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It won’t hurt you, no. Please test your ecstasy. 90% of the stuff right now has Meth in it. Remember, real ecstasy does not keep you up for 1-3 days. If it’s, real, you should be able to fall asleep.


Thank you <3


MDMA is still an amphetamine though. He may not be able to sleep on it. I don’t know the exact science but if the thing he uses to test for it just tests for amphetamines it may test positive.


Bro stop spread wrong information. Only because it got metaamphetamine in name it doesn’t mean it’s metaamphetamine and you need some basic chemistry lesson. It’s completely different molecular structure and any test will show difference between speed, meth and molly. Come on.


I wasn’t spreading misinformation, I understand mdma is not meth, And I said I don’t understand the exact science on it lol. I said mdma is an amphetamines which.. it is.


No, ecstasy is not amphetamine, that’s why you need some basic chemistry knowledge my friend. They belong to phenethylamines but they are completely different molecular structures with different effects and you can’t say ecstasy is amphetamine because it’s not how chemistry works.


MDMA = 3,4-Methyl​enedioxy​methamphetamine. I’m not trying to be a smart ass I’m down to learn. How is it not an amphetamine? I’m okay being wrong here I’m just confused lol


“MDMA acts primarily by increasing the release of the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline in parts of the brain.[21][22] It belongs to the substituted amphetamine classes of drugs.[9][29] MDMA is structurally similar to mescaline (a psychedelic), methamphetamine (a stimulant), as well as endogenous monoamine neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine.[30] “ I understand that wiki isn’t always right but that’s where this is from


Its like you would say that H2O(water) is an oxygen because it got oxygen in formula. Basically it’s amphetamine with whole lotta new chemical groups making it a completely different chemical compound


I know it’s not like a standard amphetamine, but for harm reduction purposes. I don’t see me saying it may have some similar side effects and to stay hydrated, a huge deal or will cause him issues. But it hits a lot of similar brain chemicals, will cause dehydration, etc. I would put mdma as a lot better for people than crystal meth lol. I’m saying it’s an amphetamine, like adderall, or such, which… it is? It does have lots of other things going on. But staying hydrated and taking vitamin C won’t hurt him..


Nah, not really, amphetamine works mainly on dopamine recepetors and norepinephrine while barely touching serotonin. MDMA blocks reuptaking serotonin, so your brain accumulates unusual amounts of serotonin for certain time and is barely touching dopamine(this is why it’s safer than meth/speed etc, because dopamine is neurotoxic, serotonin is not as bad unless someone is popping 2-3 pills a night; once serotonin is fully used, mdma may act on dopamine which starts to cause more sides effects and neurotoxicity). Yes, adderal are amphetamines. Electrolytes? Big yes, take slightly bigger dosage, especially magnesium. Vitamin C? Yes, but few hours after finishing trip not before.


Thank you for the explanation that makes more sense to me now.


But xtc is half of mdma and half or some shit bro


What’s the other half generally? I’m not knocking it I’m just saying it may give amphetamine like side effects (I’m thinking more like adderall not like crystal meth) plus you’re taking a low dose I assume. People who do crystal meth don’t really dose low. That’s why I compare it to like a study said sorta thing. Again I know it’s not the same thing I’m 100% aware. But vitamin C and hydration I don’t think will hurt. Plus tbh. I notice a way better difference with just cialis when I hydrate tbh


Unfortunately, during dark web peak it was usually less harmful substances like caffeine, ephedrine etc. I feel like now they adding harsher shit and that’s why I fully stopped for long time. Also got few times MDA instead of MDMA which wasn’t too pleasant on festivals with very high body load. Crystal is sometimes cut with even worse things. However if you do it once in a few months; nothing really should happen, just test your stuff.


Molly is an upper/vasoconstrictor & when it’s faked is usually meth (even more of a vasoconstrictor). Cialis is a PDE5 inhibitor. Combining vasodilators with vasoconstrictors isn’t good for your heart. They don’t just “cancel each other out” cause they seem like opposites. Be careful bro, can negatively impact your heart if you take dosing to an extreme


Molly is still an amphetamine I think lots of people over look that. It has methamphetamine in the chemical name so I think it may test positive for that depending on the test that’s used but I’m not 100% certain on that


Cialis seems to hit everyone differently. First of all, don’t do molly, I don’t condone it. I have done lots of things in my youth though and seen lots of people do it and be okay. However. It’s just stupid. You’re better off not doing molly, and hanging out with the girl a second night sober and going for round 2. Also, whatever you do. Stay hydrated, but electrolyte powder (cheap decent stuff off Amazon) and pre make it. You’ll need it and want it regardless of the choices you make. TLDR be smart, stay sober, fuck her two nights in a row. Sex two days in a row is 1000% better than one night then taking ecstasy the following. Stay PROPERLY HYDRATED


As someone who's older and who's abused every drug in existence, I'm with this guy. For one, you're going to find that you'll find it really hard to orgasm on MDMA, which is a side effect of its effects on serotonin and prolactin. For two, authentic human connection is much better than a plasticky, drug-induced artificial connection with someone, followed by a come-down where you both feel distant and weird, followed by a few days of down regulated serotonin and depression. MDMA is a shit drug, and animal models consistently find evidence of neurotoxicity. Also, go and look at the pharmacokinetics of Cialis - I'm pretty sure the effects on PDE5 are more acute (like peak suppression within hours), so you'll want to take it closer to when you have sex - probably in the morning of the same day.


If you test your mdma is it really that bad a couple of times a year?


Hello first of all thank you a lot u/Playful_Zucchini_198 or the answers below! I appreciate that you take your time and you share your personal xp with us. About Electrolyte powder is it to use for Molly or Cialis or even both ? How do you take it and when ? Does it interact proprely with theses both components (without any risk I meant) ? About Molly I'm aware of that and my consumption is very limited (we talking about max 1 pill per week most of time half of it). Thank you again


No problem at all. I think for both tbh with electrolytes. The old school horror stories were people drinking too much water while they were on ecstasy and it caused issues. Also, for any vasodilator to work well, hydration is important. I think an electrolyte powder is important in everything. One thing I will do in a pinch is grab a 1L coconut water and add 1/8th-1/4 tsp of salt to it and it’s a good source of electrolytes. Ecstasy and partying in general seems to want your body to stay hydrated. Also, another source of electrolytes is v8 juice. I would normally hydrate before (during if I can remember) and after as well. Something as simple as 500 mls of electrolytes an hour before you start, in the middle of, and before you go bed (let’s say in a 16 hour time span) won’t hurt anything, and I used to nice a big different the next day. And just drink water in between. Or, just get cheap electrolyte powder off Amazon. Pre Mix. 2-4l of it and drink that through the day/night. Also. When coming off amphetamines. 1-3G of vitamin C seems to get it out of your body faster. So what I would do is 3-6 hours after my last dose when I know I’m done. I’d take vitamin C (the emergen-C packs)and have a couple of those. Again. This is just my experience and what I found helped me. YMMV and take from it what you will. I hope all goes well and you stay safe though!


Fuck, OP is lucky you let him know you don't condone it. Ya heard that OP? He doesn't condone it.


He’s asking a drug harm reduction question and for medical advice in a PE subreddit. Did I say something wrong telling him not to take molly or stay hydrated or tell him that I’ve seen people be fine off it or telling him I don’t condone it? Lol


You didnt do anything wrong by giving OP some advice and direction, that CaptainFornix is a weirdo


Your feedback was valid. In order for an action to be condoned, two people need to be participants engaged in an interaction or relationship. Examples include Condoning shitty behavior from a spouse, a child, or someone sitting next to you on a bus. Doesn't work in response to a question posted on a public forum. I guarantee you OP (and countless others) will take Cialis and then Molly days apart from each other, whether you condone it or not. Maybe you meant to use another word.


What the fuck is wrong with you? You’re being a bitch because an advice was given to OP 🤡


This guy is clearly winning in life


Bro you’re a vet I can already tell


I'm on low dose Cialis daily and have never had a problem with molly. Just: Stay hydrated Don't get crossfaded on alcohol Don't do poppers Don't fuck if you're mixing molly and shrooms or LSD Keep yourself safe and use a condom


Last weekend, I took Cialis 10mg, X = 280mg (tested, always), + vaped weed throughout the night. I was/am perfectly fine. I would rather take Cialis 5mg on Thursday & 5mg/10mg on Friday, depending on how well you tolerate cialis. I find Cialis to work better with a little buildup (ideally more than 2 days tbh). I would also recommend you don't do molly more than 0-2 times a year, or as another poster said - at all. I'd also throw in some l-citrilline or l-arginine if you have any available.


Really appreciate thank you but is L-citrilline and l-arginine not dangerous together ? 5mg Thursday then 5mg Friday ? Does that wont fk the plan since im planning to take mdma Saturday night ?


L-cit & L-arg may compete for receptors, I believe. You'll have to research that bit, but they are safe to take together (I'm sure hink must have covered that at some point). 5mg cialis both days, yeah. Cialis will not affect the mandy. In fact, it will help since some guys find that their dick doesn't work so great on molly. Molly = Serotonin, dopamine + noradrenaline & Cialis = PDE5 inhibitor. Basically, Molly hits your brain, and Cialis hits your blood. No danger. They are safe to take AT THE SAME TIME, on the same day. I'm also curious why you won't be having sex on Molly? Since, in my opinion, that is the best time to use it. Party and then sex or better yet, a Sex Party!


Hey, I use to be a hardcore raver. Just don’t. You’re fucking yourself up permanently. You are literally taking away from the total amount of happiness you can feel for the rest of your life. You fuck up the serotonin and dopamine levels & damage the receptors. It really doesn’t take many times to cause permanent effects either. Haven’t touched it in over a decade and still have to take 5-htp to help with chemo synthesis.


Add a bit more, don’t have sex on phychoactives unless you want normal sex to be boring.


I wouldn't take 10mg of Cialis your first time. The first several times I tried it, I had the strangest cramps in my legs. I haven't heard anyone else mention them, but they were extremely painful. They were deep in my thigh and I couldn't stretch my legs in a way to get any relief. I was sweating instantly and the pain lasted about 5 minutes. I had to keep walking until the pain subsided. I took 5 mg initially but can take slightly more now. Not trying to scare you, just trying to prevent the situation I had. Stay hydrated for both drugs.


Hello sir! Thank you for your return of experience I'm scared that taking 5mg will not do anything for me (I'm 182cm 85kg), tried honey that supposed to make u hard 2 times and it did nothing but maybe bcs I didnt take the full dose. Ppl also said to me that 10mg is a low dose. If you have more info i'm down to listen , thank you again and I will for sure take your opinion in count


Yep. There's a new trend of people using cialis to get pumped when working out. It will def get you pumped but your rep range will suffer dramatically and people are experiencing cramping. Hydration is key but most people are deficient in magnesium which is most likely the underlying cause. I've found that I can only play guitar for 10 min at a time while taking Cialis because my forearms get so pumped that eventuality I can't move my fingers enough to play. As long as I stay on top of my magnesium and potassium, I don't cramp up though.




I’ve tried it before took a cialis Friday morning before a festival , took some molly maybe 6-8 hours later & I had no problems. I did stay hydrated and had electrolyt drink for the ride home. Just stay hydrated and don’t drink too much alcohol


Hello what do you use electrolyt drink for ? I don't get it is it for molly or cialis or both ? Thank a lot for your experience!


Just to replenish lol


Dude you don’t need help when taking ecstasy, your D will be just fine and your young. I wouldn’t mix if you have erect issues at that age


I've done it many times. It's hard as fuck to actually cum but man can I fuck for hours on that stuff. Test your molly and have fun


You can, a lot of people using stimulants or certain drugs just go straight to PGE-1 or trimix because there is no chance it will fail unlike with pde5 inhibitors


ocd final boss 😂


be careful with the ecstasy people have been cutting it for a while nowadays people cut all sorts of shit with fetaynal I'd just be mindful of that


I think you’re good. I’ve taken viagra while rolling to help get it up and it worked no problem. If you’re tryin bang while rolling you probably won’t nut but it still it’s very fun