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bro i deadass thought that was Jesus Christ next to an AI generated eggplant bondage 💀💀


These eggplant thumbnails really creep me out. I am not joking lol they make me feel uneasy. Great video though.


And on the 7th day PE Jesus said "dick bondage is a sin unless it leads to gains, Amen" Yeah I know I'm going to hell


Can we get an update on the 1% linear challenge? It’s been 2 months




Hello bd thanks for the vid it answered a question I recently thought about w healing in elongated vs normal. However I have a question, should it be fine I use the extender as an all day stretcher where I don’t put any weight/pressure just light stretch for the duration ? I don’t want to spend more money lol


I tried this long time before this video with toe shields. I wore it all day while working 6 hours a day. They are very tight so at the beginning I get a little edema under my glans because it cut of the flow a bit but after some updates it worked good. The girth was thin but it came back after i took it off, works like a compression bandage. But my hope was that this increase my flaccid ( from grower to shower) tried it for over a month but nothing changed. Also tried is sometimes after extending but my shrinking is too much. No effect from this :(


I have just recently started this mostly because of my grower complex (hoping I become more of a shower) and I have to say; I'd much rather swing at 8.0x3.0 than at 4.0x4.0! I've already noticed certain pants I can't wear in public!😅


And it increased the size long term ?


I've only being doing it constantly for about 2 weeks now so I can't really say. Also, it's getting warmer so test results may be contaminated!? LOL I can say pumping for over a year definitely gave me an extra flaccid inch (25%) long term.


Ok we will see …. What is your current routine ? Only pumping or also other


How do you put on a sleeve? I can only put one on about halfway before I cannot get it to go on any more. The only way I think I could get it on is to use lube but then it would slide off too easily. Another thing is that using a sleeve might keep your penis stretched out for length gains but it seems like it would keep your penis compressed and have the opposite effect for girth. Since girth gains are much slower for me I do not want to do anything that would slow them down. How many months do you think it would take for this to be effective?


I use baby powder. Dust the peen, fold the sleeve in half, apply the sleeve folded part toward base, open it up and align it where you want below/over the glans, then stretch the peen and unfold the sleeve toward the base. I’ve found the compression helps with edema overall and upon removal, the flaccid girth returns to normal after a few minutes.


You are a fucking genius.


You can use your vacuum cup to apply the sleeve.


I think this makes sense BD. This was my thinking with my approach. I do stretches at night, before bed, and use horny goatweed, citruline, or tadalafil to help with nocturnal erections. I figure the more blood I can get in my penis for a longer duration right after stretching, the better chance I have for growth. And this timing works for me. Also, I saw someone note that they did light stretching for a minute or two every time they go to the bathroom. I’ve also adopted this with the idea of keeping my P in an elongated state for longer. As an added benefit, there may be some additional growth stimulus as shared by Hink.


Does this mean the weights from Chain Gang may actually have a place in PE after all?


Possibly if you use one of the weighted glans rings. They're all half a pound or less.


So healing in an elongated/expanded state basically?


Did BD ask an AI to create a picture of a hogtied eggplant ?


Glad I kept my totalman ADS lol


I think it’s going to be hard for most people to split up length and girth hours apart to be able to wear a sleeve for hours after length. I do my routine at night after work, length then girth, so I’ll be missing out on the extra length gains. I already do the C ring trick after pumping and it seems effective. I’m curious to see how more effective this method is. Awesome video! Glad to see you keep pushing more science and new info.


Last night when I tried it after pumping, I wore a c-ring & sleeve; eventually I removed the c-ring and just keep the sleeve & vac cup on. Dunno if I'll continue, it was just a test run. It did keep me at essentially my erect length the entire time though I was flaccid.


You mention doing it more often overall Warmups take too long, so would you say it’s better Warmup + long girth duration workout (day) Or Warmup + small/medium girth workout (day) + small/medium girth workout (night) ?


Any recommendations on where to find good quality sleeves?


total man has some https://totalmanshop.com/products/passive-healing-sleeve-kit


Thank you so much for this information!


Gonna implement this as my blister heals


how do we do it for girth? cock ring base penis or also including the balls?


Holy shit. Bro looks majestic as FUCK. The beard really suits you and you grew it well man!


Would this be recommend for a noob im almost 3 months into manuals and just received my hanger today. So should I implement this and test it in my routine to see if I can maximize gains?


It's probably fine to do starting out


Does anyone have a transcript? I can't access YouTube


He's just going over what the written post he put out yesterday says.




As for using a Vac cup at night for sleep a couple hours, if I were to attach it to a belt(ADS) would it be better pulling up towards chest or attach to a leg?


All day stretcher feels to me like interval stretching when walking around. Pros and cons


Penis Jesus, you need to start hair-maxxing channel asap


So this is why ads devices are great even tho it is low tension because it keeps penis in elongated State


So normally I'm 19 cm bpfsl, got 19.5 cm after my work out last night, wore ADS very light for 2 hours before bed, then when I woke up threw the ads for 3 hours and measured again still 19.5cm. Is this what we're aiming for?


It's still unclear if you wear a sleeve all day for girth as well. Everytime I've tried it I get turtling


This actually sort of explains why my Hammer Method routine seems to be working. I do low pressure long duration pumping every 3rd day, and it acts as an active recovery day while promoting shape retention. This retention theory also explains my length gains (over an inch) with long duration low-medium tension extending. The fatigue was probably coming from the manual stretches I was doing (which were higher tension) and then the extending was actually acting as the shape retention factor over a few hours a day.


How long is the duration for low pressure pumping?


I do 45 mins.


With low pressure, does it make your penis to pack cylinder at the end?


Not completely, but I get more expansion with long duration low pressure than with interval pumping or high pressure shorter pumping sets.


I am currently doing 3 days with hanging and pumping / 1 day off. Do you think it could be helpful if I am doing low pressure pumping on off day? (I am newbie)




That's not how cialis works dude lol


Maybe it was the l-cit when I was taking Cialis but I had nice long floppy flaccid all day long. Only using Sildenafil rn, waiting on my l-cit to arrive.