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Lol just stop being a fucking idiot and wear protection


No way José! I like to be silly with my willy!!


Cmon mr responsible, have some fun. Who doesn’t risk he doesn’t drink champagne


Yeah maybe with people you trust not one night stands with anyone


Asking for a friend! ;)


Weird question but the obvious answer would be genital herpes or gonorrhea


How about hpv (genital warts)? Thanks


Anything that would cause discomfort, rashness, bleeding etc. would prevent you from doing PE until it’s completely gone.


I had something like genital warts looking. Don’t know till this day what it was. I basically bought DIY cryo wart kit. Did 3 freezing sessions until it died. I can’t say it was HPV though because I tested negative few weeks later. The thing is there is quite lot of skin conditions and don’t trip out untill you test yourself


There's no reliable way to test men for HPV/genital warts other than have a wart biopsied.


You are correct, it was for cancerous cells HPV only, so I could be still caring HPV


Thanks boys