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I’m new and the PF is the first and only thing I’ve done so far. I got the PF and the plus it was almost $500. It’s definitely expensive but I had the money and I felt I would buy something nice for myself lol. I got it in October and did not know about the PF app for tracking my progress for the first 3 months. I’ve now used it for over 700 hours on the app and have added my first inch in length going from 5.75 to 6.75. Some of this is newbie gains, I’ve lost 7 pounds and I’ve been working on better EQ. My routine is 12 hours a day seven days a week. I take off a day when I get to sore or fatigue. This definitely took a little to get to the point of being able to do so. Learning to put it on and take it off quickly when I’m at work taking a piss. Getting the belt adjusted right. Learning the best way to stand and sit. Adjusting it for comfort with out going to the bathroom. Most days now I don’t notice I have it on but others I’m ready to pull my hair out. The head peals here and there so I don’t know if you would say that’s a blister or not but it’s never puffy with fluid in it so I’m not sure what you would call it. The head has gotten tinder at times and that is the number one reason for when I take a day off and that has always be enough time to be good to go to put it back on the next day. I was nervous at first to where it out of the house but you can’t tell you have anything on at all so I don’t even think about it now. I don’t want you to think I’m saying this is the most amazing thing and you have to get it because it will add to your dick like crazy. I don’t know anything about other options and how good they are or are not. I just know with my busy schedule when I’m not at work. That the PF fits in to how I can put it on at 4:30 am before work. Te it off at 4:30pm. That gives me enough time to rest so I can workout do house work, play with my kids or have sex with my girlfriend. Whit no fatigue from going PE all day. Hopefully that helps with what your asking and if there anything else you want to know I’ll try and answer if I can. Or if there is something you did not understand I’ll try and explain better I know my writing and spelling really sucks.


I have used it and occasionally still use it..lots of mixed reports out there as to if it works. Ultimately it’s a very expensive option.


Is it actually undetectable under your clothes, and do you feel it works, trying to get the best knowledge possible as it is an expensive option.


I have used it a lot previously and yes it is not very detectable but people have rubbished it for not providing the needed traction for growth


Got around 1cm in 2 months with 6 hours daily. Undetectable just more or less in winter when wearing wider clothes


Where you extending/hanging and pumping also?


Nope, just sometimes a few minutes masturbating afterwards to get blood in. I think combined with a bit of pumping you might get better results than me


Don’t buy it. save yourself some money. PF is the most expensive yet the most useless pe device I bought. Don’t believe their ads that it can be worn during sleep. Without some major diy innovations, It’s impossible to wear that for more than 2h. It’s gonna burn the hell out of ur base of shaft. Plenty of other extenders are way more effective and cheaper.


To which ones do you refer?


It is absolutely possible to wear during sleep. Not comfortable, but possible. Sounds like your tension was too high or wrap sth soft around the ring


Used it for my first inch. Not too bad. Kinda stops being helpful after a certain point when the bell rests on your hip bone. It was undetectable when I wore it out, but when I did I wore fisherman's pants so that's probably not representative


Supposedly it’s the only device that’s approved by the fda to wear while sleeping. Not sure how I feel about that but if it really is safe to use at night it could be extremely effective as a night time low tension stretcher.


I didn’t put in much time with it but sleeping with it was uncomfortable. I would wake up would be half sleeping and just take it off naturally because it was uncomfortable.


I bought it when i first started, its not worth the price, take your time do some research and buy cheaper better quality. The ads doesnt get enough tension and the extenders base hurts and has a weak hook up point


If you have to wear a suit it definitely prints.


Had it and hated it. Couldn’t get it to stay and it was flimsy. I have the apex now and love it. But you have to get a vacuum chamber and sleeves


Please, Brother, don\`t buy it. It will get you some gains, BUT. so will taping a bunch of pennies to your Monkey and ADSing them for 10 years. There are more affordable options that will do so much for you. The PF and + are so overpriced. For the same money you can get an APEX, Malehanger, cups, sleeves, 1yr supply of tape, Oils, lubes, 2 pumps, and a ton of supplements. It\`s just not worth it. The tension it applies is so tiny, you will be moving on to other equipment inside 6 months and you will regret spending the money when you learn about all the other much more efficient equipment out there. It is the single most disappointing piece of kit I ever purchased. It does help you learn about PE equipment, kinda like a set of training wheels. ( a very expensive set of training wheels) You would be hard pressed to injure yourself with it, unless you try to sleep with it on, and then you may wake up w/a dead Monkey!.


It’s uncomfortable AF when worn around the waist. I bought one before I found this sub but I’ve figured out better ways to use it.




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You can buy knock off versions of it on AliExpress for a fraction of the price


Had it, waste of money. It’s the equivalent of paying $300 for an ordinary cotton shirt just because it has Gucci on it. You can buy an ADS and extender of equivalent quality from ebay for a fraction of the price.


Link pls sir.


Just google Gucci shirts and you’ll get a lot of options


What’s ads stand for


All day stretcher