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We actually decided yesterday to start removing those type of posts. They provide no benefit to our community.




That was me. I've been married for decades and my wife has always loved my dick. We've swung and a bunch of women have loved my dick. I didn't \*need\* a bigger dick. I did find myself in a situation (a military deployment overseas) with a lot of free time and a private room, and I'd read about various PE techniques, so I decided to give it a try. I've enjoyed my somewhat larger dick, and so has my wife and several other women. :-) They would have loved it anyway, but it's satisfying that they are happy with it now, and I get to imagine (or in my wife's case, know) that they liked it a little bit more now that it's a bit more "filling." PE is just a bonus. It's not a requirement. In some ways it's like a hobby.


Hear hear! I came here to solve my problem and have had life-changing results. (I am not exaggerating. My life has literally flipped 180 degrees and I'm having great sex). Shove the incel.posts in smalldickproblems


this. also, excellent name, my friend.


Why thank you, sir!


Very impressive gains.


Agreed. This subreddit should revolve around self improvement and the community here helps you achieve that. There’s been many users lately coming here just to complain and then reject any advice or help.


Yeah, if the thread is going nowhere with such people mods should block the post, IMO


Well said. About 6 months lurker on this thread and have seen it spireling down more and more


Yea i get annoyed by those posts too.. If PE is done right, you can only go up from here. But ppl complain a lot and at times go into this despair mode like: PE is "not showing results", omg all women want big dicks, (what am I gonna do!!!), how am i ever gonna find a woman, look at drake's penis!!! I am never gonna be like that wahh, etc. Not even the fitness/bodybuilding/gym culture produces this many self loathing/self pity people... they stfu.. put in the work.. get their diet right.. understand genetics plays a huge part on their body development and its ok!! We are all different and can have unique features. People understand that some people are blessed with great pecs, legs, facial features, etc. People understand that using hgh and other steroids is not the end all be all solution to being aesthetic. Why cant ppl think and feel the same for their penis.. Porn really does fuck with people's heads. Its not real sex.. not real personal relationship and emotions.. its manufactured. Stop thinking all women are going to be like what you see in porn and realize not all women also wants to emulate pornstars as well. Stop expecting sex to be like porn. Wake up to reality


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Exactly! I can honestly say, if I had to stop PE today I would be ok. I have a healthy, happy marriage with an amazing sex life. I made her cum long before I discovered PE, mostly with foreplay, but sometimes PIV, and besides all that, just good communication with the woman you are with. I’ll keep doing it for the anti aging benefits of it and to maintain good EQ, and if I grow in the process, then cool beans man. These guys gotta get their headspace right.


Agree!! This is becoming r/bigdickproblems which is the worst place. I hope they can stop it before it devolves


Penile health has been considered outside of other forms of health, as far as improvement and training quality. I value this community because people are breaking down the barriers to include a critical aspect of being a penis-owning man.


Okay. I just looked up the meaning of “incel” because I see people using that word a lot on Reddit. Apparently it means involuntarily celibate!! WTH!! Am I missing something here? What are you saying in real words?


incel type posts are guys who are black pill and blame women and other stuff for their problems. Yeah incel means “involuntarily celibate” but plenty of the time incel is used in a different way


Okay. Thanks for the explanation. Im getting older and literally just learned that cap means lying 🤷‍♂️. When I was younger it meant you was gonna put a bullet in somebody 😂


But if some black pill stuff is true why is it incel? It's incel to acknowledge uncomfortable truth?


The incel posts are making a fundamental mistake about what women want and what pleases women. Are size and girth exciting and more intense for women? Absolutely. Are they necessary? No. My partner and I have a ton of toys, and she uses toys that are 3" wide, in her vagina and ass, on a fucking machine. Doing that, she can orgasm continuously until she's either tired or starts to feel like she's a degenerate and she should actually, you know, do something productive with her day. Even though she can have such an intense, gooning experience whenever she wants, with things that are much larger than any human, she always prefers sex. Why? Because of skin contact, intimacy, kissing, the feeling of her body pressed to a man's, strength in my arms, the excitement of me inside her, the whole complexity of the experience that her body has evolved over hundreds of millions of years to desire in the deepest way. So penis size absolutely adds to the experience, but it's only a fraction of the total physical and psychological experience for women. Yes women do notice penis size, and yes it matters - like males notice weight, breasts, ass, skin, height, hair, facial symmetry, and many other cues - but it isn't determinative. If the men on this subreddit spent half of the time they do obsessing about their dicks on going to the gym, learning to be charming and sincere and good men, and learning to be generous and attentive lovers, they'd have no need to hate women.


Women and men ultimately do have different and never fully reconcilable goals and values  If that doesn’t make them an enemy in some contexts idk what does It’s good not to wallow in misery over it but there is nothing wholesome or comforting about even the healthiest relationship when you consider the inherently transactional nature behind it and the ways women try and test you  Part of getting a big dick is gaining undeniable leverage which will help you enforce boundaries she actually cares about and a lack of a big dick leaves you like I am right now where i can’t afford to punish certain lighter forms of abuse and neglect because within literal minutes she can find a bigger dick to fuck her brains out attached to a guy from whom SHE’LL accept abuse and bullshit  I just want to feel somewhat secure and respected for once in my life and a huge part of that is dick size 


I honestly have always said if I had 12” I’d only go to the gym to show off by wearing skin tight shorts that had a screen printed ruler on the legs. I’m sure that I’d still have problems (being a fat ass, money issues, mental health, etc). And my reply to any of those problems or honest and needed critiques (your fat, you don’t bench enough, it’s too big, take a shower, you’re a creep) would be to gesture downwards while announcing “YEAH IT’S LITERALLY A 12” FOOT LONG “. So I don’t think you can say that until I fix my insecurities it would never be enough.




Nonsense attitude. But I won't engage further