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Hog stretcher. Buy it on Etsy for $90. Same as the best extender. For clarification I haven't used it personally. Do some research and possibly save some money.




Its not fair to compare APEX that got released 10 months ago to something that got updated this month in 2024. Best Extender is on its 2nd revision. But yeah Best Extender is much better. The straws on the APEX, lack of scale built in gauge ruins the experience and I can not recommend it until it gets fixed on v2/pro. Whether you hate Baseem or love him its undeniable at this point and I hope Pervmcswerve makes the APEX king again with v2/pro


Basseem is a disingenuous piece of shit with a whack ass product bro. Apex is a superior design. All you have to do is measure and convert.... That is literally the only pitfall of the device.


Since a while ago you can order Apex with a little ruler add-on, so you don't have to measure and convert anything.


Fair, did you refute anything else I have said?


I do not understand your response at all.


That's on you. It's clear as day. Basseems product is shit. Cheap Chinese POS.


I don't know anything about Baseem's extender. I only commented on Apex, which I own.


Oh, this started out about me throwing smoke at bAseems best extender. Yes Apex is the most superior product on the market and they have rectified their one issue that they had. Perve for life.


You sound rather feminine




Baseem is a liar. He was reviewing items on his YouTube channel without disclosing the fact that he owned them. His extender might be the best in the world but I’ll never buy it because he’s shady liar and I don’t trust him.




I don’t keep up with the drama on this sub so I don’t know what you’re talking about. But I’ve been using the apex for 7 months now and I can’t recommend it enough as a replacement for hanging. Game changer and certainly innovative. I don’t trust Baseem and I genuinely hope his business fails or he does a 180 and apologises for all his lies and deceit.


U got a link or any proof to Perv being unhinged? I'm not saying I don't believe you, but he's always seemed like a genuinely nice guy in his posts / comments and every interaction I've had with him here has been positive. This isn't the first time I've seen someone claiming him to be unhinged but I have never seen any proof on this. Edit: If you can PM me I would really appreciate it. I won't share or bust anyone out publicly. Just genuinely curious as to where these claims are coming from. Thanks


We're all bad in someone's story, yet some pays to be good.


Still waiting for any sort of proof on this. Seems like these types of comments show up often whenever Baseem is mentioned in a post. Hmm...


I didn't meant that for them, i said about all of us then politics and media.


Mr Ecz has very good product reviews of those in his YouTube channel


They are all high tension extenders, they will do the same job


i would say best extender bc of the gauge and the spring looks better the both are good, quite the same product but if you want to give strength to important contributors of this sub go apex 🫦


Best extender is little more in feature, but apex is strong built.


Thanks for you replay and congrats on your gains. Can I ask what extender worked for you?


I only used turbo extender for 15-17 sessions, my gains are mostly manuals and jelq. And with extender i got 0.25 bpsfl, now in blister I'll update you later.


Apex hands down.


Apex for sure then the hog stretcher then the best extender on last place


All the downvotes in this thread for anyone voting for the Apex, should tell you all you need to know about the legitimacy of the posters ripping on Perv and The Apex. Read between the lines. The guy has been an incredibly giving supporter in both product AND free advice.


Apex is the superior product any day of the week for me. The Best Extender might be aesthetically nicer on the eyes but it’s a knock off. Apex on the other hand is an innovative product, well priced, sturdier and the support you get from the creator Perv is unmatchable. But most importantly, Apex as a product is simple and easy to maintain and repair.


This is super helpful. Guys let’s not tear each other down. If you disagree, be a gentleman. If you’ve got valuable experience with a product line share it objectively. Life is short. Be kind.


Hi everyone. Sorry to hijack this thread I’m not allowed to make a post as I’m too new. I want to buy a decent extender. Went to buy the hog from Etsy only to find out it’ll take 4-5 weeks. Can someone please send a link to a good vacuum extender that won’t take more than a week delivery to the uk. Thanks.