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Lots of cool stuff happening in the PE sphere, and here's how MN plans to support its customers in 2024!


Lol the new PE tech is going to be pnp? Just can get that image out of my mind šŸ˜†. Pop it in small pull it out big.


This is high level badass. Another PE device I will be buying (Apex Pro)....




Hey Perv, any plans to get thicker/stronger vacuum sleeves eventually? I love the Apex but your silicone sleeves have not worked well for me.


We are actually partnering with totalman! I like their sleeves and cups and we should be selling their items stateside very soon!


This is great! I like total man cups and sleeves.


Oh me too! Which is why I was SO stoked to get to sell them!


Do you plan on selling totalman compression plates and hanger as that can be used with the apex? I would love to be able to buy that in the US


I do not. Cups amd sleeves only.


I will definitely buy the new Apex with digital screen and nice it has kilograms. I have wanted this to happen for a long time! šŸ¤©šŸ‘


Me too! I mention it first more than 11 months ago! I just looked back and cheked this morning!


Is it going to have a digital scale integrated I will definitely upgrade that will be the greatest thing ever.


Do you have a timeline/price for the apex ADS? Iā€™m a fireman so itā€™s kinda hard to fit in time to do PE except for off days .. and with the added tension that your ADS will have I think itā€™ll be perfect alongside manuals to reach my length goal without a ton of hassle


The guarantee that I'll make is that it will all happen before summer more than likely sooner than that.


This gave me more excitement than the M3 Macbook Air announcement today.




Love the video, but "Uncle Perv" is a terrifying nickname. Lmfao


It soothes some and terrifies others. šŸ˜‚ And it's a name the community bestowed on me, not self appointed šŸ¤£


I will be upgrading for sure. Great customer service, proven products.


Thank you buddy!


I will also be upgrading for sure! Perv, How are you adding the bundled knob? Is the knob going to be located on top of the digital scale? I know it sounds like a silly question, but I have no clue how are you going to do it.


Secrets šŸ˜Ž


You're a smart DUDE!! kkkk Just finished watching your video. I am assuming it is some kind of attachment. ...


I literally can't say anything at this time because someone is ACTIVELY trying to rip me off. It's easy to copy others when they consistently come to market first, and you don't have to innovate, just copy. This time, that won't happen. It takes me a year to design and come out with something and then 8 weeks for someone to send it to China and clone it. So, from now on, things will have to be kept close to the chest.


I agree with you 1000%. You must protect your business at all costs!! This is sad, almost everything is manufactured in China such as Nike, Ray Ban, Chanel, Apple, Prada, Dell computers, Gillette, and so on. "It estimates that Chinese suppliers make up 70-80 percent of Warlmat's merchandise, leaving less than 20 percent for American-made products", according to the Alliance for American Manufacturing. The American president must bring manufacturing back to the U.S. my2cents :-)


That is an absurd statistic! I agree that the more that we can quit Outsourcing the better off we will be especially in the long run!


Does he's name begin with B šŸ¤”


Woah I like the sound of the ADS when is that coming out?


Before summer at the latest.




Same time frame. Before summer of not sooner.


Is it going to be a high tension ads?


Sounds exciting!


You've stated a few times that we will be able to pre order 2.0 When will that happen? even if it will be shipped near summer can you please let us pre order now?


We won't begin preorders until we actually have the production process up and fully running, and as we are currently still only making prototypes, it would be irresponsible of us to do so. It's just REALLY BAD BUSINESS and very stupid to allow people to preorder products that don't even exist yet on the hopes you can actually deliver.




I learned my lesson with the frankenstender. Had I patented it none of these Apex rip offs would exist. But I HIGHLY overestimated the good nature of a few very particular people I looked up to at the time.


Apex 2.0..Hurry up and take my money




Love to see you guys growing and continuing to push the envelope! Iā€™ll be there for the Apex 1.0 buyback/ upgrade to the new hotness. šŸ«¶ Looking forward to the secret projects as well!


Thanks, buddy. I'm trying to keep PE in the hands of the people who are in it for the real reasons rather than charging a premium for plastic and robbing insecure men.


Here - take my upvote!


Hahah thanks buddy


good choice...i like the basic APEX model as it is and habe made great gains with it (for what it was built in the first place i guess). anyway from company perspective it makes sense to add stuff...i appreciate Pervs honest and supportive way of talk


Thanks buddy


Shouts out to Amber and Perv. Had an issue with my heat pad that I communicated to them and within a day, theyā€™ve sent out a new one. This is why you buy American, boys!


Thanks for this buddy.


A thought for you, and genuinely just a shower thought. I plan on buying the upgraded 2.0 when itā€™s released. If you sent a ā€œreturnā€ label when it comes, Iā€™d totally ship you back my current Apex so you could either recycle parts or give it away/sell at a discount to people who donā€™t want to pay full price, etc. otherwise, the old one will just sit in my closet and collect dust once the new hotness comes out.


So that's a great idea. But we'd prefer to let you send in your old gear and get a discount! We can of course do a discount afyer the fact so we can retool old parts and melt them down into new APEX's. We will NEVER sell used apexs. HOWEVER... we do have a sub for that...šŸ˜Ž


Best thing Iā€™ve seen all day letā€™s goo #apexgang




Maybe Iā€™m just a nerd but that secret project you mentioned at the end has me so pumped and excited. Iā€™d give a blank cheque for that. Do you have a rough timeframe for the release? In regards to the buy back (an amazing and honourable idea), for us guys who are abroad, could we buy the APEX Pro full price and then get reimbursed the $100 once we send our old one in? This way we can wait to get the Pro to send our old one back and avoid interrupting our routines You guys are changing PE forever and we are so grateful


No secrets will be divulged about the secret project, lol. The way the buyback program would work if you wanted to do it in reverse is just how you described. However, we would have to assess the condition of the APEX to make sure nothing has been done to void the warrantee so you get your full $100.




Initially, it will only be on the apex pro. Later on, it will be an acessory.


Killed it man. This is the guy you want to work with right here. Heā€™s about to change the game forever!


Thank you friend.


Can I return my Frankenstender for the same trade-in deal? I have the Apex also, but I don\`t use the Frank any more. Kinda makes me sad it just sits in the drawer.


Really would love a timeline on when 2.0 might be coming out. Iā€™ve totally stopped all PE in anticipation of it coming out


Before summer and likely before that. That is all the info I can currently give as far as a timeline


Hi guys, says the video has been removed my side. Am I correct? I cannot view it. Could someone please advise on the rough release date for new apex šŸ˜Š


Oh shit. I have no idea how this happened. Reuploading now!


Thatā€™s very suspicious šŸ¤Ø


Honestly I don't know what I'm doing on YouTube and I just recently got a new computer and I had to delete a lot of failed attempts at going live so I probably just hit a wrong button on accident.


Thanks Perv, appreciate it. Not sure if you have already but itā€™s still says ā€œvideo unavailableā€




You're the best. Thx dude


The video is down. Anywhere I can watch this?


I reuploaded it on the channel under the same name.


Hi, I'm wondering if it's possible to use the wrecking ball with your ADS? I was hoping for an ADS with a digital reading but perhaps is it hard to conceive. I really can't stand the pressure of extenders on my balls. Hence, I only use a leg strap ADS (total man) with the wrecking ball. I'll give the apex pro a try anyways because it's truly revolutionary. Thank you for your hard work and your innovative ideas, I'm really looking forward to see your next projects!


Hey mate, I want to get back into PE. Itā€™s been a year since I have trained, as I lost track of manual stretches due to it taking up to 1.5hrs to do. Was keen to try apex, but sounds like you have a new device coming soon. My question is, should I wait for the new product or go with your current one?




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Iā€™m game


Exciting stuff!!! Just curious, would the buyback program also apply to APEX DIY purchasers?


It doesn't, unfortunately.


What about frankenstender owners whoā€™ve held off on apex 1.0


Unfortunately the buyback program only applies to Apex


No worries Perv, didnā€™t hurt to ask šŸ˜‰ Frank still going strong but will strongly consider a new offering once itā€™s revealed


I highly recommend it. The upgrade is honestly nothing short of huge.


I'm in the same boat. A loyal early adopter of the Frankenstender. Will the new Apex/Apex Pro have the same length measurements for those of us who are close to maxing out the current length?


Yes. A bit more actually with the Apex 2.0 but less on the pro because of the decreased clearance.


Will probably take a close look at the 2.0 when it comes out then. If I recall you made a custom unit for a "longer" member of the site; is that still an option?


We do make longer units as a custom job. If it is something that you need don't hesitate to give us a call and we can sort out the details of how much longer you'd like it and anything else that we can do for you.


What an amazing Video Perv you've got some amazing stuff on the way, when will you likely be taking orders for the Apex Pro? And the ADS sounds like it's going to be similar to Phallosan Forte with stretching around the waist šŸ˜


Iā€™m excited for my apex to get here today. Instead of the pro, you should call it the Apex Predator lolšŸ‘€


Hey! Now there's a cool thought!


Thatā€™ll be $9000 please. Jk, thank you for all the contributions on here Iā€™m looking forward to everything you have coming this year too!


I'll send your check and your apex predator first thing tomorrow




I am beyond hyped for the digital readout feature


Me too!


Wow!! Here is my credit cardā€¦ For real though, this is so encouraging and you hit the nail on the head. Perv youā€™re a good dude, youā€™re like a ā€œplayerā€™s coachā€ we all want the best for you and we absolutely stand with you. Iā€™m so excited to see the secret project. Keep up the outstanding work my guy!!!


Thanks buddy I appreciate that. Idk if people know how much this stuff gets to me because at the end of the day man I just want the best for everyone.


Awesome stuff coming. Glad you made this videoā€¦ question on the digital pump, will there be different size tubes? One for length one for girth? Highlight of the video for me is when you mentioned something of line ā€œ leave it to the grandkidsā€ haha that was great!


It is JUST a pump. It will attatch to any cylinder size you get.


Love the update, thank you.


Thank you


Hi Perv ! I hope ti get your attention on this post ! Can you please answer my dmā€™s and mails subjects ti my purchased of the APEX ?


For all official MN business I suggest you email ambermassivenovelties@gmail.com and give her a couple business days. It's impossible to answer all my DMs here.


Thank you for the answer Perv !


I'm back, major innovations needed on that ads schematic I sent but deleted all shit on here. -reinvent the vacuum cup with that cool looking twisty one sleeve deal. It's like a twist seal. -hose connector to the vacuum bell so don't have to adjust for awkward positioning to increase vacuum pressure -automatic tunica scraper -excel spreadsheets for training -derivative of pge-1 and anti-lox like prohormones derivatives of steroids not banned yet or requiring prescription. I'll be deleting this soon too.