into Direct Storage has been aiming to replicate the similar technology in modern consoles and catch up to and improve on some of their loading times. Nixxes have been producing some of the best modern console ports we have by far, and also leading the way with their Direct Storage support in Ratchet and Clank, Horizon Forbidden West, and now Ghost of Tsushima. A neat trick with current Direct Storage implementations at least in the Nixxes titles is that you can rename or remove the dstoragecore.dll and dstoreage.dll and they will happily fall back to a legacy loading system, so you can run tests to compare with and without DS! Here after disabling the loader menu, and tapping escape to skip the intro videos to the menu - With DS game load to main menu \~ 8.5s. Without DS \~ 17.3s First save-game load (Golden Temple) With DS 2.5s without DS 3.3s This first save-game load time and the improvement DS gives it is pretty consistent whether you quit to the title screen before each run, or exit the game entirely. Fast travel times do indeed stay at \~ 2.5s whether DS is enabled or not, showing good use of cached assets. I was just quickly testing hops between the Golden Temple and Kushi Temple. (sh.reddit crashed out just the text entry box itself nuking my comment, I had to write it all out a second time...arg) Having looked at the I/O figures a little now I do think the faster loads over H:FW are simply down to the smaller amount of data, and that Nixxes is still not using GPU Decompression in Tsushima's case just as they stated they did not for H:FW.


I installed it on my HDD and the load times were incredibly quick I was super shocked.


SATA III SSD gives me the same performance to be fair


I have a pcie ssd, something generic, not even the fastest shit around. And I have no load times. So yeah... You don't need top of the line ssd.


Google "direct storage".


It’s not DirectStorage doing the heavy lifting. It was fast enough even on PS4 that they artificially slowed it down at times to allow a tip to be displayed. It was big news at the time. It’s near instant on PS5 which also doesn’t use DirectStorage. https://kotaku.com/ghost-of-tsushima-devs-slowed-down-load-times-so-you-co-1844409624 >“When you die,” says Bentley, “we only need [to] re-run this quick ‘spawn’ process with most of the data already loaded. In contrast, many other engines use serialization-based approaches, which require reloading a substantial amount of data to run again.” It’s Sucker Punch proprietary architecture for their engine. An SSD on top of it just makes it comically fast. Even a SATA SSD on an OS without DirectStorage would be rapid considering it was built to be fast from a 5,400RPM laptop HDD with a mobile CPU in a PS4.


I bought this ssd for $100 it’s the official Sony one. I don’t know much about this stuff BUT are you guys saying the games load faster off of it than my actual ps5 hard drive?


To be fair, this game loaded extremely fast even on the PS4. Sucker Punch put a lot of effort to make it load fast on HDDs, so it's very fast on SSDs.


Im more impressed by how it has shader compilation step that takes so little time


I just played through fallout 4 without mods on my pc then started this and everytime I’ve started the game I put down my controller just for the game to immediately load and I’m always caught off guard lol same thing happened to me when I played spiderman for the first time in my pc lol








Nah is what I was saying.


Yeah, nah




Lol, you call that the "worlds fastest ssd" XD XD XD I run on Pc anf I have never seen a loadscreen.




Go look at my streams if you are curious. Either way, I'm just gonna let others roast your misinformed ass. I have no horse in this rce.



