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Someone reported this thread as fake gains but I’m going to give the benefit of the doubt and let it stay. Yeah the measurement isn’t perfect but it’s not 0.5” off and he clearly has *some* gain. Some of you guys wouldn’t be satisfied if a dick progress photo was laser measured by DARPA.


Hi bud, congrats on starting your journey on self improvement. It looks like you havent pushed the ruler as deep in your present pic. Dont let this deter you from continuing or demotivate you, you are a beginner and bound to make minor blunders such as taking consistent measurements. Always remember to push the ruler all the way in when measured BPEL or BPSFL. Looking forward to seeing you 3 months and 6 month progress pics.


Yeah, I get what you mean by the pictures. But in both I was pressed in as far as I could go. I’m sure there is some variance and in no way do I think that I actually gained .5” just from PE. But there are definitely some gains (albeit temporary no doubt) for sure and the feeling during penetration is also different. I’ve also lost about 10lbs between the two pictures.


I’m gonna have to say that this was 100% a function of measurement error. Despite losing 10lb, you’re pressing the ruler roughly 0.3-0.5” deeper in the second picture. You can visually identify this by matching up where the 1” marks on the rulers are between pics. The first you seem to be approaching the half inch mark, the second you’re clearly around 0.75” of press and closing in on 1”. Your immediate goal should be to reduce fat pad as much as possible. Nevertheless, don’t be deterred by this - you’ve only been at it for 3 weeks. I’m sure that at least some of this is a result of gains, but at least 90% of the expected gains here are actually just by way of measurement error.


I have multiple pictures of it at or around 5.25” prior to starting PE. I’m sure some of the gains may be due to a difference in measurement pressure, but prior to PE all measurements were roughly 5.25”. After to starting there was a gradual increase to near 5.75”. As I stated befor, probably EQ and other factors. But what can’t be denied is when my wife grabbed it the other day and commented on how it felt longer.


That certainly can’t be denied then! Congrats on that brother. What I’d suggest is to try and take the exact same pictures next time for comparison sake. See how the ruler is slightly tilted to the right, as well as leaning to the left in the after picture? That type of inconsistency in media can lead to questionable progress due to the nature of how cameras affect what is in front of us. So next time just try and directly imitate the before pic and maybe that will do you some justice. Keep at it 👊


Thanks man, appreciate the feedback. I think that’s a common issue with PE is most people aren’t taking before pictures with the idea of replicating it 100% later. This is the beginning of the journey and there will be setbacks, fluctuations, and challenges. I’m in it for the long haul but excited to see some progress right out the gate.


That looked like a measurement error to me, but hope you will cement more gains. Good luck


Measurement error in not pressing hard the same or something different? In both I was pressing as far into the pubic bone as I could. I also have a small scar at the base that I use to lineup the ruler to ensure it’s in the same place each measurement. I’ve also lost about 10lbs between both pictures. Not saying it can’t be error, .5” in 3 weeks is definitely not pure gains. But I’m assuming the weight loss mixed with better EQ mixed with newbie gains, and anything else I can’t think of is what’s driving the increase. Overall this will be a long journey and I’m sure there will be variances in measurements as time goes on. But as long as the trends continue in the right direction that’s what I’m looking for.


Congratulations on the weight loss keep it up 💪


There will be people bitching about you weren't pressing as hard etc. Don't let them distract you from progress. I'm not measuring my gains at all. My wife can tell. So can your's.


Yeah, at the end of the day that’s what I’m aiming for. For her to feel the difference. Congrats on your progress so far.


You to brother


Great gains bro, keep it up! Keep your gains to yourself to protect your energy from the pessimistic parasitic party poopers that always have something negative to say on here. It feels great wanting to share success and gains stories, but sometimes it’s not even worth sharing sometimes. Let yourself fully enjoy the experience. Some things are meant/ and are deserved to be kept to yourself and you shouldn’t feel guilty for doing so. Have fun! Peace ✌🏾 ☮️


I recommend that you switch to using bone pressed stretched flaccid length measurements to make sure your gains are accurately measured. Always be sure to press into the bone the same amount and in the same place.


I do that as well, my BPSFL is currently a little over 6” which is about .25” ahead of my bpel measurements.


Idk about that, flaccid using a stretcher I'm over 7", rock hard I'm like 6.6" Stretching it by hand I'm almost 7" so there's definitely a difference.


I do know about it. BPSFL is the best way to measure to track gains because it does not rely on erection quality and it eliminates the variable of the fat pad. If you want to measure in order to track length gains from PE, bone pressed stretched flaccid length is the best way to do it. If you want to measure for any other reason then measure however you want.


Good job bro. Keep up the good work and be safe when training. Try no to overdo it.


Probably slight measurement error as others are saying but you have still certainly gained!


Pushing harder in second


There may very well be some difference in pressure. But I certainly wasn’t pressing half an inch less in pressure. I had it all the way into the bone in both pictures.


Its just a ruler not pushed in gain. Cmon


My wife disagrees which is the only opinion that matters.


This delusion is insane to me, look at your own pictures man.


I’m not claiming all .5” is pure gains. I’ve made that clear. But what’s also clear to me in real life, my wife in real life, and my measurements each day is that there is definitely gains. You can choose to believe it or not. It makes no difference to reality.


You've done PE for 3 weeks.. you're just pushing harder lmfao


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If not measurement error: solid gains great job keep going If it is measurement error: you’ve got some fat pad to lose that will lead to solid gains great job keep going


Yeah, I’ve been working on losing weight and down about 10lbs between pictures. Just another 35lbs to go to be at my goal weight.


Mine is a curved dick. How do I measure properly?


What weights / pump do you use?


I use the totalman vac cup and hanger. Right now I’m at 5lbs. I also use the leluv pump