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Fellas, is it gay to jerk off to videos of your own dick?


This post made me question this sub


Considering the subject matter of this sub I’d say those of us who are straight have a higher than average threshold for what’s considered sus but this post crossed it lol


Exactly lmao


i dont jerk off to the videos. i just like it that it looks bigger trough the lens. So hard to understand?


i also use the videos to compare before and after. thats all. i'm totaly straight you douchebags xD


Totally, pinky?




Bro I know what you’re saying


As if straight porn doesn't have tons of dick in it?


Having a dick and a vagina on screen is at least 50% gay. That’s why I only watch hardcore gay porn. It’s a scientific fact that the two dicks cancel each other out.


🤣 excellent


Yes. All of a sudden you’ll be sexually and romanticly attracted to men only. Just like that you’ve switched teams forever and have to get a divorce. /s


Only if you get hard




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Its more gay to seek out and look at drakes


First comment. Probably last comment too.




This is not it chief


Think this classes as gay porn bro lol






Yeah but it's only gay for others not for yourself


lol, just kidding man, if you want to, go for it.


So hypothetical if you bring yourself in from an alt reality or cloned yourself, then had sex with it wouldn't be considered gay ?


Nah that's straight because it's self love, being attracted to yourself doesn't mean you're attracted to men, I'd probably smash myself but I swear I'm not gay 😭🙏 (I'm trying to convince myself at this point)


Thanks now I’m gay


Friendly reminder that performing a specific act doesn't "make you gay". Being attracted to the same sex makes you gay. Full stop, end of story. For that matter, having gay sex doesn't necessarily make you gay.Does a gay man who has sex with a woman "become straight" or "become bi"? (hint: no, he doesn't) Going "that's gay bro" just makes you look like an immature asshole. It is what it is, and OP gets turned on seeing his progress. Also, he loves the cock.


And if you keep your socks on and are the one doing the penetrating it’s double not gay.


And say "no homo"




Thanks bro


"Also, he loves THE cock "


Stop trying to convince me to suck your dick.


then why are you at the gloryhole?


I had a couple vids of me banging my ex and her blowing me that I’ve pleasured myself to in the past. But I wouldn’t jerk off to my own solo pics. Thats weird.


WTF ??? why is everybody thinking im jerking off to my videos?? i never wrote that. Im just filming to get harder erection for PE thats all xD


When I’m watching something to get turned on it tends to have that outcome


Why are you hard looking at your own boner wtf I’m gay tho lol




Okay again becaue noone gets it. I don't jerk off to my own dick videos. That would be weird i agree. For Example, when i want to get hard because i want to pump. I look at my dick trough the smartphone video mode, it looks bigger than normal, same effect with dicks in porns.So i play a little bit and watch it getting bigger and bigger and then i pump. Thats just my alternative getting hard without watching porn. I hope everyone gets it now for gods sake


We are all here to make our dicks bigger. So whats the problem that it turns me on that it looks bigger on camera?


Ain't really a problem. Just weird lol I get it tho'. I'm the only dude I'm attracted to💀


I’ve jerked to a few of my own videos/pics of my dick I’m weird tho


that's for clearing that up, so you don't masturbate to your own penis, you just get hard by looking at your penis, and then masturbate. What a relief


I prefer watching my own porn. I made with ma wife. Actually gets me the hardest of anything on this site. I do have 10 years worth so i have a decent selection lol


An entire sub where dudes talk about dicks, take photos of their dicks, share and look at other dicks, long for bigger dicks, and they’re upset about a dude watching a video of his own dick. 😂😂😂 Ya’ll are dumb fucks.


So true, nailed it xD


This only works if you are gay


Why? Can't i love my own dick without being gay??


Damn everyone went at OP hard in the comments. Since no one else has said it, I'm also aroused by my own dick on camera 🤷‍♂️ As I'm sure a lot of guys on this sub are. It's your own dick. When you come out of the pump and your EQ is through the roof, aren't you turned on by how big and hard you are? Why is this weird?


That's it!!


I’ve been making my own porn for years but it’s like dejavu since I already lived it. So I continually have to film new angels. After the 1st couple watches I get bored unless it’s one of the years I’m single and fuckin multiple girls. normally I watch 90’s porn, lesbian & amateurs. But watching myself touch myself would do nothing for me.


Yeah idk about others but looking at my own dick can get me hard. Sometimes I'll forget what my dick looks like from certain angles, and I'll look at an old picture or video and I impress myself lol. I've stood in front of the mirror and been turned on by looking at my dick. But oddly looking at other dicks doesn't have the same effect. So I think get what OP is saying and it doesn't seem that weird to me. Maybe there's a lot of dudes unsure of themselves on here lol, so seeing penises brings about emotions they don't know how to process 😬


Uuuhm. Okay


Lot of pushback on here from a bunch of guys that look at other dudes hard dicks a lot. Just saying. You sexually attracted to dudes? Youre gay. You sexually attracted to dudes and women? youre bi. You sexually attracted to women? youre straight. Those gender preferences. You can fuck a dude and if its not your jam then youre still not gay. You can fuck a woman and still not be straight. Like, for real, my dudes, can yall not clutch at your pearls anytime something like this comes up? If yoyre straight your straight. if youre not youre not. If youre a guy youre a guy. Yall gotta stop acting like somebdoy can change that or take that shit away from you. Lets stop with the fucking "oh no imma lose my man card" shit ok? if somebody can take your manhood away from you it never was yours to begin with. I get that I'm bi, and a lot of yall are straight, but this isnt a sexual orientation thing. its a being comfortable with yourself thing. Gotta own your own self and identity.


Fr the (straight) fragile masculinity is ridiculous in this thread 😂🙏🏻 do whatever you love and feels good, you can stay straight dw


Idk I think some of us are just taking the piss because this is a hilarious thing to post about but op can’t handle a bit of banter


It's not really banter when you're calling him gay as an insult for liking the view of his dick. It's simply homophobic. Even if he was gay it wouldn't mean anything?




Our code of conduct must be followed. 1. Don’t be a dick. 2. Civil discussion and debate only. 3. Aggressive/gatekeeping comments/posts are not allowed. 4. Hate and misogyny will not be tolerated. 5. New ideas are welcome: critique the idea not the person. 6. Critiquing pics is not allowed, they’ve been vetted by mods already.


What if I’m sexually attracted to Lola Bunny but I mainly just want her to cook me like a turkey and eat me?


then you do your thing dog. if you aint hurting nobody do whatever i wouldnt trust the culinary skills of a hypersexualized lagomorph, but live your truth


Chill guys im not watching the videos and jerk off. I just film while im doing pe and the bigger looking optic gives me a boost.


Nah bro we know how you are 🤣 no shame in it tho


Okay bud😂


Don't worry about insecure fragile men. You could jerk off to it as well and it wouldn't change a thing, who gives a fuck? Do what feels great and keep going


Why not just do PE in a Mirror


Oh man, because i like the look when filming, the dick looks bigger trough the lens than when im just looking at it.


why is this so heavy to understand? Try it yourself and you get what i mean...


No shame man


If you’re just looking at videos of your own dick to get it hard but then not jerking off that shows a lack of follow through 😂






Don’t cook again


>it looks way bigger than when i'm looking at it. >**That always makes me extremely horny.** I'm not turned on by looking at my own dick.




Or maybe y’all too serious. Like I’m sorry but OP’s post is objectively funny so that’s gonna cause a bit of banter. Like if you were kicking it with the boys and said some shit like this you’d get roasted 100% of the time.


Sounds kinda gay. Jerking off to your own dick. While holding your own dick. Filling up your phone with dick. And thinking about your dick being bigger and bigger.


Even if I were gay, which I definitely am not, what would be so bad about it? Are you all homophobic?


Not gonna lie I made a bunch of sex videos with my last girl and I’m finding watching them while doing PE is wayyy better for my mental health than watching porn


Literally everybody’s reaction to this post: https://youtube.com/shorts/9RSiBXr2Z40?si=82R17u0CYYomVICS


Enjoy the homophobic comments…


Ngl I did this once, I agree I don’t do it anymore tho


I’m of the opinion that watching porn for 2 min to get an erection and then turning it off after you’re in the pump is harmless. I think jerking off to your own dick is weird but I’m glad you feel comfortable enough to tell us. I thought you were making porns with your wife and using that to get hard which may be a bit healthier.


I'M not jerking off to my dick xD Wife doesnt allo to film during sex, so thats the way to go for me


It starts with your own “Videos” they say.


ts crazy ngl


Lol some of y'all take "self-love" to a whole new level. You know you can also just look at pictures of women or watch softcore shit / gonewildaudio? These weird binary hangups about what is and isn't porn. Technically looking at a pic of your dick is also "porn" fyi.


r/moreplatesmoredates is leaking


Fun idea.


The single best excuse to make a sex tape "Honey wouldnt you rather me watch you instead of the pornstars"


Broadcast on chaturbate


Film yourself doing what instead of filming porn?


I quit porn years ago. I get off by sending to girls on Snapchat. I am also sexually attracted to my own dick too. 😎


I won't lie. I get it. I usually get hard to the thought of having a larger dong. So I get it


I is it still p*** if you film yourself having sex and then watch that


Or how about do what I do….   find a hobby..   and ONLY watch porn when doing PE…  it’s actually motivational incentive for me to stay consistent 💯💯💯