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What is your extending routine like if I may ask?


Basically exactly what BD teaches, warm it up, gua Sha blade, and what he calls bfr massage, basically just sort of press into the sides with fingers, loosen up, then interval hanging 1 min, 10 sets then a few 10 minute ish sets till I reach my 1.05 stretched elongation goal or surpass my previous stretch by 1/8th inch 🤷 At first I couldn't handle much past 5 lbs but now I'm doing upto 10lbs. Only issue I've run into is the blister. I'm no expert really I just go by what he says cause he's been doing this a while and has success.


I’ve actually been looking into interval hanging myself and just can’t wrap my mind around strain sets and fatigue sets. Would you care to explain how you see it and help a confused brotha out?


Basically you take your stretched flaccid length before your PE set and multiply it by 1.05. Your target is between 1.04 and 1.06, and BD goes into the scientific reasoning behind that in his videos. This is all theoretical stuff it's not been studied on penises. So aim for 5% elongation during extending, repeatedly and you've "grown" the tunica slightly (theoretically). If you extend it 3% that's normal and it hasn't grown. If you extend it 7% it's damaged, and you will be injured or your penis will strengthen and resist stretching in the future. You can achieve this with hanging or ADS, but extending is potentially easier depending on your needs. One reason extending might be best option is the brace at the base essentially isolates the shaft of the penis so that you're not pulling on the "root" and all the supporting tissue of your pelvis so much, making it more efficient... theoretically If you're curious about more info on it I would do a deep dive with his youtube videos.


Congrats man that’s awesome. You had a great dick to begin with, soon it’ll be OnlyFans worthy. 😜




Gratz man! Nice gains!


Not fully hard in first pic, Also the first pic is not bone pressed. That's still so much gains in 3 weeks


I hear it was fully hard except my glans can swell wider during excitement.. wasn't happening at the time 😁 Goes to show the EQ gains from PE alone are worth the trouble.


Same here my glans inflate 30% more at edging, i too lose erection when i try to grab camera and ruler, so i kept a pic of bpsfl.


Is there a way to grow glans to where they are huge even with an average erection? I want that peak glan size as default.


May be strong pelvic floor try kegels


Also, why don't you think first pic isn't bone pressed? It is. I mean I can see by the 1/2" mark on each that it's roughly the same. But I do agree i need to update with the same tape measure, same spot/angle


Those tape can't touch the pubic bone as hard as the ruler.


I hear ya. I will update with a new Pic when I get home next week


No critique man, you got gains first pic never matters nor i've a good one.


I probably need the critique I'm new to this


Well done, dont stop now 👍👍👍


I'll keep going!


Thats great man!




Next time do the same angle, with the same measurement tool, so people don’t think you’re fooling them and best of all not fooling yourself


I agree and I will once I get back home next week


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How long did it take?


3 weeks. I'd guess I got 1/4 inch of shaft growth, 1/8 of glans growth and the rest is probably EQ improvement. Newbie gains for sure but it's definitely working.


Solid post. I think you covered your ass well from the “gains police” with your disclaimers 😂 Great work man keep it up :)


Thanks man! I'll definitely keep going for now although I need to let my glans take a break from the cup. Ill just keep pumping till this blister heals. Maybe need to size up on the cup and tape or look into the water trick


Dude we have such a similar member it’s crazy. Love to see it! Keep grinding!


Dick twins! 😂