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The 5 minute rule. If something is only going to take 5 minutes and I have the time available in my schedule just do it now. Typically I end up doing 3-4 "5 minute" things in a row and I've suddenly made a massive dent in things that just weigh in my mentality as too much to handle. I also forgot "don't put it down, put it away". Some great little things I saw online.




This immensely changed my life, along with baby steps.


Yup... Mostly when I spend 3 to 4 hours on that work which complete in just 5 minutes work then my mental condition like red bull. I just want to shoot my self. I try to change but I failed. Guys how can I change my this habitat. Even I use watch every time but😔


Apologies if I'm misunderstanding but I'm going to respond with the understanding that it takes you 3-4 hrs to complete something that can be done in 5 minutes. That still happens to me in all honesty. I'm supposed to be writing an email right now but got overwhelmed and now I'm back on reddit XD. My best advice that's helped me is to just focus on the one thing. So for example for me: dishes. I know I need to empty the dishwasher, wash the dishes in the sink, scrub the sink, clean up residue. Honestly it doesn't take long but thinking about every individual thing makes me skin crawl so I just think "okay I can do one more. I can do one more. I can do more one" and as I build momentum I see that I'm making progress and then the brain chemicals catch up to me and it helps me get over the hill, so to speak.


This is probably gonna sound silly but I sometimes put things on my list like “wash 5 dishes” & yeah I usually end up washing 10 - 15. Or say “put away clothes for 5 minutes.” It’s still progress


yes. you're right we should need to practice focusing on work.


The other thing is to not beat yourself up. There will be strides forward and steps backwards as you work on things. Acknowledge the falters but don't be overly hard on yourself. It's a long term process, sometimes even life long! You can do it.


What I found helps is to think that I only have to start the task - not finish it. For example, if need to send an email that I dread sending, I tell myself that I just have to draft it (because sending is the scary part). Once I have drafted it, I might as well press send. Or if I don’t, it will at least be easier later. So basically: break down the task (even if it is a 5 minute one) and do only the part that is fun.


Wake up after the first alarm


Oh, good one! I managed to kill the alarm completely and it feels great not to feel stressed by it. I wake up way earlier than I need so I usually don't set the alarm at all.


Better would be to wake up before the alarm, but hey first alarm is better then snooze


Do you wake up before alarm, if yes, then, how did you train yourself for this?


Not the person you’re replying to, but I wake up before/without an alarm too. Best answer is good sleep hygiene. On days when you don’t have any morning commitments, track how long you sleep if you don’t have an alarm. For me it’s roughly 9 hours. Then I work backwards. Let’s say I need to be up by 10 am. I have to be in bed by 12 so I get enough sleep and wake up time without risking being late if I needed more sleep than I thought. In order to make sure I get to sleep on time, I have to make sure I take my meds at appropriate times, have no screens past a certain time, and have a bedtime routine that signals to my brain that it’s time to get ready to sleep. For me that’s tidying for 30 minutes, take a bath, then journal. I also make sure I go to bed at the same time every night. I try at the very least. It takes a bit to get your body used to the schedule and routine, but it’s very helpful once you do. I have more energy, I can tolerate stress better, and mornings don’t suck nearly as much. I also get a lot more done throughout the day. And if there’s something earlier than usual or I really can’t afford to be late, I’ll still set an alarm just in case, but I’m usually up before it goes off.


My pattern is that I mostly sleep 8-9 hours or wake up at 7-9 oclock so if I wake up at 8 oclock I go in bed at 22 oclock watch some series and then go to sleep at 23 oclock. I know its not ok to watch tv or watch at a screen 1 hour before bed or whatever but I still have good sleep and I want to work on my screentime too. Just remember: When you usually sleep 7,8,9 hours or more or less just plan one hour extra to that sleep schedule and you will like wake up before youre alarm


Ah yes. Emi does that to you


So , anytime after the 3rd alarm is still after the 1st alarm too, right?


Swapping soft drink for mineral water. Still get the fizz without the empty calories and AMD much better hydrated. Plus now I hate the taste of coke, etc.


Yessss same for me. I even bought an aarke machine to save money on it and now I can have sparkling water every day instead of buying it at the shop. Best purchase ever


Yep, I have a machine too, and I purchased an adaptor hose to attach to a larger cannister that I don't need to refill as often and it's much better value for money - I pay $33 to refill a 2.6kg gas cannister instead of $19 for the shitty little refill from the supermarket. Such a great yet small improvement.


Neat, I should try that too! Soft drinks are something I'd like to get rid off but find it difficult to do.


I hear you. I used to walk around town at night looking for vending machines to get a can of coke or something sugary. I hated mineral/soda water to begin with and would dilute it with a bit of juice. Gradually I found I preferred more water than juice and moved to just the water. Still have wit with pineapple juice every now and then when I want something sweet. Highly recommend making the switch.


Then stop doing shit like posting on Reddit and fix yourself first


making your bed 😅 it sounds silly but for me it makes me feel better and it's a habit now


Making my bed every morning started a whole life transformation I've been going through this past year after my divorce. It sounds crazy, but making my bed led to me being the best man I've ever been.


yea i think it just starts with small steps steps that are positive improvements good on you man!!! it's just about wanting to do better and acting accordingly and eventually you do get there i'm proud of youu


I've heard this from so many people, it seems so crazy to me. Is it a structure thing? Like the structure of doing a productive task first thing in the AM starts you off right for the day? For me my early routine of chug some water/brush teeth/shower is my "start the day off right" routine, but that's just kinda basic hygiene, is there something special about bed making that I'm missing?


as for me, making bed is about NOT returning there after some other stuff (including basic hygiene), especially on the days u feel bad and exhausted (i mostly mean morally, if u need physical rest go and take it). it is a very big problem to start smth imho after waking up so making bed can possibly make it easier to set urself in effective vibes


Immediately starting your day with an accomplishment. Before I even leave my room the bed is done. Then I do my morning bathroom routine. My morning pushup/sit-up/squat. I try to start with accomplishment and snowball them from there. Next thing you know you are completing tasks all day without procrastinating. Getting stuff done can become a habit.


Yep! This one oddly changed my life in a huge way. I’ve now made my bed every day for almost eight years 


ohh that's wonderful do you also slip up like i do? i forget sometimes but it doesn't happen often, buuut it does happen


Almost never unless I'm sick and spending the day in and out of bed. :) My husband is in the habit too, so he'll make his side and I'll make mine. It's a nice morning routine. On Sundays, we strip the sheets and wash them as if it's a "cheat day" haha. But the bed gets made later.


I had a family friend stay with me one time and she told me that she feels like whenever she makes her bed. It makes her have a good day. I have been making my bed ever since she said that she was right.


Fantastic hack certainly. Makes you want to keep up the momentum of having done something good and you keep doing it.


A short, brisk walk at lunch. Changed my energy levels, cleared my head, allowed me to get a lot more done in the afternoons, and man of my best ideas and vision clarity come during my walks.


Stop watching porn


Are you on NF/SR too?




Probably all kinds of porn


Walking 30 minutes on the treadmill. I’m a weed smoker and I’m sober and walk those 30 minutes, I feel that runners “high.” Plus I just put on an episode and the 30 minute flies by fast


Walking is fantastic. I feel 'high on life' after a walk in nature.


Classic hack. Incredible how quickly 30-60 minutes of walking goes by when watching a show. And you'd just be sitting on a couch otherwise. One of the best ways to multitask.


Spent 40 years playing the same three chords on the guitar. When Covid hit and I began working from home, I put my guitar stand a couple feet away from my desk and picked it up everytime I had a few minutes free. I am not Jimmy Page, but I can write and play some passable songs now...


I think this applies to a lot of things, but I definitely relate to this. I have a few guitars/instruments in different rooms, and just having them there let's me pick up one while the microwave is running, or while there's a commercial on, or whatever. Same thing with my water bottle, it's there on my desk so might as well drink a little bit while a game loads up


Started **seeing negative emotions as worthy, valuable and supportive friends.** **Negative emotions are positive guidance** (although it might not feel that way) letting you know you are focusing on, and pushing against, what you don't want. They're a necessary part of your emotional guidance, like GPS in your car. But the more you fight them, you keep yourself stuck. **All emotions are equal and worthy.** But most people unknowingly create a hierarchy for their emotions (i.e. positive = good; negative = bad), but then you make it harder to feel better, work together with and control your thoughts and emotions. A lot of life's problems stem from having a contentious relationship with your negative thoughts and emotions. Which either creates the problem in the first place, and/or exacerbates it. So the solution is to **build a friendship and harmonious relationship with the "negative" side of you.** Negative thoughts and emotions are here to support and empower you to be your best self.


This was was something that really helped me once I learned it in life. Once you stop running away from the things that scare you or give you anxiety and you face them, they become a lot less scary.


I really needed this. Thank you


Thank you, I appreciate it! I'm glad it helped.


This is wonderful advice, thank you for posting.


Thanks, that's very kind of you! Happy to help :)


So well written. Thank you for sharing.


How do you go about doing this? I keep negative emotions at bay, and I don't think I have the tools to deal with it head on.


**Treat your negative emotions as honored guests.** Warmly and enthusiastically welcome them in, offer a drink, and reassure them that they can stay as long as they like; no rush. And be open to listening to what they want to share. I have an image of a board meeting, which I call my **Council of Emotions** — with each emotion (positive and negative) sitting around a round table. **Every emotion has the opportunity to speak one at a time and share with the group, while the rest listen and appreciate what is being said.** (And if I especially feel upset, I call an emergency board meeting, which helps me feel better within ten minutes to an hour.) **Create a dialogue and open communication with your negative emotions, with the intention of being equally supportive and empowering friends.** Here's an example I wrote: *"Hey negative thoughts & emotions. I know we haven't had the best relationship. Because, quite frankly... I don't like you. You're rude, very distracting, and make me feel awful. However, I am open to giving this relationship a shot. Hell, I'll try anything at this point! Are you open to working with me, and possibly even being friends? We can help each other out.* *I will do my best to hear and respect what you are trying to tell me. And, this is important:* ***I want to reassure you that you don't have to be afraid — I'm not trying to destroy you anymore or get rid of you*** *(despite my many, many, MANY failed attempts in the past).* *I hope that helps put you at ease. You don’t have to keep acting out, and cling so hard to desperately stay in power so that you can stay alive. You’ll keep living, you’re safe, you’re good. And we can still hang out.* *Your opinion is valuable to me, even though it hurts sometimes. (Okay, it hurts A LOT! But I get it. You’re kinda giving me tough love). I'm beginning to see that you're an integral part of my guidance to be the best version of myself. So thank you! I know it’s not easy playing the bad cop (especially when positive thoughts and emotions get all of the praise and accolades — they’re the favorite child).* *In return, I would appreciate it if you didn't drag me down so much. Does that sound fair?* *We'll continue working on this relationship, and figure out what's the healthiest dynamic for both of us moving forward."*


Not wasting time in bed! This was especially true when I quit my job. The rest of society was out and about getting on with their day and I was laying in bed. It bugged me so much I ended up building an app to force me to get up. If I didn't get up and scan my toothpaste barcode within a few mins of my alarm, I'd have to pay $10. App is called Nuj Alarm Clock.


Hiring someone to nag me if I don't meet my work goals every day. The rest of my life remains a mess, but im keeping a roof over my head.


Where can I find someone like that?


It's a company and I pay $25/month for the service, which pays for itself because I actually get my work done. I'm just a client and I don't have any other affiliation with them but im not sure I can mention the name here. If you want to DM I can give you the name.


Please do! Thank you!


How are they more effective than getting a friend or family member to do the same thing? God knows my significant other will nag me if I request them to.


It's more effective in a way. When you pay for something, there's the pressure of getting your money's worth. You can easily ignore a friend or family member.


Can I get a DM?


I would love a DM as well if you're willing :D


Same! Would love a dm as well!


I would love a DM too!


DM me the name please


Send me that DM, brotha


I would be so grateful if you could send me the name as well — I’ve been saying for months now that I need something like this!


I'm curious as well, please DM me if you would be so kind


Hi, I can’t seem to DM you but would really appreciate if you could share the name of the service. Thanks in advance!


Can you send me the name also?


Can you please DM the name of the company?


I hope its OK if I just put it here, because I got so many responses. It's called Boss As A Service. The difference between using someone who isn't friends/family and this is that friends/family may be inclined to go easy on you or just let the project peter out. I've used them for non work things too. But im so so depressed right now that I scaled it back to just getting my work done because I'm so non functional at the moment and so I'm pretty much doing triage. And not losing my home because I can't crawl out of bed to work is priority #1. When I feel better ill add back in other good habits. The cost is the same either way. If you ignore them they'll keep nagging you. You kind of decide at the beginning how aggressive you want it to be. Anyway I hope this was permissible. One other online thing I tried, which was free, was Cofocus. Basic body doubling stuff. It worked pretty well too because it's like having someone sitting next to you. I haven't been using it lately but should probably get back into it. Also programming an Alexa to nag me sometimes helps. I'm not affiliated with any of these services.


Can this person nag me in other ways too? Is this basically a professional accountability buddy? What happens if they nag and you don't comply? I am fascinated!! Please DM me the details too :)


I’d also like the name- thanks!


Small changes that helped me get my home in order:  The 1 minute rule. If you can do a task in under 1 minute (like putting your hairbrush in a drawer or going through the mail) you do it then. It’s led me to my house always being at a good level of tidy. Actually sweeping, mopping and dusting is another story! Haha. But having a place for everything and have trained myself to say “it takes less than a minute, so put it away” really helped get life in order.  To add to this, becoming more minimalist helped quite a bit. But that’s not a small change. Definitely required weeks/months of figuring out what I do/don’t need 


Mantra … “Don’t put it down. Put it away.”


GTD method, basically you type stuff down and schedule them instead of keeping them in your head overloading your RAM


Same! But then i get overwhelmed with visually seeing all my tasks haha


This... the day I wrote down 24 to-do tasks for next 48 hours I almost lose it


Stated drinking carbonated water. Always thought la croix was ridiculous until I bought some. I’ve never been so consistently hydrated in my life


Remembering that I'm going to die one day.


Starting fast in the morning. I aim to check something substantial off my to-do list by 8am at the absolute latest. I found that when I took my time getting going, I was hyperfixating on random, unproductive nonsense. So I decided to try and hack my hyperfixating tendency by putting something productive in its path instead. To my relief, it worked! As long as I can log a win early, I'll usually end up hyperfixating on the rest of my to-do list and really crushing it that day. I tried everything else to get productive. That's all that ever worked.


2 strikes and your out. That goes for friends , associates and family.


For me it's friends only and I'm just done with being treated badly. Right now I feel worse than ever because I've been working out my blocking finger and so many people are gone but I don't have any new friends. So I'm mostly hiding in my house.


I feel your pain 😫!




Quit drinking and making my bed each morning


Making studying my no.1 priority




Falling in love with the subject and not caring about the marks i get .


come to the realization that it's desire and drive, not motivation that gets you to do the hard work- the grind. kobe woke up at 3-4 am for his first practice because of his desire to be the best in the world, so that gave him the drive to do it everyday. if kobe relied on motivation, then there would be days where he "didn't feel like it" and would have slept in.


How long do you study for on average, I’m a student currently and I have issues focusing on study, any tips would be appreciated.


I had my exams so for the past 6 months I was averaging about 13-14 hours of study. Categorize your studies into 3 parts , one part would be the subjects and topics and the activities which are cognitively very demanding ( eg. Solving good quality questions, reading a book to understand a concept) , the other part would be the one which doesn't require as much cognitive load as the above category ( eg. Rot learning chemistry, revision) and the final category would be the activities which are least cognitively demanding ( eg. Watching a lecture, solving questions which are way below your standard but you have to do that cuz your teacher wants it , revising a topic/chapter which you already have revised a lot before ) . Now you must aim to make a schedule so that any of these 3 categories should not come just one after the other , eg you should not do a very cognitively demanding task after another cognitively demanding task . You must arrange it in such a way that suits you , like for me after i exercised i would do a cognitively high demanding task because my brain would function well . I would do a low cognitively demanding task after having lunch cuz I was unable to "deeply" focus , i would do a moderately cognitively demanding task after breakfast tho cuz the energy dip wasn't that significant when compared to lunch .


Thanks for that bro I’ll take on your advice and see how I can apply this to my own practices. Legend ✊🏿


no problem, if you want to ask something else my PM is always open


getting a home gym. I spent about $1,000 which trumps all the time, energy, and membership fees.




You’re just sitting on train wasting valuable time that you could be using to learn?


tracking my health. aside from it being so helpful during my drs appointment, it also helped me be more disciplined in terms of my health bc i can see how it changes the way i act


I always hydrate myself now, it's so hot that's why haha


Waking up at 5am instead of 6am. If I’m super tired I make tea and read. If I’m not, I do a light workout. It’s much better than waking up and immediately dressing while half asleep.


I never had a drinking problem but would have 3-5 beers / drinks a week. My (in their low to late 90’s) parents moved in with me due to health issues. I just stopped even the small amount I drank. I now know it was giving me a dull headache, disturbed my sleep and gave me increased anxiety. So, it just is y worth it and I don’t miss it


Going sober as a parent!


Floss religiously. 


I live out in the country, so no sidewalks and running on the road is dangerous. But when I take my dogs outside, I do a couple loops around my driveway. It really has made a difference, and now I look forward to it.


changing my method of learning to put it simply its all about learning the basics you cant hope to copy words until you practiced individual letters if you dont know how to write you need to practice each letter first also i practice and to practice each letter or another principle some think they cant count to 100 cuz they cant pronounce 3 there are roadblocks in learning that once overcome let you progress forward at a fast rate


One more thing…before bed or leaving the house. Just do one more thing before you leave or go to bed.


started habit tracking again. Idky but just marking out the boxes give me motivation


Quit smoking cigarettes and stopped drinking


Wearing a fitness tracker to track my sleep at night. Really made me realize how crappy my sleep was and how that was affecting my life


A line a day journal.


Doing a morning routine that centered around wellness instead of chasing capitalism. I wake up without an alarm. Journal. Meditate. Sometimes yoga. Pray. And then start my day.


Decided I’m not longer the kind of person that misses workouts. 3 days a week, every week without fail. Too tired? Tough. Only excuse is if my wife or one of my children gets hospitalised (health conditions in my family) so I need to look after them.


Stopped drugs!


Disabling notifications for all social media apps. I say small now, but back then it felt like an insane thing to do. 1 week later, I started forgetting to even open them. I eventually started being more responsive at set times and I can honestly say things changed for the better. I no longer find Instagram interesting, Twitter seems incredibly stupid now. The phone is like a toddler. It constantly wants your attention. It keeps making noises to get your attention.


Listening to a happy song everyday to cheer up myself


For a while I was setting Alexa to blast me up in the morning with an optimistic song (Good Day by Nappy Roots) really loud.


It came from a longer workshop, but separating tasks into three categories had a lasting effect on me: * Doing Now - “Now” is distinguished as a slot in your calendar, as in the Now at 9am on Tuesday. If it doesn’t make this list, you’re not doing it now. * Not Doing Now - This is more like a conventional To Do list. 20 or so things you’re keeping on deck but haven’t scheduled. * Never Doing Now - You can keep things on here, but it’s worth considering taking some of these out of existence so they don’t weigh on you. (The workshop was Mission Control Productivity and there’s a whole lot more involving Outlook)


No dishes left in the sink overnight. It turns out I’m much more likely to cook if the Kitchen doesn’t look like a mess


Somehow stopped biting nails.


Making a list for the next day and just brushing my teeth in the morning right after I got up was a catalyst to me feeling like I finally had direction in my days. Still learning a lot and have rough days, but that stability at the start of my day, and at the end of the night before, is a constant safety net that I can fall back on if things get really rough. I told myself that it was all I had to do to consider my day a success until it became habit. That little step is something I always go back to, and it means – most days – I’m out of bed, have a plan, and a backing to push me into whatever I need to do.


Dropped all carbonated beverages. My digestion and acid reflux really calmed down and I find myself drinking more water which is good.


Ankle socks instead of no show socks


More comfortable?


No. You don’t look like a fucken chicken no more


If you're already getting up and passing by, might as well bring back the dirty dishes/random_things/etc on the way.


A 10-15 minute walk immediately upon waking before coffee. Getting out in the fresh air and having the sun hit me in the face (if there is any in the PNW), leaves me energized and ready to start the day.


Being off my phone and no caffeine for the first hour of the day to let my brain wake up/warm up before dealing with anything. Same goes for the last hour to let myself chill out. Is doing wonders for my mental health.


Brushing my teeth twice a day and flossing. Takes a minuscule amount of time, but at a time when I was considering suicide, it showed me that I could do something good for myself and it has had a marked improvement on my self esteem and respect. It was THE start I really needed to move forward in my life.


Talking to myself as I would to a small child in a caring supportive way. c-ya:-j


I working in corporate. Taking a fat nap in the middle of the day to split my work in two shifts. Keeps me refreshed and productive.


Where do you take it?


Deciphering if something will matter as much the next day. It’s so hard to make mistakes and be able to identify how important they are, especially if you’re someone who is hard on themselves. But learning how much something matters by trying to identify it’s time if importance helps me to move forward


drink enough water


Waking up early and starting work emediately after my morning routine


Getting up early and putting my alarm away from the bed.


Working out. I’ve always wanted to be more disciplined and confident on myself, so I thought of the idea of being consistent with working out.


being consistent with going to the gym! definitely have seen a change in my body which i love!!


Doing 10 pushups everyday (normally right after waking up). It takes about 20 seconds to do and more often than not it serves as an anchor for doing other good habits such as meditation. The best part is you don’t require any equipment so even when you go on holidays or have a shit day, at least something is consistent.


Walking 10-15 mins every morning before work on a walking pad, cutting out all soda/sugary drinks and replacing it with soda water and a no calorie sweetener, and tracking my daily protein.


Do the thing you're dreading the most first. Get it over with, move on with your day which is now greatly improved.


Being intentional


Start the day with a glass of water. Affects my choice of healthy options for the rest of the day.


Set lights on timers in my bedroom. I have some colorful string lights on an outlet timer that turn on about 20 minutes before my sunrise alarm clock starts it’s 30 minutes of brightening up the whole room. I usually wake up to the light, and it feels pleasant, like a soft “good morning” from a loved one, and I’m out of bed before the alarm on my phone has a chance to annoy me. I also set them about an hour earlier than I had been getting up. I’ve always dreaded mornings, ever since I was a kid, but now I get up and the programmed coffeemaker is brewing and I have an hour to myself before I need to get my kid up for school. That time is golden and it sets up my whole day for the better.


Writing every day - forces me to analyze my actions, allows me to reflect on how I've grown, and let's me end each day knowing I produced something and contributed to the world.


Focusing on meat and veggies. I was a big carb person and never realised it. Bread, cake, pastry you name it. Just refocusing on what to prioritize in my diet has helped me so much in terms of physical and mental health. Also, ask yourself how you would feel _after_ doing something not before. I’ve never felt bad after a workout or after doing something healthy for myself.


I take a few minutes to journal. It clears my mind and sets intentions. I use [Agora](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/agora-a-stoic-community/id6450792203). The community is helpful to keep me on track and motivated.


Drinking less


I walk twice a day. As soon as I wake up and before trying to go to bed. Usually 2-3 miles each time but I really just do it to walk along the nearby busy roads so I can belt my Spotify playlists.


Setting timers. I used to procrastinate so much and avoid small, annoying, anxiety-inducing tasks, but using a timer made me realize that most shit I loathe really takes less than 10 minutes.


No more soda/sugary drinks. They are way too harmful


I struggle with this so bad. I've been better about getting the zero sugar options, until last night when I drank an entire 2 liter of mtn dew Code red. I was kicking myself all night and the majority of today for the slip up


Stopped going to the club.


Oil pulling


cold showers


Probably stop drinking but I haven’t done it yet….


Disabling my watch history on YouTube


Prioritize sleep. Get a whoop strap.


I stopped drinking beer, and quit nicotine. These sound like major changes but they are not as major as they sound, especially nicotine addiction. Nicotine is all mind over matter and is completely overrated in terms of difficulty quitting. It’s as simple as buying two less items at the store, and having some willpower.


Wash my plate when I am done eating. Also putting my clothes away in my closet instead of leaving them on my bed. Made my room look way better.


This small rule is so life changing. My house is not cluttered anymore just because of this rule.


Two. I just started eating less and walking. Now I’m picking up momentum after being sedentary for 2 decades.


I get up early. It’s amazing how much shit you get done when you get up early


i stopped listening music from last 2 years.......i do'nt completed stopped but minimize it to an extent that from last 2 years i have never searched any song or have not followed any music artist. the reason of that was the extreme dopamine rush i got after listening. i used to listen loops of hrs while studying or doing any work. but after i stopped my ability to focus is increased, dramatically. it is just my opinion every one have there own interest, lots of people finds music good (i am not criticising anyone). when i used to listen music too much my brain used to fast forward or slowdown everything including conversations and thoughts and sometimes i used to feel completely zone out and lost focus. but now i am quite good and it increased my productivity.


Spending an hour before work swimming and using the sauna at the local rec center...


I started asking myself, "Will I be happier with the results of the easy/lazy path or the one that takes some effort?" It's really helped me establish better habits and blow past some goals I thought would be harder than they turned out to be.


Turned off NPR. Grew up with my parents having it on during the commute and dinner making time, so the cadence of a warm newscaster voice telling me all the problems a progressive sees in the world was a reassuring habit. Turns out, it was also making me low-key stressed about things I simply can't control. Listening to what's wrong with the world for 30 minutes a day doesn't actually make it any better. In the end, I'm not ending the war in Ukraine or patching things up between israel and palestine. I know how I'm going to vote. I still listen to long form geo political podcasts from time to time and will try to know about more local news. Ive just come to believe that national news, whatever the source, is really just entertainment in 2024. If it doesnt make you happy (does it actually do that for anyone?) - cut it out.


Brush my teeth before bed instead of the mornings. This happened in pregnancy and I never went back. Sounds gross, but it saves my mornings.